sports supervillain

1008. Just Drag Them Down For Me

When a stick fell, Dashi Johnson was a little confused, his strike was not light. Ye Fei was able to carry it down, even the stick was knocked off, how terrifying is Ye Fei's ability to resist blows?

The audience on the sidelines were also shocked by this stick.

"Such a thick baseball bat was broken, and Ye Fei, who was beaten, seemed to be fine, and he was still so fierce. Could it be that the WWE props are too fake?"

"Can you stop making trouble? Can a fake baseball bat hit so many times? Obviously, Ye Fei's body is extremely hard, and he can resist so many attacks with sticks and benches. Ye Fei is too fierce."

"It's no wonder that in the NBA arena, no one can hurt Ye Fei. With this fighting ability, who can do anything to get Ye Fei? Even WWE players can't hurt Ye Fei with props. Those NBA players can only suffer. Abusive."

"Is it fake? Such a thick baseball bat is broken, Ye Fei is still so fierce, what the hell is JB's ability to resist hitting? Brother [you seem to be a little too fierce."

"Prop group, changing props, it must be fake props, I am so stupid, is there such a tough person? After so many blows, even the stick is broken, he can still withstand it


"The only one who is so resistant in basketball is the guy at 23 who claims I'm a genius——Sakuragi Hanamichi, is Ye Fei going to play a real-life slam dunk?"

After deciding to participate in the WWE competition, Ye Fei often confronted Hanamichi Sakuragi, and now Ye Fei can beat Hanamichi Sakuragi.

Otherwise, they would have no chance of smashing Ye Fei.

Compared with the fighting king Yingmu Huadao, Jushi Johnson and Daxiu are obviously far behind. Being beaten would definitely hurt, but it was not as terrible as imagined, and Ye Fei could bear it completely. Seeing Dashi Johnson stunned for a moment, Ye Fei immediately made a move.

Bumping his head back hard, attacking with the head hammer, it hurt Brother Daxiu very much. The force controlling Ye Fei weakened slightly, and Ye Fei took the opportunity to get rid of his restraint. After realizing it, Dashi Johnson wanted to help, but he heard a loud shout: "Brother, I'm coming!"


You only came now, why did you go early.

Anyway, without his help, Ye Fei could still handle the two of them. O'Neill threw Dwayne Johnson to the ground at once, and then ravaged him to his heart's content to avenge his just pushing.

Ye Fei broke free from Brother Daxiu's shackles, took advantage of the situation and threw him, knocking him to the ground again. Ye Fei ignored Brother Daxiu, but walked up to O'Neill and stopped him from attacking. Ye Fei said blankly: "Let him go, I can handle them both by myself, I want them to lose You have to be convinced."

One vs two?

O'Neill looked blank, and Ye Fei was a little too crazy. Although he had just seen Ye Fei's fierceness, he felt that he might not be able to beat the two of them.

Ye Fei pulled O'Neill away from Dashi Johnson, and then pointed at him and said to Daxiu: "You two go together, do what you can, don't let me look down on you. And you better be careful, I will show no mercy."

"Hey, Ye, didn't Ji brothers fight side by side together?"

O'Neill muttered, a little unhappy. I saw Ye Fei patted his head and said very calmly: "We want to fight side by side together, just wait for you to help me drag them down. Trust me, brother, I can handle it."

Is this what you mean by fighting side by side?

O'Neill was dumbfounded.

Brother Daxiu and Dashi Johnson actually still have the strength to fight. After hearing Ye Fei's words, their irrepressible anger rose instantly.


The two looked at each other and attacked Ye Fei at the same time.

The audience on the sidelines were a little confused.

"Fuck, did I hear you right? Ye Fei wants to fight two, he wants to knock Daxiu and Jushi Johnson to the ground together? Are you going to be so crazy? Can you do it? Don't be beaten by others on the ground!"

"Although it was said that the two of them beat you and one, they didn't cooperate well. Now that the two are teaming up, can you still resist?"

"I think Ye Fei must have been beaten stupidly. The big shark wanted to help, but he was rejected? My brother Shark doesn't want to lose face? And are you sure, can you really beat them?

"Two fists can't beat four hands. Wouldn't it be nice to have a big shark to help? Two for two, isn't it good? You have to have one for two, Ye Fei, you are too confident, just two others, but you are pressed to the ground and rubbed.

"What do you call a peerless hero? Ye Fei alone is worthy of our admiration for his courage to fight against two. Ye Fei, good job, you can definitely defeat them both."

"Cheating, as expected of me, God Ye, I just don't accept it. Just then you two fucked me, now I'll fuck you two alone, until you scream."

Ye Fei dared to say such crazy words, so he didn't take the other party seriously. After fighting with the two for a few rounds, Ye Fei suddenly went berserk, and he decided to take Dashi Johnson into surgery.

The brutal savage king charged and brought Dwayne Johnson to the sidelines, relying on the strength of the rebound. Ye Fei took advantage of the situation and threw Dashi Johnson to the ground. Resisting Brother Daxiu's attack, Ye Fei added a punch and a kick to make Jushi strong, temporarily losing his fighting power.

Turning around and twisting around, avoiding Brother Daxiu's attack, Ye Fei grabbed his arm and threw it over his shoulder, knocking Brother Daxiu to the ground.

More than 200 catties. 580


He was a big fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms, and he was thrown to the ground so easily by Ye Fei. Although Ye Fei is proficient in wrestling techniques and uses cleverness, but if you ask Lai Xukun to come, no amount of cleverness can knock people to the ground.

Someone once said that Ye Fei's physical strength is even more terrifying than the peak O'Neal.

It was finally confirmed today.

O'Neill was thrown to the ground by Big Show and Dwayne Johnson, but he didn't have much room to fight back.

Ye Fei threw Brother Daxiu and Dashi Johnson to the ground one after another.

The body rose into the air, and Ye Fei's ferocious elbow hit Daxiu to the point where he temporarily lost his fighting power. Seeing Dashi Johnson beside him, he still wanted to struggle, Ye Fei jumped into the air, kicked mercilessly, and then pressed Dandan Johnson's kick to those straps to bounce back.

His hands were smashed down like hammers, knocking Dashi Johnson to the ground.

Ye Fei turned around and went to clean up Brother Daxiu who was at the side.

One against two.

Ye Fei didn't fall into a disadvantage, and even beat the two of them in a fancy way, until they lost their temper at all. O'Neill next to him was stunned for a moment. The referee saw that the two had completely lost their fighting power, so he hurried up and stopped Shangfei to continue hammering them.

"What are you still doing?"

Ye Fei said to O'Neal: "Hurry up and lift them down!".

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