Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 309 Farewell, Prison

Zero nodded and turned around to search the second-tallest building just opposite the mall.

But she also had doubts in her heart. Could it be that the boss went to all the trouble to let Lu Chen come down just to kill Leviathan?

Moreover, Leviathan has been killed by Lu Chen, but why does Lu Chen look confused?

After Ling left, Lu Chen sat on a broken stone pillar in the square and looked at Leviathan's body, puzzled.

"Godzilla? Aren't you happy?"

Eriyi sat next to Lu Chen and put her hand on Lu Chen's leg.

Lu Chen shook his head, "No, I just feel that Leviathan is not the first generation species. This matter is not over yet. Some dragons may not be so intelligent, but Leviathan cannot be treated as a fool."

He didn't feel that Leviathan was very smart, but it was impossible for him to come all the way here just to die.

Suddenly, Lu Chen stood up, his muscles tensed up, and stretched out his hand to ask Eriki to step back.

He heard a heartbeat.


The heartbeat was getting faster and faster, like a huge war drum beating, and the source of the sound was...Leviathan! ?

How can it be! ?

He clearly received the reward from the origin space side mission, and Leviathan was indeed dead.


As Lu Chen opened his mouth, the muscles around his body expanded again, his spirit of speech was activated, and fine lines of dragon scales appeared on his face.


Eriki nodded and backed away obediently.

After Eliyi withdrew to a certain distance, Lu Chen's feet stamped on the ground violently. The air flow and gravel danced wildly, and the black giant blade danced, cutting across Leviathan's body.

The sound of flesh and bone being separated sounded, and at the end of the giant blade's advancement, there was the sound of gold and iron being delivered.

Leviathan's huge body, which was hundreds of meters tall, suddenly swelled at this moment. From both sides of his abdomen, something huge protruded from the inside, stretching his tough skin to the limit.

Sharp bulges bulged out from his back. The bulges burst and dark blue bone spurs pierced out. The body of the largest next-generation species was shattered by the pressure from the inside.

At the same time, dark clouds covered the Bermuda Sea, covering hundreds of kilometers in radius. Thunder exploded, accompanied by howling winds, like the horn of destruction.

Heavy rains unprecedented in this century poured down, and the sea surface rolled up a tsunami of more than 800 meters, which was 300 meters higher than the largest Indian Ocean tsunami in history.

Winds and clouds rise, seas and tides surge, lightning lights up the sky, and thunder plays music.

The top-down ocean currents were turbulent, and all marine creatures trembled from the bottom of their souls. They wanted to escape in all directions, but were caught up in the ruthless frenzy.

All the big screens in the main command room of the Kassel College Executive Department lit up red, and Norma's warning sound sounded over and over again, causing the commissioners in the command room to panic.

They looked at the satellite aerial photos. The huge tsunami on the screen was a natural disaster that had never happened in modern history.

This is not a natural phenomenon, but a natural disaster after the Supreme Awakens!

"Norma, predict the scope of the tsunami disaster."

Schneider spoke calmly.

[According to the advancing speed of the tsunami, it will reach land within fifteen minutes. First, Cuba, Atlanta and other areas in the southern United States will be affected, and it will advance to the Yucatan Peninsula in southern Mexico in half an hour. 】

After hearing Norma's answer, Schneider murmured: "Fifteen minutes..."

Now he understood that Leviathan was really heading in the direction where Lu Chen was. Such a thing happening in that area could only be explained by Lu Chen's encounter with the Dragon King.

"Can the crowd be evacuated?"

Schneider asked.

[Only a very small amount of evacuation can be achieved in fifteen minutes. With the height of this tsunami, unless the elemental turbulence subsides within three minutes, Cuba will be completely evacuated. 】

As an artificial intelligence, Norma would never be tactful at such times. When she said it was very little, it meant very little.

If the tsunami directly passes through the country, no one in Cuba will be spared unless they flee abroad by plane in advance.

"Three minutes...Isn't this a bit harsh for our S-class ace?"

A magnetic male voice sounded behind Schneider. It was Angers.

"It's indeed too harsh. We don't know the environment under which he encountered the Dragon King. If it was under the Bermuda Sea, it would be a really terrible combat environment. Not to mention a time-limited duel with a water-type supreme in the sea. His The probability of survival is a problem."

