Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 2: Why don't you just pop the wine bottle? I can do that too!

Chapter 2 Just pop the bottle, I can do it too!

  【噌噌匌! .]

 Everyone looked at the source of the sound in unison.

The soldiers at the logistics farm looked at Zhang Chuan in astonishment.

  Next to the logistics farm is a group of civilian officers and non-commissioned officers from the regiment. These people have relatively weak combat effectiveness in the regiment.

 The leader was also stunned for a moment.

 What happened?

Which guy who doesn’t know the heights of heaven and earth dares to make such a fuss and claim to challenge the Wolf Fang Soldier King High School Team?

 Did you have water in your head, or did you do this on purpose to drag the leader into the water?

 Have I provoked you?

Miao Lian couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

I didn’t expect that there are such talented soldiers in the logistics farm who dare to face the sharp edge of the wolf’s teeth.

No matter how strong you are, even if you just use your words, I appreciate you speaking out on such occasions!

“Oh? High school team, someone seems to be unconvinced by your Spike Special Forces Brigade!” The leader turned to the high school team and teased.

The high school team responded calmly: "I am Langya, and I am never afraid of any challenge."

"Well, in that case, there is still time anyway, why not let this little comrade who is shouting come up and give it a try? See if he is talking big words, or if he really has two brushes." The chief suggested with a smile.

 What are you capable of!

 The leader's heart was as sharp as a knife.

If he really had that ability, he wouldn't be assigned to the logistics farm!

Everyone in the army doesn't know that the soldiers in the logistics farm are the weakest in combat quality!

“Zhang Chuan, are you crazy? Who told you to shout like this?” The logistics farm monitor shouted at Zhang Chuan.

Zhang Chuan chuckled and replied: "I shouted it myself. I couldn't stand the arrogance of those special forces soldiers in Langya, so I wanted to dampen their spirit."

 The soldiers around him immediately started talking.

With your level, you still want to frustrate others. If you don’t get stepped on, it will be like smoke rising from your ancestral graves.

The Tiger Reconnaissance Company was brutally tortured by them all night long. Why are you, a pig soldier, joining in the fun?

 Looking for death?

 “Who is Zhang Chuan? The head of the group asked you to come over!”

At this time, the regiment leader’s guards ran over and shouted towards the logistics farm, with obvious dissatisfaction in their tone.

 “Report! It’s me!”

 Zhang Chuan responded and ran out quickly.

"Are you looking for death?" the guard scolded in a low voice: "Do you know that doing this may embarrass the regiment leader and even result in punishment from your superiors?"

 Zhang Chuan replied: "Squad leader, don't worry, I'm here to bring honor to the group leader."

 What a fight for the glory!

Do you think that winning glory is just a matter of shouting a few tough words?

The guard glared at Zhang Chuan fiercely and warned: "When the situation is over, you should quickly apologize to the group leader and say that you were impulsive. Otherwise, if the trouble does not end in the end, the group leader will definitely not be able to spare you! Follow me. Let me go!"

 After saying that, the guard quickly led Zhang Chuan towards the chief.

“Report, bring Comrade Zhang Chuan!” the guard reported loudly.

As soon as he stood still, Zhang Chuan felt a chill coming to his face.

 That was the anger from the group leader.

Wang Zhiyuan wanted to shoot Zhang Chuan at this moment.

“Comrade, are you the one who announced that you want to challenge the Langya Bingwang High School Team?” The leader was quite kind and was not angry because Zhang Chuan publicly challenged Langya.

"Report! It's me!" Zhang Chuan replied loudly: "I think the marksmanship shown by the high school team just now is just average, there is nothing special about it. What he can do, the soldiers of our Special Eighth Regiment can also do. !”

"Hahaha... High school team, did you hear that? This little comrade said your shooting skills are average." The leader joked to the high school team.

The high school team member wore sunglasses. Although his expression could not be seen clearly, his tone was still calm: "Who can't talk empty talk? If you have the ability, here is the gun. Come and shoot. As long as you can hit ten at the same distance, Three in the glass bottle, I lose!”

From the perspective of the high school team, it is absolutely impossible for a recruit, especially a logistics pig soldier, to hit a bottle flying in the air.

What a joke, if any soldier can do this, why would special forces be needed? Forget about raising pigs!

 Don’t say Zhang Chuan can’t do it, he is certain that no one in the entire Special Eight Regiment can do it!

 Even Xiaozhuang and Chen Xiwa who performed well before.

 “Haha, you are quite generous.”

 The chief smiled, turned to Zhang Chuan, and asked with a smile: "How about it, little comrade, do you dare to accept the challenge?"

