Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 297 Mortal, kneel down

Lu Chen looked at Ixichel. The girl looked confused.

Ixichel calmed down a little and quickly asked Lu Chen: "Mr. Lu, you, you are not here for archeology, are you? What is going on?"

Lu Chen took Ixichel out of the door and returned to the team through the villagers walking at night. "We are indeed not here for archeology, we are here to investigate these things."

Lu Chen pointed at the sleepwalking villagers in the village, "I also want to ask, are you really not aware of this situation at all?"

Ixichel and Eriki stood together. She felt inexplicably safe with this red-haired sister, "This is my first time, too."

Ling walked to Lu Chen and whispered in Chinese: "She was not affected. She should be a mixed race with a high bloodline."

According to the previous analysis, people in the village were affected by a word spirit, and Eriri could also hear Longwen's voice, indicating that there was no difference, just because the freshmen participating in this mission were all of high bloodline. So there was no trick.

If you look at it this way, Ichichel is probably a mixed race above level A.

"Ixichel, if you think about it again, is this really the first time we meet? We are not the first people to investigate. Have you met outsiders some time ago?"

Lu Chen followed the good advice.

Ixichel shook his head quickly, "If I had seen such a terrible thing, I would have called the police long ago."

Although she said this, she was not sure at this time, and a strong sense of strangeness enveloped her heart.

According to Mr. Lu, doesn't that mean... people like them have come to the village before, and she should have seen them too?

But she couldn't remember anything clearly. She had been working diligently as a tour guide to earn money in the past few weeks...

Hey, what did you do some time ago?

Ixichel's face showed unprecedented horror. She was a top student when she was in school, and her memory was naturally very good, but she suddenly found that she could not recall the details of her life in the past few weeks!

"Are there many people in our...village missing?"

Ixichel asked carefully.

"Since our discovery, at least thirty people have disappeared. Our people investigated twice and both disappeared."

Lu Chen said, trying to awaken the girl's memory.

Ixichel covered her mouth in horror. If the other party didn't lie to her, wouldn't it mean that people she was familiar with disappeared in the village, but she had forgotten them all, and couldn't even remember the existence of those people?

"Mr. Lu...can I ask, who are you? Police? Or some special national agency?"

Ixichel asked hesitantly.

"You can think of us as an organization responsible for dealing with paranormal phenomena. Now is not the time to talk about this. We need to first see where they are going and what they are doing."

Lu Chen said, leading the way towards the end of the village.

Looking at the direction, these villagers may be going to where the pyramid is.

"The communication has failed. The spiritual realm of the Dragon Clan is shrouding this place."

Linghui reported that she just tried to communicate with the headquarters but failed.

"Grandma Keya! I didn't see Grandma Keya. I'm going to find her."

Ixichel suddenly realized that Granny Keya was not among the crowd.

Lu Chen didn't speak, but his figure disappeared from the spot. Granny Keya's door was kicked open in an instant. Lu Chen returned after a while, "She's not here."

Lu Chen had some suspicions that Granny Keya knew a lot of things. He asked again during the day. Granny Keya's words were fine. Like other villagers, she didn't remember the disappearance.

But Lu Chen felt that Granny Keya was hiding something.

Go all the way to the end of the village, and after the corner is where the pyramid should be.

"It's still there, what's going on here?"

Lu Mingfei was a little puzzled. He heard from Senior Brother Lu that if they entered the gap between the Nibelungs, the pyramid would disappear.

But no one answered his question, and Lu Mingfei was too shocked by what happened in front of him to speak.

A strange sad music sounded in the air, and this time everyone could hear it. It sounded like fingernails scratching on a blackboard, making people feel numb and shuddering.

The villagers who arrived at their destination lined up in a circle around the pyramid, knelt on the ground, and worshiped devoutly.

The originally simple pyramid exuded a faint blue light. At some point, each floor was decorated with the statue of the Rain God that Lu Chen and others had seen during the day.

The villagers knelt so hard that blood seeped out and gurgled along the ground toward the pyramid.

Standing on the pyramid is a dancing witch, dancing and waving the crutch in her hand. She is Granny Keya. It is hard to imagine that a 130-year-old old man who usually has trouble walking can be so vigorous. Dance.

Time seems to have gone back at this moment, as if it were thousands of years ago. In that ignorant era, witches danced and offered sacrifices, and villagers kowtowed and prayed.

Lu Chen's eyesight was very good. After it had been strengthened to this point, he was no longer very human. He could see things clearly even in the dark night. He carefully observed Granny Keya's expression.

She danced like a fanatical witch, but her eyes were dull and it didn't look like she was acting autonomously.

"Grandma Keya! What are you doing!?"

