The sword was broken, and the sword was broken.

Joz looked at Hawkeye, his mouth grinning, as if declaring his victory.

But the next second! In the air!

A slender and plump long leg kicked the sword energy hard, and the sword energy changed its course again, straight down, whistling through the air.

Joz seemed to realize something, but he only had time to raise his head a little.

Like a physical enlightenment, the sword energy fell, Joz's eyes turned white, his legs softened and he knelt on the ice.

He has a diamond body, and most attacks can't hurt him, but even so, his body inevitably has some cracks.

Crack, crack, crack!


The sound of diamonds breaking is much clearer than glass. This sound resounded throughout the battlefield, and countless people's scalps tingled. Thinking that this was the sound of a person breaking, fear continued to grow.


Just as the sword energy washed away, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground sounded again, and the location was Joz again.

Joz's body sank heavily into the ice, and the area with a radius of ten meters around him had turned into a deep pit.

Everyone was stunned, even Akainu, who was sitting far away, looked here.

The smoke and dust left by the shells slowly dissipated, and a pretty figure walked out of the deep pit.

Hela put one hand on her waist, her left hand hanging casually, and she looked fearless and unscrupulous.

She looked at the navy and pirates.

"The thing he threw out hit my eyes, is there any problem?"

Her disdainful tone immediately caused an uproar.

The navy and pirates whispered constantly.

"Who is she? From over there?"

"I don't know. She came down from the sky. Is she in the same group as the one in the iron shell?"

"It should be! She has already killed a captain-level pirate."

Of course, Hela did not choose to stand on the side. She just wanted to see who was capable and fight with him a few moves, and by the way, feel the charm of a completely different world.

When Hela said such arrogant words, not many strong people said much, after all, they could clearly sense the threat from Hela.

But some young people could not hold back and rushed towards Hela.


Ace has a good relationship with Joz, or it should be said that he has a good relationship with everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates.

He even jumped up from the spot, and while the navy around him was not paying attention, he ran to the execution platform and shouted.

At the same time, Phoenix Marco, wrapped in blue-green flames, appeared behind Hela. His eyes were fierce and bloodshot, and he kicked Hela with all his strength.

Hela's reaction was so quick that she kicked Marco into the cabin of the Moby Dick with a big roundhouse kick.

Everyone was dumbfounded again. Whitebeard standing on the ship frowned and the smile on his mouth dropped.

Hela didn't care about him. She walked towards Hawkeye.

Because there was something that attracted her more than fighting with Whitebeard.

"The sword conveyed a strong will. Is it a divine weapon?"

After jumping across hundreds of meters, Hela landed heavily on the platform where the Seven Warlords of the Sea stood. She stood casually in front of Hawkeye, aiming at Black Blade Night.

Hawkeye frowned. This might be the most exaggerated expression he had since the beginning of the war.

He moved his right leg back a step and put on a state of being ready to fight at any time.

"Oh~ Interesting."

The Night Sky Sword appeared and was held in Hela's hand, chopped down heavily.

Hawkeye reacted quickly and raised Black Blade Night to resist.

What a coincidence, both skills have the same similar names, and both are black in theme.


The two swords collided, and a terrifying sound broke out at the moment of contact.

Doflamingo and Hancock on both sides hurriedly retreated, fearing that they would be implicated.

The amazing energy was released between the blades, and terrible damage was suffered in all directions.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea jumped off the platform one after another and stood far away to observe.

Hawkeye held the sword with both hands and exerted all his strength. The cement under his feet had collapsed layer by layer. His teeth were clenched tightly, revealing an expression that he had almost never had before.

"This woman! She is not even on par with Hawkeye!"

In the center of the battlefield, Dashiqi saw this scene, her eyes were already wide, and her whole person's emotions were unprecedentedly shocked.

"Can a woman really do this?"

This sentence kept replaying in her heart. She had taken back all the evil people's hands.

To realize a dream like a famous sword, one must have extremely strong strength.

But as a woman, Tashigi has never been confident that she can do this. Seeing Hela's strength, she felt uncomfortable.

"Is it because I didn't work hard enough that I couldn't become stronger?"

Tashigi's heart was in a dilemma.

Not only Tashigi, but all the swordsmen at the scene and even at every live broadcast site in the world were sighing at Hela's strength.

All of them felt that Hela and Hawkeye were equally strong.

But what is the truth?

In the Marvel world, Hela's important means of fighting are swordsmanship and magic.

Although the move she often uses is to shoot a replica of her weapon, the Night Sky Sword, her swordsmanship is absolutely unquestionable.

Hela is over three thousand years old, and the time she has spent honing her swordsmanship or standing on the battlefield alone has exceeded a hundred years.

Comparing swordsmanship, Hawkeye is completely a young boy who has just learned to return to his youth in front of her.

How could such a huge gap be evenly matched? The fact is that the eyes are short and Hela did not exert her strength.

(Don't think that Hawkeye is so powerful just because he can split a huge meteorite with one sword. If Hela is in the world of One Piece, with her attributes, she can completely split the moon or the earth in half with one sword.)


Seeing that Hawkeye can still hold up under her strength, Hela suddenly became a little disdainful.

"If it breaks into two halves, will it still have the current characteristics?"

Hela, who does not understand the domineering rules of the pirate world, simply thinks that the strong will transmitted by the black sword in the night is a unique characteristic of it.

She is a little worried that if she chops hard, the sword will lose this characteristic when it breaks into two.

"I... don't... know..."

Perhaps the oppression and threat from Hela is too strong, or Hela used a little magic on Hawkeye's spirit.

Hawkeye unconsciously said his answer.

The fact is that even he didn't know that as a black knife practitioner, Hawkeye himself had never experienced a black knife being damaged.

There were very few black knives in the history of the world, and no one had ever recorded an incident where a black knife was damaged or broken in battle.

Because the black knife itself represents hardness, the purpose of practicing a black knife is to prevent your beloved knife from being damaged in battle.

"Really? Then do you want to see if it works?"

Hela's casual words set off alarm bells in Hawkeye's heart.

He quickly pulled back the knife, not hesitating to use his body to resist Hela's attack.

But it was too late!

Choke! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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