Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1862: Prince Charles 3

The road did not answer, and there was no change in the expression on his face.

"Do you know the offense of the vampire king?" The voice of Prince Charles became colder.

The corner of the road wind floated a smile, his left hand lifted up, pinched a black lotus flower, and hit the face of Prince Charles.

Prince Charles opened his mouth and spurted a **** light, colliding with the black lotus, and a near-horrible shock wave spread out. This morphing wave is completely unfeasible to ordinary people, but in the feelings of Ye Shaoyang and other masters, It seems that there has been a hurricane.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly arranged the enchantment and blocked it in front of him. Waiting for this shock wave to pass, the gods look again, Prince Charles is being held by a group of blood bats, flying far away.

The wind volley chased the past, waved the whip, and slammed against the head of Prince Charles.

"Kill him!" Ye Shaoyang jumped up and shouted at the wind.

Prince Charles also realized the danger, turned suddenly, and extended a hand to the wind, and the countless blood bats around him swarmed up to form a nebula, blocking the attack for Prince Charles.

A loud bang, all the blood bats were shattered in an instant, and the flesh and blood fluttered in the air like a mist. The feathers flew and fell.

Prince Chal’s figure has already taken a long way.

The wind squinted and did not chase it. Instead, he took out the **** scorpion from the sleeves and collected the **** flesh of these blood bats.

The wind hangs in the air, and this looks like a sinister, like a demon standing in the air.

Ye Shaoyang and Lin Sansheng are not strange to this scene, but Eva and others are shocked and look at this scene.

Prince Charles has been flying to the top of a building 100 meters away and landed on the ground, kneeling on one knee.

On the edge of the building, standing a young man in a white suit, holding a cat in his arms, is the dead cat that was killed by Eva, now curled up in the man's arms, looking at the small building There is a constant squeaking noise in the throat.

The man gently stroked the black cat, his eyes locked in the wind and said: "He is not a mage."

Prince Charles squatted on the ground, floating black light around him, constantly repairing the broken skin, muttering: "Not a mage, but our enemy."

"Not necessarily. Such a proud person can't sell for Catherine, and it is impossible to stay with her."

Prince Chal heard this and seemed to have some understanding. "Another mage, killing us a few lords and a large number of slaves, can not be underestimated."

The man was slightly decapitated and stunned for a long while. He said: "The enemy of the vampire royal family will not have a good end. The next time, I committed suicide."

After turning around and heading across the building, Prince Charles looked at the wind with hatred and followed.

The road winds up the **** seas, and flies toward Ye Shaoyang and enters the room.

Eva and others can't help but step back.

The road does not look at other people, directly ask Ye Shaoyang: "How can you make this?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged his shoulders. "It’s hard to say."

Do not ask too much, said: "You adjust your interest, go to the Qing Dynasty."

"Not today, I will be good, I will talk about it tomorrow."

"Then I will come again tomorrow." The wind did not insist, turned and flew out, Yao Mengjie tried to call him, but the wind was gone.

Ye Shaoyang spit out a sigh of relief and said to Yao Mengjie: "It's useless, she can't be a bodyguard for you."

Yao Mengjie’s eyes flashed and he bit his lip and said, “What can touch him?”

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, which is to catch up, the road will only be shot, he will never be able to sell for anyone, even if he let him stay is impossible.

Lin Sansheng said: "Shaoyang, call the police officer Xie, deal with the aftermath."

Ye Shaoyang has only come back to God. There are so many corpses outside... It really needs to be a good one. Otherwise, I will be seen by neighbors around the morning tomorrow. I think that what happened in a big case, and when I think about it, I don’t necessarily live. It is.

Immediately take out the phone, call Xie Yuqing, let her bring someone to come immediately. Xie Yuqing simply asked about the situation and said that he would come soon.

Putting down the mobile phone, Ye Shaoyang frowned and sighed: "I really don't know how many vampire corpses are handled." The corpse is too much. It is estimated that Xie Yuqing is not very good and completely treated as a spooky event.

Eva listened to him and said, "The body of the vampire is not to be taken care of."

"Why don't you care, the appearance is the same as humans."

"Mr. Ye, look at the window." Eva said with a mysterious look.

Ye Shaoyang looked suspiciously and suddenly forced it:

The bodies of vampires that piled up like mountains before the downstairs were all gone.


Ye Shaoyang looked closely. The ground seemed to be beating some small black shadows. There were dozens of them. I couldn’t help but ask: “What are those?”

Eva said: "There is also in the house, look at your feet."

Ye Shaoyang looked down and saw that there were only a few on his feet. It turned out to be a cockroach. Looking closely, the cockroaches on the body were all red, and the heads were quite big, and they were squatting in the corner.

Ye Shaoyang vaguely thought of something, and asked Eva with surprise: "Is it..."

"These cockroaches are changed after the death of the vampire."

Looking at Ye Shaoyang, who was shocked and shocked, Eva continued to explain: "This is God's curse of vampires. After the vampires die, within half an hour, they will become awkward, and they will be embarrassed for generations."

"Generation for generations..." Ye Shaoyang frowned, muttering, "Don't you get into the reincarnation?"

"Mr. Ye, there is a saying in our West that God's return to God, God's return to God, even a vampire, was once a God's people, and God is qualified to rule them."

Ye Shaoyang slowly nods. This is indeed the case. The rule of every religion, like the kingdom of the world, has different systems and laws, and is in charge of its own people. If the people of China are guilty abroad, they must also be subject to other countries. The law is sanctioned, but generally, if the nationality is not changed, it will eventually be sent to the original place to serve the sentence.

This is like those vampires. Even if they die in China, their souls or gods will still be treated by the power of Western religions. Even if they escape, they will be caught by the yin, and they will still be sent to their places of origin. ......

Mentioning this, Ye Shaoyang remembered the history of Huaxia Yinshi. According to legend, since the beginning of Hongjun's ancestors, the yin was originally the same as the first clan society in the world. There was only a reincarnation road, and there was no sound system. Later, Sanqing Lijiao, Ziwei Emperor Incarnation of the Emperor, that is, the Emperor of the capital, led the people to teach the governor, until later Buddhism stayed in China, but also established a similar place of the ****, and the sinister court, each attracting believers.

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