Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 332 The Secret of Odin’s Mask

The man wore a tight-fitting, wide-sleeved aristocratic dress with a black background and red stripes. The white engraved square scarf and shirt on the inside were particularly conspicuous against the black vest. The crimson cross-pattern knight's long black boots were wrapped along the knees. It made his already somewhat fluffy black pants bulge.

The coat is not tied with a single row of gold buckles, but a pure black belt loosely tightens the waist. The overall look is tight and tight. Combined with his tightening of the white gloves at this moment, he looks as noble as a vampire knight. grace.

He was indeed a knight, and he was famous in history. He followed the path of King Arthur across the sea. The legendary Utopia really existed, but it was different from what he imagined.

He took out a knight's sword from the golden coffin and looked directly at his opponent, the young man who disturbed his sleep.

He became a warrior under God, and he had no objection. His lover would never see him again, and all he had left was his martial arts. It was more to his liking than dying in a monastery and becoming a heroic spirit.

In the hollow of the mask, he opened a pair of dazzling golden eyes, and the dragon's blood gradually boiled. He didn't understand why the young man who opened the coffin didn't take action first, and he didn't know why the other person was sitting on the steps outside the cave entrance with his back to him unprepared. superior.

But he was raised by the Fairy of the Lake, the Lion of Britain, the first of the Knights of the Round Table... Lancelot.

Even in history, he has never been defeated. He represents the mixed race and is also the pinnacle of knights and the ultimate state of Setsuna.

Turning your back on yourself is such an underestimation...

The young man sitting outside the cave suddenly turned around and grinned, "Can you understand English?"

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Lu Chen looked at the other party's attire again, "Is he another country bumpkin from some small country?"

He felt that the other party's clothes looked quite aristocratic, and were similar to the clothes of ancient British or French people he had seen in some movies. He should be able to understand people.

If it's not it French?

But I don’t know French, forget it...

He stood up, raised the regicide and turned around to face the masked man.

Suddenly, Lancelot understood why the other party was so leisurely. Only when he looked directly into the other party's red-gold eyes did he feel the pressure like a frenzy.

That's not the suppression of blood, it's just a simple momentum. The opponent is invincible and has even killed the Dragon King, so he can carry such majesty.

The knight's pride did not allow him to give in, not to mention that since he was a warrior of God, he had to fight against the powerful enemy invading Avalon. He had already betrayed his friend once because of love, and he did not want to betray his new master again.

His body's condition has returned to its peak, Yan Ling's moment has started from the ninth level, and the knight sword in his hand has a bright yellow light, and it is actually changing as he runs and dances.

In a short period of time, it transformed from a broad knight's sword into a thinner, thinner, and sharper sword exuding golden fluorescence.

The new power given by the mask, Word Spirit Sequence 96. Heaven and earth are the furnace. This Word Spirit can recast his weapons and temporarily gain toughness and sharpness that is not inferior to Dragon King-level weapons.

The ear-piercing sonic boom resounded through the cave, and the sound of gold and iron clashing echoed throughout the arena.

The ground behind Lu Chen collapsed and shattered, and sparks burst out. He looked at today's after-dinner exercise partner with interest. This was an unexpected surprise.

The opponent is the most capable person I have seen in the past two days. Although Tiandiweilu is not a combat-type word spirit, it can at least give him a good weapon. His other word spirit instant sequence is not high, but it does have the highest combat potential. One of several spirit spirits.

During this brief advance, the opponent's speed was even close to three times the speed of sound, which was slightly faster than the Dragon Kings he had ever seen.

Really good, a good whetstone.

Lu Chen didn't use violent blood, but just used the Word Spirit King Kong. He fought back and forth with the opponent, and then finished eating.

During the fight, he also had some doubts. Setsuna should be the Word Spirit of the King of Sky and Wind, but Heaven and Earth is the Word Spirit of the Dragon King of Bronze and Fire. How could the other party have completely different Word Spirits at the same time?

Based on his experience, it seems that only the Dragon King can use some basic speech spirits from other departments, right?

The more Lancelot fought, the more frightened he became. He had increased his speed to the extreme. He was once invincible on the battlefield. At that time, he was one of the strongest mixed-races.

But the boy in front of me should be a mixed race as well, but he doesn’t have a mask, so why is he so strong! ?

He even felt that the young man was a little careless when fighting, a little distracted, as if he was thinking about something.

Damn it, you actually look down on me so much.

If my mask had not been replaced by God, would you still be able to do it with ease?

Lu Chen felt that something was almost done. When the golden sword slashed at him again, he did not passively block it. His arm muscles bulged slightly, and he swung the sword out to meet the golden sharpness.

The sparks flashed out in an instant, and then a shadow flew out faster than it came, and there was a thunderous roar.

Lu Chen twisted his neck and stretched, "I haven't improved my speed after fighting for a long time. I'm still very weak. It seems like that's all."

