sports supervillain

1398. Happy Kitchen

After the game with the Memphis Grizzlies, back home, everything is ready.

Taylor Swift, Jessica Alba and others, who belong to this country, want to go home tonight to accompany their relatives and friends on such a relatively large festival. They can only have a good time hunting with Ye Fei until tomorrow night.

After watching today's game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Memphis Grizzlies, they went back to their home.

Zhang Manyuan, Coral, Gonghe Maya and others, who come from the far east, do not have such a strong sense of belonging to these festivals. It's like Ye Fei, even though he has been here for many years, in his mind, he still feels that the festival with three or five little friends setting off cannons at the entrance of the village is more cordial.

Alone as a stranger in a foreign land, although it is not my own festival, I also miss my relatives far away. They are here, the biggest concern is undoubtedly Ye Fei.

Watching the game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Memphis Grizzlies, they dealt with the things at hand and arranged their work properly. They all rushed to Ye Fei's villa, the eve of Christmas Eve. "There must be some unsafe activities.

A sleepless night.

When Ye Fei woke up, it was almost noon. This group of industrious girls was arranged to decorate the villa with Western Christmas Eve props, and the atmosphere can be arranged at a glance.

The Christmas tree in the hall was particularly eye-catching, and it was covered with presents that they carefully prepared for Ye Fei.

Famous watches, belts, perfumes, etc., there are all kinds of gifts, full-full, hanging full of Kazuki.


Zhang Manyuan rushed forward and threw herself into Ye Fei's arms: "-MUA..."

She took the initiative to send a sweet kiss: "Happy Christmas Eve, happy forever, love you."

When the rest of them came to their senses, they temporarily put down their work and kissed and embraced Ye Fei.

"Ye, I love you, happy Christmas Eve!"

"Happy-Christmas-Eve! Honey!"

"My little Feifei! Come on, MUA, happy Christmas Eve!"

Ye Fei treated them calmly and had a pleasant chat with them. The preparations for tonight's sumptuous dinner are coming to an end. Ye Fei's women are determined not to let Ye Fei do it, but they can't resist Ye Fei's charm.

"Honey, your way of cooking is wrong, let me teach you.

Quickly sticking to Coral's back, Ye Fei naturally held her hand holding the pot, and played with the pot up and down. Cora1, who had never played such an exciting operation, found it very interesting, but in front of the two of them, she swayed up and down rhythmically as the pot was turned, and her face turned rosy.

Sensing that the atmosphere here is a bit wrong, Zhang Manyuan saw the clue, and joked: "Oh, it's okay, Coral, do you have a good rhythm?! I don't know if you can stand it!"

Coral had no choice but to turn her attention back to the dishes she was still cooking, and shyly pushed Ye Fei away.

Now that the good thing was ruined, Ye Fei could only go to Zhang Manyuan and hold her hand holding the knife without giving her a chance to resist.

"Look at me teaching you how to play tricks with two hands. You can play like this with a knife."

Zhang Man couldn't resist Ye Fei, so he could only let him control the knife in his hand, follow his movements, and process the ingredients on the cutting board together. Just for a while, Zhang Manyuan felt a little burning, Ye Fei used two hands, grasping with both hands at the same time, Zhang Manyuan was so teased that she wanted to be teased, half-pushed half-way, wanted to push away but refused to give up.

Zhang Man knew that Ye Fei wanted revenge, but he enjoyed it very much, but this ambiguous atmosphere was broken by Gonghe Maya who suddenly broke in.

", I've washed it, I put it here. 7"

Throwing away the washed Washington golden delicacy, Gonghe Maya walked out quickly. Zhang Manyuan finally came to his senses, hurriedly pushed Ye Fei away, and then coquettishly said: "I hate it, don't provoke me again, don't make trouble again, can you let us prepare dinner properly?"

"Don't provoke you what you said, don't be too greedy when the time comes, hehe..."


Say hello casually, Ye Fei appeases Zhang Manyuan, and then transfers from here. It will take some time to prepare the dinner, and there is still a lot to prepare. Seeing Maya Gonghe quietly washing fruits and vegetables by the pool, her pretty face is blushing, and she can't hide her emotions at this time.

Ye Fei walked over quietly, and immediately hugged Gonghe Maya.

"There are still so many unwashed, I will help you, men and women match, work is not tiring.

...asking for flowers......

Male hormones immediately surrounded Miyagawa Maya. As a traditional island woman, her thinking and style of doing things are different from those of Coral, Zhang Manyuan and others. Facing Ye Fei's strong offensive, Miyahe Maya will only keep silent. Head to answer: "Hey."

Ye Fei deliberately messed up, and the water splashed on Maya Gonghe, and then helped to wipe it off. As the atmosphere continued to heat up, the two gradually blended together.

"I think you two, don't wash fruits and vegetables here, go to the bathroom and wash fruits and vegetables with you, okay?"

Coral said anxiously: "I beg you, my dear, don't make trouble anymore, the guests will come later, and the things are not ready yet, so please don't be a disservice to me."

At present, they are the only ones preparing for the dinner, but Ye Fei and others are not the only ones who will have dinner together tonight.

Temporarily bypassing Gonghe Maya, there is still business to do.

Do as the Romans do, although Ye Fei doesn't attach much importance to this kind of festival, but still prepares an extremely sumptuous feast according to the tradition here. Because there is still an extremely interesting PARTY at night, waiting for myself.

All these must be properly arranged, the food must be fully prepared, and you must ensure that you have enough physical strength to fight until dawn.

One of the main dishes of the Christmas dinner - roast turkey, of course, is essential, just like our Spring Festival dinner, every family will prepare it, and they will have a surplus of fish every year.

As for western countries, they will choose roast turkey as a must-have main course, Ye Fei is not sure, does it mean to eat chicken BA together?

All right.

Let’s not talk about the chicken, civilized you and me.

In addition to roast turkey, there is also a roast suckling pig as a hard dish. These two main dishes were not prepared by these women. They were reserved several months in advance in the hands of a well-known local chef. Ye Fei doesn't know if the food is worth the price and the taste is worth it. The ranking must be arranged superior.

There are also some special delicacies that I like to eat, or hometown side dishes, as well as after-dinner snacks, as well as fruits and vegetables, all of which are handled by a few beautiful and virtuous women.

Just as Ye Fei came out of the happy kitchen, she heard a knock on the door. .

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