sports supervillain

786. Follow Me And Shake Up

Griffin looked extremely embarrassed.

It's really nothing to be hated miserably. Some of the people who came out to mess around have never been hated. The big hat he gave to the opponent back then was even more brutal than this time.

Killing people and killing people, Ye Fei's trash talk made him extremely uncomfortable.

After several attacks in a row, Griffin, who had found his sense, shot with confidence. He thought he could pay back, but Ye Fei slapped his head and face with another big cap.

The baby is suffering.

Griffin's initial momentum was instantly suppressed by Ye Fei.

Ye Fei blocked the shot and created a fast-break opportunity for the Lakers. Lu Wei caused the Clippers player to foul, went to the free throw line, and hit two free throws steadily, and the point difference returned to 5 points.

The game continues.

Paul believed in Griffin, handed the ball to him, with his back to Ye Fei's defense, Griffin "037" BANGBANG chiseled twice, it was useless at all. Griffin finally didn't choose to force it. He hit the ground and passed the ball to Paul.

Seems to have found a way to deal with Ye Fei, Griffin creates opportunities for his teammates more when he holds the ball.

The deeper the position is, the lower the ball even falls to the bottom line. Although it doesn't have much effect, it can make Ye Fei get back, and outside players can find open opportunities more easily.

As the game progressed, Griffin found that Ye Fei was completely playing with him. Sometimes, when he was let go to attack outside players, Griffin's shooting fakes were like a clown, but Ye Fei couldn't laugh.

The unbearable Griffin made Ye Fei perform the most exciting scene of the game.

He hit Ye Fei back with the ball on the left baseline, and didn't push the defense. Griffin pretended to shoot and tried to shake Ye Fei. Try to avoid Ye Fei's capping.

Ye Fei, who seemed to be careless, made a thunderous block. Although he didn't completely fly off the ball cap, Griffin's shot flew off the established trajectory under Ye Fei's interference.

The ball didn't fly very far, and Jordan under the basket just caught the ball.

Taking the ball and making a slight adjustment, Jordan jumped up from the basket, trying to solve the battle with a heavy dunk.

Ye Fei charged suddenly, jumped high, and pressed one hand on the ball. The two confronted in the air, and Jordan tried again with both hands, but he was still no match for Ye Fei's cap with one hand, and the ball collapsed under the confrontation between the two.

After getting two blocks in a row, Ye Fei shook his head again and again, muttering incessantly: "No, you can't!"

Griffin came back to his senses, just in time to see the ball flying to his side, and reached out to grab the ball. The man was already in the reasonable collision zone, and Ye Fei's arrogant behavior in front of him instantly made him run away, grabbing the ball without saying a word, leaning against Ye Fei on one side of his body, swung up and tried to smash the ball into the basket.


The head is really dripping iron.

Dare to challenge Ye Fei at the basket like this. Griffin doesn't know who is the number one ruler of the league's inside line or who is the overlord of inside line defense, yet he dares to dunk in front of Ye Fei.

Find a hat!

Ye Fei didn't make any sense at all, he jumped up like a blood hat, dribbling the ball, and rolling to the ground together. Three consecutive big caps were given to the opponent. Ye Fei couldn't bear the excitement of the inside line. He didn't even bother to grab the ball. He stood still and raised his right index finger, shaking it excitedly.

The ball did not go away from Griffin, Griffin got the ball and wanted to challenge Ye Fei again.


The whistle sounded inappropriately, seeing Griffin's shot, Ye Fei jumped up instinctively, slapped Griffin's shot away again.

The fans, who gradually calmed down on the sidelines, burst into applause in an instant.

Everyone looked at the referee in bewilderment, only to see him pointing his finger at Ye Fei, and then made a technical foul.

Some fans realized that there seems to be a rule in the league that players cannot shake their fingers on the court. Except for Uncle Mu, after all, it is his exclusive move. Since he retired, in the NBA, he has almost never seen a player take over his fingers.

Ye Fei subconsciously made Uncle Mu's signature celebration, but the referee gave him a technical foul.

The fourth consecutive block that led to Ye Fei was not counted in the statistics.

The fans on the sidelines booed again and again.

Such a wonderful four-game block is simply a clear stream in the NBA. Back then, Uncle Mu only had three consecutive blocks. Ye Fei's four-block was even more exciting than his block, but the referee blown it off... . . .

Showing such a beautiful and wonderful operation, let alone wagging his fingers, Ye Fei ran naked on the court, the fans didn't think it was too much.

The referee warned of a technical foul and did not suppress Ye Fei's enthusiasm for blocking shots, nor did he extinguish Ye Fei's enthusiasm for celebrating.

The game continues.

Humiliated by Ye Fei's four-capped cap, it aroused the Clippers players' desire to perform offensively.

Jordan took the initiative to find Paul to play a pick-and-roll, cut to the basket, held the defensive player behind him, jumped high, and dunked the ball into the basket with both hands.

The City of Lob Pickups reappears.

After one round, Griffin ran to the basket to catch the ball with the help of his teammates. "White Monster" showed his talents, swung the round one-armed dunk, separated the defensive player, and smashed the ball into the basket

The two finally got over the humiliation of being four-capped by Ye Fei.

However, they still couldn't escape Ye Fei's death block.

In the next round, the Clippers attacked. Paul made a layup and went out of the basket under the interference of Ye Fei. Jordan who followed up got the ball and grabbed the ball. Ye Fei turned around and raised his hands high to block Jordan. In front of him, in the air confrontation, no matter who Ye Fei is, everyone in the alliance is rubbish.

Before Ye Fei exerted much force, the ball flew out of Jordan's control.

There was a scuffle under the basket, Griffin got the ball but didn't give it to Paul, waited for everyone to pull away, he just took a step in, 2.9 half of his body tried to hold Ye Fei.

He raised the ball and shook it with a feint, but Ye Fei remained unmoved, Griffin shook his hand again, Ye Fei remained still.

Griffin pulled up and sent the ball to the basket.

Ye Fei suddenly jumped up, slapped the ball accurately, and then gave Griffin a big hat.

Ye Fei, who landed on the ground, didn't manage the ball, and stopped shaking his fingers, but raised his right hand and shook it, which showed a very obvious meaning, just mocking Griffin.

Seeing Ye Fei's very rhythmic swing, the fans excitedly danced along with him.

The referee glanced at it, hesitated to speak, Ye Fei shouted to the fans on the sidelines: "Hey, shake it with me!"

Don't let me shake my fingers, don't you let me shake my arms?

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