Start a core cabin

Chapter 16 Shrine Raid

At this moment, it is already late at night.

The pouring rain fell from the sky, covering the entire city. The city was dark, without any lights, and it looked like a dead cemetery.

There was only a bunch of pale lights illuminating the dilapidated street in front of us.

Holding the hammer in his hand, Duanmuhuai walked forward along the road. The searchlight on the side of his head emitted a dazzling white light, tearing apart the darkness and illuminating everything in front of him.

Duanmu Huai stared ahead, and at the same time looked at the map data that appeared on the helmet in front of him—this was the reward he got after rescuing the captives in the city hall, a scout servo skull. It can scan the surrounding environment and display all life responses on the map.

Well, it is indeed a good help for Duanmuhuai.

If there is a shortcoming, it is that the servo skulls are too ugly.

When he first came to the surface and rescued Alisa in the ceremony of defeating the evil god, Duanmuhuai got a repair servo skull, which was mainly used to repair the power armor. Now I have obtained a reconnaissance servo skull, which is basically a very useful "external plug-in" for the judge.

All servo skulls are made of human skulls, they will retain the human head and part of the cervical spine, and then transform into a drone-like device through mechanized transformation.

Among other things, this thing at least looks like a strong villain on the surface. The white skull floating beside the black knight can easily be regarded as a creation of some kind of undead by people who don't know the truth... …

But this thing is really easy to use, the servo skull is small, it is not easy to be found, and it can fly silently, it is simply the best reconnaissance drone unit. Even in places like ventilation ducts, it can enter unimpeded.

In fact, it was also because of the help of the reconnaissance servo skull that Duanmu Huai had already spotted the enemies ambushing on the opposite side several times in advance, and when they rushed out foolishly, what greeted them was the bombardment of the warhammer shining with thunder.

"Tsk, this guy is really powerful."

Watching Duanmuhuai smash a group of Ratmen into meat paste mercilessly again, the elf scout muttered in a low voice.

She didn't act together with Duanmu Huai. After all, the elf scouts were good at scouting and exploration. Although she also had good sword skills, it seemed that the other party really didn't need her to stand by her side.

The elf scout had dealt with the Ratmen more than once, and she knew how powerful those Ratmen were, but in front of this Iron Knight, these monsters seemed to be made of mud, and they had no power to fight back.

But what happened to that little girl...

The elf scout turned around and looked at Augis who was following behind him. Duanmuhuai said that she was the last hole card and would not let her make a move unless he was in trouble. The elf scout also subconsciously thought that Augis should be a mage—many mages did have powerful spells, but their fighting ability was mediocre, so Duanmu Huai would always protect her.

It's just that what puzzled the elf scout was that she didn't feel the breath of a living person from this girl, but she didn't look like a vampire or other undead creature...

These two people are mysterious and strange.

When he came to the gate of the temple, Duanmu Huai stopped in his tracks.

The gate of the temple in front of him has been sealed, and the outside is still full of wooden boxes and the like, obviously refusing anyone to enter.

"It seems that you can't get in, do you want to change the way?"

The elf scout came over and asked in a low voice, while Duanmuhuai glanced at the map displayed on the panel and shook his head.

"No, it's not necessary."

Having said this, Duanmuhuai clenched his warhammer tightly, lowered his body, and strode directly towards the door that was sealed by debris in front of him. Immediately afterwards, the backpack behind him sprayed out instantly, bursting out with hot blue and white flames. Next, Duanmuhuai rushed forward like a cannonball, and directly slammed into it!


Of course, the gate sealed by wooden boxes and sundries could not withstand the impact of Duanmu Huai. In a short while, the fragile gate was directly knocked into the air, and Duanmu Huai rushed directly into the temple in front of him. At the same time, he quickly glanced around and took a panoramic view of the entire temple.

All the temples have a similar structure. In the front is a wide hall for preaching and praying, and in the back is the residence of the priests. Naturally, this place is no exception, but it is not the devout believers who surround the statue at this moment, but a group of dirty, smelly ratmen and evil god believers. They are surrounding the idol, and it seems that some kind of sacrilegious ceremony is being carried out.

