Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 336 Chapter 336 Huo Xuanshan: Teammate

The Huo family has never produced a light mecha soldier since records. You must know that most of the perception talent is inherited from the blood. The Huo family is best at driving and controlling heavy mechas. In an instant, their perception output can be much faster. At the beginning, the Huo family had the first light mecha soldier.

The major families will prepare the test talents for the new generation early. Like Huo Xuanshan and his generation, they have been in contact with mecha since they can get there, so that they can adapt to the heavy mecha.

Huo Xuanshan's perception has been tested. At the 3s level, there are three 3s level individual soldiers in the entire Huo family's new generation. They are arranged in order of age, Huo Jian, Huo Zian, and Huo Xuanshan.

According to the rules of previous years, these three people will accept the guidance of the family uniformly, and Huo Xuanshan is also among them. He and the other two people start extra training every day after school.

Because the three were not in the same class, the teachers in Huo Xuanshan's class were more punctual and never delayed the class, so basically he had to wait for Huo Jian and Huo Zian.

Huo Xuanshan was young and active. He didn't like to sit in the aircraft and wait. He often strolled around the playground or teaching building, and sometimes he could see the chicken coop head next to Huo Jian.

This chicken nest is very famous, and the people of Ying's family do not command. It is said that it will develop into mecha division in the future. As for why Jiwotou, because his hair is barely tidy when he enters school every day, when school is over, his hair becomes messy.

Huo Xuanshan was carrying his schoolbag and looked at Jiwotou coldly beside Huo Jian. After watching for a long time, he could guess a little of Jiwotou's intention.

Huo Jian will pair with Ying Xing in the future, because among the three new generations of the Huo family, Huo Jian has the strongest ability and talent. And Jiwotou plays Yingxingjue every day in school, obviously he wants to have a good relationship with Huo Jian first, and then catch Yingxingjue.

Today, you guys go back first, I'm going to Ying's house. Huo Jian saw Huo Xuanshan and said.

Huo Xuanshan nodded and said he knew, he watched Huo Jian leave, then turned to look at Jiwotou next to him: Why don't you go with me?

Ji Wotou stared at him and said in confusion, Ah?

He's going to Ying's house to see Ying Xingjue, you can go with him. Huo Xuanshan said.

Oh, if cousin wants to see him, I won't bother. Ying Chenghe whispered, cousin is still ill, and he has to talk to me, how tired.

Huo Xuanshan: ...

In fact, Ji Wotou was wrong, and soon, Huo Jian was excluded, and Ji Chuyu replaced him and stayed by Ying Xingjue's side.

After the news came out, Huo Xuanshan didn't see Jiwotou by Huo Jian's side for a long time, until he saw the dredging Jiwotou outside the corner of the building when he opened the armor near the school.

Such an old man is still playing in the mud. Huo Xuanshan took a look and said, You are sloppy every day and no one is your friend.

Ying Chenghe wiped a handful of tears and continued to squeeze the mud: It's none of your business.

Huo Xuanshan didn't, he stood by and watched for a while: You pinched the second mecha at the gate?

No! Ying Chenghe finally calmed down a bit and looked up at Huo Xuanshan, They only have one series, so your grades must be poor.

Huo Xuanshan: ...My grades in all subjects are in the top three in the class.

It's not the first, why are you proud. Ying Chenghe stood up and handed the mud in his hand to him, This is for you, I don't see anything today.

Huo Xuanshan glanced at the semi-finished mud mecha: Why only the upper body?

Because I only learned the shell structure of the upper body. Ying Chenghe glanced at him, I know you, you Huo Xuanshan.

At that time, Huo Xuanshan didn't know that they would become teammates in the future, but they gradually became familiar with each other for some unknown reason.

Later, Huo Xuanshan knew why Ying Chenghe's hair was always so messy, because he never took care of it. When learning or building mecha, he liked to scratch his hair, and gradually his hair became more and more frizzy and yellow.

My family has a super large studio, and my mother said that I will definitely become a top mecha master in the future. Ying Chenghe and Huo Xuanshan are getting closer and closer, and they have almost become friends. Don't you want to visit my house?

