Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 22 Golden Eyes, Class

Using the excuse of taking a bath, Lu Chen used up the syringe, and the syringe disappeared automatically after use, as if it had never appeared before, which surprised Lu Chen.

He is not worried about the low quality, anyway, he is still mainly secret blood, and judging from the meaning of the system prompt, there may be other tasks in this world that can obtain bloodline items.

He went back to the bed and silently felt the changes in his body. Starting from the spinal cord, the itching gradually spread throughout his body. If it wasn't for Lu Chen's strong endurance, he might have rolled all over the floor, but he lay on the bed without saying a word. .

There was nothing to say all night, before the sun rose, two dim lights lit up in the dark dormitory.

Pale gold at first, barely visible under black eyes.

But through this experience, Lu Chen found a way to activate the bloodline to change the color of the pupils. He discovered an interesting thing, that is, his divine secret blood can also be activated in the same way.

In the dimness, the original pale gold gradually brightened, and the color became more magnificent, until finally it turned into red gold, as if lava was flowing in the eyes.


"In 452 A.D., Attila led his troops to invade the cities of northeastern Italy. Groups of Dragon Guards crossed the Po River. It was a frenzied tide, and it was also the majesty of the Supreme..."

On the podium, the content in the textbook was narrated from the lecturer's mouth.

The expressive voice makes people feel as if they are not listening to a class, but immersed in an epic movie, and people's thoughts are inadvertently brought to that ancient era, and their noses smell the flames of war.

The lecturer is tall and straight, with undulating muscles under a custom-made suit, which makes people suspect that he can be a bodybuilder when he takes off his clothes. He is indeed a hero who can walk around on his arms.

The snow-white hair is well-groomed, and the single-lens lens on the left eye gives this old man a bit of an academic atmosphere. He always has a gentleman's smile on his face, and the ordinary people's appearance brought by age is negative on this old man. He didn't reveal anything, but he was like a bottle of red wine that has been stored in a Bordeaux chateau for many years, and it became more and more intoxicating with age.

Hilbert Jean Angers.

If you don't know the facts, it's hard to imagine that standing in front of you is an old man as old as one hundred and thirteen.

Lu Chen has no doubts that if this Ange principal goes to a high society dinner party, young noble ladies will still fall in love with him. His charm has not diminished with time, but is in a state of positive growth.

The family genealogy of dragons is a compulsory freshman course. Angers is the lecturer of this course, and it is also the only course that no students dare to skip class.

The content of the course is nonsense. Even if Lu Chen is not an aborigine in this world, he can still see how outrageous the things written in the textbook are.

Humans did not learn to use fire by battling with nature for millions of years, nor did Suiren or Prometheus bring fire to humans, but dragons taught humans to use tools and fire.

Attila the Hun was a dragon, maybe still a dragon king, so he was so powerful that no one could stop him until Rome.

The emperors of China claiming to be dragons are not bragging, because most of them are really mixed races, and there are even several ancient emperors who are suspected of being dragon kings...

What's even more outrageous is that these things are true.

Lu Chen didn't like this kind of cultural class at first, but Principal Ange's class was humorous and humorous. In addition, he really needed to know part of the history of this world, so that he could understand what kind of enemy he would face.

Chu Zihang on the side was obviously a good student. While listening carefully, he would take short notes in the textbook from time to time.

Lu Chen has already begun to think that if he is "not good at learning" in the final exam in the future, he will hug Chu Zihang's thigh.

"Okay, this lesson is over here."

Angers glanced at the time on his pocket watch and announced that get out of class was over. He never procrastinated.

"Lu Chen, please stay here."

Lu Chen, who was planning to go to the cafeteria with Chu Zihang to go whoring for free, paused, not knowing why he was called by name.

The other freshmen, however, seemed to be aware of it, and said in their hearts that they still came. It is normal for the first S-level freshman of the college to attract the principal's attention in recent years.

The freshmen left the classroom with interest, and no one dared to listen to the corner in front of Principal Angers.

"Principal, do you have anything to say about leaving me alone?"

When facing the old man alone, Lu Chen could faintly feel the pressure from the old man.

This made him feel unbelievable, he had never felt this kind of feeling in a living creature, his intuition had always been sharp, that is to say, this old man could not only threaten him, but was even much stronger than him!

At zero time, Lu Chen thought of what Senior Brother Fingel had mentioned to him, the words of Principal Angers.

I heard that bullets are like sandbags thrown by children in front of Principal Angers. He can even cut the bullets and jump in front of the enemy to cut the opponent's throat, and then fix the collar for him. When time passes again, he has already carried the Tasting a glass of red wine there, it seems that what enters the throat is not the sweet liquid, but the intoxicating power and strength.

This is a king-level assassin, as long as you are in the same space with him, your neck will be held hostage by his sharp blade!

Lu Chen is fast, the physical test is far from his limit, if necessary, he can go ten times faster!

This is also the reason why he has the confidence to imitate the words of the moment, but he knows well that he can dodge bullets, but he can't race against bullets, he is not as fast as the old man in front of him.

"Are you still used to staying in the academy?"

He didn't ask about his homework, and he didn't criticize Lu Chen for his occasional distraction during class. His gentle tone was like the simple concern of the elders for the younger ones.

"Everything in the college is very good, the students are very polite, and the teacher's lectures are easy to understand."

Lu Chen was indeed very satisfied, except that he seemed to be listening to the bible in the class of the Alchemy Machinery Department.

Although he is definitely considered smart, if you let a person who even mastered Arabic numerals slowly after contacting the West go directly to learn advanced subjects that Cambridge graduates may not understand, you can understand No wonder, the span is too big, and he has no intention of learning from scratch. With that time, wouldn't it be nice to go out and slay dragons?

Anger listened to Lu Chen's words and nodded with a smile. He heard that this child had no higher education before. He just practiced martial arts in the martial arts hall after being taken in by his master. In terms of culture, he only taught language and basic skills for life. Mathematics, Chinese is his mother tongue, and English is learned by his master during the years of wandering with him. When he finally settled down, he only knows a little bit about Vietnamese.

So Anger was very worried that this child would not be able to keep up with the courses of the college. After all, although the things taught by the college were different, many subjects still needed a good foundation, such as magic mechanical design and alchemy chemistry.

But in fact, although this child is a little struggling, he can barely understand those complicated and difficult courses (in fact, the homework assessment depends on holding Chu Zihang's thigh). Perhaps it is due to the advantage of blood, but it can also be seen that This kid is very smart.

"anything else?"

Anger asked with a smile.

"And... and the free window in the cafeteria is really great."

Lu Chen thought about it and praised.

Anger couldn't help laughing. He had heard about Lu Chen's title of Big Eater. Recently, the cafeteria management department had filed a document, "Personal Restrictions on Free Window", which is now on his desk.

Regarding the details of the combat power, the elephant will elaborate on the relevant places later, and it can be regarded as completing the combat power setting of Nantah University. It is absolutely logical, and you don’t have to worry about the collapse of the combat power.

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