Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3369: The 3432 mysterious strong enemy 2

Bai Wei was protected because he was pregnant. He lived in a hidden place on the mountain. Yuan Xi also never went down. The white woman on the opposite side was good, and it was impossible to catch people. After all, the guild center imitated the major sects. In the two-kilometer radius of the mountain, a large array of bans was placed, and no evil elements were allowed to make a second.

So she stared at herself... No wonder she would have someone staring at herself for a few days in a row, and occasionally she could find her between her heads—but she just walked quickly and never saw it clearly.

"So you can't catch me, do you think of such a despicable way?"

"Despicable?" The woman in white smiled and said, "In my eyes, there is nothing good or evil, but I don’t want to do it, but you have to say it right, I don’t really want to. This is not my style."

Immediately after the painting, I said coldly: "To tell you the truth, this is to see that you are a disciple of Xuan Qingshan. I will give you a face, otherwise I will catch you directly, using the method of refining the soul. Let you suffer day and night, not afraid that you are not from me!"

Everyone was shocked.

The woman in white said impatiently: "I am too lazy to use this trick, and quickly hand me the hydrangea to me, or I will kill him."

Chen Xiaoxu was busy: "I don't care about him, you let him go!"

That Chu Zhilin was so scared that she was not afraid of her, and Li Li pleaded: "Xian Chang, I am really unfamiliar with Chen Xiaoxu. It is useless to threaten him with me. I am asking for it..."

"Is it really unfamiliar?"

"I am really unfamiliar. I am just an ordinary disciple of Shaohuashan. I was ordered to go down the mountain to purchase. Master Chen went down with me to look at the goods. It was unfamiliar..."

The white woman glanced at Ye Xiaomu and others, and had an idea in her heart. She said to Chu Zhilin: "That's alright."

Chu Zhilin just wanted to thank him and heard the woman in white said: "But if you know it, go back and ask for a secret, but you will not be able to stay."

When Chu Zhilin and Chen Xiaoxu heard this, they all had to persuade that the woman in white had already taken a shot on Chu Zhilin’s head and shot it directly. Even the soul was broken, and she flew out from the seven scorpions and waved by the white woman. Dispelled, clap your hands, and said very easily: "This is the end."

The gaze passed over the face of Ye Xiaomu and said: "So these few are your good friends?"

The voice did not fall, and the flying body rushed up.

Ye Xiaomu three people rushed to resist, Chen Xiaoxu also came to help. I saw this white woman's hands flipped over, and a white liquid like a water wave was swirled around the four people. Under the counterattack of four people, the liquid shattered the vapor, falling like a rain, and the temperature plummeted for a while. Ground frozen.

The four men were in the cold war, and they couldn’t help but slow down a lot. They could only rely on one body to resist the erosion of chill.

"You are young, your strength is OK."

The white woman waved her finger and slammed the wind and blew the "raindrops" and made them more dense, as if they had long eyes, all moving toward the nearest target and sticking to them.

Ye Xiaomu hurriedly licked his hands, but it seemed that the mucus was generally tightly attached.

The terrible thing is that this liquid is cold and icy, and after being attached to the body, it will constantly **** away the infuriating body. Ye Xiaomu experienced this kind of means. Under the shock, watching them, they also became more and more slowly and effortless. They quickly set their minds, and they could still act. They painted a fire symbol and the flame burned. It really evaporated the nearby liquid.

Ye Xiaomu saw this thing effective, and hurriedly drew a few fire symbols to fight out. He opened the road in front, hoping to rush out first, then slow down and then go back to save them. As a result, the white woman saw him to escape, sneer, turn his hand. Between, the intensity of the blizzard has increased several times, and the layers are endless.

Ye Xiaomu's geothermal character is also extinguished.

He found the method of cracking, but still no help, the strength of each other is too big, like a crush, can not fight.

Soon, Ye Xiaomu had already had a layer of ice on his body, but he was barely able to move, and the infuriating body was quickly drained.

Hula flew out of the golden light, illuminating the night sky. It was Wang Xiaobao who sacrificed the body of Luo Hanjin. The ice and snow met Jinguang and immediately melted.

"Rohan Golden Body!"

The white woman was taken aback and looked at him and said, "What is your relationship with the four treasures of the ghost-caught alliance?"

"That is his father!"

Chen Xiaoxu is still moving fast, avoiding the snow, and he has also fallen a lot of raindrops, but because he can see the rhythm of the snowstorm, he can always avoid the most violent offensive.

The woman in white screamed and frowned. She flew up and grabbed the collar of Ye Xiaomu. She took a shot on the back of his head and laid a seal. Ye Xiaomu only felt so numb, and the gas was lifted. It is vented, and the limbs can still act, but the gas can't be done.

The white woman pressed one hand on his shoulder and couldn't struggle. Ye Xiaomu was a little discouraged inside, but there was no way.

After catching him, the white woman removed the offensive against the other people and smiled at them.

"What are you doing, let go of him!" Su smoke was anxious, but did not dare to go forward, for fear of angering the woman in white, making things unfavorable to Ye Xiaomu.

"This is a good friend, let me give me a hydrangea, or I will let him die!"

Chen Xiaoxu looked at Ye Xiaomu nervously and said to the woman in white: "You can't kill him. He is also a disciple of Xuanqingshan."

The white woman glanced at Ye Xiaomu with amazement and said: "What about that?"

Chen Xiaoxu hesitated whether he wanted to tell Ye Xiaomu’s identity. After thinking about it, he still resisted and said, “Well, don’t kill him, I will help you take Xuansu hydrangea!”

"how long?"

"You should also know that Xuansu hydrangea is not in my hands. In Bai Wei, I can only find opportunities..."

"Three days, I will give you three days, if you can't get it for three days, you won't be used, and he won't go back."

After that, I dragged Ye Xiaomu to go.


Su smoked up. "Can you tell us who you are?"

The white woman hesitated.

"Don't you dare?"

"Haha, joke, I am afraid of who is inside the Three Realms, I am a pepper figure."

Pepper map?

Su Yan and Wang Xiaobao each searched for memories, and they have never heard of this name.

Chen Xiaoxu remembered where he had heard the name. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly realized and shouted: "You are a dragon princess!"

Longsheng nine sons, each with its own, the pepper map is the smallest of the nine, named pepper map, is also an ancient animal. If the ancient beasts are to be divided into high and low nobles according to race, then the dragons must be the most superior.

This pepper figure is one of the seven gates of the Taoist Temple and the youngest disciple of the Emperor of the capital. The strength is self-evident, but the nature is stubborn and ferocious. It has been guarded by the South China Sea before, and was later brought out by the wind. After the Battle of the Three Realms, she was still missing. I really didn't expect that today, seventeen years later, she will suddenly appear.

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