After negotiations between the Lu family siblings and Li Muxuan, the two parties made a deal. As long as the Lu family siblings are willing to help Nathan Island resist the invasion of Behemoth, then after the matter is over, Li Muxuan will follow the two brothers and sisters back to the Lu family to meet Mr. Lu Jin.

This time it was Zhang Chulan's turn to sit on the wax. The Lu family siblings were deceived by him to go to Nathan Island in the first place. It was originally to make the relationship between the two parties closer, but unexpectedly this happened.

If something happened to these two people on the island, he would not be able to break away from the relationship.

So Zhang Chulan was now reversely kidnapped by the Lu family brothers and sisters. Although both of them said that this matter was the Lu family's business and Zhang Chulan could leave early, Zhang Chulan could not leave no matter what.

If they leave now, if something happens to these two people, Zhang Chulan will not be able to explain to Mr. Lu, but if he stays, he will have to confront Behemoth directly.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Chulan turned to look at Zheng Shu, who had walked to the lawn aside and squatted on the ground in a daze.

After thinking about it, Zhang Chulan suddenly put his arm around Lu Lin's shoulders and said seemingly lightly:

"Ha! If you can go back this time, you two guys will have to thank me and Sister Bao'er for the rest of your life. And don't speak so seriously, maybe we will also have strong foreign aid."

He patted Lu Lin's shoulder hard, opened his mouth, turned around with a flattering smile, and trotted to Zheng Shu's side.

"Brother Zheng, I have to trouble you again this time."


Zheng Shu, who was squatting on the space node where King Nathan had just left to study, turned his head with a blank look on his face. After taking a look at Zhang Chulan, he immediately understood what he wanted to do.

Zheng Shu looked at Li Muchuan and then at the Lu family siblings, then turned to look at Zhang Chulan with a puzzled look on his face.

"Is it so troublesome to take the old man away? Just knock him unconscious, and then you can take him back."

"Hmph! Didn't you expect that today's young people are so arrogant?! Or maybe I have been away for too long, so today's young people no longer know my name."

Li Muxuan sneered when he heard this, and before he could continue to get angry, a voice from behind made cold sweat break out on Li Muxuan's back.

"It's not that you are arrogant, you are indeed very weak."


With a sudden force under his feet, Li Muxuan lunged forward without looking back, and rolled awkwardly on the ground several times before he stopped.

Only then did he see clearly that Zheng Shu, who had been standing far away talking to Zhang Chulan, had stood behind him at some point, and if the other party hadn't taken the initiative to speak, he wouldn't have even noticed it.

But compared to this, what Li Muxuan couldn't understand was another ability displayed by Zheng Shu.

While he was jumping forward, because of his rich experience in fighting enemies, Li Muxuan also used his own skills to throw towards the enemy behind him. A transparent force field that was difficult to detect was directed towards the direction of the sound. It quickly enveloped the past.

"The human body's magnetic field is... average."

Zheng Shu quietly looked at the group of transparent stances that rushed toward him, and he didn't see any movement. The energy in his body only fluctuated slightly, and the group of stances automatically collapsed.

This is the meager result he has obtained after studying in the Kingdom of Heaven for nearly a thousand years. He has carefully studied all the Qi training methods in the country. Zheng Shu is well aware of the weaknesses, structures, etc. of these methods.

For example, the transparent force field developed in the human body is essentially based on Qi. It only needs to use Qi to fluctuate at a specific frequency to disrupt its inner energy cycle.

However, the technique that is easy and simple for Zheng Shu is difficult to understand in the eyes of others.

Especially for Li Muxuan, his eyes almost popped out of his head in shock when he saw that something he had cultivated all his life collapsed before he even got close to the opponent.

As a perfect person, Li Muxuan certainly could not admit defeat when faced with this kind of thing, so he continued to attack Zheng Shu without hesitation.

However, Zheng Shu was too lazy to look at him anymore and simply ignored Li Muxuan and walked towards Zhang Chulan again.


Faced with Zheng Shu's indifferent attitude, Li Muchuan's eyes widened angrily, but what happened next made him swallow the rest of his words.

The transparent force field close to Zheng Shu collapsed again as before, and not only the position, but a strange force quickly fed back to Li Muxuan's body along the collapsed force field, disrupting the movement of Qi in his body.


With a muffled groan, Li Muxuan collapsed to the ground involuntarily because the Qi in his body suddenly lost control.

Li Muxuan, a "bad boy" who was once quite famous in the whole sex, was beaten until he lost the ability to resist without even understanding how the other party acted.

"If you want to take him away, there will be so much trouble. Just knock him unconscious and take him away."

