"Everything she did was meaningful, just like I was influenced by my mother, came into contact with the snowfield, came into contact with the past history, and finally walked on the path of the Iron Guard." Staring at the glass of a display case in front of her, Pella's eyes were filled with satisfaction and determination, as well as a sense of loss.

"These things have their own meanings and unique beauty. They are the history of Beloberg and the sedimentation of Beloberg. I want to collect them so that more people can feel and know the weight. They will be known by more people and affect more people."

Perla regards her mother as a role model.

But if there is a chance... she still wants to... at least see what her mother looks like, at least understand what kind of person she is...

But the heavy snow buried everything. Her mother left her only an ancient relic, a terminal that she didn't know how to control. She had never met her, but she no longer had any things or memories about her mother.

Even if it was just a word of recognition, how much she wanted to show her mother the success of her hard work and today's achievements.

She, Perla, became a very powerful intelligence officer.

She really wanted to let the other party see her and get a compliment.

Perla was depressed for a while, and then she cheered up again, feeling embarrassed to say these words.

"Sorry, I'm just talking to myself."

"Hmm?" Luo Yu glanced at her strange expression and shook his head:"No, it's a very philosophical statement. It seems that you really have the potential to manage a museum, Miss Pera."

At the end, he changed his words and said:"No, Director Pera"

"!!!"Pera's shame is overwhelming

"Mr. Luo Yu, we are talking about business, please don't make fun of me.

Although it is a bit embarrassing, it does make people feel very accomplished.

""Okay." Luo Yu said seriously, spreading his hands.

"So, Director Pella, can you move all these exhibits away today?"

"Um... this……"Pera, who just said she was talking about business, felt embarrassed.

The museum has been abandoned and belongs to Beloberg. If she wants to reopen the museum, she must first apply for permission from the great guardian, Lady Cocolia.

But Pera has tried for a long time, but Lady Cocolia has not agreed to her application. She thought that the other party was not confident in her.

So two days ago, she went again. This time she took out a detailed report plan, and talked about her achievements so far. She got Luo Yu's help and said that she would run the business in her spare time.

Pera was full of confidence. She thought that this time Lady Cocolia would definitely agree to her application to reopen the museum. The museum went from being abandoned to being run, and she showed her ability. There were only benefits and no disadvantages in this matter.

The result was beyond her expectation. Lady Cocolia still rejected her.

Pera really couldn't figure out why.

"Sorry... not yet……"Pera lowered her head slightly with deep apology, and immediately assured

"But please rest assured, I will be able to apply for the museum's permission soon."

She had discussed this matter with Luo Yu before, and two days ago she had hoped to give him an accurate answer today, but the result was still the same.

"So, I will give you this warehouse first, Miss Pera."Luo Yu thought for a moment and handed a key to Pera.

Pera took it subconsciously, then looked at the key in her hand, blinked blankly, and then reacted.

"Eh? Wait, wait.

She was a little confused.

"It doesn't matter. I'll give you this warehouse and the collection first. You can move it out after the application is approved by the museum."

Seeing Luo Yu wave his hand nonchalantly, Pera felt confused. He was clearly giving her something, so why were you more anxious than me?

She wasn't even sure that the museum could open, but Mr. Luo Yu gave her the collection and the warehouse first.


Seeing her hesitation, Luo Yu smiled and touched her head:"What I did was just a little help. It's up to you to decide what kind of flower you want to bloom. You have to work hard, Pera.""


Luo Yu waved and left the warehouse. Pera stood at the door with a dazed look in her eyes, staring at the back. She raised her hand and pressed it on her head, then put her hand on her chest, as if she was feeling the feeling just now.

What a strange feeling.

The emptiness in her heart just now was filled up, leaving only full motivation, fullness, and warmth. This was a feeling Pera had never felt before. She was really happy to be recognized, as if everything she did was more meaningful.

Like a mother……


Luo Yu walked towards home, the reminders in his ears dinged continuously, his expression calm

【Give Pera a"Famous Painting", a three-star gift, and gain: Painting +30】

【Give Pera"Absolute Balance Nutrition Bag", a four-star gift, and gain: Memory +40, Low-temperature Ice】

【Give Pera the"Warmth in the Snow 'Beloberg' Handwritten Edition" to get: 4-star gift, destiny energy +60, general solution】

【General solution: Use destiny energy to disrupt the target's destiny energy defense and reduce the target's defense effect.】

【Give Pera a"Precious Collection", a three-star gift, and get: Freezing Point Shot】

【Give Pera the 4-star gift"Long-lost Snow Mountain Prospector Badge" and receive: Frameless Glasses】

【Frameless glasses: These magical glasses can improve your concentration when worn. But how do you wear these glasses without arms?】

【Gift Pella……】


【Give Pera"Mother's Love", a five-star gift, and gain: Destiny Energy +120, Ice Resistance +100, Cold Gem (Electromagnetic Disturbance)】

【Cold Gem (Electromagnetic Disruption)���The concentrated ice element energy formed gem-like ice crystals with arcs of electricity wrapped around them. Just by leaving them there, the surrounding destiny energy became difficult to control.】


Luo Yu paused, tilted his head, and a question mark slowly rose above his head.

Motherly love?

When did I have such a thing? Could it be the name of an exhibit?

The calmness and gentle smile on Luo Yu's face disappeared, and he touched his face a little confused.

Although he did have a good temper and his facial lines were very soft, he was gentle and jade-like, so he was not androgynous, so he would not be mistaken for a woman.


After returning home, Luo Yu went to the warehouse again.


All sorts of things fell to the ground with a clatter, and the energy of destiny rose steadily, more violently than any time before, making Luo Yu couldn't help but clench his fists. The low temperature swept around, and a layer of white frost instantly condensed on the ground under his feet.

But it soon dissipated again.

Luo Yu began to sort out the items he had harvested.

Although they were at least three-star rewards, there were occasionally some ordinary rewards.

For example, limited edition folders, Pella's homemade bookmarks, and drawings.

Picking up a strange item called"automatic clock-in machine", Luo Yu touched his chin and looked at it. It looked like an exquisite electronic alarm clock, with a plastic shell color like a child's toy, and a smiley face icon on it, which looked quite comfortable and stress-relieving.

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