Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 307 The Land Formation Formation

Yucatan Peninsula, in the secluded night, the stars are reflected on the water of the swimming pool.

The water rippled, and a slender figure swam in the swimming pool until it reached the shore. The water surface rose and water droplets splashed everywhere.

The woman in a black bikini came out of the water and gently shook her long black hair. She raised her bare hands to push her hair back. Transparent water droplets slid down her cheeks and passed through the valleys and plains, gathering more companions along the way. , broke through Hulao Pass and moved forward along those slender jade legs.

With her bare feet on the wooden floor, Mai Shutoku walked towards a woman wearing a white bikini lying on a lounge chair, picked up a bath towel from her side and wiped herself.

Magic Blue Spa Boutique Hotel is the most local five-star hotel in the Yucatan Peninsula.

"Is it really okay for us to enjoy it so much?"

Mai Shutoku sat half-sitting on the recliner and picked up a bottle of coconut juice.

"We've done everything we can. We're not combatants. Why should we go down with Sanwu Niu? Aren't you afraid that the Super White Rabbit will hit you again?"

Su Enxi took a sip of potato chips and a sip of coconut milk, not caring that she could see a trace of wrinkles when she sat up.

Mai Shutoku clenched her pink fist, "He dares!"

Su Enxi smiled and said, "That's right. The little monster is here. I'm afraid the judgment will fall on you."

Mai Jutoku took a sip of coconut water and took a deep breath, "By the way, why didn't the boss tell Sanwuniu about that? Isn't he afraid that Sanwuniu would have an accident?"

Su Enxi's hand holding the potato chips paused, "...I don't know, maybe he doesn't want Lu Chen's dragon-slaying operation to go too smoothly. If there is an accident, we will have a chance."

"Isn't she the most caring girl to him, and he is willing to let her take risks?"

Mai Shutoku felt a little heavy, it was because there were too many variables.

"Who knows what the boss is thinking, but with the super little white rabbit here... he shouldn't be able to flip the car, right?"

Su Enxi was also a little unsure.

Mai Shutoku clicked her tongue: "The monster couple's dragon slaying team, if it weren't for the boss, the fake dragon king Leviathan, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to survive a face-to-face encounter in front of the super little white rabbit. That guy is very serious in fighting. I will use my full strength.”

"It's just two. If he can't even cope with this, how will he play in the future? Except for those who are controlled by us, they will all be super ruthless dragons."

Su Enxi didn't think that the two first-generation breeders could kill the current Lu Chen.

"I'm not worried about this. What I'm worried about is... that a complete Dragon King will appear."

Mai Shutoku looked towards the swimming pool. The wind was blowing and the water was rippling.


Originally, Lu Chen was still wondering why the King of Ocean and Water wanted to forge such an armor. After all, if the opponent was in the dragon body state, this armor would be too small.

But during the process of putting it on, he discovered that this translucent dark blue armor was alive and could fit the user's body independently.

No matter you are male or female, big or small, it can change shape like a liquid and fit perfectly.

But the total mass remains unchanged. If this armor were worn on a giant dragon, there would probably be only a thin film left. What makes it outstanding is its movement in a water element environment.

Of course, for the Dragon King, those three seconds of invincibility should be the most important.

"Godzilla, this looks good."

Eriyi praised from the side.

At this time, Lu Chen's upper body was basically completely covered in dark blue armor. His limbs were covered with arm armor, leg armor, and the joints were also protected. Engraved on both ends of the shoulder armor were ferocious mythical beasts, which looked a bit like those in the Bible. Behemoth the Behemoth.

Putting on this armor, time seemed to instantly go back tens of millions of years for the young man, returning to the mythical era, like the invincible Tyr, the true God of War.

Before Lu Chen had time to rejoice, his expression suddenly changed.

They heard the melodious whale song again.

He quickly rushed to the side of the building facing the window. Outside the huge floor-to-ceiling window, there was an icy blue light that enveloped the entire city.

With his hands shaking the mountain, he broke the floor-to-ceiling window with one punch. The regicide was stuck on the ground. He leaned out in the air and saw the source of the light.

There seemed to be scars on the ground, and lines as thick and wild as a giant python wandered on the ground, emitting an extremely dazzling light.

Looking up, the light is projected on the sea in the sky. It is a circular alchemical matrix, where the sky and the earth complement each other, and the water interweaves and blends with the sky.

