The scene just now really frightened the audience, fearing that Jing Liu's evil spirit would break out and kill Yan Qing. The might of that sword made people feel a little chill even through the screen, which amazed many viewers. "Oh my god, is this Jingliu's strength? Just a light swing of the sword has such power!"

"Too scary, and it seems that Jingliu used his left hand to swing the sword just now, and he seemed to have retracted his strength!"

"It seems that he should be instructing Yanqing, otherwise he would not have retracted his strength!"

"Even if it is instruction, Yanqing must use all his strength to receive it, otherwise I am afraid it will really come!"

"It's just like Yanqing used a big move to receive Jingliu's ordinary attack!"

"But Yanqing is still young now, it's outrageous that he can take this sword!"

"Jingyuan: My disciple Yanqing has the posture of a sword master!"

Jingliu's sword brought great shock to the audience, and even Su Chang in the live broadcast room frowned secretly when she saw this sword.

If I face this move, I am afraid that it will be dangerous.

And the young guard beside the general actually blocked this move at the cost of exhaustion, which is simply a monster!

Look at myself again. I have been slacking off since I came to Luofu. I have to go to the storyteller to listen to stories every day.

Suchang, Suchang, how can you be so lazy!

From tomorrow, I will start to be self-disciplined!

After a mental struggle, Suchang set a self-discipline plan for tomorrow. As for today... I will definitely do it tomorrow!

As for Jingyuan, Jingliu's sword really made Jingyuan sweat.

"Master's teaching method is still the same as before."

"General, did you often receive the sword from the master?"

Hearing this, Jingyuan began to recall the scene when Jingliu taught him in the past. During that period, he had been injured all the time.

Now look at Yanqing's appearance of being safe and sound after receiving the sword move.

Jingyuan's mouth drew a slight arc.

The master should be very satisfied with Yanqing, the disciple.

Back to the plot.

After Yan Qing took the sword, Jing Liu's figure disappeared from the spot, leaving only the words just carved on the ground.

[This sword is a thank you gift. We have a deep connection and will continue in the future. ]

The record ends here, and the task panel also records Yan Qing's final psychological state.

[The end of the competition, Jing Liu has arrived one step ahead... In the end, this killing god seemed to be dissatisfied with the achievements along the way, and asked me to take her sword. I, I thought I was going to be the first sword... but I didn't expect to die today. ]

[At the last moment, I bit the bullet and took her sword, and the killing intent chilled my whole body. God has mercy on me, it must be because I am diligent in learning skills and never lazy, so I can survive. ]

This final psychological state made the audience come back to their senses from the shock just now.

"Haha, from the big sister at the beginning, to this big sister, and then to this killing god!"

"Although Jingliu has no intention of killing, this is really a matter of life and death for Yanqing!"

"Yanqing: My life is over!"

"In the end, he was too strong and started to brag about his hard work in learning. Haha, your master is taking it easy!"

"But Yanqing is so outstanding at such a young age, and his future will definitely be good!"

"Secret news: In fact, Yanqing is a member of the Chiming tribe with pointed ears, so he looks young. As for his ears, they were bitten off by rats during the rat infestation in the Shen Ce Mansion!"

"Fuck, where did the historian come from!"

"It's true, Jingyuan's strategist secretary Qingdun said it!"


The perspective of Yanqing in the plot ends here, and it returns to the perspective of Xing and Sanyueqi who picked up the jade buckle. After a discussion, they decided to hand it over to Jingyuan for processing, and the story came to an end.

"Ah, that's it? I haven't seen enough!"

"Yan Qing's companion mission is more like Yan Qing's humiliation mission!"

"There is no other way, the young genius, the master can only come in person to help his disciple hone his character!"

"Little Guizi, hurry up and do the next one!"

Seeing that the companion mission was over, Gui Naifen also began to look at the new activities in the game and prepared to take everyone to experience a change of taste.

"Family, let's take a look at the new activities in the new version!"

Among the many new content in the version, Gui Naifen chose an activity called Experimental Report 1, and the NPC of the activity was Wen Shiling, a clerk at the space station.

When I arrived at the space station according to the mission instructions, I saw the little loli clerk Wen Shiling with her head down.

After some communication, it seemed

It is necessary to assist her to complete the subject experiment efficiently and safely and compile the report.

[The first round of experiments is mainly carried out around the [Virtual Soldier·Trampler] in the [Antimatter Legion]. The subject is called... let me think... it is called "A Brief Analysis of Whether the Trampler's Four Legs Are Evenly Forced". 】

Although Gui Naifen is very disgusted with the Antimatter Legion, others are just doing a research project.

But... isn't this topic a bit... novel?

Are the four legs evenly forced?

Maybe this is the unique research angle of the researchers.

Before Gui Naifen came back to her senses, the conversation had ended, and a window for submitting materials popped up in front of her.

Gui Naifen subconsciously clicked it, and a burst of blue light passed through the Trampler's portrait, and the experiment was completed!

The entire conversation took no more than 1 minute, and 70 Xingqiong and some other activity rewards were obtained.

The audience was stunned.

"Fuck, what just happened!"

"I didn't have time to complain about how ridiculous this topic is, and I got the 70 Star Qiong reward?"

"And looking at the exchange conditions, it's just some common monster materials, is it that simple!"

"I only get 5 Star Qiong by licking a treasure chest, and a companion mission of more than 20 minutes only gives 100 Star Qiong, and now I can get 70 Star Qiong so easily?"

"Looking at the situation later, it seems that I can come to get it several times!"

"This activity is too easy!"

"I don't know the Star God, Mr. Wen, you are my only God!"

"Wen Shiling is the person who can become my stepmother!"

"The large-scale documentary "The Legend of Wen Shiling" is being broadcast!"

"I thought the Star Touring Ceremony was already invincible, whose general is this!"

The audience was amazed at the simplicity of the activity, and they didn't expect that there would be such an easy activity to get rewards.

It seems that the activity is unlocked day by day, and the content can only be unlocked later.

So Gui Naifen turned his attention to another activity in the space station: Starlight Battle!

As a classic battle, cool activity, the BUFF given by Starlight Battle is called "Take advantage of the disease to kill".

[When our target breaks the enemy's weakness, immediately restore its own energy to the upper limit. When our target releases the final move, the local target attacked will suffer an effect of 60% increase in damage to itself, and this effect can be stacked up to 5 times. ]

At the same time, the four-star character Alan was given to try inside the level.

Break the enemy's weakness and restore the ultimate move energy to the upper limit!

This outrageous BUFF bonus makes people think of two words!


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