The terrifying aura filled the entire courtyard, and everyone present in the courtyard felt a tightness in their chests.

They felt as if the person in front of them was not a human being, but a terrifying tyrannosaurus resurrected from ancient times. It was treating everyone in the courtyard as food with its greedy eyes.

Feeling the trembling of their bodies and the unspeakable fear rising deep in their hearts, everyone in the Chen family finally understood the sentence in the intelligence: "I have fought against three generations of species alone and posed a huge threat to them." of gold content.

After all, it is difficult for humans to imagine things they have not encountered before, and they can only analyze them through existing experiences.

I have to admit that these families in the country are indeed lagging behind the Secret Party, a group of lunatics whose mission is to conquer the Dragon Clan. Compared with the crazy education of Kassel College, the education of domestic families can be called gentle. At least domestic families will not require civilian personnel to participate in the battlefield of out-of-control hybrids or face Deadpool.

The problem is that the Kassel Academy is actually a moderate among the entire secret party.

The Dragon Slayers of the Iron-Blooded Faction in the Secret Party, such as this generation's Beowulf, the heir to the dragon-blood-thirsty family and the last captain of the Secret Party's "Action Team", have criticized Cassel College several times in public. The "gentle" style is scoffed at. He strongly opposed the establishment of Kassel College by the Secret Party, and from then on he only stayed in the Secret Party as an elder.

Therefore, although the senior officials of the Chen family present here can be said to have experienced hundreds of battles, most of them, except for Mr. Chen, have only faced the fourth or fifth generation of species at most. Several of them are biased towards civil servants and have even fought against the enemy. The experience stops at the concept of an out-of-control hybrid.

Based on their impression of pure-blood dragons, in their understanding, the so-called third-generation dragons are nothing more than beasts that are stronger than the fourth- and fifth-generation dragons. All it takes is a few experienced high-level hybrids to lead the team, and when prepared, they can kill or even capture the target without damaging them.

Naturally, they don't know that the so-called third-generation species are not only far more powerful than hybrid species, but also far surpass most human wise men in terms of wisdom, experience and strategy due to their endless life span. What's more, they are even proficient in all kinds of terrible alchemy. Compared with them, the alchemy masters among the mixed race are as ignorant as apprentices.


As the pressure displayed by Zheng Shu became stronger and stronger, and when the people present began to feel suffocated, two dull knocking sounds suddenly came from the main seat.

Along with these two knocking sounds came another huge momentum. Although it was not as fierce as Zheng Shu's momentum, the power as thick as a mountain also isolated Zheng Shu's influence, allowing others to Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning around, he saw the sound of Mr. Chen tapping his fingers on the table next to him. At some point, his old and rickety body became straight, and his usually cloudy eyes were now emitting a dazzling golden light. .

"That's almost enough! It's wrong of them to want to give you a blow, but you won't suffer any loss. Just give them a small punishment. There is no need to make such a hostile gesture. Now we can talk about business."

Others showed unwillingness when they heard this. In their view, Old Mrs. Chen's words meant showing weakness to the junior in front of him, and the reason why he said these words was because he and others were suppressed by the other party. .

Thinking of this, they turned to look at Zheng Shu, who was standing in the center of the hall, with an incredible look in his eyes. Such a junior could actually force Mr. Chen to show weakness. No one would believe him if he told him.

"I said...did you misunderstand something?"

Zheng Shu's voice drew their attention back, and the unceremonious voice made several people present confirm that the other party was indeed a bastard without a tutor.

"Why do you have the illusion that you let me take a step because you think I am a junior? Is there a possibility that you... don't have the qualifications!"

Zheng Shu's momentum rose to a higher level every time he said the last three words. When all three words were spoken, Zheng Shu's momentum had exceeded the limit of other people's imagination.

The abyss of pressure shattered Old Master Chen's momentum and pinned everyone else, including him, to their chairs, unable to move.

The terrifying aura even transcended the boundary between spirit and reality and began to affect the external environment. The plants in the courtyard began to tremble, and weak air currents continued to swing around with Zheng Shu as the center.