Ixichel exclaimed and rushed into the crowd again to stop the villagers who were kowtowing and bleeding.

Although the situation was scary and weird, these were uncles and aunts who were usually very good to her. How could she watch them keep destroying herself like this?

However, Ixichel was shocked to find that the strength of the villagers was unexpectedly strong and she couldn't stop her at all. She held an uncle's head and felt that if she continued to use force, she would even break his head off. Don't care about unexpected objects, just kowtow mechanically.

Lu Chen jumped onto the pyramid in one step, grabbed Granny Keya by the back collar, and brought her down. However, Granny Keya's short figure was still twisting in mid-air, unaware that she had been caught. .

"I'll try."

Kotono came out. Her word spirit was hypnosis, and she wanted to try the mental word spirit's ability to fight fire with fire.

"Grandma Keya, wake up!"

After reciting the words, Granny Keya showed a struggling expression on her face. After half a minute, she slowly woke up and looked at the surrounding situation without saying a word.

"Kotono, go try to wake up the others."

Lu Chen ordered, then looked at Granny Keya, "Grandma, can you explain me?"

Granny Keya looked at the young people and then at Ixichel who was holding Dudu, "Silly girl, who asked you to come out!"

She raised her old hand and patted Dudu's head, "Did you, stupid cat, wake her up?"

Dudu meowed a little aggrievedly and drooped his head.

Lu Chen looked at this scene thoughtfully. It seemed that Granny Keya knew about this phenomenon in the village and was even deliberately avoiding being seen by Ixichel.

It may have happened many times, but Ixichel, a big-hearted girl, slept very hard at night and never noticed it.

"This is a sacrifice to the Rain God. We are the people blessed by the Rain God. Of course we must pay tribute to the Rain God."

Grandma Keya explained.

At this time, Qinano came back and shook her head at Lu Chen. She couldn't wake up the others.

Hypnosis itself is not considered a high-level spiritual spirit, but the power of the dragon clan that releases the spirit to these villagers is higher. Granny Keya can wake up because she has a high bloodline, and the instinctive resistance plus the effect of hypnosis can wake her up. Came here.

"Sacrifice, is this the method? I feel that if we continue, they will die."

Lu Chen looked at the villagers who were kowtowing vigorously. Excessive blood loss could lead to death.

"No, the Rain God is a kind god, and our sacrifices are not that bloody. Once the Rain God is satisfied, the sacrifices will stop, and the Rain God will send down his divine power to repair everyone's injuries."

Granny Keya argued.

Lu Chen sneered, "It's probably to prevent everyone from realizing that he was injured when they woke up the next day."

The injuries on one's body cannot be concealed. When people wake up early and look in the mirror, they will know that the rain god can repair the villagers' wounds, but it cannot repair everyone's vitality. They will definitely be weak for a period of time. It is not surprising that some people will get sick and die in the long run.

"Do you think God's favor comes at no cost? This is our belief, and outsiders should not judge."

Grandma Keya's tone is not good, she is a very traditional antique.

"Mother-in-law, did you always... know? Isn't this... bad?"

Ixichel looked at the kowtowing villagers and felt a little creepy.

"What didn't affect me when I was young was the host, of course he knew."

Granny Keya glanced at Lu Chen and others, "You are not here for archeology at all. If you just want to see these things, you can go back and write your thesis. We don't hurt people or break the law, so you have nothing to do with it."

"Mother-in-law... Actually, this kind of religious sacrificial activity can cause injuries, and it is illegal in itself."

Lu Mingfei interrupted hesitantly.

"Without harming people? Do you know that more than 30 villagers have disappeared in the past month?"

Lu Chen looked at the villagers who continued to kowtow and ordered the freshmen: "Find a way to knock them out."

"Someone is missing!?"

Grandma Keya was a little surprised, "It's impossible. I know all the children in the village. Except for those traitors who went to live in the city, they are all in the village."

"Mother-in-law, you also said that you were only sober when you were young, and you are just a puppet now. How do you know...that there were no dead people in the recent sacrifice?"

Lu Chen asked rhetorically.

Grandma Keya was stunned for a moment, "It's impossible. If someone is not in the village, I will know."

"You also said you weren't in the village." Lu Chen turned to look at Ixichel, "You said that many people went out to work in the city. Have they ever come back? They really went to the city to live a better life. Is it time yet?"

Ixichel was silent for a few seconds. She was thinking about it, as if her uncles and aunts who left the village never came back.

And she couldn't recall... saying goodbye to anyone, it seemed like a matter of course, and suddenly one day everyone left, leaving an empty house.

