But Pella had been paying attention to the movements of the two main characters.

Seeing this, Pella immediately gave up on reducing the number of wanderers around to eliminate the danger, and instead targeted the two people with two freezing point shots, which flashed.

But after all, the wanderer leader, who had been struggling in the fight, caught a glimpse of the flash of light, and his heart tightened and slowed down for half a beat. Subconsciously, he kicked the table in front of him, and with a bang, the table rolled up and blocked the two people.

The two sounds before and after the freezing point shots fell on the table, causing a layer of frost to condense on the surface of the table.

"You guys!" The leader of the wanderers looked around at the chaotic situation and found that almost all the people he brought with him were killed. This also indicated that he was in big trouble. He roared with resentment and anger.

He didn't know how many good days he had in the future, but he was not willing to let his life be ruined like this.

He looked around and then fell on the skinny old man who was lying on the ground, trembling with fear, trying to pack the box in front of him and prepare to escape.

""Fuck you!" The leader of the vagrants went up and cursed, kicking the skinny old man hard, causing him to wail and fall to the ground, then snatched a box from the man's hand. His expression was ferocious.

"If I don't live well, you won't live well either!" He yelled viciously, opened the box, took out the bomb, and threw it in all directions.


"That is……!"

Pera's pupils suddenly contracted when she saw the table being kicked open and the spherical bombs being thrown around. Ling Ke screamed in shock.

It was only a moment from the bomb being thrown to the ground. Pera's pupils reflected the people around her fleeing in fear, and she subconsciously raised her hands. A low-pitched shot was followed by a violent, deafening explosion.


The scalding heat and the air waves caused by the explosion swept around. The tables and chairs around flew out, and there were broken wood debris everywhere, and the ground was in a mess.

"Ahem, are you okay? Pera"

"I'm fine, cough cough cough, are you hurt, Lingbao?"

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Ling Ke climbed up from Pera who was knocked down by her. The two girls stood up and coughed because of the strong smell of gunpowder. They waved their hands in front of their faces to dispel the smell and make themselves feel better.

Just a moment ago, Pera froze and flew towards the bombs around her, but she was unable to stop the bombs that reached her. The bombs exploded directly in front of the two of them, but fortunately they were all destiny walkers.

They were not seriously injured, but their heads were a little dazed and they felt a little unbalanced. The world was spinning, and their ears were buzzing. All sounds seemed so small and inaudible, and it felt difficult to stand still.

Covering their heads, the two girls recovered from the frontal explosion after a while, but found that the figure of the wanderer leader was no longer in front of them.

After the explosion, the other party took advantage of the chaos to escape.

"Oh no, Lingbao, let's chase after him." Pera immediately shouted to Lingke and chased after him anxiously.

"Wait for me, Pera." Ling saw her movements and quickly chased after her.


""Two little devils! Bastards! Don't give me a chance." The leader of the wanderers held the box and panted, cursing the two people who had ruined everything for him. There were two other men beside him who also ran out with him during the explosion.

The three of them ran in one direction, which was roughly the direction of Rivet Town. He originally wanted to go to his own chassis in the big mining area, but he ran in the wrong direction in panic just now. Now it was too late to turn back.

""Stop! Don't run!" Pera's voice soon came from behind.

The leader of the wanderers was startled, and he turned around and ran for his life in panic.

Pera and Lingke behind him mustered up their strength to chase, but the distance was too far, and they were only fourteen or fifteen years old, not the type who were good at speed and strength. Even with the blessing of life energy, they could not surpass adult men. So much so that the residents of Panyan Town saw this scene, the wanderers running for their lives on the street, and the two girls chasing after them.

The residents immediately looked at each other, confused and puzzled.

What happened?

Ten minutes later

"Don't run...ha~ha~" Pella, who was just a civilian, finally couldn't hold on any longer. She bent down, supported her knees with her hands, and gasped for breath, shouting the words just now weakly.

"Pera...are you okay... huh... huh……"Ling Ke was much better than her, but she was also short of breath.

"I'm fine, hurry up, chase, Lingbao." Pera said breathlessly.

But they didn't know that there was actually a figure following the two of them from the beginning.

The black knife assassin hid his figure and looked at Pera and Lingke. Luo Yu asked her to follow the two and protect them when they were in danger or needed help.

She looked at the two girls who were exhausted, and then at the wanderer who was running desperately in the distance.

This situation should be a situation that needs help.

After confirming the situation, the black knife assassin rushed towards the three wanderers at a very fast speed, but without making any sound.

In a moment, he had arrived at the scene. The black knife in his hand almost turned into an afterimage.

In an instant, four attacks landed on a wanderer, one on each of his limbs. The wanderer who was fleeing for his life suddenly lost his balance and fell forward. At the same time, the black knife assassin did not stop pulling out the black knife with bright red blood. He turned sideways and stabbed the black knife into the thigh of another wanderer.

After pulling out the blade, the wanderer screamed and fell forward, but before he fell, the cold armor on the knee of the black knife assassin hit him in the face fiercely. The huge force made blood splatter, and the whole person flew into the sky.


All this happened in a split second.

Before the leader of the vagrants could react, he saw a fellow vagrant beside him falling to the ground with a scream, and another vagrant suddenly flew up to three or four meters in the air, spun several times in the air, and finally fell heavily to the ground, curling up on the ground and groaning weakly in pain.

"Ghost! There is a ghost!!"The leader of the wanderers was frightened by the sudden strange scene, and his legs went limp and he fell to the ground.

Pera and Lingke also took the opportunity to catch up. The instigator continued to stand by and pretended not to be in the air after doing all this, which made the two who came over very puzzled after seeing the situation.

Although they were caught, what happened? Who beat these two people?

""Pella! Lingke!" But before the two girls could wonder, a familiar female voice came into their ears.

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