Schneider's brows furrowed under his mask. The unknown was his biggest uneasiness. He had no idea what kind of environment his students were in.

Although he really hoped that Lu Chen would help him kill Leviathan and avenge his former students, he also didn't want anything to happen to his new students.

At this time, Norma's voice suddenly sounded.

[Revise the information. The Cuban people began to evacuate as early as eighteen hours ago. It is expected that the tsunami passing through will only cause a small number of casualties and a large amount of building damage. 】

"what happened!?"

Schneider looked up, someone had predicted this! ?

Counting the time, Leviathan started heading south yesterday, eighteen hours ago. Who was it?

Angers was also a little surprised, "Cuba has made such a big move, but you didn't make an unusual report?"

[My underlying system judged that this matter should not have been reported before. 】

Norma replied.

"Then why did you report again?"

Schneider felt a little uneasy. Norma, as the most powerful artificial intelligence that their academy relied on, now seemed to be controlled by someone they didn't know, and even wrote low-level commands.

[...My underlying system has just passed a new command to correct the information, which can reassure everyone. 】

Norma's female voice paused and said.

Angers looked at this scene thoughtfully and said nothing.

At this moment, there is a secluded space underneath Kassel College.

A man was sitting on the sofa, opened a bottle of champagne and poured it into the glass in front of him.

"You look happy."

The illusory figure of a girl appeared next to him, sitting on the armrest of the sofa.

"Of course I'm happy."

The man smiled, raised his cup and saluted in the air, "Junior Brother Lu."

"But you're not actually that happy, are you?"

EVA put her hand on the back of the man's hand, but the two couldn't feel each other's warmth.

The man didn't speak, so EVA sighed, "You want to come in person, right?"

Seeing the man's silence, she stroked his rough hair with her bare hands, "Then why don't you go with him?"

After a long time, Fingel finally spoke and said with a somewhat self-deprecating smile: "I don't want to graduate so early. Going to the North Pole with him is already the limit."

"I want to hear your true words."

EVA walked around to Fingel and looked at the opponent's golden eyes.

"...Are you serious?"

Fingel drank the wine in his glass, "To be honest, I can't help him, and I will distract him, and some things... after all, he has to experience it himself to understand."

He sighed, "I told my junior brother the story, but he only understood half of it."

"Did it happen during your first war practice class?"

EVA asked curiously.

Fingel nodded and looked at EVA. At that time... they were still together.

After that, the two of them stopped talking. Fingel looked at the monstrous tsunami on the screen in front of him, and felt a sense of loneliness in this quiet space.

His hand reached out to EVA, but passed through the other person's body.


It's so...empty.

Even if I cut off Leviathan's head with my own hands, I will never feel your... warmth again.


The entire Nibelung was trembling, and the sound of the tide echoed, like a salute to the king's awakening.

The majestic dragon body broke through Leviathan's body and soared upwards. A pair of dragon wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun.

The rays of the artificial sun reflected red and blue brilliance on the dark blue dragon scales, and red rain curtains fell from the sky, like bloody fireworks.

From head to tail, the dragon's body is over sixty meters long, and a pair of dragon wings spread far beyond a hundred meters.

The devil's fetus is born. It does not fall to the ground, but attacks the sky, just like the demon baby from hell wants to attack heaven!


Majestic and majestic, the roar of the dragon, like a tsunami from the outside world, surged into the entire space like a frenzy, announcing His return to the world.

This is the true face of one of the kings of ocean and water. The true supreme one has always been in the posture of a dragon!

Leviathan is not the first generation species, but the cocoon of the Supreme!

He was once called Heller and Behemoth in human mythology... He is not only a ferocious beast, but also the master of the ocean!

The dragon's mouth opened, and the supreme majesty enveloped this ancient empire, ",. (Farewell, cage)"

Even though Lu Chen couldn't understand Long Wen, he could feel the ecstasy of this first-generation species.

Lu Chen completed the dragon transformation on the ground and looked at the first-generation species flying in the sky. He did not immediately express doubts about the first-generation species that attacked him. He didn't know what the first-generation species was happy about.

"Godzilla, He seems to have said that He was imprisoned before."

Because of her extremely high bloodline and her natural resonance with dragon literature, Eryi understood what this first-generation species said.