Zheng Shu came to Zhang Chulan's side and pointed at Li Muxuan, who had fallen to the ground and was convulsing.

"I used resonance to disperse all the Qi in his body. It couldn't be gathered in a short time, and his muscles were weak, leaving him with no ability to resist. Now I use techniques such as Fengyuan Needle to block his Governor Vein, and then Find some stronger chains to tie them up, and then take them back to the country, where you can kill or scrape them as you please."

" this okay?" Zhang Chulan wiped the cold sweat from his face, "The two of them came to Li Muxuan probably to get him to solve Mr. Lu's problem. Is it okay to use such strong methods?"

In Zhang Chulan's view, since it is to solve the problem of heart, shouldn't this matter be based on your own will?

"Okay! Thank you, junior brother!" Lu Linglong's happy voice suddenly came from the side.

"Ah?" Zhang Chulan was dumbfounded.

"We were looking for him just to get him to go back and have a fight with grandpa. It doesn't matter whether he wants to or not. Anyway, after he actually goes back to see my grandpa, it's not up to him whether he wants to fight or not.

The reason why we were willing to agree to this guy's request just now is because the two of us couldn't subdue him together. It would be better to tie him back directly now. "

Lu Lin came to Zheng Shu's side, saluted with a serious expression, and solemnly expressed her gratitude.

"Daozhang Zheng, thank you very much! I owe you a favor. If you have any requests in the future, just ask. There will be no objections."

"Come on, there is no such thing as being unkind. After all, Lu Linglong is also my senior brother. This matter is not troublesome to me. It would be too unreasonable to be so polite for something casual. You should hurry up and help senior brother Linglong find something to put that Tie up the old man."

Zheng Shu waved his hand indifferently. Lu Linglong in the distance moved very quickly. After thanking Zheng Shu, he started looking for various vines in the woods to tie up Li Muxuan who was lying on the ground. .

At this time, Li Muxuan, who was lying on the ground, finally regained his consciousness. Although he was a little dizzy just now, he heard what Zheng Shu and the others said. He felt his sore and weak limbs and the dissipated energy in his body, and knew that he had been tricked by the other party. .

"You brats are actually playing dirty tricks! How dare you call yourself a decent family like this?! And you two boys from the Lu family, you are still from the Lu family, so you can agree to such a dirty trick!" !”

Listening to Li Muxuan's curses, Zheng Shu dug his ears, sneered at him and ignored him.

Lu Lin walked up to Li Muxuan with a serious expression: "I'm sorry, senior, but since you are a full-sex person, you should be able to understand this kind of thing."

"Besides, I think you have misunderstood our Lu family. Our Lu family is just hard-boned, not rigid-minded. Anyway, morally speaking, because of the Trinity Gate matter, it is reasonable even if we beat you to death here. ." Lu Linglong also walked out of the forest carrying a lot of vines.

She piled the vines next to Li Muxuan and clapped her hands. There was not much expression on her face that had turned into a red devil, but she could still hear the pride in her voice.

"Anyway, based on what we know about you, even if we fulfilled our promise just now, you are not going to come with us, right? After all, judging from your past experience, you are not a trustworthy person."

Facing Lu Linglong's question, Li Muchuan fell silent. He also knew that there was no point in quibbling now.

The most important thing is that he really has no intention of keeping his promise. For some reasons, he can't kill the Lu family brothers and sisters, so he can only find ways to delay time.

While Li Muxuan was silent, the Lu family brothers and sisters had quickly tied him up with vines like a caterpillar. In order to be strong enough, they tied him up again and again, making him look like It's like a ball.

However, after tying up Li Muxuan, they all had difficulties. After discussing for a while, Lu Linglong turned around and looked for Zheng Shu, who was still squatting on the grass next to him, looking like he was in a daze.

"Junior brother, none of the blocking techniques we are good at seem to be able to block him. Do you have any ideas?"

The main reason is that the human magnetic field ability cultivated by Li Muxuan is too special. Many non-permanent and non-disabling confinement methods usually use small objects such as a needle as a carrier.

Moreover, this kind of blocking method is generally not really able to completely block the opponent's power. After all, Qi Qi training itself is about tapping one's own power. Facing some experienced practitioners, it can only block most of his power.

Although for many aliens, after most of the power is blocked, it is equivalent to having no means of resistance, but the human body's magnetic field is different.

Because he can control the force field, he can pull out blocking objects such as needles from his body even with just a trace of strength.

Zheng Shu understood the problem as soon as he heard it. He nodded gently and stood up: "This matter is simple, leave it to me."

