Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2820: The 2821 Battle of the Nine Palaces 3

He said so much, and everyone was shocked. This is... four treasures?

"He was brainwashed." Ye Shaoyang bite his teeth with hatred. Although Sibao seems to be able to recognize them, Ye Shaoyang does not believe that there is any power that allows him to say such things, and others do not believe it.

"Giggle..." Xingyue slave grinned. "Ye Shaoyang, you heard no, your good brother, is already the most loyal disciple of Xuanyuanshan, go back? Even if I let him go, will he want to go back?" ?"

The anger that burned in the chest was almost ignited.

Ye Shaoyang reached out and removed the magical symbol on the head of Zhai Peng. Zhai Peng made a cold war and turned to look at the Xingyue slave. He smiled: "Master, you can see the master before you die. The apprentice has been satisfied. Don't worry about me, kill them all, and bury them for me. The disciples are satisfied..."

Xingyue slaves were supposed to give up his, but when he heard this saying, he thought of the centuries that he had served him in front of the horse before the horse, and suddenly he couldn’t bear it. He sank a bit and said to Ye Shaoyang: "What conditions do you want? ”

Ye Shaoyang smiled at him and made a move that was unexpected to everyone. He used the seven-star Longquan sword to poke on his head for several times. On the spot, Peng Peng was killed and the soul was broken. When he came out, he was taken away by Ye Shaoyang with a magical symbol. Then an ankle was on the body of Dapeng who appeared on the real body and kicked him to the foot of Xingyue.

The four treasures have been brainwashed. What other conditions are good to talk about? Only one can be played!

Ye Shaoyang killed Kuang Peng face to face and was also a revenge against the Xingyue slave.

Sure enough, Xingyue Nu looked at the body of Kuangpeng at the foot, stunned, and the color of sadness appeared in his eyes. His own loved one was soaked in front of himself. This visual shock drove the sorrow in his heart.

Xingyue slave stayed for a few seconds, looked up and looked at Ye Shaoyang, and there was already a repressed anger in his eyes.

"Well, Ye Shaoyang, you are enough, I wanted to keep your life... Now it seems that it is to disrupt the plan, but also to fight you!"

"Don't honed, come on!"

Xingyue slave stood still, his hands in front of him and a virtual grip, palms flowing, pointing forward, Qingzhou Ding immediately flew over them.

A group of nine-faced cats stood in front and saw that Qingzhou Dingfei was flying. Naturally, it was impossible to leave it, so two evil things flew up, releasing the magic, trying to hold Qingzhou Ding, and once they came into contact with the outer atmosphere of Dading This breath immediately traced to the source and spread to the two evils. The result is... Like the evil thing before, there is no room for rebellion. It is instantly petrified by the power of bronze and then broken.

Qingzhou Ding continued to fly forward.

"I don't believe in evil!" The nine-faced cat leaped high and turned into a huge civet cat. It jumped to the top of Qingzhou Ding and squatted on it. The demon power covered it from top to bottom. Her tactics are correct. Qingzhou Ding, an ancient artifact, can't be hard, and can only work hard to cut off the connection between it and the Xingyue slave.

However, she underestimated the control of Xingyue slaves to Qingzhou Ding: With the continuous practice of Xingyue slaves, the power of bronze turned upside down, and after a period of stalemate with the demon of the nine-faced cat, it actually turned back and slammed the nine-faced cat. Trapped in the middle. Her men were not good at seeing them, but they went up to save, but they were all bounced off by the power of bronze.


A long cat's cicada, the nine-faced cat finally broke through the **** of the bronze force, and ejected heavily, landed on the enchantment on the island, and fell to the ground. After climbing, the mouth gasped, the corner of the mouth A blood flowed out.

"Ha ha ha..." Xingyue slave laughed. "You are also bold. You actually broke into my nine-square grid. I have refining the willingness of the nine-star stack, and then I have a time to clean up. Deformation, proof of the mixed yuan, you come, just take the last wave of you, and watch me get it!"

Controlled the Qingzhou Ding Dynasty Ye Shaoyang to fly directly.

"I'll try!"

The pony jumped up, and a brick slap on the tripod. He only heard a loud bang, and the pony was directly shaken out. This riveted a hard blow, and only let Qingzhou Ding pause for a while, continue to Fly before...

Xiaoqing Xiaobai tried it together and trapped Qingzhou Ding for a while, but in the end he couldn’t stand the strong bronze power and was forced to retreat and was injured.

Ye Shaoyang looked at this phenomenon, and estimated that he was also difficult to settle, simply avoiding.

After all, Qingzhou Ding was so heavy that he couldn't catch up with him, so Xingyue slave changed his tactics and controlled Qingzhou Ding to chase the people around him. Whoever is close to chase him. For a time, everyone rushed to escape and did not dare to rob their edge.

Seeing that they were in chaos, Xingyue slaves were very satisfied, and their hands were printed. The mouth spit out a scent of gas. One hand grabbed it and threw it out. The essence immediately split into nine, falling on the top of the statue of the nine statues. Formed in the energy body.

The energy body immediately disintegrated and spread from the top of the statue, and then the miracle happened: the place that was swept by the will, immediately became flesh and blood, and the eyes suddenly opened, and both eyes were blood red.

When the willpower is completely absorbed by the statue, the statue becomes the same living body as the Xingyue slave, and jumps up and uses various spells to attack people near him.

Ye Shaoyang also succumbed to one, a few rounds down, and his heart was shocked: this is obviously the shape of the statue, but it is very flexible. Like the real person, it will also seal the practice, and it will be strong, and you will not be able to take it for a while. The upper hand.

A Qingzhou Ding had already made their chickens and dogs jump, and now with these nine people, the scene is even more chaotic. Everyone can only help themselves, and they can't talk about the attack at all. The scene is very passive.

"Haha... I want to prove that the three souls and seven scorpions are taken apart, with the gods as the body, and the retreat of the seven seventy-four forty-nine days has been accomplished. You have just taken the flags of you!"

The moon and the slaves were arrogant and swelled to the extreme. As soon as the soul of the heavens controlled the Qingzhou Ding, the remaining two souls and seven scorpions controlled the nine statues and launched a crazy attack on the crowd.

Qingzhou Ding cooperated with the nine people, sandwiching Lin Sansheng in the middle, forcing him to have nowhere to escape, and Ye Shaoyang and others were also entangled. For a time, they could not come to rescue. Lin Sansheng was about to be hit by Qingzhou Ding, suddenly a black Shadow fly, wrap the Qingzhou Ding

It is the handsome flag of Zhong Rong!

The old Master looked at him for a long time, and he always figured out his hand.

After the handsome flag wrapped in Qingzhou Ding, it constantly released a powerful spiritual power, trapping Qingzhou Ding in midair and unable to move. The power of the handsome flag and the power of bronze consume each other, like two mutually repulsive magnets, hanging together in the air, reaching a certain balance.

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