Today, there was a problem with the school equipment, and the students were all on vacation for a long time. Huo Xuanshan thought about it and decided to go to Yingchenghe's house.

I really have a mecha. My dad gave it to me. I have already repaired it. You will be a soldier in the future, so you can help me see if the mecha is really good.

You already know how to repair mechas? Huo Xuanshan said, they have been in contact with real mecha knowledge for less than a year.

It's not difficult, in fact, only a few small parts were deliberately taken by them. Ying Chenghe said.

Huo Xuanshan agreed, and when he was on the ground, he looked at the mecha: ...I will be a heavy mecha soldier in the future, your mecha light mecha.

Mecha, as long as you can control it, run, if you can make it fly. Ying Chenghe said as a matter of course.

At this time, he has not learned the area of ​​light and heavy mecha.

Okay. Huo Xuanshan wasn't quite sure, and entered the mecha cabin according to Ying Chenghe's request.

This adult mecha, after Huo Xuanshan entered, all the dimensions did not match, and the safety device was even bigger.

Then wait for a while. Ying Chenghe climbed in, the mecha cabin can fully accommodate two children, he took the tool, I'll change it.

You still know this. Huo Xuanshan changed his mind greatly.

I will definitely be a mechanic in the future. Ying Chenghe muttered while changing, I can't embarrass my cousin.

After finishing the changes, Ying Chenghe went down: You can start now.

Huo Xuanshan used the method of manipulating the heavy mecha at the beginning to control this light mecha.

Can you try flying? Ying Chenghe shouted outside.

I won't. Huo Xuanshan didn't learn this.

Then let me read the operation method, you can try it. Ying Chenghe flipped through the information on his brain and read it sentence by sentence.

According to his words, Huo Xuanshan began to control and fly the mecha crookedly.

Wow! It's really repaired. Ying Chenghe was still admiring himself. Huo Xuanshan in the mecha cabin was exposed to a new experience for the first time.

He started to continue the operation, but because he pressed the wrong button, the mecha suddenly fell, Ying Chenghe was shouting outside, but Huo Xuanshan could no longer hear him. All his attention was on the mecha, his eyes on the control panel, and his hands were extremely fast , the entire mech flipped 360 degrees in the air during the fall.

Amazing! Ying Chenghe was stunned.

However... the excitement was only for a moment, and the next second, Huo Xuanshan crashed into the corner of the second floor of the studio with the man and the mecha, and then fell heavily.

Ying Chenghe stood on the second floor, holding the handrail on tiptoe and looking down: My mecha...

In the end, the two secretly concealed this matter. Ying Chenghe studied day and night because he wanted to repair this mecha, and as a result, his level on the mecha improved by leaps and bounds.

As for Huo Xuanshan, he started thinking about experiencing light mechas again, and he didn't want to drive heavy mechas anymore.

The Huo family heard Huo Xuanshan's thoughts, but they didn't care. Ten objected, and thought he was wasting his talent.

For a long time, Huo Xuanshan and Ying Chenghe did not see each other, because the Huo family sent someone to pick up Huo Xuanshan alone and did not give him any chance to touch the light mecha.

Then one day, the tough Huo family didn't know how to figure it out, and they actually wanted Huo Xuanshan to learn light mechas. It was not because the Huo family never had a light individual soldier, so there was no family to teach Huo Xuanshan, so he went to find a teacher.

Huo Xuanshan knew who did it, Ying Chenghe went to Ying Xingjue, and finally Ying Xingjue did not know how to convince the Huo family.


I want to go to the Damocles Military Academy, where Yu Qingfei established the school. The night before the wish, Ying Chenghe stood on the roof of the school.

Damocles Military Academy? Huo Xuanshan thought for a while, The military academy that lasts all the year round?

In the past, the Imperial Military Academy was not the first. Who knows if the Damocles Military Academy will turn over in the future. Ying Chenghe looked up at the night sky, How about you?

I... also Damocles Military Academy. Huo Xuanshan said, I want to change to a new environment.

What a coincidence? We will be teammates after that. Ying Chenghe turned his head and stretched out his hand towards him.

Huo Xuanshan held his hand: Teammate.

At that time, the two of them did not know that there would be three other life-long teammates in the future.

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