Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 427 Desire and Guidance

When Xu Zhengning said this, Zheng Shu immediately recalled the plot about one person he had seen in his previous life.

Calculating the time a little, it's almost time for the plot to begin.

The beginning of "Under One Man" is when Xia He and Lu Liang, who are single-minded, encourage Liu Yanyan of the Liu family in western Hunan to dig up Zhang Huaiyi's grave, which leads to a series of plots.

The reason why this Luotian Dajiao in Longhu Mountain is attracting attention is not only because Zhang Chulan, the holder of the Qi Ti Origin Style, one of the eight magical skills in theory, will participate, but also because one of the ten masters, the Lu family Lu Jin also took out the Tongtian Rui, one of the Eight Wonders, as a prize.

In fact, Zheng Shu's desire for the Eight Wonders is quite ordinary. After all, even in his current situation, if he wanted to, he could reproduce most of the abilities or effects of the Eight Wonders.

As for the increase in combat power, not to mention that Zheng Shu's own combat power is actually far beyond the limit, and there is no need for this increase at all.

Even if he wanted to improve his combat effectiveness, Zheng Shu would only choose to use inner alchemy skills to polish his life and soul.

After all, it can be seen from the original work that even those who have mastered the Eight Magic Skills are unable to face the siege of a bunch of sects head-on. Most of them are caught and interrogated to find out the content of the Eight Magic Skills.

The remaining few who were not caught basically lived in anonymity and lived in panic.

Zhang Huaiyi, who had practiced Qi Ti Genryu all his life, risked his own life, and before he died, he only exchanged the lives of more than a dozen masters.

But the old Heavenly Master who has not practiced any of the Eight Wonders can rely on his own Xing and Fate, which he has polished to the extreme, to chop down the entire Xingxing with his own strength.

Regardless of whether it was the Four Crazy Guys or the Ten Guys, it was just a slap in the face in front of him.

Moreover, in terms of improving the life level, the Eight Magic Skills can hardly provide any assistance. After all, this thing is just like their name, it is just a "skill" rather than a "Tao".

Quanzhen's inner alchemy skill, like Zhengyi's Golden Light Curse, is a method that focuses on polishing one's own life.

Lao Tianshi was able to reach that level by relying on the golden light spell, and Zheng Shu was also confident that he could reach the same level by relying on water milling skills.

What's more, judging from the comic content that Zheng Shu read before traveling through time, the eight magical skills currently displayed basically have more or less side effects.

In fact, the Eight Wonders are all derived from the creator's own techniques, and have obvious shadows of similar techniques.

According to Zheng Shu's speculation, these so-called Eight Wonders are actually enhanced versions of their own skills that these people have learned under certain special circumstances.

In fact, it may not be accurate to say that it is an enhanced version. Judging from the current performance of the Eight Magic Techniques, it should be a "radical version" that exerts stronger effects at a greater cost than similar exercises.

Such things may be quite tempting to people below a certain level, but for people above a certain level, they can only be regarded as tasteless.

If expressed in terms of game skills, the Eight Magic Skills are probably skills with a high base value but a low increase rate. They may be quite effective in the early stage, but the effect will become worse later on.

And for people who don't know the techniques represented by the Eight Wonders Techniques, the increase that the Eight Wonders Techniques can provide is quite limited.

The most classic example is probably Lu Jin, one of the Ten Guys. He obviously has Tongtianlu, one of the Eight Magic Skills, but in actual use, the combat power provided by the Eight Magic Skills for him is not much greater.

If we really fight seriously, we will ultimately have to rely on the third level of reverse rebirth of the Trinity Sect.

And if the Tongtian Ru is placed in the hands of a sect like Maoshan who is good at using talismans, it can play a much greater role than in the hands of Lu Jin.

Zheng Shu recalled it carefully and regretfully found that there was no Eight Magic Skills suitable for him.

The main reason is that his talent in the "qi training" path is really poor. To put it simply... nothing.

