Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1625 Brother Di Gu’s doubts

"I won't leave for now, don't think too much, just practice hard."

Lu Chen smiled, making a few people feel at ease.

Next, he had a few words with Brother Di Gu to repair the broken-up ultimate ancient land. This land boundary would be effective in stabilizing the boundary sea, and the dam could not be destroyed.

As for the matter of being arbitrary for eternity, it is better to leave it to Shi Hao himself later.

Brother Di Gu looked up at the sky, "That passage also needs to be sealed..."

As he said that, he glanced at Leng Yue, who had been standing behind Lu Chen in a low-key manner, "Can this senior tell me what the situation is like up there?"

Brother Di Gu's words made everyone feel surprised, or shocked. They didn't expect that this possibly the oldest Immortal Emperor in this world would actually call this low-key woman behind Emperor Wu as his senior!

Shi Hao and several others were shocked. Thinking of their previous experiences in Stone Village, Senior Leng Yue lightly moved the course of history and clearly played the scenes of Lu Chen's battles in the past era. This was by no means ordinary. Strength.

They had speculated before that whether Senior Leng Yue would be a real emperor, but seeing that she was low-key and indifferent, they did not think about anything outrageous.

Who knew that even the Immortal Emperor of the Ultimate Ancient Land would call Leng Yue "Senior".

It can be said that when people have reached the level of Lu Chen and Leng Yue, it is difficult to judge their true age unless they are people whose level is much higher than them and can detect some traces of the life wheel.

In terms of years and years of experience, Brother Di Gu is naturally older than Leng Yue, and even more so than Lu Chen. However, he can't really see the truth and can only make guesses, because he feels that Leng Yue's realm is higher than him. .

Under the curious gaze of everyone, Leng Yue, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, "Darkness was eroding. I had a fight with a strong man over there. After the war, in order not to attract attention, I returned to this world."

This is her personal setting. Her identity is the Immortal Emperor from above. So if Brother Emperor Gu has no memories related to her, such as the memory of her leaving the perfect world and going to the above, she will only It could be a visitor from above, or someone from Brother Di Gu's past.

In terms of identity setting, she is of course a monk who has come out of this world, and it will be easier for her to gain the trust of the natives. If she is said to be a life born from God, then Brother Di Gu will probably be a little wary and suspicious.

That is to say, there is no aura of dark matter in her body, so Emperor Bone Brother will think that she is the one who became emperor earlier and went to fight in the sky.

"Did an Immortal Emperor war actually break out on that so-called place!?"

Everyone was shocked. Shi Hao and the others had originally heard from Leng Yue in Shicun that they had killed an Immortal Emperor and had vaccinations, but things were different with Old Man Buyi, Liu Shen, several powerful men, and the old Immortal Kings.

Looking at Leng Yue, this cold and petite woman who originally kept a low profile around them and didn't show any aura, felt awe.

The commoner old man was at the pinnacle of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. He had noticed something before and felt that Leng Yue was a strong person, but he did not expect him to be such a powerful being.

"Don't worry, I did it very cleanly. They can't trace it here."

Leng Yue ignored everyone's shocked looks, looked at Brother Di Gu with worry in his eyes, and said calmly.

Brother Di Gu also opened his mouth at this time, and was a little speechless. He thought to himself, who is this person? It sounds like he killed the Immortal Emperor, and he also used the words "very clean" to describe it.

It was like a mortal killer reporting to her employer, but she was not killing an ordinary person, but an Immortal Emperor who could only be born in an unknown number of epochs!

However, Brother Di Gu is now more confident. With the existence of Lu Chen who can defeat him, and this mysterious strong woman, this world has no worries for the time being, and they may even counterattack the heaven one day in the future.

The power of the three powerful Immortal Emperors is definitely a sharp sword that can pierce the darkness.

"Senior, could you please take the young people back first? We still have something to talk about."

Lu Chen said to the commoner old man that the following conversation might be too intense for Shi Hao and others. Appropriate pressure is a good thing. If the pressure is too great, it will easily bring inner demons to people during practice.

Shi Hao and Shi Yi were reluctant. They wanted to know all the truth, especially Shi Hao. He actually hated this feeling.

For example, when he was a child, he asked Liu Shen something, and Liu Shen said it was better for you not to know, and that it was for your own good not to tell you. In the end, Liu Shen disappeared on the road, and the Martial God also disappeared. He practiced hard just to figure it out. the truth.

As a result, God of War was okay, God Liu went on the road alone and was killed directly in the ultimate ancient land!