"Although it's just my (Zero) conjecture, your cognition seems to be distorted. It should be a part of the sacrifice. Someone is missing. You just think that you have gone to the city to live a good life."

Lu Chen looked at Ixichel and continued: "You said that the place you live in is Aunt Bulma's home. Has Aunt Bulma ever contacted you again? When did she move away?"

Ixichel took two steps back in confusion, covering his head with one hand, "I...I...I can't remember, Aunt Bulma, she...she..."

Finally she looked up and cried, "Is she dead?"

Lu Chen sighed, "I asked someone to check this afternoon. The Mayans named Bulma who came out of the Yucatan Peninsula from you do not exist at all."

"President, no, even if you knock these people unconscious, they will rise again within a few seconds and continue to kowtow. The most seriously injured ones have a dangerous amount of blood loss. It is estimated that they will die in another ten minutes."

Come back with zero discount and report.

"It's really disgusting. You only bully ordinary people, but you don't dare to come out and face me."

Lu Chen sneered.

"Zi la - zi la -"

Suddenly, a noise similar to that of an old radio sounded in the air. The noise became more and more dense, and it was connected with the sound of fingernails scratching the blackboard. It was like a strange funeral song, and the song had reached its climax.

All the villagers murmured in unknown languages, and kowtowed faster and harder.

A strange vision occurred at this time. The freshmen raised their heads and looked at the sky again. The moonlight and stars were gone, leaving only endless blue.

The wind howled, and an inexplicable presence whispered in the darkness.

Looking at the surrounding environment again, the village behind him disappeared, and the pyramid in front of him expanded infinitely, becoming dozens of times taller, inserting into the blue of the night sky.

Lu Mingfei looked at everything around him in horror. This was the first time he had seen such a situation. What frightened him even more was that when he looked back, he found that Senior Brother Lu and the others were missing!

The veins on Lu Chen's forehead were exposed. He took action to pull back the four freshmen and Ixichel in just a split second, but Lu Mingfei disappeared.

There was something in the darkness, fast, hidden, and silent.




Impish laughter came from all directions,

"Grandma, grandma, is this, is this a normal sacrificial phenomenon?"

Ixichel was trembling. She felt that this was weird no matter how she looked at it. Also, the rotting corpse she had seen before, she didn’t know if it was an illusion.


Grandma Keya was also a little confused. She had never encountered such a thing during the sacrifices when she was young.

The sound of the ocean waves crashing against the cliff echoed in everyone's ears, and light blue and dazzling light fell from the sky, as if the light from heaven and earth were gathered in one place, at the top of the pyramid.

Everyone looked up and saw a god-like figure wearing blue crystal armor standing there.

The high-pitched dragon sound sounded, like the craze of the end of the century, and people saw the huge wave rising high from behind the pyramid.

"Ah - my God!"

Granny Keya knelt down majestically and kowtowed to the figure shrouded in blue holy light.

"Mortal, you dare to overstep your bounds and not kneel before the king!"

Lan Ying's voice echoed throughout the space, and the kid's laughter became more intense, running around Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked at the figure at the top of the pyramid with a ferocious smile on his face. His muscles were bulging and exuding a golden luster. He tilted his head and looked at the figure, "Kneel down?"

"Godzilla, it's so noisy."

Eriki felt that the weird laughter sounded uncomfortable.

The freshmen stood tremblingly, back to back, beside Lu Chen. The pressure falling from the sky made them breathless.

Only when you actually see high-level dragons can you realize how big the gap is between hybrids and dragons.

"Hee hee - hee hee - hee... um -"

The noisy laughter stopped. Lu Chen did not look back. He reached out his hand to the side and behind, and his big hand firmly grasped a black figure no more than 1.5 meters tall. Judging from the "feel", it should be a humanoid figure. , a relatively weak secondary species.

The next moment, the young man's figure disappeared from the spot.

The air flow brought up caused the kowtowing villagers to be blown away. With a loud bang, the surface of the pyramid cracked inch by inch and large parts collapsed.

The kid's head was pushed into the slope of the pyramid by Lu Chen, and his thrust did not stop. He pressed his right hand on the slope, lowered his body, and sprinted upward.

The red-gold mist looked strange and manic under the blue light.

Wherever the young man passed, the pyramid shattered inch by inch, and rubble flew backwards.

The imp's head carved a long ravine on the surface of the pyramid, and smoke and dust rose into the sky.

In just one second, the distance of thousands of meters passed by. It was not until the young man came face to face with the figure wearing blue armor, and his red gold eyes looked at those dazzling golden pupils, that the young man's voice was heard in the air. He shouted angrily when he started to move.

"Laugh at you Ma!"

The foreshadowing will be connected later.

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