Feeling dissatisfied, Yu Hui began to reabsorb natural energy to practice the second immortal art, which was the immortal art that Yu Hui learned from the Pure Land.

This immortal art cultivates a person's soul, and the strength of the soul indicates that the practice has reached a stronger level.

The advantage is that this chakra immortal art can not only increase a person's lifespan, but also increase his chakra limit, which can make people further strengthened.

But there are also shortcomings, that is, the improvement of the human body in the early stage is not much, or even none at all.

Yu Hui was very dissatisfied with both immortal arts.

He sighed:

"Although this is an immortal art or immortal cultivation, it is just the result of a thousand years of summary by an old toad and an old man. After all, it is not as profound as the knowledge summarized in thousands of years and tens of thousands of years in immortal cultivation novels."

Thinking of this, Yu Hui tried to simply absorb natural energy to practice.


After a while, Yu Hui's soul, which was separated from the physical body, floated in the air, looking at his body that had turned into a stone statue with a helpless look.

"Ah! As expected, natural energy is different from the spiritual energy in the novels of immortal cultivation, or it is completely different. A slight loss of control will cause the body to petrify. Do you want me to return to nature?"

Shaking his head helplessly, Yu Hui used Yin Yang escape to recreate a body for himself, a brand new human body.

Since Yin Yang escape is not omnipotent, Yin Yang escape cannot create Yu Hui's nine-magatama blue samsara eyes, so if Yu Hui wants to restore his Otsutsuki body, he must first create a body, and then convert the body genes into Otsutsuki genes.

It can be said that the various genes of the Ten Thousand Races, like a kind of alien space power, store the power of Yu Hui's real gene, and this power will not disappear because Yu Hui replaces the gene.

"Yin Yang escape? Create a body? Alien space? And natural energy!"

Yu Hui was thinking about all kinds of things, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, thinking of a unique immortal art operation mode, and excitedly punched his stone body.

Yu Hui immediately sat cross-legged, holding his breath, concentrating, and began to mix spiritual energy, physical energy, and natural energy in a one-to-one ratio.

The next moment, eye shadow appeared in the corners of Yu Hui's eyes, and he entered the most basic immortal mode.

He felt the immortal chakra in his body, mobilized them, and gathered them in his abdomen.

It was not over yet, Yu Hui concentrated more, and the next moment, he appeared in an endless abnormal space with light blue sea water on the ground and red sky like dusk, which was Yu Hui's spiritual space.

Yu Hui guided the immortal chakra in his body and manifested it in his own spiritual space.

Time passed like a tide.

Yu Hui repeated three things unconsciously.

That is to restore chakra, mix immortal chakra, and guide immortal chakra to his own spiritual space.

About six hours later, in Yu Hui's spiritual space, which was red and blue, a chakra of immortal arts that could rival the chakra of the three-tailed beast had been accumulated.

From the outside, it looked sky blue, with a spherical gas mass with a radius of 20 meters.


Yu Hui took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

Looking at the immortal arts chakra in front of him, Yu Hui could feel it slowly dissipating, while slowly strengthening his soul power.

Yu Hui knew that at this point, it was very similar to the immortal arts used by the Six Paths Sage, which mainly focused on the soul and did not strengthen the body much.

But what Yu Hui wanted was not that simple. The next moment, Yu Hui raised his hands.

"Yin Yang Release·Soul Division Technique!"

He gently separated a strand of his soul and merged it into the huge chakra mass in front of him.

Under the protection of Yin Yang Release, Yu Hui's soul entered the center of the chakra safely.

"Yin Yang Release·Creation Technique!"

Just like the Six Paths Sage split the soul and chakra of the Ten-tailed beast to create nine tailed beasts.

Yu Hui split his soul and created a sphere with a radius of 20 centimeters.

"From the God Realm! I grant you the ability to automatically absorb multiple immortal chakra energies to grow. You and I are one, and we share power!"

The ability from the God Realm instantly changed the meaning of the sphere's existence. Visible chakra airflow converged toward the sphere, entered the sphere, and moisturized the sphere.

The sphere began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Yu Hui named it Xianyuan.

In a few seconds, Xianyuan absorbed all the immortal chakra in Yu Hui's spiritual space and grew to a radius of one meter.

Yu Hui watched these changes, his surface was calm, but his heart was already turbulent and happy.Already.

The next second, Yu Hui exited the spiritual space, touched his forehead, and felt a black circular mark on his fingers.

Yu Hui knew that the Xianyuan Xianshu he developed had already succeeded!

Xianyuan Xianshu is a kind of Xianshu that Yu Hui combined with the Xianshu novels he had read and the sealing technique of the ninja world, Yin Yang Dun.

The main operation mode is that the practitioner must first have Xianyuan, which is like a spiritual root. Xianyuan exists in the spiritual space of a person. The characteristics of Xianyuan are somewhat similar to those of the tailed beast Jinchūriki, but the difference is that the practitioner must first cultivate Xianyuan and link and share everything of Xianyuan.

Simply put, the Xianyuan Xianshu developed by Yu Hui is a kind of Xianshu Chakra life form created by Yin Yang Dun in the spiritual space, just like cultivating the tailed beast, and sharing life, vitality, energy, and strength with the life form.

The practice process is the same as the accumulated energy of Xiuxian, but it can rely on a combination of multiple energies and chakras to practice, not just natural energy.

The functions of Xianyuan Xianshu are very comprehensive, but they also have limitations.

First, to practice Xianyuan Xianshu, you must have Xianyuan, just like spiritual roots. You cannot practice without Xianyuan.

Second, the upper limit of Xianyuan Xianshu is closely related to the spiritual space of the practitioner. If the spiritual space is small, there will be no great results in practice.

Fortunately, Yu Hui is the developer of Xianyuan Xianshu. His magic from the divine world can not only create Xianyuan for himself, but also grant Xianyuan to others.

In addition, Yu Hui's spiritual space is also boundless. Although Yu Hui has not fully explored the size of his spiritual space, his spiritual space is almost endless with Yu Hui's satellite-level perception ability.

In the next few days, Yu Hui stayed indoors and concentrated on practicing Xianyuan Xianshu in his palace.

Sensing the continuous expansion of Xianyuan, the size of which is approaching a small satellite step by step, Yu Hui tried to become all the animals whose genes he recorded.

It was found that under all his genetic forms, the imprint of Xianyuan Xianshu would still exist, and the power would not be lost or changed.

Even if Yu Hui turns into a small earthworm, his connection with the spiritual space still exists. He still possesses the combat power of a Six Paths level. Not to mention the strength, he even has the ability to emit energy rays, manipulate gravity, and generate a biological magnetic field.

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