He walked to a shattered step, looked at the masked knight embedded in it, coughing blood, and asked again: "Can you understand me?"

"Ahem...young man, you are indeed the strongest person I have ever seen."

Lancelot coughed up blood and said, the so-called spirit of chivalry makes him respect the strong, and if he loses, he loses.

Lu Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect that these people could really communicate. He thought that the heroic spirits wearing masks were just tool men without thinking. "Tell me how to get out of this place, and I won't kill you."

Lancelot shook his head, "You can't get out of this place unless God himself opens the door."

He looked at Lu Chen and sighed, "If God hadn't taken away my original mask, you wouldn't have won so easily."

Before Lancelot could react, Lu Chen reached out and quickly took off the other man's mask. He used a lot of force, but he didn't expect that it would be very easy to take it off.

In the past few days, he had been busy cutting people, but he forgot to check these masks.

After the mask was taken off, Lancelot's handsome face was revealed. Lu Chen felt the strength of the other man's body decline, and he soon dropped to the category of S-class hybrids, which was only stronger than A-class. He had just entered the S-class threshold. look.

He asked doubtfully: "Are you able to speak and have self-awareness?"

Lancelot kept silent. He could not reveal information to the enemy. Even if he put aside the new persistence in his heart, he did not want to be "punished" by God.

It's not a simple thing like death. God can erase the traces of a person's existence. Death is not terrible. He has already "died" a long time ago, but he doesn't want his legend to disappear in this world.

"It's surprising. You're quite loyal. You should have been a human originally. Why did you surrender to the dragon clan? Also, why did you just say that the mask was changed?"

The heroic spirits here can be killed at any time, but it is difficult to meet one who can understand and communicate, so Lu Chen is not in a hurry.

Lancelot was silent. He initially just wanted to escape and make up for his inner guilt, so he followed the path of his old friend King Arthur and found this place.

He once thought he was one of the strongest beings in the world, until he met the real high-level dragons, and... gods.

Any heroic spirit in Avalon can trample his dignity underfoot, and his title as the strongest knight is like a joke.

He glanced at Lu Chen and sighed, "You're not human either, are you?"

Lu Chen tilted his head and looked at the other person as if he was a psycho, "Are you scolding me? Is there anything about me that doesn't look like a human being?"

Lancelot looked at this monster-like boy. I am afraid that the most powerful heroic spirit who took over his mask would be difficult to defeat him...

He sighed again, answering the other party's original question, "Human beings have limits..."

When he re-swore his allegiance, he put on the mask for the first time and felt the power, only then did he realize how insignificant the hybrid was and what real power was.

Lu Chen looked at Lancelot and thought to himself, "Is that why you don't want to be a human being anymore?"

He continued to ask: "Are all the heroic spirits conscious?"

Lancelot was a little distracted just now, and he subconsciously shook his head when he heard this.

God is not so kind to everyone. Only a few heroic spirits who actively serve will retain their consciousness, and the vast majority will be controlled by the mask master.

Lu Chen was a little enlightened. No wonder sometimes the heroic spirits inside would come to him before asking any questions after he opened the coffin. It turned out that some of them had no consciousness at all, but were just intruders controlled by masks to instinctively attack the Nibelungs.

He glanced at the mask in his hand. Lancelot's mask was already a first-class mask except for the highest-level masks. The opponent's strength was indeed not weak. The next generation should be able to fight casually.

Thinking of this, he directly used the identification function of the space to check the details of the mask.

【Du Hualin's Mask】

Origin: Derivative World No. 107823

Rarity: Purple

Equipment type: mask

Durability: 100/100

Toughness: 39

Details: The mask is made from the power extracted from the remains of the dwarf craftsman Du Hualin. It contains powerful power, but it will also be cursed by the gods. After wearing it, you can gain +20 points in strength, +20 points in agility, +20 points in constitution, and -5 points in luck. points, the maximum of the three main attributes cannot exceed 55 points (equipment conditions: high dragon bloodline required, forced equipment will lose durability)

Equipment skill 1 (passive): Servant of God (cannot be turned off)

Skill description: If the wearer does not have a special mark left by the mask maker, his spirit needs to reach 60 points to be immune to erosion, otherwise he will become the mask maker's divine servant and be driven by him.

Equipment Skill 2 (Active): Word Spirit. Heaven and Earth are Furnaces

Skill description: By consuming the power in the mask, you can use the spirit of speech and the heaven and earth as a furnace to forge and recast weapons.

Cooling time: none

Evaluation: Oh, although it is really tasteless, it is an old thing after all, so it should be purple.

Lu Chen felt that the evaluation of space was quite naughty. When he first saw that the main attribute was increased by 20 points, he was a little excited. No wonder these heroic spirits were not very good at first, but after putting on the mask, each one could barely accompany him to eat.

