Star of Civilization

Chapter 554: The end is coming (3)

  Long Yutian was half right. At this moment, there is indeed a huge monster in the sky.

The thing is more than 30 kilometers long. If you get closer, you can see that there are swimming flagella around its body like thousands of feet, but each flagella has a diameter of more than ten meters. It’s okay to say that it’s tentacles. Depends on the subjective consciousness of the observer.

  The skin of that thing is as thick as a city wall, and the whole body is constantly squirming. The neural network and organic matter form a bubble-like cabin inside.

  The cells in the body are constantly changing, absorbing nutrients and energy from the netherworld, and the discharged gas forms a cloud of several kilometers thick, which distorts the light and hides the outline shape.

   is like living.

  Although this thing has not fully grown yet, it is already as large as an island floating in the sky.

  And the other half of Long Yingtian guessed wrong, because the meteorite fire rain was not emitted by that thing, but directly gushing out of the gap in the alien world.

  Libea-the sacred ship and flagship of the Obsidian Society.

   Carrying a collection of countless resentments, the legendary ancient Ark.

  In fact, inside the behemoth, someone is waiting for a deal at this moment.

  It may not be accurate to say that the transaction is, in fact, it should be said that it is an unequal exchange that both parties agree on.

  The light inside the cabin is still very bright, bright green and light blue intertwined, enough to allow visitors to see everyone's faces clearly.

  The huge elliptical cabin and all the passages were filled with apostles from the Obsidian Society.

  You don’t need to ask, these apostles are all modified mutants. They are all wearing black armor, and they are covered with robes that reach to their feet. They are holding weapons in their hands, and their eyes are dull.

  Five old men in black robes stood on the wall of the cabin, separated by a huge crystal, staring at the other cabin below their feet.

  Everyone has a nervous look on their faces, as if they are waiting for something.

   "Did you feel it? A sage referee just came." An old man suddenly said.

   "Well, I feel it too, but what is he doing?"

   "Who knows, the old man of the speaker may still be worried, and wants to confirm our progress."

   "Huh-confirm the progress? I think I want to send someone to monitor it, right?"

   "Oh, it's their interests after all. It's reasonable to be cautious."

   "But, hasn't the law enforcer Meng Fei confirmed it, just wait now, we will naturally send someone to report."

  "Then you underestimate them. These politicians are sinister and cunning. They only have interest in their eyes. They will not trust anyone except by sending their own eyeliner to confirm in person!"

  Except for the small old man in the middle who didn't speak, the other black-robed old men talked about each other, but everyone's eyes were fixed on the obsidian in the lower cabin.

  The surface of the black stone is exceptionally smooth, and several runes are faintly arranged in rows, constantly changing, just like numbers.

  "The reading hasn't changed much, has the energy peak passed?" The muscles on the face of a blessed old man were tight, and his lips were trembling slightly.

  He continued, "Are you sure it's this time? If our calculation makes a mistake, maybe the envoy will not come at all?"

   "Huh? What did you say?" The old man in a gold-rimmed robe turned his head, his eyes temporarily away from the obsidian.

   "You can't go wrong! We have calculated for thousands of years, all factors have been taken into account, the peak energy is about to reach the highest."

  The old man in the gold-rimmed robe shook his head, his tone changed suddenly, "Could it be that you doubt the result of my calculation?"

   "Ah, dare not! I just have some doubts..." The old man with a blessed figure at the front has become more nervous, and his status is obviously inferior to the others.

   "We have been preparing for such a long time. Even though there have been many mistakes in the middle of those ignorant worldly humans, it will never be this time." The old man in the gold-rimmed robe said uncomfortably.

  "Stop talking, watch it, I believe him, do you know why?"

  The shortest old man wearing a red and black robe among the crowd suddenly spoke.

  He stands taller than the others, sees more clearly, and his status is obviously different.

  No one answered for a long time.

   "Because I think," the blessed old man said tremblingly, "I think she is in pain, don't I?"


  The little old man silently repeated a sentence in his heart, and then looked at him.

  The eyes seemed to penetrate his soul. He did not agree, did not nod, did not make any response.

  But the blessed old man saw the answer in his eyes.

   "Even if the calculation is wrong, most of the records in the Book of Five Sacrifices have been verified, and there will never be any mistakes."

  The short old man is obviously a pragmatist and very utilitarian.

   His expression was awe-inspiring when he said this, his eyes flashed icy, and he looked straight down.

  The tightly guarded cabin was surrounded by a circle, and a dozen mutants were kneeling down, all dressed in dark black robes waiting for them.

  They are welcoming the new envoys.

