Start by getting the thunder ability

Chapter 30 Grumpy Brother

At the stern of the boat, Jiang Hao sat on a chair, looking at the rolling sea water below. The surface was calm and calm, and he was full of confidence, but inside he was panicked.

Only now did he remember that he had never fished on a boat, and it was an open boat like this.

He had always used float fishing before, but he had never used this kind of sea fishing rod before!

If he hadn't seen people swinging the pole on TV before, he probably wouldn't know how to use it.

Time passed bit by bit, but he caught nothing.

Xiang Meng sat next to him, resting his chin on his hands, blinking Kazilan's big eyes, looking at him expectantly.

It made him stressed out.

The cow has already blown out, and Ma Bing and Ma Yuxi are also arranging in front. If he can't get the fish by then, he will have no choice but to imitate Luo Chen and jump into the sea.

"Did this trigger Murphy's Law? Why haven't any fish taken the bait yet? This is unscientific!"

Two hours later, Jiang Hao's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and he couldn't hold himself tight any longer.

How can a blind cat encounter a dead mouse?

How could he not catch a single fish?

This is unscientific!

"Hey! Brother Hao! We've done everything over there, and we're just waiting for your fish to be put into the pot! Where's the fish?"

Ma Bing walked over with a bad smile on her face. She looked at the empty bucket. The smile on her face became even stronger, and she said in a sinister manner:

"How come there isn't one here! Brother Hao! How about I come?"

"What's the rush? Isn't it still early?"

Jiang Hao said bravely.

"It's getting dark, is it still early? We have to kill and process fish later. Doesn't this all take time? Are you okay? If not, don't hold on!"

Ma Bing continued to squeeze.

Xiang Meng: "I don't really want to eat fish either. Maybe I'll do something else."

It's okay if she didn't say it, but Jiang Hao would be even more embarrassed if she said it.

"Isn't it just fish? Today I will not only let you eat fish, but also other seafood. Stop the boat for me."

Jiang Hao threw down the fishing rod in his hand and rolled up his sleeves.

The boat rumbled twice and became completely quiet.

Ma Yuxi also ran over, wanting to see what Jiang Hao was up to.

“Brother Hao, don’t tell me that you are not used to fishing in a boat, so you have to stop the boat to do float fishing!

We have a mission, so we don't have much time for you to waste. "

Ma Bing seized the opportunity and went crazy with his output, hoping to avenge his previous 10 million hack.

Woman! His mind is smaller than Brother Hao's.

"Hmph! Get ready to catch fish."

Jiang Hao glanced sideways at her, his body flashing with electricity: "It's time to perform."

He jumped on the railing, shouted loudly, and fired wildly with his fists: "Guomu Guomu Nuo (rubber rubber), thunder and lightning machine gun~~"

Groups of lightning balls were blasted into the sea by him. They exploded and spread in the sea, lighting up the sea surface and splashing water, which was very gorgeous.

"Extra large thunder pill."

After some wild bombing, Jiang Hao didn't give up. He jumped up high, raised his hands to the sky, condensed a huge thunder ball, and smashed it into the sea.

A big crater was directly smashed into the sea surface, and the thunderball slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.


After a long time, there was a muffled sound, a faint blue light illuminated the sea surface, and huge waves rose into the sky. Their ship was impacted, shook violently, and almost capsized.

When everything is calm.

All kinds of seafood are floating on the sea. In addition to various types of fish, there are also squid, octopus, squid, and other seafood.

The scene was deathly silent.

Can you still play like this?

"Hmph! It's just seafood. I, Jiang Hao, can have as much as I want."

Jiang Hao flicked his sleeves and stood with his hands behind his back. His whole body was filled with the smell of being a king.

After holding it in for so long, I finally felt comfortable.

Fish: If you want to eat fish, tell us! We can just jump up and give you a few, but are we so cruel?

All the girls: (stunned)

"What are you doing standing there dumbly? Go catch some fish!"


Ma Bing and others subconsciously said "Oh" and took action one after another.

On the deck, all the girls were busy, and the black devil also came out to help.

Only Luo Chen was still pretending to be dead in the room.

From Jiang Hao's big move to now, Ma Bing has not said a word, she is as quiet as a little princess.

"Bing! Why didn't you say anything? Are you impressed by my handsome and domineering appearance?"

Jiang Hao asked with a smile while wearing squid whiskers.

"I was frightened by your violent temper."

Ma Bing rolled her eyes at him: "I thought you were calm and rational, but I didn't expect you to have a fiery monkey personality. You are simply a irritable old man.

You lose control at the slightest disagreement. You are more terrifying than Luo Chen. He is hurting himself when he is pushed into a hurry. You are retaliating against society when you are pushed into a hurry. I am afraid that I will die tragically at your poisonous hands if I am not careful. "

Jiang Hao: "I'm sorry! I made you fertilized, uh... I mean I was really shocked."

"Brother Jiang used to be a calm and rational type. This should be a side effect of the thunder power."

The dark devil said with a slight smile.

"Brother Hao is usually very calm."

Xiang Meng also tried his best to defend Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao:.

"Natural powers are really powerful, Brother Hao! Add me as a friend and keep in touch in the future."

Ma Yuxi took out her mobile phone. Although Jiang Hao was a little irritable just now, it was undeniable that he was indeed very strong, and he was ridiculously strong.

Everyone is just out to hang out, so if your thighs touch like this, you must hug them tightly.

"I'll sweep you."

Jiang Hao took out his mobile phone and added her as a friend.

Although I don't know where this Ma Yuxi comes from, since he is the one brought by the Black Devil, he must have something special about him.

When they become investigators, they look at their own abilities as well as their connections.

No matter how strong a person is, he cannot be omnipotent. Many professional things still need to be left to professionals.

"By the way, Yu Xi, what kind of power do you have? Can you tell me?"

Jiang Hao asked casually.

"I have professional powers and am an SSS-level programmer. I also have some auxiliary device powers. You can contact me for network matters."

Ma Yuxi didn't hide anything and said simply.

"Do I have SSS-level professional powers? What a genius!"

Jiang Hao was very surprised that there were people with programmer powers in their investigation bureau, but as far as he knew, the highest level was SS level.

There are SSS-level Tang Dynasties, but they are very rare. They are all in the National Security Agency and other cutting-edge fields.

Talents of this level are very in demand and are competed by all countries.

"Yuxi, are you interested in joining our Tang Dynasty and serving the country?"

Jiang Hao directly extended the invitation.

If this kind of talent is introduced into the Tang Dynasty, the country will give him extremely generous rewards.

"Forget it! I like freedom and don't want to be trapped in a base and become a robot."

Ma Yuxi decisively refused: "But if you need help in the future, you can contact me at any time, of course! It's chargeable."

“A pleasure to work with.”

Jiang Hao stretched out his hand to shake Ma Yuxi's hand. They were investigators and had to go through ups and downs. He needed this gold medal assistance so much.

As for those in the bureau, there are so many supernatural teams that it is difficult for them to respond in real time, and it is impossible for the powerful ones among them to serve "little people" like them.

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