He hates this feeling of not knowing anything. He hopes to know all the truth. Even if the pressure is huge, he thinks he can withstand it and one day can become a strong man on par with the God of War and the others.

"I will tell you, wait until you break through to the Immortal King Realm first."

Lu Chen saw the dissatisfaction of Shi Hao and others and said with a smile.

"Go back, you've only just started."

Liu Shen also said that she had guessed something about the ultimate secret of darkness. Although she was also interested in what was on it, since Wu Shen didn't want everyone to listen, she wouldn't force herself to join in the fun.

The same goes for the commoner old man. He was also confused about the darkness above, but he knew that Lu Chen would tell him later. After all, he was the person closest to the emperor.

"In this case, we will turn back first. In our free time, we will also invite fellow Taoist Lu to come to the burial site. We will definitely sweep the couch to welcome him."

The burial master also said with a smile, and returned with his daughter. Now that the world is peaceful, there are still people fighting to cross the boundary sea. He feels that there is no point in his daughter's realm being wasted in the boundary sea now. No one is her opponent except the butcher. It's better to take it back and let him give you some guidance.

The commoner old man led a group of people back, preparing to return to Shicun for a visit. On the way, he also answered various questions for Shi Hao and the others. If the young people were curious about the events of the Emperor's Fall era, he would also tell them, but most of them were related to Lu Chen. legend.

For example, Shi Hao was very interested in what the God of War was like when he was young, what he was like as a child, and whether he liked animal milk as much as he did.

But the commoner old man couldn't answer their doubts. He explained straightforwardly that when he met Lu Chen, Lu Chen was already an outstanding young man.

There were also some conjectures he had that he did not tell the young people. He felt that Lu Chen was probably not from this world, but a being from outside, so he said that Lu Chen was a foreign stone.

On the other side, the ultimate ancient land has been repaired, and the stars in the sky have reunited to form a solid sacred soil.

In terms of scale, this place is actually not inferior to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and the Immortal Realm. It should also be a pure land. In terms of the balance at the time of the opening of the sky, the boundary sea is the dividing line, and the continents on both sides should belong to Yin and Yang. This side of the dike, It's the dark side of this world.

If it were all restored, I'm afraid this area would be larger than the Nine Heavens, Ten Earths and Burial Earth combined, which is just a little smaller than the Three Realms on the other side of the Boundary Sea.

At such a scale, and because the attacks of Lu Chen and the Corpse Immortal Emperor exploded in an instant, it can be seen that the Immortal Emperor's battle is terrifying.

Brother Di Gu took action and turned it into a pure land. There is no life now, but I believe that in a few years, new life and civilization will be born on this continent.

Because there are some Immortal Kings in the Boundary Sea who have traveled their whole lives and arrived at the critical side. With their strength, they may have to return to their hometown for who knows how many epochs before they land.

If they are those immortal kings who want to quell the black disaster, they are very close to the dam, they have no relatives or friends in their hometown, and they still have justice in their hearts, I am afraid they will re-establish a sect here, pass down the practice method, and gradually prosper.

Maybe many years later, this continent will become a new fairyland.

But these are just beautiful visions. After an unknown amount of time, this world will probably be destroyed in chaotic wars. At that time, it will be the battle of Huangtian Emperor. He will rule for eternity and go on the road with his comrades.

"Senior, have you ever found the source of darkness above God?"

After repairing the continent again, Brother Di Gu asked.

Leng Yue shook her head, "No, it's very big there, like an ocean of nothingness. I went on the road alone and saw no one who could go with me. After many years, I wanted to return to my hometown and met a Dark Immortal Emperor on the road. , he is different from you, he is a pure dark creature, not an immortal emperor who was corrupted and changed."

Lu Chen also sighed after listening to Leng Yue's words. He didn't expect that after so many years, even someone like Leng Yue could tell nonsense seriously.

But this is also her identity setting, and she must always come up with some reasonable explanation.

Although Lu Chen felt that in Brother Di Gu's realm, their identities might not be considered a secret. If Brother Di Gu had the heart to make guesses, he could figure out that they were probably not the original residents of this world.

But even if the other party has doubts in his heart, these things will not be brought to the table, because Brother Digu can be sure that Lu Chen and others are fighting for the guards and fighting against the darkness. Knowing this is enough. That is his friend, his comrade-in-arms.

"How powerful are the dark creatures?"

