Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 50: Another move to drive the tiger away from the mountain!

Chapter 50 Another move to lure the tiger away from the mountain!


Coyote almost shouted out, but fortunately the high school team stopped him in time to keep him quiet.

   Coyote immediately shut his mouth, and everyone stared at the other Black Tiger special forces soldier, feeling very nervous.

At this time, Zhang Chuan was quietly approaching another Black Tiger special soldier.


Just when the black tiger special forces soldier wanted to turn his head to see what was going on here, a man pounced on him like a wild beast and knocked him to the ground.

At the same time, a strong hand covered his mouth tightly to prevent him from making a sound.

The Black Tiger special forces soldier was startled at first, and then he felt that a saber had been pressed against his throat at some point.

 “Brother, you are eliminated! Follow the drill rules!”

 Zhang Chuan's deep voice said in his ear.

This Black Tiger special soldier was stunned for a moment, especially when he saw the rank of Private on Zhang Chuan's shoulder.

This guy is actually a new recruit?

How could a new recruit sneak in unnoticed and successfully attack without them noticing?

This is incredible, right?

Zhang Chuan didn't say anything more, quickly pulled him aside and hid him, then opened the iron gate and rescued the high school team and others.

“Zhang Chuan, are you here alone?” Gray Wolf asked excitedly.

“The enemy!” Zhang Chuan nodded and replied, “Quickly remove their equipment, and then help me distract the other enemies, and I will deal with them!”

 “You brat, it’s up to you this time!” the high school team said with approval.

 Soon, everyone rushed out quietly.

Just as they were all retreating, the patrolling team inside finally discovered what was going on here.

“It’s not good! The prisoners were rescued by them! Some special forces from the Wolf Fang have sneaked in! Call the police immediately!”

In an instant, the alarm sounded again in the entire camp, and the remaining twenty or so special forces soldiers ran towards this side after hearing the news.

 However, Zhang Chuan and the high school team had already disappeared into the jungle.

Lei Keming came out with two staff officers with livid faces, and roared: "What are you doing? The enemy came in to save people, and you didn't notice it?"

 “Hurry up! They have no weapons! We must not let them run away!”


A major staff officer immediately issued an order, "Team 1, Team 2, and Team 3 follow me, Team 4 stays behind to protect the tiger's head!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the major led twenty Black Tiger special forces to pursue them in the direction of the high school team.

 The remaining people stayed in the camp to guard Lei Keming.

 “A bunch of losers!”

Lei Keming slammed the table and said with a gloomy face: "I have tried all the special operations teams of Langya. It is impossible for them to have this level of concealment and assault capabilities! So, who is coming to attack?"

A lieutenant colonel staff member next to him frowned and thought: "Langya has indeed selected new recruits this year. Is it a new team?"

Lei Keming narrowed his eyes, "You mean, a brand new special forces team can actually defeat our old Black Tiger special forces?"

 The lieutenant colonel was silent.

He couldn't believe it either.

 But now, they are really unclear about the true strength of Langya.

 I thought that the Lone Wolf Commando was already a top special operations team.

 But now, their camps have been attacked one after another, and the prisoners have been successfully rescued, but the attackers have not been caught yet!

 This is enough to show that the attackers are indeed stronger than them this time.

“How is the situation at Black Hawk?” Lei Keming asked the three technicians around him. One of the captain technicians replied: "We have told the Black Hawk about the situation here, and they are coming to support the pursuit. However, they have tracked for several kilometers and cannot find any trace of the Wolf Fang team. They speculate that it may be a strategy to divert the tiger away from the mountain!"

 As soon as these words came out, Lei Keming and the Lieutenant Colonel's expressions became even more ugly.

“Hutou, our current position has been exposed and there is no defense around us. We must evacuate first, otherwise they may counterattack at any time!”

The Lieutenant Colonel suggested.

Lai Keming finally sighed: "I really didn't expect that they would become so powerful after not fighting against Langya in these years!"

 “Let’s go! Go to our second temporary command post!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lei Keming and others packed up their equipment, quickly left the tent, and drove away in a car.

As soon as they got into the car, before the driver could close the door and pull down the window, a gunshot suddenly tore through the air.

Immediately afterwards, the helmet on the driver's head made a crisp sound, and then the whole person was surrounded by a thick white smoke.


At this moment, a grenade flew into the car with great accuracy.

"Hand grenade! Get out!" Lei Keming jumped up from the back seat, kicked the car door open, rolled while drawing his gun, and rushed out quickly.

 However, the lieutenant colonel staff officer was not so agile.

 Before he could escape completely, the grenade exploded, and the people and the car were defeated in this instant firefight!

Lei Keming, who was lucky enough to escape, rolled flexibly to dodge and quickly hid behind a bunker.

At the same time, the fourth special operations team also rushed out of another vehicle and fired back fiercely deep into the jungle where the gunshots came from.

It was dark at night, and gunshots came from the woods dozens of meters away. They couldn't lock the enemy's position in a short time!

"Black Hawk is calling! Tiger head is attacked! Come back immediately for support! Please answer when you receive it! Please answer when you receive it!" The members of the fourth team held the walkie-talkie tightly and shouted loudly.

 Bang bang bang.

There were constant gunshots at the scene.

Zhang Chuan, who fired a shot in the distance and then stopped taking action, was currently hunting down the prisoners with the 1, 2, and 3 teams.

 After receiving this sudden news, their faces all changed.

"You bastard! Another move to lure the tiger away from the mountain! Quick! Go back to the base camp immediately!" Black Eagle shouted angrily.

 In the blink of an eye, thirty special forces soldiers rushed towards the base camp like flying arrows.

 The major staff officer led three special forces teams to evacuate, but they were suddenly attacked by the high school team and others, who opened fire on them unceremoniously.

 “Hold them! Buy Zhang Chuan time!” the high school team ordered.

 They were not unprepared.

  Early when rescuing them, Zhang Chuan had already prepared weapons for them in the jungle - these were captured by him from the eliminated secret sentries and enemies.

The major staff officer and his three special forces teams were ambushed and had difficulty escaping in a short time, so they had to stay and deal with the high school team first.

At the base camp of the Black Tiger Brigade, the Fourth Special Operations Team tightly surrounded Lei Keming, monitoring the surrounding movements with high vigilance.

 Zhang Chuan was hiding in the dark, while they were exposed.

Recalling Zhang Chuan’s previous actions, they deeply realized how amazing Zhang Chuan’s concealment ability was!

 It is so difficult to locate his location!

 Now, they can only wait for the main force to return before taking the next step.

Lei Keming never thought that as the leader of the Black Tiger Brigade, he would be forced into such a difficult situation by the Wolf Fang Special Forces.

From beginning to end, they didn’t even see the shadow of their opponent, and they had already lost more than a dozen people!

Are these Wolf Fang special forces invisible ghosts?

 How come you hide it so well?

Even the master tactician Lei Keming was at his wits end when faced with the hidden Zhang Chuan.

 (End of this chapter)

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