"Master, I'm back!"

Zheng Shu pushed open the door of his master's residence and shouted excitedly.

He had to admit that the old Celestial Master was indeed an old practitioner who had been practicing for a lifetime, and his eyesight was indeed sharp.

Zheng Shu just indulged himself a little as he said, and he could clearly feel that the pressure in his heart was much lighter, and the inexplicable anger in his heart was also reduced a lot.

Maybe it's better to block it than to open it up.

"You boy...it seems that I was right to let you go out this time. It has been fruitful."

Xu Zhengning looked at Zheng Shu who opened his door and looked up and down in surprise, almost unable to recognize his apprentice.

Then his eyes became relieved. Although Zheng Shu had performed very well before, he had completely lost the vitality of a young man. He looked like a bomb on the verge of exploding at any time.

But judging from the actions just now, the inexplicable pressure in his disciple's heart has been reduced a lot, and his overall mental outlook has also improved a lot.

"Ha... Disciple was given some guidance by Heavenly Master on Longhu Mountain this time, so he has gained a little bit in his mood."

Zheng Shu laughed dryly, and realized from his master's eyes that he seemed to have gone a little too far. It seemed that he still had to control the degree of spiritual indulgence.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will go to the other extreme.

So Zheng Shu restrained himself a little, straightened his clothes, and bowed again.

"Master, my disciple is back."

Seeing that Zheng Shu could correct his state of mind so quickly, the look in Xu Zhengning's eyes became even more gratifying.

"Okay, okay, relaxed and relaxed, Master Tian is worthy of being the best in the world of strangers. Your harvest in the past few days is greater than I imagined! Come on, let's go find the abbot. His old man is just in time these two days. I’m in a bad mood, it’ll be better when you come back.”

Xu Zhengning stood up very simply and pulled Zheng Shu towards the door. Zheng Shu showed no intention of resisting and followed his master's strength and walked out.

"Master, I heard you say on the phone that our temple was invaded? What's going on?"

"Ever since the Luotian Dajiao ended, those people have gone crazy. Every night, a large group of people sneak into the temple quietly, as if they are looking for something.

At first, the abbot felt that there was nothing valuable in our temple anyway. As long as these people did not damage the hall or hurt anyone, it was fine, so he just sent people to keep an eye on it and did not react too much. But there was an accident yesterday..."

At this point, Xu Zhengning sighed helplessly, with some anger in his tone.

"Nacheng thought that Master Liu suddenly came back yesterday. He probably heard some news outside and came back to discuss things with the abbot, but he didn't expect to meet those people. These guys shocked Master Liu, and he is still lying in the hospital. .

The abbot got furious on the spot and beat the thieves to death, and the senior brothers who he had arranged to keep an eye on these guys were also punished and locked up. "

"Master Liu is injured?!"

Zheng Shu's eyes widened and anger surged in his heart.

This so-called Master Liu was the old white-haired Taoist whom Abbot Xie took to show off his "innate powers" when Zheng Shu first came to Baiyun Temple.

This Master Liu's Qi training talent is not very good, and he has never started practicing Qi in his life, but he is the former supervisor of Baiyunguan.

During his tenure, Baiyun Temple was well organized and prosperous, and he also took great care of the Taoist priests inside Baiyun Temple.

Later, because he was too old, he retired from the position of supervisor.

Originally, the abbot planned to let him serve as a casualty in Baiyun Temple until he died, but Master Liu really couldn't take any time off, so he took the initiative to apply to work as a steward in a small temple outside and continue to use his remaining strength.

It is no exaggeration to say that almost everyone in the entire Baiyun Temple has been taken care of by Master Liu.

Zheng Shu still remembers that when he was a child, Mr. Liu basically helped him bring all kinds of baby items from outside. Later, when Xu Zhengning was appointed as the supervisor of Baiyunguan and had no time to take care of Zheng Shu, it was also like this. Master Liu took care of him on his behalf.

So when he heard that Master Liu was injured, Zheng Shu became a little anxious.

"I was injured but not injured. It was mainly because I was frightened, which caused my old habits to relapse. After all, you, Master Liu, are getting older and it's almost time." Xu Zhengning said in a low tone.

Zheng Shu also fell into silence after hearing this. Of course, he could extend Master Liu's life by continuously instilling innate Qi. However, because Master Liu is not a cultivator, the use of innate Qi is quite wasteful and the efficiency of extending life is not high. high.

Without the ability to independently control the innate energy, after reaching a certain age, the rate at which the innate energy naturally dissipates from his body will even exceed the upper limit of the innate energy that his body can withstand.

