Start with Batman

Chapter 275: you are safe

Desert, barren land.

Almost everyone agrees that this is the most chaotic and worst place on Earth's Polar Planet. If one had to pick a place on this planet that was closest to hell, then this would undoubtedly be the first choice.

It's not just poverty, no, economic problems are not enough to give this place such a reputation. Some historical problems in this area make this land always easy to be ignored, and it is a zone close to "three no matter".

Chaos is the norm in this place, which makes it the first choice for some shady organizations to establish a stronghold. The largest known illegal armed organization "Religious Order" on Earth's Pole Star, which has taken almost all the scapegoats related to terrorist attacks in modern times, is hiding in this area.

The members of the religious order are all native deserters, who are very familiar with the terrain. They can skillfully hide their whereabouts with the help of local bunkers and harsh weather, and no one can tell whether they have the protection of contacts. So far, no one knows the exact location of each of their bases hidden under the yellow sand.

At this time, a group of soldiers of the religious order came to a remote town in the desert.

Several strong soldiers carried guns and bags across their shoulders, chatting and laughing, and dragged a woman out of the house at the same time. She was a rare and beautiful woman in such a harsh environment. Every time she went out, she had to wrap her pretty face tightly with a headscarf. Whenever she heard that there were soldiers passing by the town, she would close her door, but it seemed futile after all.

In fact, deep down in her heart, she already knew that sooner or later she would not be able to escape this fate. Because they were born in Yichu, this cursed desert, a corner abandoned by the gods.

The capable people have long since left this damned place, and the rest have no choice. They are like meat on the chopping board of fate, the only thing they can do is watch the butcher's knife fall with wide eyes.

The husband yelled and chased him out of the house, and hugged his wife. A few soldiers were impatient and knocked him to the ground with three punches and two kicks.

The woman was crying and fussing, and the man rushed forward again regardless of his bruised face. The soldier who was pulling the woman seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and the **** of his gun hit him on the chin as soon as he raised it. The man vomited blood, his head tilted and fell to the ground, and when he stood up, he found that his three front teeth had fallen out.

The soldier cursed, stomped him to the ground, and pointed his gun at his head.

The crying woman was pinned to the ground. Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at the home, only to see a small crack in the door, through which their six-year-old son was watching the scene, watching his father about to be shot.

In fact, everyone has seen it. People hid in their homes, watching this moment through the gaps in the door panels and curtains, but no one dared to speak out, let alone come out. The empty streets are filled with cursing soldiers, crying women and men about to be shot.

After all, this is a place where even the gods have been forgotten, and no one will hear you even if you pray.

......until today.

With the roar of the engine, it descended from the sky at an extremely fast speed. The afterimage of red and gold fell like a meteorite, and when it landed, it aroused a cyclone like an overwhelming mountain, and several soldiers were instantly overturned to the ground.

All eyes are focused on this. Behind the curtain, the already numb people's minds were revived, and they stared wide-eyed at the miracle that happened in this cursed place.

Iron Man landed vertically, and when he got up, the palm recoil gun had already fired. The soldier who stepped on the man's feet took the impact head-on, and was blown away completely. The man was already scorched into rotten flesh by the high-temperature recoil energy in mid-air.

Iron Man turned around and punched and elbowed, hitting two people respectively. One of the soldiers catapulted forward like a cannonball after taking an elbow strike, smashing into a ball of blood cake on a wall with a bang. It made people take a punch and immediately lifted off vertically, flying into the sky and disappearing from everyone's sight.

Everyone's eyes widened. Their place is barren and the news is blocked. Most of them spend their whole lives in the desert town. The news is so closed that they have never heard of the recent changes in the big cities and the already famous Iron Man.

To them, the smartphone is already an incomprehensible high-tech product, let alone the Iron Man suit. When I saw Iron Man at this time, I immediately felt that it must be the oracle of God, the divine envoy to save the suffering. Some bold ones even opened the door and fell to the ground to worship.

But these soldiers are different from the people. They know exactly what they are facing. Seeing his teammate being knocked down, the last remaining soldier turned his head and ran, holding the walkie-talkie and screaming, "It's Iron Man! Anyone hear it? It's Iron Man coming..."

Before he finished speaking, the recoil energy cannon had already caught up. The energy beam passed through the heart, leaving a huge charred hole, and the soldier fell down on the spot.

"Correct, it's not Iron Man coming..."

Iron Man walked to the dropped walkie-talkie and crushed it into pieces.

" your end."

The soldiers obviously didn't know that the situation at the base they called just now was even worse than theirs.

A minute ago, the Robot Iron Man Legion had arrived.

A long line of Iron Man formations descended from the sky, forming a continuous formation like a line of fire dividing the blue sky. The soldiers on duty were playing fish and cards, and the radar didn't respond at all, so they didn't realize they were under attack until the energy cannons exploded everywhere and the whole base was burning.

Burning buildings smashed into pieces on the ground, and clusters of flames Tanks were easily pierced by recoil guns like butter, and various military facilities exploded one after another. Countless militants did not even respond What happened in the past was burned to ashes.

Robot Iron Man was divided into several teams. One team is responsible for bombing anti-aircraft targets, and the other is responsible for clearing ground personnel. In addition, of course, there are special teams responsible for hostage rescue.

The internal structure of the armed base was also explored long before the operation, so each Iron Man team was precisely set up to execute specific strategic goals.

Therefore, the command system of the camp was completely disintegrated the moment the first round of attack came, and at the same time, a team had already rushed to the hostage capture site.

The metal fence used to block it was deformed by the external force. There was a woman's scream in the darkness, and the hostages, who were not fully clothed, tried their best to shrink into the corner of the room.

The ice-blue eyes and the sun-like core on the chest light up from the position of the door, and the steel machine with the word "a" printed on the chest appears at the door, and ai's gentle and friendly voice comes from the speaker.

"Don't worry ladies, we're Steel Rescue Team 001 and you're safe."

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