At some point, all the swimming fish that could be seen in the air disappeared, and the biological instinct caused them to break up and flee.

The whole city echoed with the melodious and lonely whale song. It was so grand and majestic that it made the eardrums tremble and penetrated directly into the heart.

Atlantis has awakened, or this Nibelung has awakened, the wind and tide dance wildly, light and shadow intersect, welcoming the arrival of the king.

The dazzling light penetrated the sea water, and people finally saw the huge pale devil, the monster in the Bible, which is synonymous with devil in Christianity and is labeled as "jealousy", one of the seven deadly sins.

The king of ocean and water - Leviathan!

It was a very large whale with a body length of 100 meters, far exceeding the tonnage of any dragon king Lu Chen had ever seen. It swam in the deep sea, and the water flow was divided in front of his huge body... No, he was not swimming hard. Moving, it is the ocean current that is carrying him, and the water element is like his minister, carrying the king's dragon chariot forward.

They could hear sounds, like extremely fast water flowing across a certain interface. The outside world was under high pressure, and the entire Nibelung realm was on the verge of collapse!

What's worse is that he can clearly see in the space that his life source and soul source are slowly declining! There is something wrong with the alchemical matrix here!

"We have to get out of here as soon as possible!"

Zero spoke expressionlessly, but at this moment she felt that the strength in her body was passing away, and her hands and feet were sore and weak.


Dudu, who was held by Ixichel, was shaking all over and collapsed in Ixichel's arms.

"Get your stuff and go to the floor below!"

Lu Chen made a quick judgment.

Leviathan didn't want to fight him at all. As the aloof Dragon King, the Nibelungs were his strongest weapon.

The other party led them into Atlantis not out of kindness to send him equipment, but because there was a huge alchemical matrix here!


Lu Mingfei couldn't help but cursed, "This whale wants to suck us dry!"

"The Atlanteans... didn't die because they sank to the bottom of the ocean."

Ixichel looked frightened and comforted Dudu. He was extremely frightened because Dudu's body temperature became very high. This was the result of the reaction of biological fat after physical exertion. As a mixed race, they could still withstand it. But if this continues, Dudu will probably turn into a dead cat in less than three minutes.

Lu Chen and others also realized that yes, there were no Atlanteans in this city, not even the bones.

Everything has the answer. The Atlanteans were sucked dry by the alchemical matrix here and became the sacrifices for the first generation to step on the throne again!

"What kind of King of the Sea is this? He is the little man in the bottle made of steel!"

Lu Mingfei complained, he didn't expect that they would keep stepping on the land refining formation.

Lu Chen quickly led a few people to the 202nd floor. Eryi was about to sit in the driver's seat, but was stopped by Zero.

"Let me do it."

Zero takes over for Eri.

[Dear superior citizens, we are starting for you...]

A built-in female voice sounded on the aircraft, but the female voice in the building was completely opposite.

[Superior citizens do not have the right to withdraw aircraft for free. Warning, please terminate your operation. Warning, please terminate your operation. 】

It seems that not everyone can buy this thing for free. As a seller, the mall does not allow upper-class citizens to drive away for free, but fortunately the machine can be started, similar to a hover car.

Although it was in such a serious situation, Lu Mingfei still wanted to complain. It felt like they went into a 4S store for a test drive and drove away directly.

Zero placed her palms on the operating table, and a pair of golden pupils lit up. This "future" technology aircraft was far more complex than the internal structure of a fighter jet, but its operation was much simpler. She could fully master it in less than thirty seconds. Learn how to use this aircraft.

After Eriki and the others sat on it, Zero glanced at Lu Chen below before preparing to launch the aircraft, "President, won't you come up?"

Although the aircraft is a four-seater, you can still sit down if you squeeze into the back row.

Lu Chen held up Regicide and grinned, "Follow me. You should be clearing the way out from above. I will go to the sea to play with Leviathan."

As he spoke, his figure disappeared, and a whirlwind swept through the exhibition hall. Almost at the same time, all the windows on the side of the window on this floor were shattered, and a harsh sonic boom sounded. The glass on the building opposite the shopping mall was shattered. With zero dynamic vision, it was impossible to see Lu Chen's shadow clearly.

"Follow Godzilla."

