
Earth, United States, military base.

"Colonel! Two unknown flying targets appeared over New York, stayed in the air for two seconds, and then disappeared."

A soldier in charge of satellite observation ran to James Rhodes, handed him the report, and reported.

Rhodes took the report, looked at it for a few seconds, and frowned at the two white dots on the picture.

"Damn it!"

Although he couldn't see anything from the two white dots, Rhodes instinctively felt that this was a troublesome matter.

"Hello~ Tony, there is something I need your help with."

He took out his phone and called his good friend Tony Stark as soon as possible.

"Ugh~~~, what's up, man?"

"Are you okay? Are you vomiting?"

"Oh man~, don't worry about these details. The girl last night was so hot. I worked too hard for too long without paying attention. I just felt a little nauseous when I woke up in the morning. Tell me what you want to talk to me about."

"Oh~ you are so stupid. Just now we photographed two unknown flying units appearing together at the same time, and they stayed in the air for two seconds before disappearing. Looking at the photos taken by the satellite, I suspect the target is a life form!"

"Oh~ man, do you want to Said it was a flying alien? We received an alien invasion? Star Wars is coming soon? "

"No~no~buddy! I just said I doubt it, I doubt it. If you are interested, I can send you some information for you to study, which can be regarded as helping me, how about it?"

"If it is really an alien, I will certainly be happy to do so. I can even postpone the weapons demonstration in Afghanistan in two days."

"Then I will send it to you right away! Bye!"

After hanging up the phone, Rhodes ordered the soldiers to forward some documents to himself and then to Tony Stark.


Himalayas, Kamar-Taki.

In the exquisitely decorated room, on the tea table, there are Yu Hui and Kaguya on one side and the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One on the other.

Three teacups were filled with tea under the operation of magic. Yu Hui raised the teacup and took a sip.

"Hmm! Jasmine tea? I heard it can relieve anxiety. Is there anything that the Supreme Mage is anxious about?"

He spoke softly. At this moment, he was completely in the form of an ordinary person. Although there was a mark of the Immortal Source Immortal Art on his forehead, his aura was completely hidden.

"No, it's just that the two of you suddenly stepped into this world, which made me a little confused. Can you tell me why I didn't see you two appear when I observed the timeline?"

Gu Yi was really confused. In the past, she had peeked into the future again and again through the Eye of Agamotto, and she had never seen people like Yu Hui and Kaguya appear. She didn't even see the image of their existence.

And just five minutes ago, she peeked again after Yu Hui and the others appeared, and found that everything became confusing, unpredictable and uncontrollable.

To be honest, this point frightened her. She had already arranged everything for herself through the future she knew, and she was used to doing this.

If there is a problem in the future, the person who is most affected is her, and the person who least wants the future to change is also her.

"It's very simple. This means that I have something that even the greatest ceremonial of a wizard cannot reach, and this thing is always affecting the world."

Ancient One frowned.

"Is it convenient to tell me?"

"Of course it's not convenient."

Her brows frowned even tighter, and Ancient One was silent for a long time.

Suddenly, her eyes changed, and endless indifference and determination burst out from her eyes. As soon as she started, she blocked the space and attacked with black magic.

If you are asked, how would you deal with a person who is weaker than you and brings you trouble and anxiety?

I believe most people's answer is to destroy him!

Yu Hui's current strength is at the planetary level, which is the bottom of the father-level, and he is obviously not good enough to face the top father-level Ancient One who can resist Dormammu.

Yu Hui has the ability to escape in front of Ancient One, and even the ability to keep himself healthy, but he does not have much ability to fight.

Then why did he look for Ancient One in the first place and come to her, and his attitude in front of Ancient One was so presumptuous?



A colorful light channel fell vertically between the three people, the space blockade was broken, and the black magic attack was blocked.


Yes, Odin! He is Yu Hui's support.

"Why are you here! What are you doing?"

Gu Yi frowned tightly, looking at Odin who was attacking at the moment with confusion.

The space gem flashed, flashing a green light, and she saw part of the future that Odin saw.

Gu Yi's brows relaxed.She waved her hand, and magic surged in an instant, and the room destroyed by the rainbow bridge was instantly restored to its original state.

Odin did not explain a word, and the four sat down in pairs, and Gu Yi looked up at Yu Hui.

"Do you really have such magical powers?"

"It's the truth!"

Yu Hui answered firmly.

"What do you need, kid? You should understand what I mean. That matter is very important to me!"

In front of Odin, Yu Hui was indeed a child at the age of 33, and Yu Hui didn't think anything of it. Kaguya was even more obedient in front of the two big guys and didn't dare to speak carelessly.

"It's very simple! I need the purest source energy of Dormammu and Hela!"

Yu Hui answered Odin's question in a clear and fluent voice.

Before Yu Hui came to this world, he had planned in his mind that the first thing he had to do in the Marvel Universe was to devour the Faldin gene, which is the racial gene of the famous dark dimension demon, the energy life form Dormammu.

The Faldin race is the most energetic life form. If it can be bound to space, it can become a dimensional demon. It can draw energy from space infinitely and achieve rapid growth in strength.

Dormammu was driven out by his tribe with his sister, and after occupying the dark dimension, his strength reached the multi-dimensional level, and he once became an extremely powerful dimensional demon.

For some reasons, he cannot show his most powerful power everywhere, and will be blocked outside the earth by the ancient one, a father-level god.

But in the dark dimension, Dormammu is incomparably powerful, and even the time gem cannot affect his time flow, so that he is annoyed by Doctor Strange and gives up invading the earth.

As for Hela, Yu Hui looked at Kaguya next to him, and his thoughts were self-evident.

"Dormammu's original energy, that is, his purest energy, what are you going to do with that?"

Even in the future picture, Gu Yi saw Yu Hui's ultimate Ragnarok, which helped him successfully join the Eternal God, and understood why Odin wanted to stop him from solving Yu Hui.

But she was really depressed about the distortion in her eyes of the future, so she was no longer polite when she spoke, and every word she said was harsh.


PS: Let me explain the issue of power division. I checked Baidu and found that both Ancient One and Odin are fathers, and both of them are the most powerful fathers.

But Dormammu's complete form is multiverse-level, and he also said that his power is equal to Odin or Zeus.

Here I understand it like this, it should be that Dormammu, as a wizard, has the same power as Odin and Zeus, but his real strength must be stronger than the two.

So in my setting, Dormammu is stronger than Odin and Zeus, and the reason why he has not been able to take over the earth is that he cannot exert his powerful strength, and Ancient One has the means to restrain him.

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