The appearance of Duanmuhuai was obviously beyond the expectation of these ratmen, but when they turned their heads to try to figure out what was going on, Duanmuhuai had already flown across the entire hall and arrived in front of the wizard who was performing the ceremony. Their obese bodies are full of plague and toxins. These evil wizards are also the most faithful "children" of the God of Filth.

But these are not important to Duanmu Huai.


The Thunder Hammer roared down, hitting one of the fat wizards. However, at the same time, a dark green barrier emerged from the fat wizard's side, trying to block the thunder hammer's attack.

However, it is not a shield that can block the full blow of a space warrior.

The moment the Thunder Hammer hit the barrier, it began to twist, deform, and burst suddenly.

Material misplacement!

The thunder hammer that smashed through the shield continued unabated, and hit the fat wizard's head directly, smashing his head to pieces, and the fat wizard also flew backwards under the impact of this blow, Like a cockroach that was blown away, it hit the wall next to it with a "slap", and there was no movement.

"Ho ho ho ho!!!"

At the same time that Duanmuhuai killed a fat wizard with his backhand, other ratmen and followers of evil gods also rushed over like a tide, and surrounded Duanmuhuai the moment he landed. Perhaps their strength is not enough to cause damage to Duanmuhuai, but their number can still make it difficult for Duanmuhuai to move for a period of time.

Fortunately, Duanmu Huai was not fighting alone.

Psychic impact! !

Dazzling blue light erupted from Duanmu Huai's body and spread in all directions. Immediately afterwards, the ratmen and evil god believers who were all around rushing towards Duanmu Huai were shocked to the ground by the powerful power of psionic energy, and then Duanmu Huai shook. body, dozens of puppet assassins flashed out of thin air, and pounced on the enemy who had fallen to the ground and had not had time to get up. But Duanmuhuai rushed directly to another fat wizard, smashing it into meat sauce again.

But just when Duanmu Huai turned around and was about to kill the last wizard, suddenly, something happened.

At the same time that Duanmuhuai's thunder hammer smashed through the fat wizard's barrier, the fat wizard's body suddenly swelled and became bigger. Immediately afterwards, it instantly rose several meters higher, even taller than Duanmuhuai. Not only that, but the body of the fat wizard, which looked fragile, was also wrapped in layers of fat at this moment, looking like a huge fat pig with a height of three or four meters.


And the Thunder Hammer, which had been invincible before, was also hindered. Duanmuhuai's all-out blow did not break it as before. On the contrary, he only felt that his war hammer hit a thick giant tire. There was no reaction at all.

At the same time, the middle of the fat wizard's belly suddenly split open, revealing a ferocious mouth, and at some point in his hand there was a huge sword, and he threw it directly at Duanmuhuai!

"I rely on it!"

Seeing this scene, Duanmu Huai screamed inwardly, and hastily withdrew his warhammer to block him. The next moment, the roaring giant sword directly hit Duanmu Huai's body, sending him flying!

"Plague Apostle?!"

Seeing this scene, the elf scouts who came over at this moment also screamed in shock. She never thought that there would be such an existence here!

Damn, I know it's not easy to deal with.

Duanmu Huai stood up and stared at the monster in front of him.

【Plague Apostle (Elite)】


This thing is 15 levels higher than me!

Fortunately, Duanmu Huai was well prepared for this situation.

Just as the plague apostle rushed towards him, he also played the hole card he had been hiding in his hand!



Accompanied by Duanmu Huai's call, the suitcase beside the silver-haired girl suddenly opened, and then a huge masked doll flew out of it, blocking Duanmu Huai's face. With hands interlaced, we met the great sword of the plague apostle!


This time, the man-made puppet was not able to block the attack of the plague apostle, and the big sword directly smashed through the body of the masked puppet, turning it into pieces all over the place. At the same time, Augis raised her hands, and shining silk threads quietly emerged from all directions, wrapping tightly around the body of the plague apostle.

However, compared to the previous bloodthirsty madman, the plague apostle does not seem to be very sensitive to this kind of attack. Although its movements are temporarily fixed by the silk thread, the plague apostle does not care, and continues to laugh at Duanmuhuai. pounce.

Damn, that's why I hate playing viruses!

