Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 486 Cheating and the person behind the scenes

The hot liquid metal cools rapidly in the vacuum environment, making the metal in this area look unusually round and smooth.

Click, click, click... bang!

The metal ground that was as smooth as a mirror suddenly exploded after cooling down. Zheng Shu flew into the air again after flying away the metal from his body.

"It hurts... What the hell kind of monster is this? Is this thing really formed naturally?!"

Zheng Shu's current state looked very scary. The power of the blow just now was too terrifying. Even with the help of many anti-strengthening magic and the protection of dragon scales, half of his body was completely turned into flesh.

The broken bones and mutilated internal organs were exposed, and his whole body looked extremely miserable and horrifying.

"Yes, I have strengthened the lion's enhanced template to the limit. Although I know there are many powerful creatures in the universe, this guy is too strong, right?!"

Pulling out his own panel and taking a look, he found that since he complied with his original intention and practiced the Dharma, Zheng Shu had been able to strengthen the Nemean Lion's strengthened template to a point where it even exceeded the Xingyue World.

Although due to the gap in world rules, even if he stretched the reinforced template of the Nemean Lion to the limit, his current defense power is still no better than in the Moon World, but ordinary nuclear weapons should have no effect on him.

Looking at the enemies below, Zheng Shu had begun to wonder if he had not gone out to read the almanac during this trip.

On the surface of the distant planet, several thousand-meter-long black tentacles are dancing continuously. These tentacles look extremely smooth, with no ridges or wrinkles on the surface. It feels like they can reflect light when shining a flashlight on them.

If he hadn't felt the vitality fluctuations from the tentacles below, Zheng Shu would have even doubted whether this thing was a living thing.

"There are a total of seven long tentacles and one small tentacle that is half as short. There is no so-called body. The body is entirely composed of tentacles. It seems that it should be a type with strong vitality. Is this the monster hidden on this planet? ?

However, I am already injured like this, and I don't feel any other life breath. It seems that there are indeed no other monsters here, at least not in this area. "

Zheng Shu was suspended in mid-air, half of his body that had been broken into rotten flesh fluctuated rapidly, and the injuries on his body, including the blood that flowed out, healed as quickly as time went back.

"No wonder I haven't heard of such a place. It actually has the ability to jump in a closed space. It seems that all the surviving creatures that were teleported here were eaten by this guy."

Feeling the closed space around him, Zheng Shu knew that if he didn't kill this guy, he might not be able to teleport out of here at all.

After holding the hand of the other half that had completely healed, Zheng Shu did not continue to choose to strengthen his physical condition.

"Calculated based on the energy fluctuations in the body...this ghost is probably twenty-seven times stronger than the transformed Wenshan. Unless a complete Star Destroyer is transported by the space distortion, nothing should be able to defeat it. it."

Wenshan is already a lower-level god who is powerful enough to cleanse civilization on the surface of the earth. She is twenty-seven times stronger than her. Even if the way these tentacles exist means that the actual strength that can be exerted may only be more than ten times, it is already God-king level power.

"Now that it is confirmed that there are no other monsters, there is no need to use myself as bait anymore."

Sensing the fluctuation of life when Zheng Shu was repairing his body, the tentacles that were originally waving aimlessly in mid-air immediately found their target.

Using force at the same time as the tentacles, he jumped up from the surface of the metal planet and jumped directly into outer space, aiming in the direction of Zheng Shu. The tentacles that were originally only a kilometer long suddenly stretched out rapidly, heading towards Zheng Shu like an arrow from a string. Stab over.

The previous metal dust atmosphere had been completely blown away by Zheng Shu's previous impact, so these tentacles were silent when they stabbed over, and with their dark appearance, they even gave the illusion of disappearing.

Looking at these tentacles stabbing towards him from all directions silently, Zheng Shu's eyes remained calm, and he even retracted his dragon-shaped posture.

"If I only had these powers, it would indeed be a bit difficult to face a monster like you..."

