In the dangerous area, at the burning fire, when Luo Yu handed her the food, her heart, which had been lonely and closed for who knows how many years, was stirred, and the softness deep in her heart was touched.

But the result... the result...

If I had to use a sentence to describe the Black Knife Assassin's mood at this moment, then she was really moved in vain!


"Um……"Walking on the street, looking at the surrounding buildings, the flat and spacious avenues, and the passers-by, San Yue Qi looked embarrassed:"Where should we start?"

"Let's find a place to stay first." Dan Heng said beside him.

"That makes sense. And after hearing what you said, I feel a little hungry." Sanyueqi thought it made sense, then rubbed his belly and sighed:"I don't know if credit can be used here, Xing, you... um? Where is Xingren?"

Sanyueqi wanted to ask Xing what she thought, but found that Xing had run away and there was no one around.

She looked around quickly and finally found him on the railroad tracks in the distance.

On the railroad tracks, Xing stood in front of the railway sightseeing car and stared at him blankly, while the sightseeing car was blocked and was ringing the bell.


"Hey, what are you doing?"March Seven rushed over and pulled the other person away from the track, turned around and apologized to the sightseeing car, then looked at Xing helplessly.

"Why are you blocking them?"

Xing didn't have any guilt on her face:"When I saw this bus, my body couldn't help but move. Do I have a disease that will kill me if I don't stop the sightseeing bus?"

"How can there be such a disease~" Sanyueqi rolled his eyes and took her to reunite with Danheng:"Let's talk about business, let's go, let's find a place to live first."

Xing nodded, then remembered something, took out the card that Luo Yu had just given her from the pocket of her skirt, and showed it to her two companions

"I have money"

"Ah? Isn't that a membership card?" Sanyueqi looked confused.

"No." Xing shook her head:"But it can only be used in the store opened by Luo Yu."

Sanyueqi immediately showed a happy smile:"What are we waiting for, let's look for it quickly!"

"There is a logo on the card."Dan Heng said, looking at the logo on the card, this should be the logo of Mr. Luo Yu's store.

"That's right!" March Seven also saw the sign and immediately looked at the surrounding stores, looking for the sign.

Then March Seven was dumbfounded.

Unable to believe it, he ran a few steps to the side and looked at the surrounding buildings and stores.

Dan Heng was also surprised.

Half of the surrounding stores had this sign.

Xing:"You don't have to look for it, it's everywhere."

March Seven confirmed again and again, but still felt it was a little unreal.

Where did Luo Yu run a small business?

He must be the richest man in Beloberg!

The three finally found a hotel and walked in.

"Hello, we want three rooms."After greeting the receptionist, Sanyueqi said

"Here." Xing put the card on the table.

When the receptionist saw the card, she almost lost her hospitable smile and looked a little flustered and embarrassed:"Okay, please follow me."

The receptionist arranged the best room for the three of them and enthusiastically introduced its advantages, which made San Yueqi feel very embarrassed. Because the other party was so enthusiastic, he might not have enough money in the card when the time came, which would be a big joke.

"Here is your bill. After the discount for three rooms, the total is 90 Winter City Shields. I wish you a pleasant stay."When Sanyueqi was hesitant and wanted to say something, the receptionist came back and handed the card and bill to Xing with both hands. She said respectfully and left.

Xing put it back into the pocket of her skirt like a treasure, looking very precious.

After confirming the consumption, it was a treasure.


"How much?" A question mark popped up on Sanyueqi's head.

Xing just said that there were 50,000 Winter City Shields on the card, right?

Originally, she just thought that this card was just an ordinary membership card, and Winter City Shields would be as worthless as credit points, but the result was completely wrong.

"This is more of an aristocratic era, not a fast-paced era."Dan Heng also had a complicated look.

Just like in the fast-paced era of modern times, beverages are generally cheap additives, and restaurants are generally cheap fast food restaurants, but if we go back three hundred years, the only beverages were freshly squeezed juices, and the only restaurants were high-end restaurants and restaurants, which were things that only the rich could enjoy. Only the rice and noodles that the common people ate would have a smaller difference.

The purchasing power of the two eras can be said to be very different.

"Xing, let's return the card to Mr. Luo Yu." Sanyueqi covered his forehead, thinking that he had just received an ordinary membership card, but it turned out to be a certain Dong stored-value card with a credit limit of hundreds of thousands.

After all, who would have thought that someone would give such a thing as a gift for fun?

"Can't I take it?" Xing scratched the back of her head and stared at March Seven blankly, her eyes full of confusion and bewilderment.

She had almost lost all her memories, and was as innocent as a blank sheet of paper.


After returning home, Luo Yu first unloaded the burden


Suddenly, many things appeared around him, all kinds of sundries, mechanical parts, or strange objects.

Not only external objects, but also physical fitness and destiny energy are growing rapidly. At the same time, a lot of knowledge and understanding about machinery appeared in his mind.

Suddenly, Luo Yu felt a sharp pain in his right arm, and the power only felt more full and majestic.

"They will really be engraved." This kind of stinging pain is known to be the stigmata without thinking.

Luo Yu took off his coat, and the red stigmata engraved lines occupied the middle half of his arm.

Judging from this posture, if he has a full set of stigmata, then the stigmata engraving will cover the entire arm, and red lines can be seen on the back of his hand.

Luo Yu put on his clothes and went out again with the black knife assassin. He unloaded the burden on his body, and his eyes suddenly felt relaxed and bright.

This is not an adjective.

It is really relaxed and bright.

Sitting down in a restaurant that he owns, he is still very interested in the Black Flame of Death. Picking up the menu in his hand and flipping through it to order food, Luo Yu smiled confidently and calmly.

Haha, no matter how high or low your status is, as long as you are a human, you will show your truest side in front of food. When you encounter the delicious food you like, you will like it and be happy. This inner turmoil cannot be changed.

【Give Black Blade Assassin"Light-tasting dishes", a one-star gift, and get: Roya Fruit*1]

Luo Yu:"……"

Hehe... maybe the Black Blade Assassin likes a greasy taste

【Give Black Blade Assassin"Greasy Dishes", a one-star gift, and get: Roya Fruit*1]

Luo Yu:"……"

Maybe the Black Blade Assassin prefers grilled dishes. After all, she liked it when she was in Rivet Town.

【Give Black Blade Assassin"Roasted Dish", a one-star gift, and get: Roya Fruit*1]

Luo Yu:"……"

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