Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 12: Langya's hometown was raided?

Chapter 12 Langya’s hometown was raided?

Report! The fourth team was attacked. The opponent's melee combat ability was very good and they were in urgent need of reinforcements! .

At this moment, Captain Gao’s ears once again heard the urgent call for help from his subordinates.

"Quick! Locate the location of the fourth team immediately, send the message to all teams, and ask them to quickly surround the area. Be sure to support them!"

 Captain Gao gave the order decisively.


 Gray Wolf immediately started the satellite positioning system and started operating.

Soon, the location was determined, and all the Wolf Fang special forces quickly surrounded him from all directions.

However, when they arrived at the scene, they found that the three members of the fourth team, like the second team, had dislocated their arms.

 Captain Gao's face was as gloomy as if it was about to drip.

“Captain Gao, our search along the way has been fruitless, and we have found no trace of them so far!”

“Those two people’s stealth skills are so great!”

 Members of each team reported one after another.

 “Where are the military dogs?” Captain Gao asked in a low voice.


As soon as Captain Gao finished speaking, Coyote rushed over with two special forces soldiers and two military dogs.

Captain Gao issued an order: "Everyone is divided into two teams. Based on the clues provided by the military dogs, we must find them! Remember, keep the formation and don't spread too thin. The opponent's fighting strength is extremely strong!"

 “As commanded!”

 All special forces responded.

 Before the selection training began, they could not believe that there were such masters hidden in the field troops.

 One person can easily defeat three of their special forces. This was something they never dared to think about before.

 At the same time, on the other side,

“Haha...those veterans would never guess that we have escaped from the mountains and forests and gone straight to their base camp!”

Shi Dafan and Zhang Chuan were laughing while running wildly.

 “Keep running!”

 Zhang Chuan said:

“If they can’t find us, they’ll either use thermal imaging equipment to track us or rely on military dogs.

 But in this barren mountain forest, there are not even streams or rivers, so we cannot use the natural environment to escape.

 Before we are caught by them, let’s destroy their lair first! "

 “You’re going to die anyway, so why not fight hard!”

Just as Zhang Chuan was leading the team towards the Langya base, Captain Gao and others were searching with all their strength with military dogs.

 However, as the military dogs followed the direction away from the mountain forest, what appeared in front of them was a small flat grassland!

 The middle of the grassland leads to their Wolf Fang base.

"not good!"

 Captain Gao’s expression suddenly changed.

Other Wolf Fang veterans also realized something, and all showed expressions of extreme shock.

“Are these two new recruits so bold as to attack our base?”

 The coyote exclaimed with wide eyes.

 “What are you still doing? Get in the car and rush back to the base at full speed!”

 Captain Gao roared angrily.

If Zhang Chuan and Shi Dafan really dare to take down their base, the Wolf Fang Special Forces will really be disgraced!


At Langya Base, the five special forces soldiers who were left to guard Zhuang Yan and other students were all subdued by Zhang Chuan.

"What's going on? Why did Langya's own people start fighting?" A group of students were stunned.

“Zhang Chuan?!” When Zhang Chuan laughed, Zhuang Yan, who had been staring at him, finally recognized him.

 “Zhang Chuan?” Chen Pai and Chen Xiwa were also stunned for a moment, and then shouted out in surprise.

 “Brothers, we have avenged you.”

Zhang Chuan said with a smile.

“Are you also a candidate for the election? Wow! That’s awesome, isn’t it?!”

“Haha...Brothers, you are so awesome! Those veterans would never have imagined that you would dare to come over and take advantage of their old home!”

 “The veterans of Wolf Fang must be going crazy now!”

"Ha ha…"

The students who were already full of resentment against the high school team saw this scene and all shouted excitedly.

The five Wolf Fang special forces soldiers who were left unable to fight back by Zhang Chuan looked at each other in shock.

They never expected that before the selection training officially started, they, the Wolf Fang veterans, would be taught a lesson by a group of rookies.

Langya, I’m really embarrassed this time!

 And where did this Zhang Chuan come from?

This guy's fighting skills are too incredible, right?

boom! boom!

At this time, several live bullets suddenly flew from a distance and hit the ground directly under their feet.

 “Oh my God! This is live ammunition!”

Everyone's expressions changed drastically and they backed away in horror.

 Shortly afterwards, several military vehicles drove over at lightning speed.

Captain Gao's face was livid, and his eyes were flashing with angry flames.

 Bang bang bang.

The gun in his hand fired violently at the students' feet, and the bullets made holes in the ground.

 That's right, Captain Gao used live ammunition, not the empty shells used before to scare them.

 “Are you crazy? You actually used live ammunition!”

 Chen Pai roared angrily.


Before his voice fell, Captain Gao fired two more shots at his feet with an expressionless face.

Although Chen Pai was full of anger, in this case, he could only suppress his anger.

 “Everybody get down! Get down!”

 Gray Wolf led the special forces with guns to force all the students to lie down on the ground.

These students have seen the strength of the Wolf Fang veterans, and naturally they dare not resist, otherwise more severe punishment will be waiting for them.

While Zhang Chuan and Shi Dafan stood aside, no one stepped forward to take action.

Captain Gao led Gray Wolf, Coyote and others towards Zhang Chuan and Shi Dafan.

 Zhang Chuan and Shi Dafan looked at each other, with smiles still on their faces.

 Obviously, after defeating so many Wolf Fang veterans and slapping them hard in the face, their situation must be extremely difficult next.

Even so, they are not afraid.

Captain Gao ignored Shi Dafan, but looked directly at Zhang Chuan, and said in a hoarse voice: "We met again. This time, you surprised me again, but also... made me extremely angry! Rookie, you will do it for you You will pay for what you did just now, I promise!”

 (End of this chapter)

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