No matter which one of the Eight Magic Skills he gets, it is a waste. In addition to wasting his energy and time, it does not have much effect on improving his actual strength.

If you want to explore the basic rules of this world, there is also the inner alchemy method that directly points to the great road.

After doing some calculations, Zheng Shu suddenly discovered that most of the Eight Magic Skills that were scrambled by various sects back then were useless to him, and there was no need to look for them.

The only one I'm interested in is probably Daluo Cave, which has always been very mysterious.

From the sporadic descriptions in the original work, this thing should be an observation skill, and it should be the kind that can directly observe the original rules of the world, which will be of good help to Zheng Shu.

The main reason why Zheng Shu became interested in this Luotian Dajiao was because of two people.

One is naturally the Longhushan Old Heavenly Master who represents "one person" under one person. Zheng Shu is naturally very interested in this strongest person who is so powerful that he is several levels ahead of the second-tier strong ones.

If he could play with this big boss a few times, it should be able to help him understand the basic rules of this world.

As for the second person, that is Feng Shayan, the daughter of Feng Zhenghao, one of the ten men.

The main reason why Zheng Shu wanted to meet Feng Shayan was because of her innate abilities.

Feng Shayan's innate ability is a very rare space system, which allows part of her body to travel through space and hit people remotely across a long distance.

Of course, Zheng Shu only had two words to comment on this guy's use of his powers: waste.

The ability to travel part of the body through space seems very simple in the comics, and even seems to have a fairly average combat capability, but in fact, the meaning of just "space travel" is quite extraordinary.

Different from that world where elemental energy is active or rules are loose, the energy of this world is very poor and the physical rules are quite strict. If Zheng Shu can understand the principle of space travel, then he can basically master the basic rules of this world. Fully parsed.

In addition to Feng Shayan's innate abilities, Zheng Shu is also very interested in techniques such as Huodezong's fire escape technique and the warlock's space jump.

If he could see it, it would probably be a great inspiration to him.

While Zheng Shu was thinking, Xu Zhengning had also explained to him the situation of the Luotian Dajiao.

"...So the essence of this Luotian Dajiao is that the old master from Zhengyi Sect's Longhu Mountain set a stage for his disciples and disciples, and it is also to protect the little guy Zhang Chulan. So you don't have to do this this time. I’m too nervous, I don’t have to get any rankings, just communicate with those geniuses as much as possible.”

Xu Zhengning warned carefully. He knew how strong his apprentice was. If he unleashed his innate powers with all his strength, even an experienced Taoist like himself who had spent decades polishing his life would become unconscious for a moment. This would If you are facing someone of the younger generation, you could easily get killed if you don't restrain your strength.

The Quanzhen Dragon Sect is a well-known and upright sect after all, and it is really not appropriate to cause death on an occasion like the Luotian Dajiao.


Xu Zhengning was still thinking about these issues when he felt a pain in the back of his head, and he leaned forward involuntarily.

Fortunately, although he was older, he still had considerable waist strength, and he straightened his body back out forcefully.

Looking back, I saw that the person who dared to hit me on the head so blatantly was indeed my master.

"You brat, I didn't make you the supervisor of Baiyunguan to make you greedy for life. Why do you live so miserable in this world?! Little Zheng Shu, don't be afraid. When the time comes, you can take action and fight! Anyway, those little guys have their own seniors. Look, it's impossible to watch you beat them to death.

If anyone wants to bully the small, just come back and tell me. I haven't done much with anyone in the Taoist temple in the past few decades, but I really want to see what the heroes in the world are like now. "

Xu Zhengning could only smile bitterly at his master's words. He didn't quite understand. Although his inner alchemy and static skills were both methods of cultivating one's moral character, why did his master become more grumpy as he got older?

Zheng Shu was flattered that his abbot was so obviously protective of his calf, but considering his physical condition, he decided to give those young people some way to survive.

"Ahem,'s just a sparring match, there's no need to make a killing blow. If someone really wants to be petty, it won't be too late to strike hard at that time."