If Zheng Shu's aura just now was that of a dictatorial tyrant, then his current aura is that of a god.

Old Mrs. Chen, who was the only one who could barely raise his head, glanced at Zheng Shu and felt that his eyes were stinging.

Several years have passed since the template of the King of Earth and Mountain was strengthened. Although he did not use the influence factor to strengthen it again, Zheng Shu was not idle during this period. He has been constantly developing the power of the Dragon King's bloodline to make himself The strength has been greatly improved.

Because of this, Zheng Shu is now extremely wary of Xia Mi, who is also the king of the earth and mountains. Not to mention the completeness of his bloodline, based on his experience in using power, even if he uses the same power, he will Completely crushed by her.


While thinking, the sound of a human body falling to the ground came from behind Zheng Shu. He turned around and saw that the driver who had been standing behind him had passed out.

Although Zheng Shu's pressure did not make him the main target, the driver's pedigree was still a little low after all, and he did not have as high a tolerance as others.

"Ouch, sorry, sorry, I forgot you were still here."

Zheng Shu put down his momentum in embarrassment. Although the Chen family was not friendly to him, the driver did fulfill his duty. What's more, I was having a bit of fun just now, so I didn't know how to end it for a while. The driver Zheng Shu gave him a good step after he passed out.

After Zheng Shu's momentum subsided, everyone who had been pressed on the chair breathed in air like a suffocating person being rescued. Everyone was covered in sweat, as if they had just been fished out of the water.

"It's really... amazing power. You are growing faster than I thought. It seems that I was wrong that time. It has been the Chen family that has been sorry for you."

After a long time, Mr. Chen slowly spoke. His clothes were soaked with sweat, and his originally upright body involuntarily bent down after this blow, making him look several years older.

"I said, let's admit defeat well. Can you please stop playing the emotional card? If you keep talking like this, believe it or not, I will beat you. I am a person who respects the old and loves the young. Don't let my evaluation change. not good."

In response to Zheng Shu's arrogance and unreasonableness, Mr. Chen hesitated to speak, stopped again and again, organized his words, and finally fell silent. As a mature man, of course he could see that this brat was telling the truth. If he really pushed him further, he could really give him a beating.

The most important thing is that judging from his performance just now, it is really possible that he cannot beat him. No, don't talk about yourself. Even if the people in this room launch a sneak attack without martial ethics, it is still unknown whether they can defeat him.

As for the other people in the room, they had no reaction at all to Zheng Shu's words.

After being hit by Zheng Shu's "Full Power Incomplete Body Dragon King Deterrence", it was considered strong enough not to pass out along with the driver next to him. Now each of them is shivering like a quail, wishing they could stick their heads in the soil and pretend Since he does not exist, he has no energy left to reprimand Zheng Shu for his words and deeds.

Zheng Shu looked around at the people in the room, and nodded with satisfaction after seeing their condition.

"That's right. If you lose, you lose. Can't you just admit it? We half-breeds rely on our own fists to make a living. To be honest, I don't understand why you have the guts to come to me now. Show your power, if I hadn't made an appointment with the principal, I could kill you guys in one minute."

Holding the banner of Angers, Zheng Shu felt quite comfortable. This feeling of bullying others was really fascinating.

"Okay, old man. I came back this time mainly to see my friends, so you don't have to worry about other messy things. Tell the head of the Chen family that if he is sincere, let him come and talk to me in person. Don't make trouble. These are a mess. Also, you Chen family should also strengthen your combat effectiveness. For people like them, let alone the principal, even the seniors in the school are better than them. With their performance like this, It's useless against pure-blooded dragons of three generations or more."

Zheng Shu pressed the driver's seat to wake him up, turned around, waved his hand and walked away from Chen's yard.

It took a long time after Zheng Shu left before the other people in the Chen family's yard calmed down. It's just that they no longer have the same air as before. Zheng Shu's performance just now completely destroyed the pride in their hearts. They can't understand why a child born from a branch can reach such a level.