  The area of ​​this cabin is not too big. There is nothing else in the center except the huge obsidian. It is empty, but full of a sense of ritual.

   There seemed to be blood flowing in the bright red wall, and it turned into light blue in an instant, and the light gradually dimmed. A small hole wriggled and appeared on the wall, surrounded by small spirit stones arranged in a circle, and began to tremble slightly.

  The light blue fluorescence disappeared, and some runes appeared in the air.

  "The energy response reading has exploded!" The old man in the gold-rimmed robe glanced at the obsidian in the cabin and suddenly shouted.

   "Here, everyone is ready!" The old man in the middle changed his expression and suddenly became nervous.

  The creeping wall made a thumping sound, like a huge beating heart undulating endlessly.

  The wall shook suddenly, the veins burst, and a giant "egg" was spit out. The light blue veins on the egg were gradually fading and turned into a crystal clear substance.

   "click, click..."

  The outer wall pulsating like a heart trembled, the egg instantly swelled and cracked, and a figure lay inside like a newborn baby. Hair quickly grew on the top of his bald head, and he fiddled with the invisible hand on his body, and then squirmed and squirmed a few times.

   "That's the new apostle?" An old man in blue opened his eyes wide.

   "That's right, the Holy Lord said in a dialogue with me that the Holy Envoy will appear as a human!" The little old man stroked his beard, and said with excitement.

  While several people were talking, the figure was standing up from the twisted shell, and the skin was even more delicate than that of a woman, glowing with pearl.

  There is still mucus in the egg beside his feet, but he can't wait to raise his leg and try to take a step, with an extraordinary temperament on his body.

  But when he raised his head, everyone was shocked. There were no facial features on the apostle’s face.

   "Which, how is this, isn't he immature?"

   "Wait and look again, now something is not right!"

  The egg was completely opened, and the newly-born emissary also straddled his other foot. The broken egg melted and turned into liquid, and then climbed onto his body along the foot.

  In an instant, a layer of keratinous membrane like a liquid film was formed, which first gathered at the joints of the torso, and then spread to the whole body. That was his dormant chamber and his armor.

  Now, it is completely integrated with his body.

  The body of the saint doesn't seem to be very suitable yet, and it twists a few degrees strangely. After a few seconds, it moves as freely as a normal human.

  The five old men saw his facial features, as they were cast in a mold, slowly protruding from the surface of the skin. The nose, eyes, mouth, and ear tips were pointed.

  After his eyes grew out, he looked around the cabin and saw the mutants kneeling to greet him.

  Sacred envoy was stimulated by the black robe mutant who suddenly appeared in front of him, and he took a few steps back. Suddenly his knees softened and he knelt down like them.

  The other black-robed elders were so surprised that they all opened their mouths and couldn't close them at all.

  God, what happened?

  This scene just made them laugh!


  The black-robed old man in the center frowned, shocked in his heart, naturally he was puzzled.

  In the few seconds he was stunned, the mutant apostle in the cabin seemed to go crazy and began to behave nonsensically.

  Some began to dance with their hands, some hit the wall with their heads, tearing their clothes frantically, and others crawled all over the floor frantically, as if they were under a curse.

   Soon, the mutants were all languishing, as if their bodies were hollowed out, lying on the ground crookedly, foaming and twitching constantly.

  The rest of the elders only felt something wrong at this time, with subconscious fear and unconcealable disgust on their faces. They tightened their muscles and made a defensive posture to prevent accidents.

too horrible!

  There is such a strong will to control their thinking?

  However, these precautions seem to be useless.

  The blue-clothed old man and the fat old man quickly held their heads in both hands and shook their heads like a magic barrier, seeming to endure some The eyes were empty, and the black pupils were doubled.

  At this time, all the mutants within a radius of tens of meters fell to the ground instantly. Among the five strong-willed old men, four of them were kneeling on the ground, foaming at the mouth like the mutants.

  Only the small old man, still standing on the spot in horror, a voice echoed in his mind.

   "Before I fell asleep, the last thought in my heart was, if there is no death, is there still life?"

   "Human beings are very interesting. I noticed that hate is a very interesting emotion. If you have hatred in your heart, you will try your best to enhance your ability. Is fear the same?"

   "Ah—sometimes, I wish I could take a break and stop thinking."

   "Yes, my lord."

  The short old man couldn't resist the fear in his heart, let alone the strange sound in his mind, and fell to his knees with a thump.

  "In your world, is this a honorific title? The creature in front of you is my incarnation. You call him a messenger, right? You know, he will act for all my will on this planet."

   "Understood, my lord."

   "Hehe, Lord...? If I create my own **** like a human being, what will he look like?"

  The Star of Civilization

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