sports supervillain

1389. I Will Kill You

With the whistle of the referee, the game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Brooklyn Nets officially ended. The Brooklyn Nets at home lost to the Los Angeles Lakers by a big score of 102 to 119.

Russell scored 21 points, 8 assists and 1 steal in the whole game. The data does not seem to be bad, at least reaching the average level per game. In fact, he has to thank Ye Fei for getting such data. If he had targeted Russell infinitely from the first minute of the game, he might have been able to surrender long ago.

Even so, Russell's score is not enough. Even if he scores X2, he still loses to Ye Fei, which is not too small.

Ye Fei scored 54 points, 50 rebounds, 16 assists, 14 blocks and 13 steals in the whole game with a super five-double data. There was no suspense, and he easily beat Russell.

The game isn't over yet.

Russell was ready to sneak away, but he was being watched by Ye Fei and his younger brother, and Jordan Clarkson was in front of him just as he was about to walk into the tunnel.

"What are you running for, second place in parallel imports, cancer in the locker room, stop for me, the boss has something to tell you."

When Russell exposed Nick Young in the locker room, which caused him to break up with his girlfriend who had been in love for many years, Russell was not loved by the Los Angeles Lakers players at the time, and was even hated by players on other teams.

The NBA has an unwritten rule that matters in the locker room can only be resolved in the locker room. If anyone discloses it to the outside world, it will inevitably attract dissatisfaction from other people, especially to reveal other people's privacy, which is undoubtedly quite annoying behavior.

Russell still wanted to leave, but Ye Fei took Zubac and other players and surrounded him immediately. The players of the Brooklyn Nets took a look at the situation here, and they didn't dare to come over to ask about the situation. It can be seen how bad Russell's character is. At the same time, it reflects Ye Fei's reputation as the league's number one super villain. much - big.

When Russell was stopped by Jordan Clarkson, the naive Jarrett Allen wanted to come over to help. Seeing Ye Fei approaching, Jarrett Allen left silently. two

"What are you running for?"

Ye Fei looked at Russell with great disdain and said: "I think you are not just a second place in the parallel import list, but you are also a coward who is willing to bet and admit defeat. You don't understand such a simple truth? Playing games with me, you still want to hide Punishment?! Do you want me to loosen your bones?"

Not to mention the players and fans, Ye Fei even dared to beat the referee. With his momentum and a little pressure, Russell was trembling.

"Don't tell me what you have or what you don't have. Are you convinced of this gambling game?"

Ye Fei growled: "Tell me!"

"I lost."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Ye Fei's mouth: "If you know you're going to lose, you're fine, and you should do the punishment. So many people are watching you want to play this game with me, and the loser must be interviewed. Don't play any fancy things with me." , or I will kill you, understand?!"

"Boss Ye asked you, did you understand? Are you dumb? Talk!"

Zubac took a step forward and bumped Russell, who could only reply: "Understood, I will accept the punishment.

Sensing that someone next to him noticed the situation here, Jordan Clarkson insisted on giving Russell a tough hug to cover up everything that happened here.

Ye Fei also smiled on the surface, shook hands with Russell, gave him half a hug, and finally left with his little brother.

Russell was stunned for a while, then left silently, ready to fulfill his punishment.

"Oh, I was careless, send a message to D'Angelo and tell him, at least let us see his tweets, if we don't see it, we don't have screenshots, it doesn't count.'

Jordan Clarkson reacted, returned to the locker room, and immediately sent a message to Russell.

Originally, he wanted to just post it, take a screenshot of himself, and Russell, who was done with the work, could only dismiss this idea.

He didn't dare to be perfunctory, Ye Fei said he was going to kill him, Russell didn't dare question it, he knew Ye Fei, even if he couldn't kill himself, it would definitely make him extremely uncomfortable.

Thinking of the dark days of the Sacramento Kings, Russell is still shivering.

Ye Fei has a close relationship with the two daughters of the Sacramento Kings and the Milwaukee Bucks. Maybe he just climbed out of the pit of the Sacramento Kings, and Ye Fei will send him back to the ice cave of the Milwaukee Bucks .

Russell silently tweeted the sentence——I am second in the parallel import list, and then took a screenshot for Ye Fei and others to see.

...asking for flowers...

The good Los Angeles Lakers players ran to this twitter to comment and take screenshots.

Because Jordan Clarkson, Zubac and many other Los Angeles Lakers players commented on Twitter, some of them responded quickly, and they also came to join in the fun. Fans with fast hands are also quick to give their own comments.

"Has Twitter been stolen or hacked? But it seems that there is nothing wrong with what you said, and you didn't realize the fact that you are second in the list of parallel importers until now?"

"Self-hacking?! Interesting, I give you full marks for this tweet. D'Angelo, well done!"

"Don't worry about it so much, take a screenshot first. D'Angelo, if you can't find your own black spot information in the future, I can provide it to you for free.


"Can anyone explain to me what happened? Is self-hacking popular now? But it doesn't seem to be self-hacking. You are really a big parallel importer, and you feel sorry for my second pick."

"Hahaha, are you going to laugh at me to death? Do you want to inherit my money? Is this considered high-level self-defeating?"

"Damn it, did you just realize it now? It's not too late, young man, you're still young, I hope you can change your past, although in the end it's still the same, and it can't cover up the fact that you're second in the list of parallel importers, but at least it's not that good.

"I watched the game at the scene. It seemed that D'Angelo had friction with Ye Shen. I think this wave was definitely tricked by Ye Shen. He deserves to be the number one super villain in the NBA. I like playing these things very much. .

"After the game, I saw Ye Shen and surrounded D'Angelo, and I guessed that something interesting would happen. I didn't expect to see such a deep self-knowledge tweet after the game."

Ye Fei had accepted Russell's villain value a long time ago, he just wanted to disgust Russell and embarrass him.


The goal was basically achieved, and Ye Fei was completely satisfied.

Accepting the victory of the game, and then winning a super five-double data of 50+50, Ye Fei ended this four-game trip with satisfaction.

The Los Angeles Lakers players in the locker room have been paying attention to Russell's Twitter. About five minutes later, I heard Zubac yelling: "Fuck, what a despicable guy! You actually got three hands!" .

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