Complex magic lines flashed in his eyes, and Zheng Shu raised his hand slightly towards the tentacles in front of him.

The picture suddenly stopped moving in the silent space, and the several tentacles surrounding Zheng Shu's thrusts all stagnated in mid-air. Whether they were a few thick tentacles that attracted attention from the front, or they quietly attacked from Zheng Shu's visual blind spot. Several slender tentacles also stopped.

Looking carefully, at the tips of these tentacles, several thin black plates appeared out of thin air in mid-air, blocking the attacks of these tentacles.

Originally seemingly indestructible, the sharp tentacles that sliced ​​through the metal wreckage of the spaceships as if they were streaking through the air were blocked by such a few thin plates. Even the tip of the tentacles, the originally smooth cone angle, appeared. Cracks are signs of damage.

"...But unfortunately, I am in a hurry now, so I can only cheat."

Zheng Shu waved his hand again calmly, and these black tentacles with a metallic luster suddenly disconnected silently. If you look carefully, you can find that there are the same thin black boards at the ports of these metal tentacles.

Looking at the tentacles below that were still struggling, Zheng Shu continued to summon high-density convenient panels in the opponent's body without expression, and continued to cut them into small pieces.

It wasn't until all the life breath on the tentacles dissipated that Zheng Shu finally stopped.

"It's a little surprising that there are such strong monsters in the universe, but it's also interesting that such a strong monster doesn't have any magic resistance. Is it because it's not the same system as magic, so it doesn't have this resistance?"

Zheng Shu glanced at the planet below again, and after confirming that there were no other hidden monsters, the complex magic lines in his eyes faded away.

After releasing the "see-through" magic, Zheng Shu glanced at the high-density convenience panel beside him that had begun to rapidly collapse into crumbs, and shook his head with some pity.

"Until the density reaches a certain critical point, the existence time of these convenient panels is quite limited, and there is currently no way to make long-term armor."

After landing on the surface of the planet, Zheng Shu picked up a tentacle, carefully inspected its material and nodded with satisfaction.

"As expected, it can confine space, and living in such an area, this thing is very adaptable to space. It is a good material for building a teleportation circle, and it just saves me the trouble of looking for materials."

He non-stop collected several larger tentacle fragments and peeled off the strong outer shell to use as materials.

Zheng Shu reached out and waved, and an invisible blade exuding the aura of death was swung out from his hand. All the metals that came into contact with this invisible blade seemed to have received thousands of years of rust in the natural environment. It instantly collapsed into pieces.

When the power of the Word Spirit and Judgment dissipated, a relatively open space had been cleared in front of him.

"Okay, the range is large enough, let's build a teleportation circle here."

Zheng Shu waved his hand again, and the debris on the ground was pushed away by an unknown force, revealing a flat area in the center.

The Fenghou Qimen unfolded under his feet, capturing the elemental energy in various radiations from outer space and converting it into fire-attribute elements, and gathered them in Zheng Shu's hands.


A ball of high-heat light unfolded in Zheng Shu's hand. It was actually a ball of fire, but because there was no oxygen on the planet for it to burn, it could only turn into a plasma ball of light.

The next thing Zheng Shu did was very familiar. He used the shell of the tentacle as the main material and added several kinds of debris as auxiliary materials. He melted it in a ball of light and mixed it with a large amount of elements to turn it into magic metal.

Then, under the influence of powerful mental power, slender metal wires were pulled out of the liquid metal mass as the cornerstone of the teleportation circle.

After working for about several hours, Zheng Shu finally built a teleportation circle based on the coordinates of the bone bottles on the earth.

Looking at the teleportation circle under his feet that had been filled with materials, Zheng Shu had an unknown smile on his face.

Lifting his feet and stepping into the center of the magic circle, Zheng Shu raised his hand, and with a flash of brilliant light, his figure disappeared on the metal planet composed of debris, leaving only a piece of the same place because of the super The overload of long-distance teleportation resulted in the destruction of half of the teleportation circle.

