Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3041: The origin of the 3043 Ghost King 1

These eight people are all in the realm of Dixian and Luohan. Once they are united, they are powerful, and they are designed to target the characteristics of zombies. As long as there is sufficient time to display, even if you can’t kill the corpse, you can at least Stuck him.

So the eight men glanced at each other and secretly settled down and prepared for the battle.

Hou Qing and the son-in-law came to a place tens of meters away from them. After Qing Qing’s eyes swept over the faces of the people, they finally landed on Lin Sansheng’s face and said, “How is it, is it wrong?”

Lin Sansheng didn't change his face and said, "Do you think you won this way?"

"Not yet, but it's fast."

"The thief, we are here now, do you think you ran away today!" Tyumen looked at Houqing and shouted.

After Qing smiled a little, "Because you are all here, I will come."

He looks free and looks like he is winning, which makes everyone's heart bottomless.


Qiu Mingzi screamed and reached out to the mountain to point to the past. At the end of the mountain road behind Houqing, there was a wave of black shadows, which were coming up in the mountains. Soon, the same scene appeared in other places. Countless shadows, like tides, are constantly coming in from all directions.

The corpse of the mountains and plains...

On the faces of the big squad, there are also surprises. After Qing, this is... want to kill them all?

"You have been guessing where I am, guessing where my main strength is. You thought I would appear in the Fourth Canyon. In fact, I am here waiting for you."

Adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, Hou Qing’s trick is really clever, not only did he sneak into the rear, but he also brought so many men.

Not long ago, they thought that Hou Qing had attacked the back of the battlefield by time difference, in order to destroy their mountain gates. Where did they think that they had already set up an ambush and wanted to wipe them out.

It is unbelievable that the conspiracy can be applied to these places.

"I am very curious, how did you send so many people here?" Lin Sansheng asked.

"From the Yunshan in the south, there is a small road."

Everyone was shocked and looked at each other. It was a fog.

"There is one." Lishan's old mother muttered, "It is not far behind my Lishan Mountain. It can lead to the boundary river, but there are many miscellaneous roads. It is intricate and complicated. If no one leads the way, it will be lost in it..."

In the heart of the move, I wonder if there is a traitor in my door? Otherwise, how can a foreign zombie know about this road, even if he knows that without guidance, he will not be able to come out in such a short period of time. But even if you are in your own door, there are few people who know how this secret road will go. Who is it?

However, since they have crossed the path, it is no wonder that the first one will destroy their own mountain gates... As for what they saw in the camp before, it should be deliberately arranged by Houqing, in order to introduce them. Come over, then collectively destroy...

Between the words, the corpses have gone up the mountain and surrounded them in all directions.

"After the Qing, do you think that we will give in!" Qiu Mingzi pointed at him.


After Qing faint smile, "So, I just want to kill you." After that, waved his hand, and the screams of the horror broke out in the corpse, and they rushed together.

Houqing and Nuwa stood on a raised rock and looked at the besieged people. Even if these were the top powerhouses in the air, they were only in front of their army.

“So it’s over?” The son-in-law frowned. “Is it too simple?”

After the Qing dynasty fixedly looked at Lin Sansheng, Lin Sansheng also looked at him from the air, calm, even with a smile on his lips.

This kind of performance makes Houqing feel a bit wrong, is it, what other cards does he have?

"They are four, are they really willing to sacrifice?"

Earlier, when the road wind and Ye Shaoyang met again, they finally took the initiative to talk about the five swords.

At this time, in the map of Shanhe Society, basically everyone is there, listening to the wind about how to deal with the Promise Ghost King.

"Just sacrifice the flesh, the soul is still intact."

"The sacrifice is also big enough. They have been repaired for hundreds of years. The old turtle has to be repaired for thousands of years. Is this... you forced them?" Ye Shaoyang said with no confidence.

"You don't have to force, they understand this. Only the four great beasts can restrain him."


The road wind was silent, saying: "This thing has to start from the beginning. I told you before. I am a disciple of the Emperor with the Promise Ghost, but I don't know each other. I don't know his origins. I met the Emperor on the day, and the Emperor called the Ghost King as 'A Shuang'. I immediately thought of his origins. His real name is Meng Shuangshi."

Everyone showed a surprised look.

"Meng Shuang's... I seem to have heard of it," Sibao frowned. "Forgot which ancient book, said the name..."

I didn't think about it for a long time.

Daofeng said: "Meng Shuangshi is a pair of ethnic brothers and sisters in ancient times. The male is called Meng, the female is called double. They are brothers but they love each other. They form a husband and wife in private, and they are spurned for the world, so they hide in the mountains. In the same place, I have three volumes of books, which are also the talents of these two people. After decades of practice, they have achieved the avenue. At that time, they were catching up with the outbreak of the wilderness. Xuanyuan and Chiyou both recruited and called for the world.

The two brothers and sisters did not want to die in the mountains, they went to the Xuanyuanshi with enthusiasm. Xuanyuan God disliked their brothers and sisters and fell in love with each other. They smashed their brothers and sisters after a big battle, one in the North Sea Glacier and one in the Lushan Mountain. They are sealed in a heavenly way and they are thundered, and they will never be liberated..."

When I heard this, everyone was shocked and couldn’t get together. Ye Shaoyang muttered: "Xuanyuan God, isn’t it a metamorphosis?"

The road continued: "The world changed, the mountain was broken by the flood, and the seal was also lifted. He went to the South China Sea and went out to the sisters. The brothers and sisters were inexplicably held for thousands of years, grief and indignation. Looking for Xuanyuan God to avenge, but worried that he is not an opponent, so he hid and concentrated on cultivation. In the past few years, although they have been subjected to thunder, but their inner anger has been accumulating, they have been transformed into cultivation, and they have been concealed. In a hundred years, I realized the truth of yin and yang, so the two of them joined together and their minds were connected. In this way, no one could separate them.

The two of them made great achievements and went to Xuanyuan to revenge God. At this time, the Emperor of Dudu found them and told them that Xuanyuan God was gone. I wanted to turn them into them. For some reason, I don’t know, but the two later Convinced by the Great, he became a disciple under the door. At this time, they actually became a person, simply called Meng Shuang. ”

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