Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2617: The happiness that can't be touched by the 2618

"My nature is desire...inexhaustible desire, power, to you...I saw you from the first sight, I decided you, I must get you, I will never let you go!"

"Shaoyang, you are coming up!"

Hu Wang opened the seal completely on the top and called Ye Shaoyang to go up quickly. Xiaojiu stood on the side and shook the sky, and stretched to Ye Shaoyang. Ye Shaoyang grabbed it and quickly climbed up with his cold jade.

It is almost the exit of the forbidden city.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the cold jade in his arms and smiled.

"Beware!" Xiao Ji looked behind them and shouted.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly turned to look at it, just to see an amazing scene being staged:

The mountain is burning!

The blood-red liquid that flows down from the top of the mountain will actually burn the blood of the minister. Then, the whole mountain is trembled, and the whole corpse is trembled.

The will of the minister, as if moving, the blood of the corpse is countercurrent, and the circle rotates around the mountain, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Although I don't know what is going to happen, it is definitely not a good thing.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed the scorpion, pulled it hard, and added Xiaoji on it. The two of them slammed up, and Ye Shaoyang’s half body had already arrived outside. He was about to send the 芮冷玉 first, suddenly behind him. A loud bang, like a huge wave slamming on the rock, accompanied by a huge impact, turned the two up.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed the sky with one hand, and the other hand tried to lift the cold jade first, but after pulling it for a few times, he looked down and suddenly became scared.

After Qing did not know when it flew over, one hand grasped the cold ankle's ankle, looked up at the head, and looked at Ye Shaoyang in a hazy manner. This look and expression made Ye Shaoyang think of the pervert in Hollywood movies. Killer, killing big bss.

"I said, I won't let you take her away!"

"The ghost is not scattered!"

Ye Shaoyang read a sword, and the seven-star Longquan sword flashed over a purple light, and squatted against Hou Qing’s arm.

With a bang, the arm was broken, and the back fell, but... Ye Shaoyang saw that behind him, the will of the minister collapsed, and the burning blood blew in the forbidden area, becoming a red flame. The sea, which is constantly spreading upwards, is a sturdy corpse that rises with the waves.


After the fall fell in the sea of ​​fire, but the next moment, the blood sea began to fall in the direction of his fall, gradually gathered into a person's shape.


Ye Shaoyang threw the cold jade, and then he crossed the seal and flew up ashore. He just landed, and suddenly his eyes lit up. A flame rushed from the forbidden land and spurted out to the surroundings. A fireman in the middle rushed toward himself.


Ye Shaoyang rushed to the cold jade and sighed. He quickly printed the knot and played eight charms. In front of himself, he pieced together a "meter" shape. As the spell was read, the charm became a wind and thunder, occupying the position of the gossip, in front of him. Blocked a strict.

With a bang, the burning corpse blood hit the wind and thunder enchantment and consumed each other. The result was less than three seconds, and the enchantment was paralyzed.

Although he is not an opponent of Houqing, but this result... is much faster than Ye Shaoyang expected. Hou Qing... How did it become so powerful at once?

I couldn’t think too much, and in the few seconds that the enchantment resisted, Ye Shaoyang had already pulled the cold jade and fled over.

The burning corpse water, like magma, is sprayed from below, forming two waves to chase Xiaojiu and Huwang.

Hu Wang’s strength is the worst, and he has long been hiding, so as not to drag them down.

The small nine illusion turned out to be the real body, rushing through the waves, came to rescue Ye Shaoyang and Yan Lengyu, but in the end it was blocked by a wave.

Ye Shaoyang hung down the cold jade and flew down the mountain, but halfway through the blood, may be to prevent them from escaping, the blood did not directly pursue, but crossed them from both sides, in front of them, waiting for them to jump out, formed A ring, rising, full of tens of meters high, gradually gathered around the top, forming a hollow ball.

Ye Shaoyang and Yan Lengyu are trapped in the ball, looking around, and there is no way.

"Shaoyang... We split up and go out, can you go out, just look at luck!" After the cold jade finished, he immediately rushed in one direction and was caught by Ye Shaoyang.

"Go walk together!"

After all, regardless of the opposition of Yan Yuyu, she held her in her arms, and she held her up with one hand, put a few magical symbols on her body, and put a large money on the carving mother. In her mouth, the other hand touched the Taiyi whisk, took a deep breath, and rushed straight into the burning sea of ​​blood...

There is no other way, countless times of combat experience tells Ye Shaoyang that this situation must be broken immediately and must not be delayed, otherwise it may never go out.

"The heavens and the earth's allies are true, the purple micro-counts are fixed in the distance, the Taiyi one is divided into the universe, the three clear magical heavens and the earth! The urgency is like the law!"

Ye Shaoyang shouted and drew a brush on the façade of the blood sea. The blood and water slammed away from the middle, and was forced out of a path by Taiyi.

Ye Shaoyang hugged the cold jade and squeezed it from the middle. The blood immediately surrounded him and squeezed them from all directions. The blazing flame seemed to scorch the air. It felt like walking in the fire. On the cold jade, there is a magical blessing of Ye Shaoyang. Once the corpse fire is encountered, a cold chill is formed, which resists the temperature of the flame.

"Shaoyang, how are you?" Yan Lengyu didn't feel the hot air, but looking at Ye Shaoyang's look, he knew how painful he was, struggling to jump from Ye Shaoyang's arms.

Ye Shaoyang pressed her, holding Taiyi whisk, opening the road in front, constantly exporting the blood to the sea, and then squeezing it out... Although the Taiyi whisk is wonderful, but the storage of spiritual power is limited, after a while, the spiritual power is fast. Exhausted.

Ye Shaoyang cut through the fingers, let the blood flow out, mixed with the body's helium, poured into the Taiyi whisk, and maintained consumption.

After a full minute of persistence, the spiritual power of Taiyi's dust was completely dimmed, and it was almost invisible... The blood around him was constantly squeezed and it was already attached to the two.

The frenzied heat made Ye Shaoyang stunned and almost fell. When he was still holding a cold jade, he continued to move forward with an unyielding belief.

Leng Lengyu struggled to jump from his arms, grabbed the Taiyi whisk with her, and poured his own suffocation into it. It was much brighter when it was too embarrassing.

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