sports supervillain

1097. The Strongest Conflict

Kyrie Irving, as the guard player with the best ball control and the best ball control in the active NBA league, and even in NBA history, he has the confidence to say such arrogant words.

In Ye Fei's most recent games, he showed an extremely terrifying stealing ability. Although the number of steals in the previous game was finally less than 15 times, since Ye Fei went berserk, there has not been a single game where the number of steals is lower than double digits. of.

If you want to compare Kyrie Irving to the best and sharpest spear in the league, then Ye Fei is the strongest and strongest shield in the league. Kyrie Irving said, Undoubtedly, it is announced that a contest between spear and shield is about to kick off.

Because of Kyrie Irving's remarks, a frenzy of controversy immediately set off on the Internet.

"I support Kyrie Irving in this wave. I think Ye Fei, "383" won't be so easy to grab Kyrie Irving's ball. Uncle Drew is not joking with you."

"I always thought Ye Shen was invincible, and Kyrie Irving was just humiliating himself. No one can stop Ye Shen, almost unsolvable steal."

"In the last game, the number of steals by Ye Fei decreased, which means that there is still a way to restrain him. I believe in Kyrie Irving, his dribbling is so good, and I look forward to him shaking Ye Fei to the ground."

"A mere Owen, who dares to compete with me, God Ye, is undoubtedly looking for death. I, God Ye, rule all kinds of dissatisfaction. The better I dribble, the worse I am. Those who are drowned are often able to swim.

"Ten or twenty steals in one game can't cure you little Kyrie Irving, I'm afraid you haven't woken up yet."

"Kyrie Irving's dribbling is so flamboyant, invincible Tianxiu, how could it be so easy for Ye Fei to steal the ball from him, and my Uncle Drew showed off the audience."

"I don't know where Owen's self-confidence comes from. He dared to provoke me, Ye Shen, and waited to be intercepted more than 10 times. Ye God casually crushed you little trash, Owen."

Supporting Ye Fei is still the majority, because the stealing ability that Ye Fei has shown recently is too terrifying, it seems that no one can escape Ye Fei's sanctions.

Kyrie Irving took the initiative to ask for a fight, and Ye Fei will definitely satisfy his ideas.

As the eldest brother of Kyrie Irving, Lebron James supported his younger brother in an interview.

"I believe that Kyrie, his ball-handling ability is absolutely top-notch in the league. He can deal with the league's first-class defensive experts. No one can easily take the ball away from him. Even in the face of multiple defenses, Kyrie Both can get through their defense, and I think he can beat Yeh.

Ye Fei deeply suspected that Lebron James was killing his younger brother.

Coming to Cleveland, following LeBron James, the little prince who dumped the pot, and Kyrie Irving, the breakthrough master, and gradually regaining his peak state, Dwight Howard will definitely blow a wave of his teammates.

"Kyrie is definitely the best point guard in the world. His ability to handle the ball is unmatched. I believe he can play with any player. No one can break the ball in his hands. I believe him Can beat that kid, our Cleveland Cavaliers are the best in the league."

Dwight Howard is no different from a clown in Ye Fei's eyes, and what he says is like no one's fart.

It's just that they came out again and again to support Kyrie Irving and want to trouble Ye Fei, but Ye Fei couldn't see them being so aggressive.

Kyrie Irving wants to try Ye Fei, who is better?

Ye Fei is willing to fight him with all his might.

But the players of the Cleveland Cavaliers stood up to support him one after another, and each of them wanted to make things big, gain a wave of popularity, and gain a wave of attention, just to sell more tickets.

It's a bit dishonest.

Even the management of the Cleveland Cavaliers sent out such a tweet.

"The battle between the strongest spear and shield, Kyrie Irving, the best point guard in the league, and Ye Fei, a master of steals, I believe the victory will belong to us, come on! Cleveland! Cavaliers, go, go!"

They also intend to guide their fans and the media, exaggerate the atmosphere of this matchup, and deliberately tout Ye Fei, just waiting for Kyrie Irving to defeat Ye Fei, and then they can desperately tout a wave of their own stars.

Even if Kyrie Irving didn't win in the end, they can say that Ye Fei is already very strong, and it's normal that he can't beat him.

And at this time, some troublesome media stepped forward and deliberately contributed to the flames...

Ye Fei only wanted to teach Kyrie Irving a lesson, but it turned into a contest of the century.

ESPN directly labeled this game as: the strongest duel between spear and shield at the pinnacle of the century, the king of possession VS the king of steals.

Yahoo Sports used "Kyrie Irving and Ye Fei's Battle of the Century" as the title, and analyzed the match in detail in a very long space. Leo Owen.

"The Sun", "Sports Illustrated", SportingNews and many other sports media reported on this incident one after another, pushing the match between Ye Fei and Kyrie Irving to its climax.

Relevant domestic media, such as Penguin Sports, Xinlang Sports and other sports media, also joined in and wrote various reports about this matchup.

In fact, this was originally a very ordinary duel, but under the fuel of this wave after wave, the game gradually lost its proper nature.

Ye Fei has no objection to considering Ye Fei as the best stealer in the NBA, or even in the world.

To insist that Kyrie Irving has top-notch ball-handling ability, and even the best player in the world with ball-handling ability, Ye Fei is really a little bit dissatisfied.

Although his stats are better than last season, and his ability is a little bit stronger, Ye Fei can overwhelm him in previous dribbling duels. With 2.5, Kyrie Irving thinks he is the strongest in the universe. What about the player with the best dribble?

Ye Fei can definitely be called the sharpest spear, and it can also be regarded as the sharpest shield.

The so-called strongest conflict can only be a contest between Ye Fei and Ye Fei, Kyrie Irving is not worthy of him.


As the game approached, this kind of argument intensified. The attention of this matchup was approaching that of last year's finals.

As another protagonist in this duel, Ye Fei did not make a sound, and even rarely showed up. Many media reporters wanted to make trouble, but they couldn't find Ye Fei.

Ye Fei, who originally didn't want to make this matter so hot, was accidentally caught by media reporters when the competition was approaching. Facing their interviews, Ye Fei really had no choice but to say this at last. .

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