"You guys, keep an eye on this side, don't let me see you slacking off again." Before leaving, Xier glared at the lazy members of the Earth Fire just now.

""Yes, Sister Xier!" Several people stood up straight and promised.

Luo Yu opened the hotel in the hope of having a place for charity, but in normal times, this place cannot be left idle. It will still be run as an ordinary hotel, and the reputation is quite good.

Xier didn't want to see anyone making trouble here, whether it was for the sake of Panyan Town, or because she felt that Luo Yu should not be treated like this.

"Let's go."After finishing, she turned back to look at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu nodded and prepared to leave.

At this time, Sangbo raised his hand like a primary school student who wanted to ask a question, and said with a smile:"That... Master, Sister Xier, we have something else to do, so we won't go with you."

Then he looked at Luo Yu again:"Master, let's meet at the old place later, I'll be there soon."

But he has other businesses. Just volunteering here, he has to bring some goods and do his own business when going back and forth between the upper and lower areas.

Otherwise, he, Sangbo, will really become a wage earner. He smiled and greeted the two of them, and Sangbo left in a hurry.

Xier frowned and muttered:"What is this guy doing? Forget it... I'm not interested in his business."

She didn't care about the other party's whereabouts. The reason she cared was that she used Sangbo's way to go to the upper area. If the other party was not there, she and Luo Yu could only wait.

Don't be cheated, or wait for a long time in vain.

"Let's go." Luo Yu said, then saw the other party's frowning brows and smiled:"Don't worry, I believe my old friend"

"Huh? Believe him?" Xier looked at Luo Yu after hearing that, her eyes revealing a look of 'are you stupid?'.

She warned him seriously:"Luo Yu, don't trust Sangbo too much. Don't be fooled by his smiling face and big words. In fact, he has a lot of bad intentions. Dihuo has caught him doing illegal activities several times. Be careful of being cheated by that guy."

Looking at Luo Yu's puzzled expression opposite her, Xier was very anxious.

Someone as simple as Luo Yu, he was bought by Sangbo and is still counting money for him.

No, Xier got angry when she thought of this possibility, and the face of Sangbo counting money appeared. Next time they meet, she will beat him up first, and then send people to keep an eye on that guy.


Walking on the road, he did not encounter any trouble, but when he came, Luo Yu clearly felt several malicious eyes, one every other section of the road.

Obviously, the surveillance came with ill intentions, but these people did not make trouble, probably because of Xi'er beside him.

He glanced at Xi'er who was constantly scanning the surroundings.

The opponent's reputation in the lower-level area was truly earned. I don't know how many people have been taught a lesson by Xi'er. Until now, no one dares to touch her bad luck, and they all avoid her when they see her. The fate walker is simply a dimensionality reduction attack on ordinary people.

It's like a high-level player running to the novice village and wreaking havoc.

That scene can only be called a massacre, and there is no enemy who can match him.

Moreover, Xi'er is a hunting fate, and the quantum energy she uses complements each other in terms of speed. Normally, her speed and strength are far beyond that of ordinary people. With the help of quantum shuttle, the speed of the instantaneous burst is several times faster than that of a bullet fired from a gun. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is the same as teleportation.

Fighting is like mowing the grass. After a few swipes, the enemy falls down in a large number without even seeing it.

No wonder those wanderers were so afraid of her.

But along the way, the atmosphere between the two was a little dull.

Xier was not the kind of person who was good at chatting, so the atmosphere seemed a little awkward. After feeling Luo Yu's gaze, she felt even more embarrassed and changed the topic.

"What do you usually do in the upper zone?"

Luo Yu thought for a moment and then said

"Usually, they just do business with each other. In their spare time, they like to read books and participate in or organize some charity activities."

Xi'er was not surprised at first. She knew that Luo Yu was very wealthy. When she heard about reading books, her eyebrows immediately frowned. She couldn't stand this and didn't want to talk about it in detail. It was nothing more than reading some obscure books about great principles.

"People in the upper district still need help?" When she heard about the charity event, Xier sneered as if she had heard a huge joke.

Luo Yu smiled and explained:"For some special families, such as poor families who have lost their source of income due to accidents, or the families of the sacrificed iron guards, I have recently been raising funds to help build a museum." Poor families, families of martyrs, it really sounded like something Luo Yu would do. Xier nodded, then coughed dryly and asked as if nothing had happened:"Well, what is a museum?"

"There are many historical objects that should be remembered, or contain profound meanings, or are precious and rare for people to exhibit, so that people can feel the history worth remembering and relax."Luo Yu gave her a brief explanation. Xier immediately curled her lips:"Tsk, it's worthy of being an upper-class district. It has the spare time and funds to engage in such useless entertainment."

It is wishful thinking to expect a girl who grew up in an abandoned and chaotic lower-class district to understand the ideas of people in the upper-class district.

But as a time traveler who has received a proper education, Luo Yu himself certainly knows that museums are very positive.

But without talking about those social values that will only make the other party more confused and will not listen at all, how to explain the correct concepts to Xier?

"Well... it's similar to the boxing club in Panyan Town. It has a certain value."

In addition to material satisfaction, people also need some spiritual comfort and satisfaction.

"It's almost like a boxing club? That's even worse!"Who knew Xi'er would be even more disgusted after hearing this.

She had long been disgusted with the boxing club. Whether it was the beast-like competition or the crazy shouting around, it made her feel physically uncomfortable.

Luo Yu:"……"

Forget it, he still didn't explain.

After walking for a while, and then resting for a while at the target location, the two saw Sangbo running over in a hurry. He was holding two packages mysteriously.

After chatting with Xier for a few more words, Luo Yu smiled and said goodbye.

"Okay, I'm leaving. Thank you for your protection along the way."

"Okay, you... that……"Xier waved her hand, feeling a little reluctant. She wanted to say something goodbye but didn't know what to say. Finally, she said worriedly,"Be careful and don't be fooled by others, especially Sambo. That guy's words are not trustworthy."


I'm still here...

He glanced at Luo Yu.

Don't be so cautious, it's scary enough now, how much scarier will it be if it grows a little more?

"Don't worry, I will take care of my own safety."Luo Yu waved his hand and looked calm.

But Xi'er didn't think he could really protect her, and she became even more worried. Luo Yu left her protection, what if he encountered sinister and malicious people? Moreover, the upper class area was full of scumbags who only cared about their own interests. Every time Xi'er thought of this, she was worried and couldn't sleep well at night.

After watching the two men leave and staring at the empty street for a long time, Xi'er sighed and turned away with worry.

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