Old Mrs. Chen looked at the eyes of the people below with unquenchable fear, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The Chen family has indeed been at peace for too long. The older generation has kept those below too safe, making them forget the terror of the Dragon Clan.

According to the news from Kassel College, it has been confirmed that at least two Dragon Kings are located in China. According to their recent actions, it is estimated that the location of the first Dragon King will be found soon. From this point of view, in the face of this unprecedented change, domestic families have indeed been somewhat slow to respond.

After thinking about this, Mr. Chen's eyes revealed a hint of sharpness.

"Jia Sheng, please arrange it so that in the future, regardless of status or talent, all the younger members of the family must actually participate in actual battles. I remember someone discovered a suspected three-generation species relic in the desert, right? This caused the most quarrel in the family. Go over and deal with those vicious little guys."

"But, old man, if this happens, the new generation in the family will suffer heavy losses, and the patriarch can't explain it."

"Xiao Chen, I will tell you, just do what you are asked to do. If anyone is not happy, then stop all their supplies. Our Chen family does not raise idle people!"

Seeing the golden light in Old Mrs. Chen's eyes again, the person at the bottom of the seat couldn't help but trembled, stood up and bowed.


Seeing Old Mrs. Chen's tough attitude, others couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. With this order, many people in the entire Chen family would die, and many of them were the hope of the entire family. But in the face of Mrs. Chen's perennial prestige, no one dared to violate his orders.

"In and country."

"You say."

Hearing Mrs. Chen's roll call again, the person in the first place on the right stood up immediately.

"If I remember correctly, that boy's mother is from your lineage."


Looking at the frightened face of the middle-aged man, Mr. Chen smiled, his eyes showing a cunning look like a fox.

"Don't worry, it's not your fault. If I remember correctly, besides his son, that boy's mother also had a child with someone else outside. You go and pick up that child and raise him well."


Facing Old Mrs. Chen's request, the middle-aged man was a little stunned, but he quickly realized what Old Mrs. Chen wanted to do.

"Old Master, I also sent someone to look at that child. The blood in his body is extremely thin, and there is basically no possibility of awakening."

"What are you afraid of if you have a thin bloodline? That boy also has a thin bloodline. He can still awaken when he encounters danger. If it doesn't work, don't we still have artificial serum? We don't expect him to have the same talent as that boy. As long as he has him With half the ability, our Chen family can produce another elite. By the way, do this matter a little more secretly, don't let that kid know, otherwise I won't be able to protect you with his character."

Facing Old Mrs. Chen's instructions, the middle-aged man's expression was a little bitter, but he had to bow and salute.


After returning to their seats, the middle-aged man and Jia Sheng, who had just been ordered, looked at each other secretly, and both could clearly see the bitterness in the other's eyes.

The two orders they carried out were not good things. The Chen family members indeed did not dare to disobey Mr. Chen's orders, but they would definitely vent their anger on Ji Sheng. Middle-aged people have even worse luck. If they have no grades, they will be punished. If they have grades but are exposed, it will be even worse, and they may even lose their lives.

Outside the alley, Zheng Shu, who had left the Chen family's mansion a mile away, put his hand against the wall and "listened" to the orders issued by the Chen family's old man Chen after he left, and shook his head in admiration.

"Awesome, worthy of being a member of the Chen family. I originally thought that the head of the Chen family was already cold-blooded, but I didn't expect that this thing is actually a family tradition. Compared with Mr. Chen, he is actually a little worse. I was really shocked. Vision.”

Thanks to the elegant Dabaicai boss for the reward, I will update 4,000 words first, and there should be another chapter updated in the evening. However, because the outline has not been completed yet, the number of words in the chapter tonight is uncertain.

In fact, this revision of the essay had a great impact on me, and it was not just about perfect attendance. My editor was still on vacation during the Chinese New Year, and suddenly he contacted me and told me that the data for my book had plummeted, and the reading data had been cut in half.

The only good thing is that the editor originally asked me to make a promise to you that if I went to Sanjiang, I would wear women's clothes. I never dared to agree. I dare to say this now, because it is basically impossible for this book to be published in Sanjiang. _(` ∠)__

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