Eriyi was a little worried and urged.

Zero started the aircraft and drove out of this level. On the ground below, they could see water lilies splashed with gravel, like road signs.

She gradually increased the power of the aircraft and hung tightly behind Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's muscles gradually expanded while he was running. With the Poseidon's Armor that fit his body perfectly, he no longer had to worry about the problem of bursting with clothes. The knotted muscles held up the Poseidon's Armor, and the surface of his skin was covered with gold. gloss.

In a lower temperature environment, red-gold mist surges out, leaving gradually rising streamers in the air.

Passing through the city at a speed exceeding twice the speed of sound, Lu Chen looked back to see that Zero and the others were not left behind, so black scales grew on the body surface, and large pieces of rubble suddenly exploded where they were running.

Three times of bloodshed!

The aircraft following Lu Chen also increased its power again and followed closely until it reached the divine bridge leading to the sky in the north.

Lu Chen didn't hesitate at all, and rushed directly towards the water gate at the end of the divine bridge. Regicide slashed backwards from bottom to top. In the process, the blade of the sword quickly extended and turned into a ferocious giant blade.

Red-gold mist wrapped around the blade, and the high heat caused by high-speed friction evaporated a large amount of water the moment it touched the water.

The door is open, or it should be said that it was originally open. In a strange position, it blocks the water outside and allows objects to come in and out.

But under the young man's sharp and domineering sword, a gap appeared that was several meters wide and more than ten meters long.

"can pass!"

Realizing that there was no resistance, Lu Chen turned around and shouted before rushing into the sea.

Powerful sea pressure came, but it was isolated by the Poseidon's armor.

The dark blue armor clung to the face covered with black scales, and the oxygen in the seawater was quickly extracted and transported into the young man's mouth.

Lu Chen had never had such a strange feeling, as if he was in the air and down to earth!

Zero drove the aircraft towards the end of the divine bridge, and suddenly a warning sound sounded in the cockpit.

【warn! There is water ahead, please slow down as soon as possible! warn……】

It was too late for Ixichel to translate, and Zero roughly understood the meaning of the warning, but she looked straight ahead and did not slow down.

Until one thousand meters closer to the end of the sacred bridge, Zero shouted: "Hold on!"

The aircraft that climbed to three times the speed of sound suddenly decelerated. Even with its outstanding inertial cancellation system, everyone was still uncomfortable being restrained by their safety belts.

Dudu, who was held by Ixichel, seemed to be out of breath after being tortured like this. He stuck out his little tongue and breathed hard.


There was another tremor and sirens buzzing, and the aircraft passed through the water gate and entered the sea.


Lu Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief, "This aircraft is of good quality!"

Although Zero decelerated in time, he still had a speed close to the speed of sound when he finally passed through the door. Under such an impact, it was not damaged, which shows Atlantis' attainments in fluid engineering and the conscience of the aircraft's materials.

"This should be the deep sea below five thousand meters, which is probably the limit of this three-purpose aircraft."

Zero explained.

"How did you know?"

Lu Mingfei was a little curious. At this time, the alarm sound had subsided and the indicators on the touch screen returned to stability.

"I judged the correspondence in the Atlantis numbers based on the speed of the previous flight. Now the dial shows five thousand three hundred and forty-two meters, and the pressure gauge below is about to turn to the end."

Zero replied calmly.

"That's okay too!?"

Lu Mingfei was a little confused. He didn't expect that Zero could be distracted and pay attention to their specific speed in such a tense situation before.

Is it true that people can calculate the accurate speed of their flight just by looking at it?

Is this a top student?

"It's very simple, just calculate the distance between buildings."

Ling nodded, as if describing a trivial matter.

"Zero is really awesome."

Eriki glanced at Zero and Lu Mingfei. She knew a little about her roommates, so it was a little strange.

Zero is keen to answer Godzilla's questions because Godzilla is the president of Lionheart and is Zero's boss, but Zero is usually very indifferent to other people.

But he was very patient with Lu Mingfei and even answered some of Lu Mingfei's questions.

Eriki sat in the completely transparent cockpit, looking around, not caring about admiring the wonders of the seabed, but anxiously looking for Godzilla.

"Over there, can Zero follow?"

Eriki pointed to a direction in the sea. There were faint red gold ribbons and rising bubbles in the sea water.

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