After Zheng Shu left, the planet returned to a state of deathly silence, quietly suspended in space, waiting to receive the next batch of debris that came with the turbulent flow of space.

After an unknown amount of time, with a flash of brilliant light, a spaceship with a somewhat strange style suddenly appeared in this dead place.

As soon as the spacecraft appeared, it showed great vigilance. Not only did it activate the energy shield on the spacecraft to full power, but it also released a large number of small reconnaissance drones to fly towards the metal planet in the distance. Various reconnaissance radars are also turned on to their limits.

After a long time, as the people on the spacecraft used various methods to plow the planet, they finally found the teleportation circle left by Zheng Shu and the remains of several tentacles around it.

"Sir, no other things were found in the 'grave'. Based on the analysis of these wreckage, the 'mastermind' believes that the other party probably killed the monsters entrenched here and took the initiative to use space teleportation to leave."

Inside the spacecraft, an alien who looked no different from an earthling was reporting to the commander sitting in the main seat of the spacecraft.

"Left? How is that possible?! This guy should have been alone when he was teleported here. How could he possibly kill the monsters here?!"

The commander looked in disbelief at the report handed to him by his subordinates, and even wondered whether these people had drank fake wine with the "mastermind".

"Even if you directly attack that monster with a Star Destroyer Cannon, you may not be able to completely kill it. How can anyone defeat it by relying on their own strength?!"

"But judging from the scene detected by the drone, this is indeed the case. We have also collected the body parts of the monster." The subordinate touched the cold sweat on his head and added cautiously.

"And judging from the investigation results, the opponent had already left long ago. Based on calculations based on the energy dissipation speed on the monster's residual limbs, the opponent probably solved the battle within half a standard time, and then constructed an unknown The space transport device left the planet."

"Half standard time (about fifteen hours)?!"

The commander wanted to curse a few more times, but when he saw the huge tentacle fragment handed over by his subordinate with a mechanical arm, he couldn't help but fell silent.

"...Have you confirmed that it is the remains of that monster?"

"It cannot be confirmed because the various machines on the spacecraft cannot cause any damage to the outer shell of the wreckage. It may be necessary to break it open with a higher-output machine after returning to the base to confirm. However... there is a shell with this level of hardness. , according to the information we have obtained, there are no other creatures around here except that monster."

The subordinates looked at the hard shell above and couldn't help but swallowed. They recalled the various properties of the data obtained from the surgical quarantine test. They couldn't imagine how powerful a person could be to kill a monster with such a shell.

"Sir, do we want to continue? The number of times the experimental subject can manipulate probability is limited. Judging from the news from the base, the remaining lifespan of the experimental subject can only allow him to manipulate small probabilities five times."

After a long silence, the officer pinched the bridge of his nose.

"How is the progress of the experimental subject being recreated? Is it still impossible to recreate it?"

"All of them failed. Even if the experimental subjects used probability manipulation for assistance, they still failed. The reason for the failure cannot be understood now."

"They're all trash!"

The officer was so angry that he slammed the tabletop. Unfortunately, the solid tabletop did not cause any damage, but it hurt his hand terribly.

"Hiss... forget it, change the strategy, the target's strength is stronger than expected, even if we encounter it now, we may not be able to defeat it.

Hmm... let the base focus their research on the previous experiments. At this stage, the main focus is on improving the strength of the base. Experimental subjects can be allowed to be used for probabilistic assistance, but they must retain enough lifespan for two probabilistic manipulations. "


"Also, recycle all the monster limbs and test the space transmission device built by the target to see if we can get anything from it." The officer pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Understood, the recovery of the ship's residual limbs is mainly carried out by unmanned machinery. As for the space transmission device, the mastermind has previously sent relevant personnel to inspect according to the operation manual, and a conclusion should be reached soon."

"Ah That's good."

After giving all the instructions, the officer sighed and leaned on his seat with a deep expression on his face. He didn't know what he was thinking.

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