The Military Academy of Damocles is very similar to the universities in the original world of Wei San, except that it is closed for management from Monday to Friday, and there are various training grounds.

The training ground of the military academy is completely different from the training ground of 3212 stars. There are not only open fields, but also simulation rooms, which provide students with simulated battles. All in all, technology and money are fully reflected in various training simulation rooms.

Wei San entered the classroom with his schoolbag on his back, and as soon as he sat down, the temporarily selected monitor began to send out forms for them to fill out.

These days, the zakat has not yet started, and a lot of messy forms have been filled out.

After filling it out, give it to me. Later, we will go directly to the mecha field. The teacher is waiting for us there. The monitor said while receiving the form.

The students who knew it in advance immediately asked excitedly: Go to the mecha field, do you want to send mechas?

This question immediately caught everyone's attention.

The squad leader shook his head: I don't know, it should be.

Is it really a mecha? I finally have a mecha of my own.

Not only hair, I heard that you can choose by yourself.

Hurry up and write, and go to the mecha field after writing.

The class was boiling, and most of the people were excited. They filled out the form with a pen and paper, and Wei San also quickly filled out the form. She wanted to know how it felt to get started with the A-class mecha.

After everyone filled out the forms, the monitor took them to the mecha field, and the teacher was waiting there.

The teacher fiercely pulled out three boxes from behind: You pick them yourself.

The box is full of necklaces. More precisely, there is a mecha in each necklace. Using space folding technology, the mecha is stored in a special material and turned into a coin-sized ball, which is then shaped into a necklace. easy to carry.

From left to right are light mechas, medium mechas, and heavy mechas. The teacher looked at the students in the class, You can choose which type suits you, and if some students don't know the three types of mechas, The difference, you can choose not to choose, each training room has a public mecha, and it will be the same after trying it out.”

Most of the students did not hesitate, and went straight to the type of mecha they wanted. Obviously, they had practiced various mechas before coming to the military academy and knew what type of mecha they were suitable for.

The other two students didn't move. Wei San observed that one of them had a similar necklace on his neck, and the other did not, but subconsciously touched the ring on his finger.

Wei San is distracted, and there is actually a ring shape, which is very fashionable.

She went up to the middle and was going to get a mecha.

What are you doing? Xiang Minghua blocked the student who wanted to come up.

Wei San was blocked, stunned for a moment and said, Teacher, I'll pick the mecha.

Xiang Minghua frowned when he heard the words: These mechas can't run, so don't be in a hurry.

He had read all the information of the students in this class. There were two students from Wumingxing in the class, and Xiang Minghua remembered them all.

Every year, there are a small number of unnamed students from the five military academies, but they are often the ones with the highest elimination rate every year. Most of the students in the military academy have started to practice mecha since they went to school, not to mention that some top families have their own mecha and their own training ground, and it is well known that the unknown stars are lacking in resources and have no chance to get in touch with the A-level mecha. Not to mention the difference between the three mecha types.

The Military Academy of Damocles knows this situation, so it has always asked teachers to mention more students from the unknown star, and there will be a kind of treatment here. Other military academies strictly implement the elimination system from the beginning of freshmen enrollment, regardless of where the students come from or what their foundation is. As a result, the Damocles Military Academy is often mocked by other military academies, dubbed the Caotai Military Academy, and anyone can accept it.

I'm in a hurry. Wei San said sincerely.

Xiang Minghua: ???

Weisan had read the basic knowledge of mecha before, and she had already set her own choice target. Heavy mechas required the most weapons and shells, which was too energy-intensive, and usually spent more money on training than the other two mechas. Light mechas are better at reconnaissance, flying, etc., and their development direction is limited. The medium size is different, the development direction is flexible, and it will be convenient to transform in the future. She decided to choose the mecha after seeing it.

Wei San, right? You stand next to me. Xiang Minghua endured and recited several times in order not to lose his temper, If you can come out of Wumingxing, your brain should be fine, and now you are in a hurry to pick mechas, right. You are no good. Look at Nie Haoqi and learn his calmness.

Nie Haoqi was another unnamed student in the class.

Isn't the mecha soldier relying on force? Wei San thought about it and said, I don't use my brain.

Xiang Minghua: ... Very good, I ran into a thorn on the first day of class.

I'll say it again, it's not good for you to choose a mecha before you try a mecha. Xiang Minghua looked at the student, If you really want to insist, I have no right to stop it, I just hope you don't regret it in the future. .

Thank you, teacher, then I'll choose. Except that poverty can change what Wei San has already decided, no one else can interfere.

Seeing her insistence, Xiang Minghua had no choice but to step aside, and finally reminded: If you don't get used to it before the end of this semester, you can have a chance to apply for a mecha.

Good teacher.

Except for a few people who didn't pick a mecha, everyone else had a necklace.

Xiang Minghua stood at the front. After they had authenticated their identities on the necklace, they picked up a necklace and released the mecha in front of all the students.