At that time, Zheng Shu must stand by his side and help him convey the innate energy all the time. Otherwise, as soon as Zheng Shu stops transmitting the innate energy, he will soon die due to exhaustion of the innate energy.

Another more important reason is that Zheng Shu had quietly asked the abbot and some other older Taoist priests of Baiyun Temple before, and the answers he got were surprisingly consistent: they did not want Zheng Shu to extend his life.

For these old people, they have lived long enough and are not afraid of impending death.

In addition, they do not want to restrain Zheng Shu for their own reasons. They also hope that Zheng Shu will pursue his own path.

After sighing for a while, the two of them arrived in front of the abbot's house.

"Go on, go in and talk to the abbot. There's something else going on inside, so I'll leave first."

Seeing Xu Zhengning's back fleeing for any reason, several black lines appeared on Zheng Shu's head.

However, he also understood that the abbot had always had a bad temper, and Master Liu had the best relationship with him. Now that something like this happened, he must be extremely angry.

Zheng Shu estimated that before he came back, the abbot would probably scold his master a few times if he had nothing to do. Regardless of Xu Zhengning's current status, the abbot was still his master, and he could only endure it even if he was scolded like his grandson.

Looking at the door in front of him, Zheng Shu actually scratched his head a little. Even he didn't want to get into trouble with his old abbot.

Just when Zheng Shu was struggling, a cold snort came from inside the room.

"You brat, you're already here. What are you still doing outside? Why don't you come in quickly!"

"Oh, okay, abbot, please don't be angry. If you get angry, it won't be worth it."

Zheng Shu immediately opened the door and walked in with his head tilted.

However, after entering the room, Zheng Shu discovered that the abbot's expression seemed much better than he expected. Although he was still a little angry, he didn't look as angry as he had imagined.

"Silly boy, what are you looking at?"

“It’s definitely a bit unexpected.”

Zheng Shu sat cross-legged on the futon in front of the abbot and looked at his abbot with curiosity on his face.

"Abbott, Master Liu was so frightened that he went to the hospital, but I always feel that you are not as angry as you thought."

The abbot, whose beard and hair were all white, sighed when he heard this:

"It would be a lie to say that I'm not angry, but Junior Brother Liu has indeed reached his age. Even if he hadn't had this calamity, he probably wouldn't have had much time left in the future. After all, he didn't practice cultivation, and he can still be considered a man if he can live to be over ninety. Happy mourning. Besides, those bastards who scared Junior Brother Liu into the hospital have been beaten to death by me. Even if I get angry, I can’t find anyone."

"The key point is actually the last sentence..."

Zheng Shu silently complained in his heart, but did not dare to say it out.

He dug into his arms, took out the copy of Ju Ling Qian Jiang given to him by Feng Zhenghao, and handed it to the abbot.

"Well... this thing is what those guys want to find, right? I remember it's called "Gu Ling Dispatch General"? How about it? Have you learned it? "

Abbot Xie Xin picked up the pamphlet in front of him and threw it behind him without even looking at it, as if what Zheng Shu handed over was not the Eight Magic Skills that made many forces crazy, but some street tricks.

"Learned." Zheng Shu replied honestly.

"If another disciple said he wanted to learn this thing, I would probably blame him for putting the cart before the horse and not understanding the importance. But since it's you, it doesn't matter. But since you did learn it, you have to bear the consequences."

"That's natural."

Zheng Shu did not make any excuses. In the final analysis, the main reason for this incident was indeed because he unscrupulously showed that he had mastered the ability to restrain spirits and dispatch generals. No matter how he obtained this ability, it was indeed his cause and effect.

"Well, that's a good answer. We are from Baiyun Temple."

Abbot Xie Xin touched his beard with satisfaction, and his body posture seemed to be much more relaxed.

"Then go and solve the problem you caused. Ever since I slapped a few thieves who came into the temple to death that day, the temple has become a lot quieter. No one dares to come in anymore.

But these guys don't seem to have given up. There are people outside who are always watching, but they don't take action. They just stare. It seems that they are obsessed with us and plan to fight for a long time. Go and deal with this matter! "

"Okay...but abbot, do I have the strength to handle this? At what level should I stop?"

"What level?"

Upon hearing Zheng Shu's question, the abbot glanced at him.

"You are a stupid Taoist. Your master has been sent to the hospital because of his popularity. Why do you still care about the bottom line? Let me tell you, let it go and let these guys never dare to peep at Baiyun Temple again! Grandma is stupid, this It has only been a few years, but there are already people who dare to act so wantonly, do you really think that these men are vegetarians?!"

"Um...abbot, we are monks and we are really vegetarians." Zheng Shu reminded carefully.


