Nine years ago...

There is a small grassland beside the quiet forest.

There is a stream running through the middle of the grassland, and there are several wooden houses around the stream.



A crisp and tender voice came from the wooden house, and a woman with a superior figure and appearance ran out of the room and handed the baby in her hand to the man outside the door.

The man gently stroked his child, and a different emotion filled his mind. He thought of his younger brother who would make trouble to play with him every day. His eyes turned blood red, and two magatama appeared in them.

"Izumi and her child are safe, and the child is left to you, Itachi." The woman spoke, her name is Uchiha Sui, one of Itachi's wives.

"You have worked hard Sui, go back and rest, let others take care of Izumi."

Uchiha You spoke gently, and Sui's face turned red.

"Okay, I will have a good rest, dear~"

Uchiha Sui said shyly.

"Oh, by the way! Quan said he wanted to name the child Zhu, I wonder if you like it."

"Zhu? Uchiha Zhu? It's a nice name and I like it, so let's call him that."


Two years later....

I, Uchiha Zhu, am two years old this year and have become intelligent. I can talk, walk, and run.

Now I am sitting cross-legged on the ground with my father, holding my breath and concentrating, refining chakra.

My father said that this way I can become stronger and protect my brothers and sisters who are about to be born. I don't know how many brothers and sisters I will have, but my father told me that no matter how many, I need to protect them.


Three years later....

I, Uchiha Zhu, can already throw kunai and shuriken skillfully. I am one step closer to protecting my brothers and sisters, and I am very happy.

This year my mother gave birth to my second brother. Together with the two children of Ho's mother and my other brothers and sisters, I already have ten brothers and sisters.

I feel a lot of pressure, I have to continue to work hard to become stronger.


Today I went out to teach my Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique. My first performance was better than my father's. My father seemed very happy and sad.

I don't know why. Maybe he remembered his younger brother whom he often told me about.

I also want to see my uncle. I don't know why, but I feel that my uncle's talent is definitely not as good as mine.

One year later....

I am six years old.

My father said that I can go hunting far away from home by myself.

I went to the forest in the south and found a cave with strange light flowing.

I found a dying wild boar in the cave.

I like it very much. I feel sorry for it and took it home.

I asked my father if I could keep it.

My father agreed and asked my mother to heal the piglet's injury and build a new wooden house for me so that I can live with the piglet.


The piglet grew bigger and bigger. I named it Dayuan because its belly was round and big.

One day, I was playing with Dayuan. My father saw that Dayuan was very smart. He tried to sense its body and found that there was energy in it.

My father told me that this was natural energy. Animals with natural energy would be intelligent and become summoned beasts that could fight with ninjas.

My father wrote a contract and dripped my and Dayuan's blood on it. From then on, Dayuan became my summoned beast.

I taught Dayuan how to refine chakra. Dayuan was very talented and it quickly refined chakra.

I tested Dayuan's chakra with chakra test paper and found that it was thunder, fire and earth three-attribute chakra. I was very happy because I also had this chakra attribute.


One year later....

The strength of Dayuan and I was growing every day. Dayuan was now very big, two meters tall and four meters long. I was not bad either. I grew to 1.4 meters.

I want to make Dayuan stronger, and I want to teach it ninjutsu, but I found that it has no hands and cannot make seals, and it cannot perform ninjutsu. Moreover, its chakra flow is different from that of humans. It can't explain some unprinted ninjutsu I taught it.


There are two good news today. One is that Dayuan spoke, and the first sentence it said was my name.

Second, I heard from my father about an unprinted ninjutsu invented by a great ninja. The principle is very simple, which is to condense chakra and make it rotate irregularly.

The name seems to be, Rasengan!

I quickly figured out the Rasengan, which is very powerful. I told my father, and my father was very happy. He thought of my uncle again.

My father told me that this ninjutsu might be very suitable for Dayuan to learn.We tried it quickly, and the results were very gratifying. Now, not only can Dayuan open his mouth to condense the Rasengan, he can also spit the Rasengan to a far distance.


One year later.....

Mom Sui died of dystocia, and I was very sad. She was the best mother to me except for Izumi's mother.

In grief, I felt a coolness in my eyes. My father was very surprised when he saw it and said that I opened the double magatama Sharingan.

My strength has been further improved, but I am not happy because it is what I got from losing my relatives.


In the third month after Mom Sui died, I taught Dayuan a new unprinted ninjutsu called Chidori. My father learned it from a ninja who was as talented as me. He taught it to me, and I taught it to Dayuan.

Now Dayuan can spit out Rasengan from his mouth, and the double horns can condense Chidori.


One year later...

This year I am nine years old and Dayuan is three years old. Once when we were out hunting, Dayuan and I had just defeated a silverback gorilla when Dayuan smelled a scent.

He ran in the direction of the scent.

Dayuan's nose is usually very sharp. He often finds some rare mushroom species, which makes our family feast.

I thought it was the same this time, so I hurried to follow him.

When I caught up with Dayuan, I saw him proposing to a female wild boar of the same size as him, three meters tall and six meters long.

Dayuan shyly said that he fell in love with her from the moment he smelled her body fragrance.

Although it was speaking human language, the wild boar could not understand, but this did not prevent a sincere love from blooming in front of my eyes.


Soon, the wild boar Xiaomei and Dayuan came together. I specially held a simple wedding for them. Dayuan was very happy, and Xiaomei was also very happy.


After a while, I heard from Dayuan that Xiaomei was pregnant. Because Dayuan was too big, he and I no longer lived in the same place, so I didn't understand how life was created.

But this didn't prevent me from blessing my best friend, wishing that his child would be born safely and grow up healthily.

Three months after Xiaomei was pregnant, Dayuan told me one day that he could now sense a magical energy flowing in the air, and he wanted to absorb this energy to practice.

He had a strong feeling that he could absorb this energy and combine it with chakra to create a powerful spell, which might greatly improve his strength and surpass me.

Although I was very happy for my partner and happy that he had this talent, I felt uneasy in my heart.

I went to ask my father for more knowledge about the natural energy.

My father told me that Dayuan might have comprehended a fairy art, which was a high-level art that only the most talented among the summoning beasts could comprehend. Practicing could open the fairy art mode and become several times more powerful than before, but it might also fail in practice and become a stone statue or something else.

After hearing this, I was very worried that Dayuan would turn into a stone statue, so I rushed to stop Dayuan as fast as I could.

But when I arrived at its house, a huge stone statue had appeared where Dayuan usually was.

The statue looked like Dayuan, and the most unexpected guess came to my mind.

Dayuan is dead!

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