sports supervillain

1120. Seriously

Dennis Schroeder's speed is not fast, his shooting is not accurate, his ball control is not showy enough, and his ability is really average. Ye Fei doesn’t matter if he wants him to be unable to shoot, but since he wants to give them a cap

Ye Fei still wants them to take a shot, and give them a chance to challenge themselves to block shots.

Give up a little bit to give Dennis Schroeder room to break through. Dennis Schroeder, who is only 185cm tall and weighs only 76kg, knows that even if he gets into the penalty area and takes a shot, there is a high probability that he will be shot by Ye Fei.

Dennis Schroeder played very badly, making a false pass, stepping back to open up the shooting space, and making an emergency stop for a mid-range jumper.

A series of moves flowed smoothly, and Dennis Schroeder took out this trick. He felt that the goal was almost certain, and Schroeder was ready to listen to the crisp sound of the ball falling into the net.


There was a loud crisp sound, and Ye Fei jumped high in the air, slapped the ball firmly with a powerful big slap, and directly slapped Schroeder's shot away.

An extremely beautiful block made Schroeder return in vain on his first shot attempt in this game.

The ball was capped by Ye Fei and was rescued by PJ Tucker. The Los Angeles Lakers took control of the ball and fell into a positional battle.

With the current Los Angeles Lakers team, Ye Fei doesn't need to worry too much about the offensive end. Unless it's the last moment of the game, under normal circumstances, Ye Fei will score more than 30 points, and leave the rest to his teammates.

Clarkson breaks through to find Ye Fei, shoots a feint, and tricks two defenders, Ye Fei crosses and transfers, Carmelo Anthony receives the pass from Ye Fei, pulls up and throws, open Three points soared.


It has been a long time since I experienced such a comfortable scoring method, Anthony gave Ye Fei a thumbs up.

When it was the Atlanta Hawks' turn to attack, Ye Fei retreated to the backcourt to defend, but Clarkson mischievously pressed the whole court, putting a little pressure on Schroeder.

After dribbling the ball in the half court and meeting Ye Fei's defense again, Schroeder didn't rush to attack. With the help of Prince's screen, Schroeder took the opportunity to get rid of Ye Fei's defense and pretended to break through to the basket. Schroder suddenly shot an arrow on horseback, and after shaking out of space, he sent the ball to the basket.


What greeted him was still a blood cap that covered the sky and the sun. Ye Fei, who was catching up quickly, leaped high, raised his hands high, like a volleyball block, and directly blocked Schroeder's shot

Ye Fei, who caught the ball, looked at the stunned Schroeder and said: "Be serious, I say that I am serious about blocking shots. If you still can't show a little ability to press the bottom of the box, you Just waiting to be hated by me from the beginning to the end~..

After handing the ball to his teammate, Ye Fei shouted at the Eagles players: "Be serious, I'm serious, can you give me some strength? Do you still want to win?"

Ye Fei turned on the map cannon and bombarded them indiscriminately. The players of the Atlanta Hawks were gradually aroused to fight. Even Schroeder, who had just been severely humiliated by two big hats and was a little bit fried, rekindled a strong desire to attack.

What greeted them was a super sharp burst of big blood caps.

At 3 minutes and 25 seconds into the first quarter of the game, the Atlanta Hawks seized the opportunity of the Los Angeles Lakers' unsuccessful attack and quickly launched a quick counterattack when a long rebound came out.

Schroder dribbled the ball into the penalty area, attracted the defense, and handed it to Prince who followed up.

After catching the ball, Prince took off with a step inside the free throw line, and made a vicious two-handed slam dunk, trying to smash the ball into the basket.

"Come down!"

He only heard a shout coming from his head, and then Prince only felt that the hands holding the ball seemed to be suppressed by an unrivaled force, and he couldn't dunk the ball in the basket that was so close.

Ye Fei pressed his hands firmly on the ball, and the wild and violent Death pressed his hat to overthrow Prince with the ball to the ground.

"Rookie, please remember one thing in the future, the home of the Los Angeles Lakers, the Staples Center players are your no-fly zone, as long as I'm on the court, you don't even think about dunking in front of you, it doesn't exist!"

Some rookies have to give him a good lesson, lest they will swell and lose themselves.

When Ye Fei was still playing inside, I don’t know how many first-class inside players in the league were knocked to the ground by Ye Fei. A rookie inside player who had just made some achievements in the second grade wanted to dunk in the Staples Center. A little overthinking.

A few big hats were given to Prince and Schroeder who were making trouble, and they were a little flustered in an instant.

But the game has to go on.

Less than two minutes later, the Atlanta Hawks launched an attack again. Ye Fei wanted to target Schroeder, but he threw the pot away at the last moment.

There is not much time left in the attack, and Ilyasova adjusted from outside the three-point line before shooting.

I saw Ye Fei rushing out from under the basket. Before the ball reached the highest point, Ye Fei leaped high and slapped Ilyasova's shot with half of his palm. Ye Fei sent it to Atlanta again The Eagles player made an angry cap.

Schroeder finally realized at this time why Ye Fei said he wanted him to be more serious, because Ye Fei was really serious when he blocked the shot.

Whenever there is a chance to under the opponent's shot, Tu Fei will not let it go.

In the first quarter of the game, it gradually became Ye Fei's block performance. He ran tirelessly, looking for opportunities endlessly, and finally jumped high to give the opponent a desperate block.

At 8 minutes and 35 seconds into the first quarter, Ye Fei seized the opportunity again.

After relying on multiple people to cover, Schroeder finally found a good opportunity to kill into the penalty area (Liao Nuohao), shake off the defensive player, turn around and make a layup, and prepare to send the ball steadily into the basket.


However, Ye Fei bypassed many obstacles, and before the ball was about to hit the backboard, he nailed the big block firmly, nailed the ball firmly to the backboard, blocked Schroeder's shot again, and Ye Fei landed, Shouted to him: "々Be serious, okay?! Be serious! This ball was blocked by me, what kind of basketball do you still play?"

Under the hat of Schroeder's shot, Ye Fei did not forget to kill and punish him, so he taught him well.

This wave after wave of blocked shots made the players of the Atlanta Hawks panic.

Before the first quarter was over, Ye Fei gave them 8 blocks. They were already playing seriously, but they still couldn't avoid Ye Fei's follow-up blocks.

They just want to sigh at this moment——Ye Fei, who is serious about blocking shots, is so terrifying!.

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