But the next passive skill extinguished his enthusiasm. Not to mention that the armor of Atlantis has a cap, the side effects of the passive skill of the servant of God are simply unacceptable.

The evaluation of space is good, but this thing is useless. If the mental attributes are above 60 points, the main attributes are usually not that weak, and most of those people are like "mages" and do not have high requirements for the main attributes. , even if your physical ability is improved, you still don’t know how to fight. Not everyone is a melee mage.

However, he finally figured out what the mask was. He was still a little surprised when he saw the introduction in the details.

He learned in the Golden Lunga Corridor that the four monarchs might have been re-created by Black King Nidhogg using the remains of the dead in Ragnarok, but he did not expect that Odin was actually doing something similar.

Is this about using magic to defeat magic?

He has now put aside the conjecture that Odin is the king of the earth and mountains. The power of Hela, the god of death, is to summon the undead, but Odin's heroic spirits are actually not dead yet. They are all living people, just wearing masks. .

Besides, only the gods of that era can make things out of the remains of the ancient gods. The White King Loki has definitely died, and the Black King Nidhogg is waiting for his resurrection somewhere. That means... the master here is really He is one of the gods, and he is even the God King Odin himself.

Odin may not have died in Ragnarok, or he may have died, but survived in some form.

He was unwilling to have his Kingdom of God destroyed by the Black King Nidhogg, so he also became a "corpse picker"

Lu Chen had been surprised before that even a god couldn't arbitrarily transform a person's bloodline and turn a hybrid into a monster that could rival the next generation or even the first generation, right?

He learned the law of conservation of energy in science at the academy, learned alchemy from the vice-principal, and learned what equivalent exchange is.

There is no power in this world that can be given to people for nothing. If you give something, you will lose it.

Odin was naturally unwilling to let his own power weaken. He created the Legion of Heroes and used these masks. He used the corpses of the gods in the kingdom and extracted power and strength from their corpses.

So he hacked these people to death, and the progress of Regicide was pitiful. Many of them were obviously enough to rival the next generation, but some were less than one-tenth of the next generation, because the Regicide absorbed the original blood of these people. Their actual bloodline is not high, and their own strength is "not strong"

Of course, it doesn't mean they are strong. Many of the heroic spirits that Odin spent thousands of years collecting have S-class blood. Everyone should have a glorious history when they are outside.

But whether it was for the pursuit of stronger power, or forcibly trained and taught by Odin, he has now become his loyal heroic warrior.

He looked at the man who was waiting for death with his eyes closed, thinking that the man might have been a celebrity "before his death", and he was quite chivalrous. He looked like he was in a daze just now, but he didn't even try to make a sneak attack.

"Is there a higher-level heroic spirit here than this mask? Find one for me, and I can let you go."

Rather than hacking a weakling to death, he wanted to play with someone who was at the level of the first generation, and he felt that the most advanced mask should be of legendary quality.

The mask of the dwarf godsmith can strengthen this man to this point, but what about the masks of gods in Nordic mythology that can rival monsters?

For example, God of Thunder, God of War, etc.?

"I've been sleeping here for I don't know how long. There's no point in asking me. Just kill me."

Lancelot was tough. It would be better to say that he suddenly felt boring after this defeat.

When he was "alive", he fought for his whole life, but fell in love with the wrong woman, lost his life, and betrayed his best friend. Originally, he just spent many years chanting sutras in the monastery in his later years and figured out that he wanted to find his best friend in front of the other person's grave. Apologize and sleep peacefully.

But he didn't expect that Avalon was real. He was inspired to fight again by those heroic spirits, and he even did not hesitate to be loyal to Odin to obtain the mask and abandon his human identity.

In the end, he was defeated by a young boy without a mask, unable to fight back.

He should have returned to the embrace of death long ago, but he was lying unsightly in the coffin, waiting for Odin to call him, and he was not alive at all.

The giant black blade rotated, bringing up the wind of death. Lancelot closed his eyes and waited for death.

But in the end, he did not wait for the long-awaited death. He opened his eyes and found that the young man had put the knife back again.

"I took the mask away, you can do whatever you want."

Lu Chen turned and left. Of course he was not a kind person. As Odin's subordinates, the heroic spirits here were all his enemies. Especially the person in front of him was obviously loyal to Odin. But before he cut the sword, he suddenly remembered that killing like this no.

The opponent does not wear a mask, that is, he is an "ordinary" hybrid, and he can kill him for as much as 10,000 Origin Coins.

But it feels a bit too much to ask him to put the mask back on someone and then kill him...

After thinking about it, he was a weakling anyway, so I kept him for now. Finally, he met someone who could talk. It was good to chat with him when he had nothing to do, so as not to be too bored by himself.

He ran around the field, took off the mask he had used to kill the heroic spirit before, and then jumped up to the top of the arena again, looking for caves one by one to open coffins, trying to see if there were any good masks here and find a top-notch knife to try.

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