Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2507: The 2507 seems to be the original person to come 1

At dinner in the evening, Lao Guo did not go, indicating that he was reading a book at home.

The human members of this gathering of ghost-caught alliances have basically arrived. Even Wang Xuwen was called by the four treasures. Zhou Jingru invited the guests. Together, everyone congratulated Ye Shaoyang on Chen Gong’s upgrade, and by the way, he met the new member of Qiuying.

This meal, everyone is very happy to eat, after dinner, a few sisters went to the night market together, Ye Shaoyang took Bi Qing and Qiu Ying home.

"Boss, what piece of instrument do you say?" Qiu Ying asked immediately as soon as he arrived at home.

Ye Shaoyang remembered this matter, took the thousand umbrella from the special safe made by Lao Guo and handed it to Qiu Ying.

"I don't understand this thing very well. You can take it and study it slowly. If it suits you, use it. If it is not appropriate, give it to me."

Qiu Ying promised to go down and happily hold a thousand umbrellas to study outside.

Ye Shaoyang went back to the room alone, thought about what happened recently, thought of Zhenyuan Daxian, went to find the wind, didn't know how, and... He said that the original style was the original, the predecessor of the wind who is it?

Ye Shaoyang took out the snow agate ring and planned to know the wind. He asked him about the situation. The result was not activated with helium. The phone suddenly rang and picked it up and it was called by Guo Guo.

"You come, I found the clue, I am waiting for you in the store!" Lao Guo said this. Ye Shaoyang immediately cleaned up the door. When Bi Qing was eating before the tablet show given by Zhou Jingru, Ye Shaoyang asked a few sisters to find out where to sell the computer. In the face of everyone’s doubts, he had to tell Biqing’s wonderful events. Biqing was a bit shy on the spot. She had to turn her face with Ye Shaoyang. As a result, Zhou Jingru had a tablet in her bag, telling her that it was more convenient to use the drama, and then taught her how to use it.

After the Biqing Society, just like the discovery of the New World, I loved it, and Zhou Jingru gave the tablet to her very refreshingly. After returning, she was playing with it. Ye Shaoyang went out to say hello to her and didn't look at him.

After going out, Ye Shaoyang hit a car and went all the way to the coffin shop of Lao Guo. The shutter gate was closed halfway. Ye Shaoyang got in and looked at it. He suddenly stayed: the floor of the store was full of various woods, one person Kneeling on the edge of the coffin, sawing a piece of wood with a hand saw.

"White eyebrows? I said why you didn't go to eat, what are you doing here?"

Lao Guo stood up from behind the counter and complained: "Don't say it, he came over in the afternoon. He said that I have more wood of different materials here. I have to cast a sword and turn out the wood here. Look at it. Look, this is being drummed from the beginning of the afternoon."

Ye Shaoyang is also quite speechless. This kid will also pick the place.

After Wu Jiawei greeted Ye Shaoyang, he continued to saw the wood and completely ignored the complaints of Lao Guo.

"You come to me, is this for him?" asked Ye Shaoyang.

"Where can I find the result, you come with me!" After reading Ye Shaoyang into the basement, the lights turned on, and Ye Shaoyang immediately saw a large water tank, a huge dragonfly, and the whole was in the water tank. With two chewing teeth, I couldn't move, and saw that Ye Shaoyang came in, and immediately the body swayed, showing the true body, which is the flat head.

"Boss, you are coming." Recently, he also changed his mouth with everyone, and Ye Shaoyang called the boss.

"Oh, what are you doing?"

"This is the nutrient solution I have prepared. I can soak up and cultivate in it, and I can speed up the improvement." Lao Guo hurried past. "You don't care about it, you come over."

With Ye Shaoyang walking to a bookcase in the corner, there is a glass door on the shelf, which is filled with various books, wired ancient books, manuscripts, and some modern books, but without exception. They are all books related to spells. The knowledge of old Guo Yuanbo and the strange things in his head are found in these books.

Lao Guo picked up an open book from the shelf and said nothing to Ye Shaoyang.

There is a picture in the book. Under the dim light, Ye Shaoyang saw what Lao Guo wanted him to see. It was like a horn, with long spikes on it.

"Exactly the same!" Ye Shaoyang took a breath and said, looking at the following text, is a stereotype of very small heads, handwriting, identification for a long time, Ye Shaoyang only slyly understand:

The special teachings of Simon Witchcraft, the instruments used for sacrifices, the witches who wear them, have the effect of gathering together.

It's such a simple description.

Gathering willingness... Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said: "Yes, it is it! Northern Xinjiang Ite... What is it? I have never heard of it."

Lao Guo shook his head. "I have found a lot of information. I have not found this sect. It is estimated to be a branch of witchcraft. In Simon, perhaps it is far from Middle-earth, so it is not famous."

"Where is Simon?"

"West of Mongolia."

"This way." Ye Shaoyang's eyes are sluggish. For Mongolia, except for knowing that this is a place name, there is no concept at all. Mongolia used to be a grassland nation. It is not the same as the Tibetan Buddhism. The connection between Mongolia and the Central Plains regime has always been the weakest. After all, it was not a country at the time, and it was often beaten.

Ye Shaoyang has never heard of the deeds about Mongolia's spells. Hearing what Lao Guo said, it is a bit aggressive.

"It is now certain that this Holy Spirit will be related to this Ite religion!" Lao Guo said in a certain tone. "The next step, we will investigate this Eti, and we will definitely find clues!"

Ye Shaoyang said: "How do you investigate, do you have a clue?"

"No." Lao Guo answered very simply.


"But you can ask."

"Who are you asking?"

Lao Guodao: "There are a few masters, they are very knowledgeable, maybe someone knows, right, mainly Daoyuan real people, the living fossil of this spell, maybe you know."

"Dao Yuan, the kid..." Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but swear.

Lao Guo’s eyes widened. “You are dead, people can hear it, and you are given a hat that does not respect the predecessors!”

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and said: "He was my brother. Well, this feeling is very strange. In fact, when I came back, I wanted to see him in the past... But think about it, he may have forgotten me, or forget it. After all, in this world, he is my predecessor."

The two men negotiated to go to Longhushan to find the real people. Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment and agreed. At the beginning, the Holy Spirit event was just an episode for him, but with the investigation, Ye Shaoyang gradually discovered that there is a huge secret behind this incident. I have already started investigating, and it is necessary to check out the water.

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