Chapter 304

Barong looked puzzled and said, “Long Country Language? What is written on it?”

Ye Dong’s face changed slightly, and he asked in confusion, “No one in your stockade teaches you words?”

Barong shook his head and said, “No, and, in fact, there is no need for words.”

Also, the underground world is so big, they don’t go anywhere, they don’t need letters to communicate, they really don’t use words.

However, these people could not have jumped out of the stone.

They should also have some traces of civilization.

It is impossible to start with this kind of civilization similar to the Stone Age.

Ye Dong then focused his attention on the text above the stone wall.

My name is Yang Xiaogang and I am a geologist. My task this time is to assist an archaeological research team. Someone discovered this passage and suspected it was the cave site of the Closed Door Training of the immortals in ancient times.

It took us nearly a month to figure out all the passages of this student, and we came to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

In the end, we really found some treasures that were immortals.

It is a water stick that seals the spring.

Other than that, there were no other findings.

We were quite happy at first.

As a result, when he was about to go back, he was attacked by a strange beast.

The level of this strange beast was very high, and it was also very cruel, killing two-thirds of our companions.

In the end, I detonated the explosives and the tunnel collapsed, so I was able to survive.

Also survived are an archaeology professor and his daughter, as well as three students from the scientific research team.

We also thought of a way to go back later.

Unfortunately, I don’t know why, the magnetic field here is very chaotic, and we can’t get in touch with the outside world.

In addition, the action this time was very secretive, almost no one knew about it, and we also came to this place secretly.

As a result, no one knew we were in this place at all.

It is estimated that in time the military sent a helicopter to pick us up. When we reach the bottom of the canyon, the helicopter will also be unable to function normally due to magnetic interference.

In this way, we decided to live here.

Fortunately, there is plenty of food and water.

In the meantime, I thought about digging another channel.

After one year of implementation, we had to choose to give up because we were digging channels at our speed.

It will take at least two hundred years to get back to the ground.

Two hundred years? At that time we have all become a pile of bones!

Dig a fart?

The rest of the team chose to get married in situ, breed their offspring here, and even built villages.

But I have a family, my wife and children are still waiting for me at home.

I can’t accept the fact that I can’t leave here, and I won’t see my wife and children for the rest of my life.

Unfortunately, there is no way, it cannot be accepted, and it can only be accepted.

The above are all my complaints.

What I want to say next is very important.

That water stick is indeed a treasure left by the ancient immortals, because I am so bored, so I often study the water stick, and finally I discovered that the water stick hides a big secret!

There is a map painted on the Dingshui stick. This map is very likely to lead me to the tomb of the real ancient immortal.

And the location of the tomb is somewhere in the Death Forest.

Perhaps it is precisely because the death forest has established a certain fairy tomb that there are so many strange animals and so many magical plants and herbs.

Because it is impossible to leave this Grand Canyon, everyone has forgotten the purpose of our mission this time!

Our purpose is to find the tombs of ancient immortals! grave!

And I solved the secret!

As long as we can figure out where the tomb on the fixed water stick is, we will…


Even if it is researched out, it is useless, because we can’t get out of here.


I almost became famous all over the world!

My name, Yang Xiaogang, will also be recorded in history, Damn it!

Anyway… if anyone could see these words that I left behind.

Please find the water stick and unlock the secret of the water stick. It can be regarded as fulfilling our unfulfilled wish.

Ye Dong saw the densely packed message on the stone wall and his grievance, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Barong couldn’t read the text and asked anxiously, “Ye Dong, what is written on it? Can you tell me? Who is it that stayed?”

Ye Dong smiled faintly and said, “It seems that my guess is good. You are indeed from the Long Kingdom. The person who left this message is your ancestor, but he didn’t write the year clearly.

But he mentioned the word alien beast, so I think it should be three hundred years ago or two hundred years ago.

And revealed a very important information. ”

Barong looked at the words on the stone wall with an incredulous expression.

They turned out to be descendants of Longguo people, not the mothers of some earth, and the people who left this passage were their ancestors?

But he couldn’t even understand what was written on it.

Barong sighed helplessly and asked, “What message did our ancestors leave behind?”

Ye Dong smiled slightly, and then told Barong the message on the stone wall.

Barong was slightly surprised, “In other words, have we found a way to the ground?”

Ye Dong nodded and said, “Yes, it is, but the passage seems to have been bombed, and I don’t know what the collapse is. Moreover, there seems to be a very powerful animal in the passage, which should be the one on the mural. Hydra.

Perhaps this kind of alien beast should not be of low grade, but it is estimated that it would have starved to death in the past two hundred years.

There is also the water stick, which seems to be a cave of a certain fairy in the Death Forest. Your ancestors hoped that we could find that cave for him and fulfill his wish.


Barong’s face changed slightly, and he asked, “But what?”

Ye Dong smiled bitterly and said, “I guess this Grand Canyon was a big river before, and the water stick sealed the spring eye, causing the big river to disappear.

If I pull out the water stick, the water will flood this place, including your stockade. ”

Hearing this, Barong bowed his head for a moment, then raised his head and said to Ye Dong, “In fact, Holy Maiden has been looking for a way to get out of this canyon. If we can ensure that this passage can indeed lead to the ground, maybe I can convince her. Leaving here with the people.”

Ye Dong obviously wanted to take away the water stick, so he said this.

Ye Dong nodded and said, “Okay, then let’s move on and see what’s ahead.”


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