Brother Di Gu asked, he was plotted back then, but in fact it was just because his realm was unstable when he first broke through, and he did not fight the real weird clan, nor did he meet the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Leng Yue said expressionlessly: "Very strong."

Brother Di Gu was a little speechless. He originally wanted to know some specific characteristics of the enemy, but it seemed that this senior didn't like to talk very much. The long series of speeches he just made was really not easy.

"Specifically... in which aspect are you strong?"

He asked again.

"The vitality is very strong. After all, it took me half a day to kill it completely."

Leng Yue said lightly.

Brother Emperor Gu was shocked and speechless again. Although he knew that Leng Yue's level was higher than his, it only took him half a day to completely kill an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse. This was too outrageous. , and judging from her tone, it seemed that she was still very dissatisfied with herself.

But thinking about the situation when Lu Chen fought with him before, he seemed to think that this was normal. After all, even if he regained consciousness and fought with Lu Chen in the same realm, with Lu Chen's special attack ability, he might not be able to survive. Only half a day.

No... let alone half a day, he would probably be completely killed in a quarter of an hour, because Lu Chen's ability to trace his origins prevented him from escaping even half of his true spirit, and he could not be reshaped.

"It's a good thing to have victory, but if you kill the Immortal Emperor above the sky, it will indeed be a bit troublesome."

Lu Chen thought about it, and he felt that this might be the binding force of the world line, because it was impossible to say that the arrival of their explorers would destroy the subsequent Zhetian era and Shengxu era.

That’s why when Leng Yue comes, you will be unlucky to meet the Dark Immortal Emperor. You must know that the Immortal Emperor is not a cabbage. Even above the sky, it is very rare. It is the high-end combat power of the Weird Clan. Above the sky, it is so The probability of meeting a Dark Immortal Emperor in a large place is very small.

But when Leng Yue encounters him and a fight breaks out, he will naturally fight to the death. After she kills him, the Weird Clan will also get the news. Although Leng Yue did it very cleanly, I believe that in a few million years, the Weird Clan will Found here.

By then, Shi Hao will be forced to go on the road to fight. After an eternity of arbitrary power, it may be the beginning of the era of covering the sky.

"If you can't offer sacrifices, no one should be able to do anything to defeat Mr. Lu."

Leng Yue said lightly that she knew Lu Chen's strength very well, and after seeing Lu Chen's state, she came to a conclusion.

Boss Lu is still the same Boss Lu she knows, who will always be the god of cross-level combat, and she feels that is not Lu Chen's limit. If Lu Chen fully exploits his potential, his comprehensive attributes may reach 325 points.

At this level, even she would feel a lot of pressure when fighting against Mr. Lu. She would never dare to win easily, and she might even lose.

Oh, she doesn't have to worry about the strange power of Mr. Lu's title, because her charm attribute is up to standard and is not within its effective range.

And before, through the broadcast of Time River, she saw Lu Chen's battle against the four dark quasi-immortal emperors, and knew that Lu Chen also had the ability to ascend the soul. If this ability was used to deal with the enemy, I am afraid that Lu Da My cross-level combat ability will be improved to another level.


Brother Di Gu glanced at Leng Yue in confusion, and he didn't quite understand why Leng Yue called Emperor Wu 'Big Brother Lu'. This kind of wording was too different from the times.

But he didn't ask about the terminology. He speculated that it was because Leng Yue's era was too far away, and the cultural usage of that era was different from what he knew. Judging from the tone, this should be regarded as an honorific, right?

"That is a realm division after the Immortal Emperor realm. The road has not yet reached the end."

Leng Yue explained, "Essentially speaking, it still belongs to the category of Immortal Emperor, but it has undergone certain qualitative changes."

Lu Chen just listened on the sidelines. A judge of Leng Yue's level went to the heavens, and he definitely didn't just kill an Immortal Emperor. There must be more information.

And her judgment about the realm is actually correct. The Taoist realm is a concept, higher than the Immortal Emperor, but still within the larger system. Strictly speaking, it is a stronger version of the Immortal Emperor.

Recommend a friend’s new book.

"Girl, don't be impatient"

I am a town transport envoy from the town transport department.

What am I doing, you ask?

I'm helping the old lady cross the road.

Why do this?

Because the system said I wouldn't survive three days.

Oh yes, one more thing.

I discovered that my house actually has a tunnel leading directly to the next door.

Then a princess moved next door to me.

New author and new author, multiple female protagonists, the writing style is light and humorous, very comfortable to read, and a little sweet. If you are interested, you should not miss it.

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