Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2351: The 2353 road wind means 1

Ye Shaoyang is very pleased to be able to come back and fight with everyone.

Xiao Yiyun and the oranges have official positions. It is not convenient to stay in the world for too long. They talked with them for a while, and they reluctantly left. The oranges originally wanted to kiss on Ye Shaoyang’s face. Ye Shaoyang saw the motive in advance, afraid of Xiao Yiyun. Oh, I have hid.

"Boss." Buns suddenly jumped in front of Ye Shaoyang, opened his mouth, spit out a blue-green thing like a snowflake.

Soul crystal...

The buns are plants into demon, and the soul crystals are naturally blue-green.

"This is..." Ye Shaoyang stunned.

"Boss, you said, as long as I really come to you with you, you will accept me as a doorman. It is time."

The scene was silent, everyone looked at Ye Shaoyang.

Soul crystal spit out, if Ye Shaoyang does not accept it, then it will wither. Ye Shaoyang had to spread his hand and let the soul crystal fall on it, turning it into a green line in the palm. Side by side with the other lines, although they are all dark, but they are also colorful, and these lines are criss-crossed, as if they form a certain pattern...

Ye Shaoyang looked at it for a while, and did not see any clues. He converges and looks at the buns and said: "So what, since you officially became my doorman, I have nothing to say. We have a tradition in the ghost league. No big or no small, no difference in respect, everyone is just as important!"

"There is a problem. When I am the second brother, I want to ask you!" Guagua was sitting on the shoulder of Ye Shaoyang, holding his arms, and a sublime and serious appearance said: "If the boss takes us to play the Tibetan King Bodhisattva, you have to How to do?"

"The Bodhisattva of the Tibetan King?" A buns, look at Ye Shaoyang, said, "How can I play it!"

"I just can't beat it. What do you do then?"

"I... discourage the boss from going to death?"


Guagua jumped down and stood in front of him, screaming. "Since the boss is going to deal with the Tibetan king, there must be his reasons. He also discourages and discourages your sister. We, as younger brothers, naturally have to go with them. No matter who the other party is, even if it is a Tibetan king, we have to kill a **** road!"

The buns stunned and said: "But it can't be beaten."

"Can't beat, then die together!" Xiaoqing took the words and said one word at a time. "In the sky, no one can come to us. For us, we are good to them, we want to deal with us." Even if it is the Great Emperor and the Tibetan Bodhisattva, we have to fight back!"

The buns slammed and turned to look at everyone, all of them were the same persevering expressions, and they knew something in the depths.

Ye Shaoyang himself is also very moved. They are the ghost league, they can stand in the three realms, and they can fight the opponents who are scared by the common masters to hear the name again and again. This is the spirit.

This is the way for all of them.

Where the Tao is, it is invincible.

"Well, the lesson of the lesson, the future is your own." Guagua went up and patted his shoulder, filling with 2,500,000. "That, you are young and old, you are Behind Xiaojiu, you are... old ten!"

Everyone is coming up to tease him.

"You are obviously a plant, why is it called a steamed buns? Who gave you such a funny name?" Xiaobai said with a head.

Ye Shaoyang's old face is red...

After dinner, Ye Shaoyang took everyone back to his home. Four treasures about Wang Xuwen, seeing them finish the business, hurriedly left. Xie Yuqing and Xue Qi also went home.

Although Xie Yuqing is very excited, but since Ye Shaoyang has returned, naturally he will not lose again. He will come to Japan. He knows that Ye Shaoyang is still waiting for the wind to talk about things and does not want to bother him.

I haven’t returned since I have been there for more than a month. Ye Shaoyang looked at everything in the house, but there was a feeling of touching the scene.

"Shaoyang, this is your thing. After you left, the photo studio sent it. I am afraid to send you here when I lost it." Lao Guo took out a xiāngzi from the cupboard.

"Photo Studio?" Ye Shaoyang stunned and immediately realized that it was a wedding photo taken with Leng Yu, and his heart was a little bit cramped.

Lao Guo patted Ye Shaoyang's shoulder very well and said: "Don't be sad, I will wait for you to be with Lengyu in the future, and then look back at these experiences, they are sweet wealth."

Ye Shaoyang knew that he was comforting himself, smiled, and did not open xiāngzi to see the zhàopiàn inside, but put it back in the cabinet.

Ye Shaoyang found out the mobile phone, and had no electricity. When looking for the charger to charge, the window wài swelled in the wind. When I looked back, the road wind flew in, or the previous appearance, a long flowing hair, a blue gown, Beijing old cloth shoes, dressed like the West Gate blowing snow.

Behind him was a white-eyed Yang Gong, and Yang Gong was behind him, followed by a man, who was actually a pony.

"Hey, little leaves!"

When I saw Ye Shaoyang, the pony immediately called and came up to say hello.

"City Master, how come you are here?"

"Come on your sister!"

The pony hit a palm in front of Ye Shaoyang's chest. Ye Shaoyang was completely unprepared. He was almost beaten by him. He walked back two or three steps before he stood and shouted: "You are dead!"

"Look at your imaginary. I said, I listened to Fengshen saying that you are back, naturally I have to come see you. I said where you have been away for so long? Is Baoye with you, people coming?"

"The girl went."

Ye Shaoyang looked at the road and Yang Gongyi. Yang Gongyan’s face with a smile reveals two dimples. This way, it’s really a bit of a reverse of the feelings of beings.

Ye Shaoyang cleared his throat and deliberately joked: "You are here too."

Yang Gong was a little embarrassed and gave him a look.

"When did you come back?" asked the wind.

"not long ago."

"Xu Fu?"

"He..." Ye Shaoyang asked them to sit first. They simply told them about their experiences in the Republic of China. After listening to them, they were also embarrassed. The pony was curious and asked him about the details of the crossing. He was very envious and regretted that he was then No chance to go together.

"Small leaves, you must tell me in advance before you cross the next time, take me with me, I want to cross the dream!"

"You are a ghost now, can you still dream?"

"Meditation, just like dreaming, you will know when you die!"

Ye Shaoyang was speechless and asked about the wind. "I heard that you helped Xu Fu to rob the prison, and rescued him. Why are you helping him?"

"In order for him to have one more helper, it is good for you."

"Then why don't you let him send you to find me!"

"Xu Fu said that you should rob and complete your mission there. Since he is not going to harm you, I am naturally relieved." Daofeng did not like to talk about these useless words. The words turned and said: "You are going to squat." Thunder pool?"

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