Wei San looked up at the mecha and couldn't help sighing that the school was really rich. Eighty percent of this mecha was made of gold.

The first lesson is easy, learn

Will retract the mecha. Xiang Minghua played with the necklace in his hand, The battlefield is changing rapidly, every second you waste, the enemy has one more chance to kill you, so the time spent on retracting and releasing the mecha should be as short as possible. You practice on your own, and the squad leader looks after me.

Xiang Minghua took back the mecha in the blink of an eye, and then dropped this sentence, and threw the students here, and took Nie Haoqi away for training alone.

Wei San found an open space, and slowly pressed the switch, a light yellow mecha immediately appeared out of nowhere, and when he pressed the switch again, the mecha disappeared out of thin air.


Fortunately, Wei San didn't study this aspect before, otherwise she could play for several days.

Wei San has been practicing retracting and unwinding mechas and earnestly completing the homework assigned by the teacher, but many students have already entered the mecha cabin and began to familiarize themselves with their own mechas.

Those mecha students also released their own mechas. It was obvious that they were different from those in the school.

Fuck, are you a spider-transformed mecha?

Immediately, some classmates didn't even care about their own mecha, and they came over and touched it excitedly.

Lynx?! Ah ah ah, my favorite mecha.

The venue was suddenly boiling, and everyone gathered around to watch.

Wei San looked up at the two brown mechas and leopard-print mechas from behind. The spider and the lynx were both mechas designed by Master Ying Xiao. It's a medium armor.

There are three eras in the history of mechas, namely the Leap Age, the Golden Age and the Pangu Age, or they can be divided into the types of mechas, the time of birth of the light, medium and heavy mechas.

The representative master of the Feiyue era is Yu Qingfei, known as the first mecha master. He is good at light mechas. He has three masterpieces in total. So far, no one has been able to innovate and surpass him. All the light mechas are given by him. Mecha data model data increase or decrease.

The Golden Age and the Pangu Age each have two representative masters. The mechas created and designed in these three eras constitute the scale of all mechas in the current Federation.


The school gives freshmen a unified class time for a week. After they have almost understood the situation, they will open the course selection system. Except for a few necessary unified courses, students can choose courses according to their own progress, and the time is free.

Wei San didn't choose. After she took the compulsory culture class, she would go to the library every day, and then go to the mecha field to fiddle with her mecha, and even wanted to dismantle it.

It has to be said that there is a big difference between A-level and B-level, and the operating system is also several times more complicated.

Wei San climbed into the mecha cabin, sat in the driver's seat, looked at the control panel in front, and controlled the mecha to walk around.

Not to mention, the A-class walks more freely, like lifting its own feet.

Wei San, come down. Xiang Minghua blocked Wei San with an expressionless face, and reached out to pat her mecha.

Teacher, what are you doing? Wei San immediately jumped out of the mecha cabin.

Xiang Minghua looked at this student who looked pure and clean on the surface, but was doing tricks behind the scenes, and his heart grew more and more angry: Why don't you go to class?

I went. Wei San denied.

Mecha confrontation, fighting, shooting...Which one did you go to? Xiang Minghua really couldn't figure it out. He was also an unknown star. Nie Haoqi's classes were filled every day, even on Saturdays and Sundays. All the time is spent in the simulation room, in order to catch up with the progress of other students as soon as possible. Except for group classes and strolling in the afternoon for a while, Wei San was not seen all day long.

Wei San said sincerely: Teacher, my ability to accept is weak. I want to slow down first and choose these courses after a while.

Xiang Minghua: ... I don't know why, every time this Wei San spoke, he felt that she was mocking.

This is the class I chose for you. I'll take it next week. Xiang Minghua turned on Guangnao and handed Wei San a class schedule. It's all basic courses, so it won't be too difficult to learn.

Wei San looked at the full week's courses and subconsciously refused: Teacher, there seem to be too many courses.

If you want to stay, you must endure hardship. Xiang Minghua frowned, Do you want to stay? If you want to stay, don't hang around all day.

Wei San sighed in her heart. She had to go out on Saturdays and Sundays to see where she could make money. Now that the classes from Monday to Friday are full, she only has time to read at one o'clock in the evening.

Wei San, do it yourself. Xiang Minghua left the last sentence and turned away.


Xiang Minghua solved the thorn and walked back to his office with a gloomy expression.

As soon as I sat down, a person came in at the door: Why, students are not easy to bring?

Xiang Minghua didn't speak, and turned over the students' training materials for the past few days on the table.

The other party didn't care either and leaned against the door: If you made a mistake at the time, the dean wouldn't have sent you here to bring new students.

It's good here, and the students are obedient. Xiang Minghua silently crossed Wei San's name in his heart.

The person at the door fluttered his long hair and said casually, There is a child from Yingjia among the new students this year.

Xiang Ming turned his hands for a while, and finally flipped through the materials as if nothing had happened: You don't have to go to class?

The other party snorted: The competition is almost over, you still think about the next one. We think that maybe next year will be different.


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