"Report! Dare!" Zhang Chuan responded loudly: "But, fifty meters, ten bottles hit three, we are too underestimated for our special eighth group. I don't need Langya to make concessions, the competition must be legitimate and fair Fair. I want to challenge the bottle in the air for 100 meters!"

 Poof! The leader almost ran out of breath and fainted.

Now he wanted to rush up and strangle Zhang Chuan to death.

 Just in time for you to say shit!

 You actually asked to shoot a 100-meter-high bottle in the air. Do you think you are a sharpshooter?

 Even the high school team is not guaranteed to hit, who do you think you are?

 All the soldiers of the Eighth Special Regiment, as well as the high school team, the leader, the Miao Company and others were all extremely surprised.

No one thought that Zhang Chuan would dare to make such bold words.

 A bottle 100 meters away is actually about the same size as a 100-meter bullseye.

It's okay if you're hitting a stationary target, but you can hit a moving bottle, and you have to calculate the advance amount.

 To calculate the advance amount, you have to rely on the naked eye to judge the speed and arc of the bottle rising or falling.

The data required to be calculated would be difficult to complete in a short time if one is not a veteran of many battles.

Even if you choose to shoot when the bottle reaches its highest point, although the difficulty is slightly reduced, it still requires a certain amount of calculation, which is not something a recruit like Zhang Chuan can do easily!

It can even be said that there is no one in the entire group who can do it!

Even the high school team dare not say that they can hit a bottle flying hundreds of meters away without a scope or sniper scope!

Only those top masters dare to boast about Haikou and ensure that they are always on target!

“Comrade, are you sure you are not joking?” At this time, even the commander began to doubt Zhang Chuan’s ability.

At first he thought Zhang Chuan had some strength before he dared to say that.

 But when he heard him say that he wanted to hit a bottle a hundred meters away, he also thought that Zhang Chuan was boasting.

 “OK!” Zhang Chuan nodded firmly.

"Zhang Chuan, stop talking nonsense! How could you hit a bottle flying a hundred meters away?" Wang Zhiyuan finally couldn't help it, stood up and shouted to Zhang Chuan: "Go back to your logistics team! Don't do it! It’s embarrassing here!”

"How will you know if you don't try?" Zhang Chuan replied calmly: "If I miss, I am willing to accept any punishment! But since I am standing here, I hope the leaders can give me a chance."


The group leader still wanted to scold Zhang Chuan. At this time, the leader said: "Okay, since you insist, then I promise you! For your courage, I can guarantee that you will not be punished. Your group leader I won’t punish you!”

"You can give it a try. However, if you miss, you will be the one who loses face, as well as your special eight regiment!"

“Leaders and heads, please rest assured, I will definitely live up to expectations!” Zhang Chuan stood at attention and said seriously.

 The leader is really on the verge of crying.

 How can I rest assured?

 Who the **** is counting on you?

Please take your confidence and go cool down, please?

  Please don’t cause trouble for me here, okay?

 You don’t care about face, I still want face, Teba Tuan still wants face!

 “Okay! In that case, let’s decide like this.”

As the chief said, he looked at the high school team and asked: "High school team, do you have any objections?"

 “Everything follows the leadership’s arrangements.” the high school team replied.

 In his opinion, it was impossible for Zhang Chuan to hit.

Even though the soldiers from the Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company felt that Zhang Chuan was bragging, they also praised Zhang Chuan’s spirit of standing up for the Special Eighth Regiment. Even if he was exaggerating, they would cheer him on!

“Can I borrow your gun?” Zhang Chuan asked Xiaozhuang: “We don’t have a gun in the logistics farm.”

Xiaozhuang was stunned and asked doubtfully: "You don't have a gun? Then you haven't practiced shooting since you joined the company?"

“I haven’t practiced before.” Zhang Chuan shook his head.

“How can you fight if you haven’t practiced before?” Chen Xiwa was equally confused.

Zhang Chuan imitated the behavior of the high school team and patted his chest lightly, "Shooting doesn't just rely on practice, but more on this."

 Xiaozhuang: “…”

 Chen Xiwa: “…”

 Everyone: “…”

 Then everyone couldn’t help but look at the high school team.

 These words came out of the mouth of the high school team, and they seemed particularly impressive.

However, when it comes from Zhang Chuan's mouth, why does it make people feel a little want to laugh?

 After all, I have been practicing hard for more than ten years and have already reached the state where man and gun are integrated, so I have the confidence to say this.

How can you, a newbie who has never even touched a gun in raising pigs for several months, have the nerve to say this?

 Who gave you confidence?

 Liang Jingru?

 (End of this chapter)

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