Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1181: Kaihua Longding

"I like you too."

This sentence was held in the bottom of my heart for a long time, and the moment I really said it, I felt a lot easier.

Those feelings that had been hidden finally broke out at this moment.

Ruan Xihe stared into his eyes, where she was full of her own prints, and she was inexplicably thinking of the scene when she first met.

At that time, he was clearly embarrassed, full of vigor, but extremely arrogant, and he obviously lost his memory, but he was still vigilant and strongly resisting everything. He was so beautiful and indifferent, and immediately attracted all her attention.

So she paid for him, bought him, and acted against the wind, Jinwu Cangjiao.

And now, the iceberg melted, the proud Tianshan snow lotus lowered its head, the crab lifted its hard shell, the hedgehog put away the piercing armor, the tiger pulled out the sharp fangs, and told her calmly, religiously, warmly, and carefully.

I like you too.

It's so cute.

During the few seconds of silence, his heartbeat was fast and slow, followed by waves in her eyes, and then secretly calmed down, only then waited for her to speak.

"I know, I like you quite a lot." Ruan Xihe touched Qiaojuan's face, tusk, this skin is smooth and smooth, very delicate, and feels really good.

This action is frivolous but not frivolous.

As soon as he wanted to take his hand away, he held it.

"Ruan Ruan."

There seemed to be something hot burning between the eyes.

His lips are as delicious, soft and delicious as his people.

It tastes sweet like honey.

A little bit, a little bit, slowly swallowed, tossed and turned.

He held the amputee, picked up the person, and landed on the couch. The moment he sank, the sheets were put on his back, and the ink hair was laid out, beautifully.

She accidentally touched the ointment on the back of his hand, and her mind suddenly became sober, she opened her eyes, opened her side, and gently pressed his arm.

Breathing is a little bit rapid.

It turns out that cold people get hot enough to make the wind shy, make the moon gloomy, make the stars blink, and silence everything.

His tentative kiss is still falling.

"Great." She called him softly, which meant to stop.

After a while, the man became obedient and sat aside.

The reaction probably won't subside for a while, standing tall, obviously extremely.

Ruan Xihe curled his arms, sat up, and squeezed his eyebrows, my God, beautiful face, she really didn't have the slightest resistance to a beauty like Qiao Juan, it was terrible.

She rubbed her slightly hot cheek, trying to clear herself up.


The blush around his lips is her lipstick, underneath, well, this is really high.

Beautiful to be attractive.

Quickly withdraw his sight, tusk, sin.

If he fell in love with such a man, Ruan Xihe felt that he didn't want to get off his bed at all. No, he didn't want to let him go.

The female version of Hunjun went online in minutes, and the final battle until dawn.

However, everything is afraid of having a but.

She doesn't really want to talk now, so it's not too late to take a break for a week or two, and then fully devote herself to it.

"I'll pick you up at Jiujiendang on the weekend." He said so, his voice and eyes were not innocent, with a little bit of unfinished heat.

On weekends, I don’t know if Yan Fufeng will come back on weekends. Tsk, the Shanghai stock market really can’t stay, Maade, Shura Field Concentration Camp.

Otherwise, apply for a graduate student abroad and go outside for a year and a half?

Seeing Ruan Xi and Lengshen do not know what they are thinking, can they be distracted at this time?

He slowly deceived him, and then hugged her, with his palm crossing her waist, stroking the back of her hand, clasping her fingers, and slowly tightening, his breath fell behind her ears: "Ruan Ruan."

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