Lu Chen looked at Leviathan's body. Is this not only the cocoon of the first generation species, but also the curse that binds him?

If this is really the case, then who "imprisoned" Him in Leviathan's body?

In the end, he shook his head. It didn't matter anymore. He would kill the dragon anyway.

In the distance, behind the building, Lu Mingfei and others leaned out from behind the wall and saw the giant dragon in the sky.

"That's...the real first-generation species."

Zero suddenly realized that under the pressure of the dragon in the sky, even she wanted to tremble unconsciously.

Dudu lay shivering in Ixichel's arms, burying his head in it and not daring to look at the outside world.

Lu Mingfei glanced at Dudu and realized why the cat ran away just now. The cat's intuition is very keen. It sensed the danger and was frightened by the pressure of the superior creature and ran away. I still remember calling Ixichel back to run with me.

Ixichel looked at the giant dragon in the sky and felt that his soul was trembling. His legs were paralyzed and he sat on the ground, hugging Dudu and lowering his head to tremble.

The city is shaking, and the endless torrent is surging in from outside the Nibelung, entangled around the Supreme Being, for Him to drive.

He roared up to heaven, singing praises for his freedom.

At this moment, black light and shadow flashed across the air, the surfaces of several buildings shattered and collapsed, and strong airflow split the water curtain surrounding Herel.

The young man wearing black and blue armor had boiling fighting intent in his eyes. The regicide hilt in his hand made a squeaking sound as the phantom of the black dragon raised its head and roared, looking at the real dragon through the water curtain. , also with bloodthirsty ferocity.

Heller, who had just been freed, looked at the young man who broke through the water curtain with a pair of majestic dragon eyes. The dragon wings waved, and countless water flows wrapped around his knotted muscles. The lines were clear, like an external body and bones. His dragon claws carrying the dragon body and natural power swung down and intersected with the young man's bottom-up knife.


The water flow wrapped around the dragon's arm was shaken away by the extreme violence, and the shock waves from up and down were transmitted, causing the water curtain to hover in the air for a moment, and then turned into water mist in the next moment.

It was an absurd and weird scene. From bottom to top, the tiny human seemed to be overestimating his capabilities and attacking the gods. He should have been shot down from the sky by the gods.

But in fact, the gods retreated, the water flow reversed, and dazzling sparks burst out at the junction of the regicide and the dragon claws. However, this was only a matter of time, and the stalemate lasted for less than 0.01 seconds. With a thousand tons of force, it was instantly hit higher into the sky.

What was flying in the air was not only the rain curtain, but also the broken dragon claws and red dragon blood.

The young man's figure dropped due to the reaction force, and fell into the rain curtain with a red-gold mist. A few splashes of dragon's blood stuck to his pitch-black faceplate, complementing his red-gold eyes that were flowing like lava.

Heller's eyes showed anger and disbelief. He has a complete dragon body, and he is the one who controls the power!

But when He blessed his physical body with the power of the elements, he was actually repelled by a human as small as an insect...!

He waved the dragon wings and continued to climb subconsciously. He looked at his bloody dragon claws and then looked at the human boy... No, this is really a human! ?

This gesture...

Could he be...

No, impossible!

It is impossible for Him to return before that time!

After calming down a little, Heller discovered that this mixed-race boy did not have dragon wings. This posture should be the result of that forbidden road, and the black scales on the other party... are the backup he left behind, his revenge on us. ?

In any case, He has absolute air supremacy. This is His home court. He can devour this young man through the ocean.

But the next moment, Hellel's dazzling golden eyes showed a look of shock, because the human boy stopped when he passed through the water curtain, as if his feet were on the ground, gaining another leverage point.

It's that armor!

What kind of armor is that! ?

During the days of my captivity, did you steal the heart of the ocean! ?

Just to forge this armor?

But why is it worn on a mixed race at this time?

Heller had no time to think about this, because the water curtain behind the boy was completely shattered, the ear-piercing sonic boom sounded through the buildings, and the black blade of death stained with the soul of the monarch struck at him again.

There’s a lot of foreshadowing, I’ll try to finish it tomorrow. In addition, in order to be able to wear women’s clothing this month, there may be updates of 10,000 words every few days, so the amount will not be small (ω)

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