The abbot slapped Zheng Shu on the head, and the abbot waved his hand in disgust.

"Kuo Noo! Old man, although I am a vegetarian, I am not a vegetarian. Go, go, go, those bastards around me are staring at me every day, and I can't even sleep well!"

"Okay, abbot, I feel relieved with your words. I'll go now."

Seeing that the abbot did not continue to speak, but just waved his hand and asked himself to leave impatiently, Zheng Shu quietly exited the room, closed the door, and then turned around and left in a stride.

"Hiss...it hurts me to death. Is this brat's head made of diamond?! Why is it so hard!"

Abbot Xie Xin waited with a sullen face for a long time. After confirming that Zheng Shu was far away, the serious expression on his face suddenly collapsed.

He grinned and shook his already red palms.

The slap just now made his arm numb. If it weren't for maintaining his image in front of the younger generation, he would have jumped up long ago.

Yun Qi relieved the redness, swelling and pain on his arm. Abbot Xie Xin looked at his still red arm and suddenly laughed happily.

"Hey, I have a successor in Baiyun Temple..."

After leaving Abbot Xie Xin's place, Zheng Shu did not delay for too long and immediately began to take action against those who were watching the sentries outside.

In fact, even if the abbot doesn't give orders, he will find an opportunity to deal with these people. After all, no matter what he does, he feels like someone is watching him, which is quite unpleasant.

In particular, Zheng Shu's senses are more acute, so he can sense the malice contained in these sights.

Although it didn't make him feel a sense of crisis, it was quite annoying. It felt like a lot of mosquitoes buzzing in his ears.

Since Abbot Xie Xin allowed him to do it freely, Zheng Shu would naturally not restrain himself.

If it were the previous Zheng Shu, he might have used his brain to find a way to find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

But since these guys have affected the people in Baiyun Temple, Zheng Shu does not recommend indulging himself again.

So his method is very simple: find all the people who are following with malicious intent, and then crush them all to death.

This method makes no sense to ordinary people, because it is obvious that these people staring at Baiyun are just minions and cannon fodder. Even if one group is dealt with, the people behind will soon send a new group.

Moreover, it is very difficult to find all the people who are stalking. In addition, everyone who is secretly stalking is widely scattered. Even if they are found, they may not be able to catch them.

The huge labor cost and weak effect prevent anyone with a right mind from choosing this method.

But Zheng Shu was originally abnormal (wrong).

For him, it's easy to find someone, and it's also easy to kill people. As for the other party will send new minions to follow...

Just keep killing!

Zheng Shu's method sounds like a useless effort, but in fact it is the easiest way to deter others.

In order to maintain social stability, most countries in the world have maintained the ratio of aliens at one in 50,000.

Therefore, things like aliens are actually very rare.

Based on the country's population of 1.3 billion, the number of aliens is only about 26,000. For Zheng Shu, killing this number of creatures would only take a little time.

As for whether the mastermind behind the scenes would find ordinary people to keep an eye on this kind of thing... If the other party really dares to do that, Zheng Shu will save trouble.

Because his desires drag ordinary people into disputes between different people, this will definitely make the company furious and launch an investigation.

Nadutong Company is a state-owned enterprise. Not only are they strong in dealing with strangers, they are also stronger in dealing with ordinary people!

If the other party really dares to do this, the process can be summarized as follows: the commission is placed in the morning, and the person is arrested in the afternoon.

"So... the way to deal with this matter is very simple. I just need to kill a hundred people, and the remaining aliens will naturally leave obediently."

Zheng Shu stood in the empty square and glanced at all the surrounding observation points where Baiyun Temple could be observed.

With Zheng Shu's eyesight, he could easily see any subtle changes within five kilometers without considering the obstruction of surrounding buildings.

Among them, naturally there are some people who have little green bubbles on their heads all the time.

"Two, four, six... twenty-seven people, oh, it's really lively. Just by looking through it, I can find twenty-seven people who are related to me. Well, there are two people in these people. There is no malicious intent in the fluctuations. The company probably received the news and sent employees here to help keep an eye on the sentry just in case, so let these two people go."

After Zheng Shu mentally deduced the location where these people were hiding, a proud smile appeared on his face.

If you want to find the location of these people under normal circumstances, even if all the Taoist priests in Baiyun Temple are dispatched together, it will take ten days and a half to find them. This is under the premise that these people have always been stubborn.

"It's a pity that I can cheat."

Zheng Shu randomly picked a figure with malicious mental fluctuations and green bubbles on his head and raised his finger. With the activation of the word spirit, the invisible law of death gathered on his finger.

“Then, let’s start ‘deworming’!”

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