Seeing this scene, Duanmuhuai also spat secretly. Among the four evil gods, the believers of the god of filth are the most disgusting, not only what they do is disgusting, but they themselves are also disgusting. Just like the plague apostle in front of him, although it looks like a whole on the surface, in fact, strictly speaking, its body is more like piled up with some kind of virus elements. These guys don't die that easily unless they hurt the core.

An attack like Augis, if placed on other evil god believers, would have been cut into seven or eight pieces long ago, and only this kind of guy who looks like a slime monster can block Augis' attack.

No way, the resistance is different. To deal with this kind of guy, it is best to use necromancy or elemental spells. But no matter whether it is Duanmuhuai or Augis, they are all physical attacks. To deal with this disgusting thing It's really beyond what I can do.

But that doesn't mean it can't be played.

The plague apostle bound by the silk thread did not give up the attack. It opened the bloody mouth on its belly and sprayed poisonous mucus at Duanmuhuai. However, Duanmuhuai did not avoid these germs and venom. On the contrary, he strode forward and stabbed the steel hammer in his hand directly into the big mouth on the belly of the plague apostle.

Immediately afterwards, lightning and thunder.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The flashing thunder instantly enveloped the entire body of the plague apostle, causing it to tremble and howl in pain. But Duanmuhuai took the opportunity to let go of the Thunder Hammer, reached out and took out the chainsaw sword behind him, jumped up, raised the chainsaw sword in his hand high, and swung it down at the plague apostle! !


The wildly spinning chainsword split the plague apostle's head, all the way down. However, that kind of feeling doesn't feel like chopping on muscle or bone at all, but more like chopping into a pile of sponges. When it reached the chest, the chainsaw sword stopped suddenly.

found it! !

Feeling the touch from the chainsaw sword, Duanmuhuai's eyes were fixed, the muscles in his hands swelled, and the huge force exploded again, suppressing the chainsaw sword and continuing to go down. The next moment, the chainsaw sword split the plague like this The core of the apostle, and the body of the plague apostle suddenly swelled like a ball, and then burst with a "bang".

A fierce air wave came head-on, and even Duanmu Huai, who was wearing power armor, couldn't help taking several steps back, but the elf scout who saw the opportunity had already pulled Augis out of the church——she could Without Duanmuhuai's ability, if he was touched by the plague apostle's self-explosion, even if he didn't die, his skin would peel off.

"This shit..."

Duanmu Huai, who was covered in plague flesh and blood all over his body, was also very upset. If he didn't have this fully enclosed power armor, it would be very uncomfortable to deal with this thing. He had fought this thing before, and it was still a team fight. In the end, the Plague Apostle blew himself up and killed all of his melee fighters. Only a few healers and DPS in the back row survived.

Sure enough, magic is still needed...

Looking at the bombed corpse in front of him, Duanmu Huai shook his head. Units like the Plague Apostle have relatively strong physical resistance, and he and Augis are both physical attack attributes—it seems that they need to go to other ruins to find out if there are any magic-type soul cards.

"I never expected that you would be able to eliminate the plague apostle."

At this moment, the elf scout also walked in, looking at the hall in front of her in surprise. To be honest, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that someone could single-handedly kill these powerful subordinates of the evil god...

No, he wasn't fighting alone either.

Thinking of this, the elf scout glanced at Augis next to her. The doll girl was still expressionless and calm, but the elf scout knew that it was the girl who used some kind of silk thread just now to restrain her. The actions of the plague apostle—it seems that what the knight said was correct, this girl is indeed hiding her secrets.

"Okay, the monsters here have been cleared."

Duanmu Huai put down the chainsaw sword and glanced around.

"Where is that sacred object?"

"I know."

Hearing Duanmuhuai's words, the elf scout's eyes lit up, and then she quickly came to the statue deep in the hall, and then the elf scout whispered something similar to a mantra, and soon, he saw the statue that was The polluted idol emitted a soft light, and then slowly opened its originally closed hands, and then, a pearl that was about the size of an apple and emitting white light appeared in it.

Seeing this scene, the elf scout heaved a sigh of relief.

"'s okay..."

However, before the elf scout finished speaking, Duanmu Huai's chainsaw sword was already pressed against her throat.

"As a scout, you know a lot."

Staring at the elf scout in front of him, Duanmuhuai said coldly.

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