Li Yu's words swept over people's rationality like a stormy sea. No matter how much psychological preparation he made in advance, Xiao En still felt unbelievable, and then he was involuntarily angry, because the other party regarded life as nothing.

However, the anger only stayed in his mind for a moment before dissipating, because reason told him that what Li Yu said was correct.

This is indeed the only way to make a comeback, and it is even the way that history has repeatedly proven correct.

During the Qiankun Group's thousands of years of rule, there have been countless violent and even bloody power transfers. The so-called elder brother inheritance system will often be replaced by bloody reality. As long as all competitors are killed, those supposedly fair referees will make compromises out of various considerations.

The peace covenant jointly established by the four major families only limits the fighting between the families, but does not have strict requirements for the families. In the face of power and wealth, any civilization and etiquette are extremely fragile.

What Li Yu wants is to stage the drama that has been staged countless times in this galaxy in the past.

If the Silver Knights really had a way to kill all the opponents in this base, especially Nan Yujin himself, then the situation would really be opened up immediately.

Because this is the operating logic of the real world.

As the legitimate heir of the Nan family, Nan Wuyou was left out after his father's death. The crux of the problem is nothing more than the following:

Too young and too inexperienced to have insufficient prestige; after Nan Heli's death, many people worried that his daughter who supported him would be implicated and did not dare to support him publicly; ticket……

However, a military coup is enough to clear up most of the crux of the problem; murder is always the most convenient and quick way to establish prestige; the survivors after the coup naturally form a bond with Nan Wuyou, and they will be implicated by her if they are worried or not; Drop Nan Yujin, and then force the survivors to fulfill the succession procedure and create a fait accompli, then simply leave the council of elders with no choice!

With reference to the history of the Qian galaxy, as long as this kind of military coup is decisive enough to deal with it cleanly and does not give the enemy a chance to breathe, then the probability of success is very high!

In the past, I don't know how many heirs who were dishonest and disobedient, gained the throne of power through bloody purges. What's more, Nan Wuyou has "righteousness" in her body. She is the legal heir, and the military coup is just a brutal means due power.

Of course, the side effects of this move are extremely serious. Once the massacre is carried out, the internal division of the Nan family is almost inevitable, and serious internal turmoil will definitely attract the intervention of the group...then the entire galaxy may fall into turmoil.

But for the parties concerned, no matter how serious the consequences are, it is better than being framed by Nan Yujin and taking away the right of inheritance. Because after losing this inheritance right, Nan Wuyou couldn't even guarantee his own safety!

"Okay, your silence means that you have thought through all the joints and know that what I said is not wrong." Li Yu said, and moved half a step closer to Sean, lowering his head slightly in a oppressive posture, "The future of our tripartite alliance depends on the success or failure of the military coup, and the success or failure of the military coup depends on your judgment. If you help me, I will be able to wipe out all the bases in this base within an acceptable loss range." enemy; and if you stop me, or even stand on the sidelines, I will not let my subordinates die in vain."

Then, Li Yu reached out and grabbed Xiao En's shoulder.

"Now, give me your answer. I don't have time for you to think and hesitate. Just tell me, to help, or not to help?"

Sean took a deep breath and shook his head silently.

For this kind of thing, his answer will not be second.

It is true that what Li Yu said is correct, and it is true that in terms of stakes, a military coup is the best choice at this time.

But Sean would no longer use his interests to guide his actions. After all, he is neither a politician nor a capitalist nor a conspirator.

He is a Jedi apprentice, a Jedi apprentice with firm beliefs and a solid code of conduct, and in the Jedi code, there has never been a saying that interests are paramount.

It may be pedantic, and it may be repulsive, but Sean has no intention of changing his position.

If even the Jedi surrender to interests, then who else will guard the balance?

And after Xiao En shook his head, Li Yu smiled as expected: "Okay, let's forget about the military coup, let's settle for the next best thing."

Xiao En was a little surprised: Does Li Yu have any means to turn things around?

"It's impossible to come back, so we can only enjoy the failure in the most comfortable position." Li Yu said with a smile, "Discuss with the eldest lady how to bear the humiliation."


After making a decision, Li Yu stopped worrying about everything in Xia Yan's room, and quickly left the scene with Xiao En.

Fortunately, there is no such scene where you are immediately shot at by random guns as soon as you go out. No matter whether Xia Yan's room is a trap deliberately left by the other party, at least when Li Yu personally goes out to perform the infiltration operation, the passages are clear. is absolutely safe.

The two of them arrived safely at Room 13 in the core area. Nan Wuyou had been waiting in the room for a long time, but seeing Li Yu's expression, Nan Wuyou couldn't help biting his lips.

"It doesn't look like good news."

"Miss is worthy of being the daughter of a politician. She has keen intuition and calmness. It is indeed bad news. We have fallen into Nan Yujin's trap. Miss will soon lose her moral advantage and her right to inherit."

Li Yu casually told Nan Wuyou what he had found in Xia Yan's room, and then watched the woman's complexion turn from solemn to pale, from pale to angry blushing, and finally regained her composure.

"I understand." Nan Wuyou just sighed in the end, "Second Uncle is superior, so I'm willing to bow down. As for the military coup..."

The woman glanced at Sean and said, "Thank you for your refusal."

Li Yu said: "It's about this time, the eldest lady doesn't need to be polite at all, she can tell her true thoughts."

Nan Wuyou said: "If you want to say that I don't have the slightest bit of unwillingness and grievance, it would be a lie. If I can wipe out those stubborn people who don't know right from wrong, I think I must be happy. Even if they are more or less related to me. Sean is unwilling to help, and I do have a bit of instinctive complaints, but I would rather bear a little grievance now than letting my instincts go and let the situation develop to the point of no control. Because what I want to inherit is a complete and united family, not a fragmented and crumbling family."

After a pause, Nan Wuyou looked at Xiao En, and said, "Besides, a Jedi apprentice who can massacre for the benefit of the word, of course, can also stand on the opposite side of me for the benefit of the word, because what I can give, the second Uncle will only give more. Having a pedantic ally is certainly a headache, but it is more reassuring."

Before Nan Wuyou finished speaking, Li Yu interrupted her by clapping her hands.

"Alright, alright, what the eldest lady said is very good. Sean is pedantic and just, and a reassuring ally. Then I must be an unbelievable despicable villain... Well, don't waste time Talking nonsense, let me just ask, what is Missy going to do next?"

Nan Wuyou said: "First of all, face your failure calmly."

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