Walking to Li Muxuan's side, Zheng Shu looked at the other person's eyes as if he wanted to eat someone, smiled slightly, and reached out to tap his forehead.


Li Muxuan felt his head was in a daze, and he fainted before he could say anything.

"I dispersed his soul into Qi, and then dispersed all the Qi in his body. Now as long as his Qi is not gathered together, his soul cannot be reset. If you want to wake him up, all you need to do is Just use Qi to stimulate his middle Dantian."

As he said that, Zheng Shu suddenly showed a smile: "Listening to what you just said, you called him back to have a fight with Mr. Lu, right?"

"Yes." Although the Lu family siblings were a little confused, they still nodded firmly.

"Although you have also said that if something unexpected happens then, you will go ahead regardless of Mr. Lu's ideas. But I guess it will be difficult for you to stop it by then..." Zheng Shu curled his lips towards Li Muxuan who was in a coma. .

"So I played a little dirty trick. Although there seems to be no problem when I recover, if I fight with all my strength, it will cause Qi instability, and the overall strength will be reduced by about 20%. What do you think? If you are not happy, Now I can adjust the Qi in his body again."

The Lu family brother and sister looked at each other and then saluted Zheng Shu together with happy expressions.

"Thank you!"

Just like Lu Linglong said, the Lu family is just hard-boned and stubborn, but that doesn't mean they are really old-fashioned.

The purpose of bringing Li Muxuan back was to relieve their grandfather's heart. It was certainly more appropriate to have such a method that could not reduce Li Muxuan's strength unconsciously.

"Okay, there's no need to say thank you or anything. You'd better leave quickly. Look at the time, Behemoth is about to launch an attack." Zheng Shu waved to a few people, then sat back on the grass and stared blankly.

"Brother Zheng, is there nothing wrong with you? Why do you feel that you are in a bad state after having a move with that old lady?"

Zhang Chulan did not leave immediately, but squatted next to Zheng Shu with some worry. Although the Lu family brothers and sisters did not speak, they looked at Zheng Shu with worried eyes.

They also felt it. Zheng Shu seemed to have undergone some changes. He looked a little slow, but it didn't look like he was really slow. He could respond quickly to any stimulus, but something felt wrong, like yes……

"I look like a retired old man now, right?" Zheng Shu laughed cheerfully, and his expression could even make Zhang Chulan and the others feel a kind of "kindness".

"There's nothing to worry about. In fact, I'm just used to a slow life, so I can't change my living habits for a while. I'll be able to recover in a few years."

After laughing for a while, Zheng Shu looked at the people who were about to leave. Suddenly he remembered something and raised his hand to wave to Zhang Chulan.

"Lao Zhang, come here."

"What's the matter?" Although Zhang Chulan didn't quite understand, he still walked to Zheng Shu's side obediently.

"come over!"

Zheng Shu reached out and grabbed Zhang Chulan's shoulders, pressing him next to him. At the same time, an imperceptible sound barrier formed around the two of them.

"I'll probably be very busy later on. I don't know how long it will be before we meet next time, so I want to ask you a favor."

"You said, brother Zheng, I will go through fire and water, no matter what." Zhang Chulan immediately showed a hugging face.

"It's not that exaggerated. When you meet your father later, take me with you. I have something to ask him." Zheng Shu grinned.

Zhang Chulan didn't say much after hearing this, as if he didn't understand, but Zheng Shu could clearly feel that this guy's body stiffened at this moment.

"Brother Zheng, what are you talking about? That bastard left me in an orphanage and disappeared when I was very young. How could I possibly know where he is? If I knew where that guy was, then I would definitely..."

Zhang Chulan wanted to say something more, but looking at Zheng Shu's half-smiling eyes, he suddenly couldn't say anything.

"Old Zhang, have you forgotten? I said that I can directly observe people's emotions, so whether you are using the truth as a lie or simply lying, you can't hide it from me." Zheng Shu pointed at Zhang Chulan on his forehead, "Don't worry, I told you that I don't have any ill intentions. I just want to ask your father about some things. You can think of this as an information transaction."

"Haha... But I really don't know where my father is." Zhang Chulan smiled awkwardly.

"I believe that, and I also believe that you don't know exactly what your father is doing."


After a long silence, Zhang Chulan spoke with some difficulty: "Brother Zheng, can you tell me how much information you know? To be honest, according to my father's plan, he should have hidden it very well."

Zheng Shu showed a cheerful smile to him: "In fact, it's not much. If I really want to say it, it's the information you provided me."


"Have you forgotten? It was when you were seriously injured in the attack and then fell into a coma."

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