sports supervillain

1351. Please Call Me The God Of The Third Verse

At least in this game, there is still about a minute before the end of the third quarter. With Ye Fei's explosive scoring ability, scoring one or two points is just like playing.


40 points in a single quarter is enough to shock the world. Although Ye Fei showed his explosive scoring ability in a single quarter in the previous game, some people have guessed that he can score 40+ points in a single game.

When Ye Fei really realized this goal, they felt a little incredible. It's like some things, you have the ability to get things done, but before you get things done, people won't think it's amazing. When you really make this thing beautiful, most people will still be shocked .

As the boss of Ye Fei, he entered the NBA league, and the second big brother who is willing to lead him to grow - Kobe Bryant. Today, he was free to watch the game from the sidelines, and once again witnessed a great miracle created by his little brother.

In NBA history, the first player to score 40 points in a single quarter.

Perhaps for some players, scoring 40 points in a single game may become an unattainable and untouchable dream in his life.

Ye Fei scored 40 points in one quarter.

Kobe Bryant never thought that his little brother would achieve such a high achievement, a height that even he could not touch.

When Ye Fei walked off the field, the Los Angeles Lakers players and head coaches stepped forward to give him high fives and chest bumps, congratulating him on setting a new record.

"Congratulations, Ye! This quarter of the game, you played beautifully, and it's really fun to watch!"

"Boss, you are really powerful, teach me a few tricks when you have time!"

"As expected of my boss, God Ye, Ollie!"

"40 points in a single quarter, big brother, you are so fierce, you are so fierce that you are not human!"

Playing around with his teammates, Ye Fei took the initiative to walk in front of Kobe. He had already stood up. The two looked at each other and smiled, giving each other a big hug.

"Ye, you are amazing, you play well, and you have some of my demeanor back then."

Kobe joked.


Ye Fei responded with a smile: "It doesn't matter who brings out the younger brother, at least he is still Kobe's successor. You can't embarrass the boss. You must bring your singles spirit to the extreme."

Kobe gave Ye Fei a small punch, his face gradually became serious, he patted Ye Fei on the shoulder and said: "Okay, the Los Angeles Lakers will be handed over to you, and I can rest assured for a few years. I believe in you and can lead the Los Angeles Lakers to the future. Incomparably brilliant future, come on!”

"I will."

Ye Fei smiled and agreed, and by the way, teased the three girls beside Vanessa, and chatted happily with them.

"Gigi, your uncle, playing basketball is similar to your father, let him teach you two tricks when you have time, Ye, what do you think?"

Kobe's second daughter, GiGi, Ye Fei has heard of it, and she has won Kobe's true biography. At present, in the school league, scoring operations with one against N are often staged, and her talent is even better than that of Kobe's eldest daughter.

The arrogant Kobe insisted on forcing a 50-50 split with him, Ye Fei could only agree with a smile, and found a chance to go to Kobe's house for a meal, and by the way taught his little niece how to do it, but she couldn't be left alone, because a lone wolf would easily have no friends.

Amidst the laughter of Ye Fei and others, the Orlando Magic played GG.

The Los Angeles Lakers were not reversed by their opponents after Ye Fei left the field like in the previous game. Amid the cheers of the home fans, the Los Angeles Lakers firmly held on to the fruits of the game victory, beating the Orlando Magic 135 to 101 at home.

There is no suspense about the outcome of the game. The strong contenders in the Eastern Conference playoffs lost by a big score, and they can't stir up any waves.

Ye Fei scored 40 points in a single quarter and once again became the focus of heated discussions after the game.

It's just that they haven't thought of what words to use to express their emotions, but Ye Fei retweeted it immediately. NBA officials congratulated him on becoming the first tweeter in NBA history to score 40 points in a single quarter. Ye Fei also attached Such a sentence.

"Please call me the god of the third verse."

Ye Fei didn't understand the word low-key at all, but no one dared to refute it.

Not to mention the games at other times, Ye Fei's performance in the third quarter this November alone is worthy of such an arrogant title.

Since entering November, Ye Fei has not played a single game, scoring less than 20+ in the third quarter, and in most games, Ye Fei has scored above 30+. In recent consecutive games, Ye Fei's scoring in the third quarter has been able to occupy a place in the NBA's historical scoring list in a single quarter.


Is it too much to call him, God of the third verse?

Not at all excessive.

Countless netizens immediately posted comments on Ye Fei's Twitter.

"Please accept my highest respect, the god of the third quarter, invincible! Old Tie, call you the god of the third quarter, is there nothing wrong with it, nothing at all?"

"Call Ye Shen, is the God of the third quarter too much? I don't think it's too much for half a dime! Forget about 40 points in a single quarter today, just look at Ye Shen's previous games, which one will score less than 30+. In a game, the performance in the third quarter will be too bad, often in the third quarter, a wave will take away the game, am I not worthy of being called the god of the third quarter?"


"The god of the third quarter, the god of forever! From now on, please define the third quarter as Ye Shen's time. If anyone can score 40 points in a single quarter, then come and pick Ye Shen's thorns. Otherwise, you can call him obediently as the No. The god of the three verses, the god of the unsolvable third verse.

"I don't believe God Ye would say such a sentence suddenly. Although I have no objection, I think he must be plotting some big move. 40 points in a single quarter is definitely not the upper limit of God Ye

Let's break out, God of the third quarter, let's have another third quarter that makes us feel hearty and passionate. "

"One quarter is enough to become a god, and one quarter can score more points than some players in their NBA careers. Ye Fei is not a god, who can become a god? Worship the god of the third quarter, please accept the rest of my life knee.

"Based on today's third quarter game alone, Ye Fei is enough to become the god of the third quarter. Looking at his previous games, who among you dare not accept it?"

No one would think that Ye Fei is too arrogant to call himself that. Countless fans were conquered by Ye Fei's bursting performance.

Ye Fei is not the only one who can explode like that in the third quarter, but he is currently only in the third quarter, playing such a crazy performance. He calls himself the god of the third quarter, and the fans don't have much objection.


Even countless NBA legends would not feel that Ye Fei, calling himself the God of the first quarter of the NBA is an offense to himself.

The same is true of George Gervin, who has a burst of scoring ability. .

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