Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 63: Comrade Commander, you have been captured by us!

Chapter 63 Comrade Commander, you have been captured by us!

 One of the colonel’s chief of staff shouted anxiously. The deputy commander was arrested and he is now the temporary supreme commander.

The colonel stared at the commander of the special operations company, "Contact all the commandos of your Black Tiger Brigade immediately and abandon all tasks at hand! Let them come back quickly, saving people is important!"

The Black Tiger Brigade, like the special forces and special operations companies under Lei Keming, has also spread out several special operations groups and is ambushing and wreaking havoc in the Red Army's territory.


 “Contact the helicopter unit again…”

Before the colonel finished speaking, a guard next to him hurriedly reported: "Report, the helicopter unit has been killed by the enemy!"


On the other side, Zhang Chuan climbed onto the bank from the river and ran to the place he had agreed with Zhuang Yan.

In this area of ​​20 to 30 miles, there are at least ten fully equipped Blue Army mechanized regiments!

Zhuang Yan is not like himself, he has a master of all skills. If he is really surrounded by these mechanizations, it will be difficult to fly!

So, Zhuang Yan drove a few miles and found a place to stop.

 At this moment, two figures jumped out from the side.

 It’s the high school team and the Gray Wolves!

 “Oh my god! It’s actually the deputy commander himself!”

When Gray Wolf saw that the commander of the Blue Army was sitting in the car, he was stunned!

The high school team next to them was also dumbfounded. Although they had a little expectation in their hearts, they really didn’t dare to think that Zhang Chuan and Zhuang Yan could really capture the deputy commander of the Blue Army!

 But now, the commander of the Blue Army is actually lying in the car!

This is an ironclad fact!

 “You two are simply incredible!”

 Even the high school team, which usually has a stable team, can't help but sigh at this moment.

“High school team, Gray Wolf, stop nagging! Change your clothes quickly! The pursuers will be here soon!”


Without saying a word, the two of them quickly took off the blue army commander's clothes and put them on.

The gray wolf also took off his clothes and changed his outfit with the commander of the blue army.

 “Hurry up and retreat quickly!”

 The high school team urged Zhuang Yan.


Zhuang Yan carried the Blue Army commander on his back and ran quickly to the place agreed with Zhang Chuan.

The high school team and the Gray Wolf drove their cars in the other direction!

 Yes, this is their plan -

 Sign up and replace it with a new one!

Use the high school team and the Gray Wolves to divert the Blue Army’s firepower and buy time for Zhuang Yan and Zhang Chuan!

Wearing the clothes of the deputy commander of the Blue Army, I am afraid that the military dogs will follow the smell and chase me.

 In this way, we can attract all the blue army’s troops!

By the time the Blue Army realized something was wrong, Zhuang Yan and Zhang Chuan had already jumped out of the encirclement with their deputy commander!

At the same time, the Blue Army troops received orders from the headquarters and sent a large number of troops to pursue Zhuang Yan and the others. They also set up layers of defense lines along the way, waiting for them to hit their guns!

 UAVs were hovering over the forest to investigate the situation.

 Each unit also released military dogs to join the pursuit team.

 Not long after, the military dog ​​found the place where Zhuang Yan parked his car.

 But soon, under the guidance of the military dogs, they turned their heads in the direction of the high school team.

Following the military dogs, the troops also turned around and pursued them with all their strength, and also deployed heavy troops there.

 In comparison, Zhuang Yan was not chased much!

 The high school team successfully attracted the attention of the Blues.

 About ten minutes later, the car driven by the high school team and the Gray Wolf was discovered by the Blue Army.


The blue team's team crashed into it, forcing the high school team's car to stop.

 The high school team and the Gray Wolf did not resist, but instead smiled proudly.

 Although it only took about ten minutes, the trick was done!

  “Get out of the car!”    The commander of the special operations company led his men to drag the high school team and the Gray Wolf down.

They quickly searched the car, only to find that there was no one else in the car!

 “Report! The commander was not found!”


 The special operations company commander's face suddenly turned green.

At this time, he also saw that the gray wolf was wearing the uniform of their blue army commander!

At this moment, he suddenly realized,

be cheated!

What a golden cicada has escaped from its shell!

“Quick! Chase in the opposite direction! They must not be far away yet!”

The commander of the special operations company turned pale and roared loudly: "Order all troops to establish at least three lines of defense within thirty miles to the northwest. Not even a mouse can let it slip away!"


The subordinates immediately contacted the Blue Army command center and urged their superiors to issue orders quickly.

 The company commander immediately spread out the map and studied it carefully.

“They must be withdrawing towards the northwest! That area happens to be where we deploy heavy firepower such as missile troops and second artillery. They cannot conduct reconnaissance alone and cannot send top personnel to accurately intercept.”

"But our troops are heavily fortified in that area, and there are not many roads for the enemy to retreat to the Red Army's territory! These three flat roads with few obstacles are too conspicuous, and they will never dare to take that risk!"

“Apart from these three, the rest may be waterways, steep cliffs or roads through swamps!”

“If they take the commander with them, the waterway will be difficult to walk, and the swamp will not hide from the eyes of our drones!”

“In this case, they are likely to choose the steep mountain cliff road! There are more than a dozen steep but climbable mountains in the twenty miles ahead. Although they are difficult to walk, they are the most hidden and safe;

 The next twenty miles are barren mountains with few trees and grass, many rocks and pits, which is perfect for sneaky operations!

 Besides, following this road is the shortest way for them to get to the Red Army territory! So, I guess they will choose this way to rush out! We have to ambush in advance! "

After hearing the company commander's thorough analysis, the special forces nodded in agreement.

“Notify our special teams of the Black Tigers immediately, and wait in ambush in the twenty-mile steep mountainous area and the barren mountain area behind! We may not be able to stop them by pursuing them directly, and we can only rely on ambush to delay the speed of the Red Army team!”


In the blink of an eye, this army of thousands of people, with military dogs, rushed towards the direction where Zhuang Yan and Zhang Chuan had rushed in!

At the same time, they also dispatched two Wuzhi aircraft to search back and forth in the air.



Zhuang Yan was breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling violently.

 He has been running at high intensity for nearly half an hour.

The deputy commander of the Blue Army weighs nearly two hundred kilograms. Carrying such a heavy person on this rugged mountain road and running at high speed for such a long time will make Zhuang Yan exhausted even if he has a good physique!

What's more, carrying two hundred kilograms of equipment and one person is not at the same level of difficulty at all.

 About forty minutes later, a voice stopped him.

 “This way!”

 A figure jumped down from the tree and waved to Zhuang Yan.

 “Oh! It’s finally here! If it doesn’t stop, I’m going to fall down!”

Zhuang Yan carefully put down the Blue Army commander, panting heavily and sweating like rain.

 At this time, the commander slowly regained consciousness.

"where am I?"

 The commander of the blue army was still a little confused for a moment.

“Comrade Commander, you have been captured by us!”

 Zhang Chuan came over and told him with a smile.

The commander of the Blue Army lowered his head and looked at the clothes he had changed into, and at the unfamiliar jungle around him. There was not a single Blue Army soldier around, and then he looked at Zhuang Yan, who was breathing heavily.

 Recalling the scenes before coma

 After a while, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

“It seems that I have really underestimated the strength of your new Wolf Fang recruits!”

 (End of this chapter)

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