"Well, you're right. He's such a good boy. He just knows how to measure things. Hahaha!"

The abbot laughed twice and slapped Xu Zhengning on the back of the head.

"Look, your apprentices are more sensible than you. They don't know anything at such an old age. What will you do in the future?"

"Obviously that's what I told him..."

Touching the painful back of his head, Xu Zhengning muttered aggrievedly in his heart, but did not dare to speak out.

Zheng Shu blinked, feeling that if he continued to stay here, his poor master would be beaten, so he left decisively.

"Then Master, Master, I probably understand the matter of the Luotian Dajiao. If there is nothing else, I will leave first? I just started today, and I have many insights in my heart that I want to verify."

"Go, go, practice hard, but after practicing, you must also learn to combine work and rest, and do more activities. I will call you when we are about to leave."

The abbot waved his hand towards Zheng Shu with a smile on his face. He had a completely different face than when he faced Xu Zhengning, fully demonstrating what it means to be close to another generation.

"Then let's take our leave first."

Zheng Shu and Huang Ming bowed together and then walked out calmly.

"Huh...scared me to death."

As soon as Huang Ming came out of the Yunji Mountain House, he breathed an exaggerated sigh of relief and stretched out his hand to pat his chest.

"There is nothing to be afraid of. They are all the abbots and supervisors of their own Taoist temples."

"Senior brother, of course you have no problem, but I am different! The supervisor and the abbot are usually very serious and scary, so they can be gentler in front of you."

Zheng Shu glanced at him but did not refute. He could understand this situation. It was probably the feeling of top students and poor students facing the same strict teacher.

"What are you going to do next?"

"Huh?! No...ah, yes, I plan to go back to my room to practice first."

Faced with Zheng Shu's sudden inquiry, Huang Ming was a little panicked, but he quickly thought of a reason.

Zheng Shu didn't pay attention to his lame excuse. After all, he knew from the look of this kid that he planned to sneak out of the Tao to watch, so he simply went along with what he said.

"Okay, since you plan to practice, you don't need to take a long way. Come to my room and practice together. I haven't guided you for a long time. Although the master asked us not to care too much about our ranking at the Luotian Dajiao, at least we should We can’t let go of Quanzhen’s majesty, so in the coming days, you can practice with me after finishing morning classes every day.”


Huang Ming's face suddenly turned bitter. If he were to practice with this crazy brother, wouldn't he have no free time at all in the next month?

"Huh? You don't want to?"

"Of course I don't want to!"

Huang Ming shouted loudly in his heart, but on the surface he could only salute Zheng Shu obediently: "Then... thank you, senior brother."

When he returned to the remote hut where he lived, Zheng Shu did not enter the door. He just sat on the steps and turned to look at Huang Ming, who had followed him.

"Come on, let's practice first."

Huang Ming's body trembled, like a primary school student whose homework was suddenly inspected. However, he was still a genius who could cultivate Qi. He quickly stabilized his state of mind and completely blocked out other messy thoughts.

"Then, I'll start, senior brother."

Seeing Huang Ming whose temperament instantly calmed down, Zheng Shu nodded with satisfaction. Although he was a little playful, his homework and practice had indeed not fallen behind.

Huang Ming adjusted his breathing, then got into a stance and started punching.

As soon as he took up his posture, Huang Ming's figure became ethereal, and every step he took was unpredictable, as if the whole person was hidden in the thick fog and elusive.

This is the inner secret boxing of the Quanzhen Longmen Sect - the eight-step golden brick.

The eight-step gold brick evolved from the eight lines of yin and yang into the "eight gates and eight shapes" mother frame, which can derive eight, eighty-sixty-four hand changes. It also uses the eight steps to exercise the muscle shape, and at the same time cultivate the elixir energy internally, and practice simple and wonderful practices. , full of changes.

It has the reputation of "step by step is as precious as gold", so it is called "Eight-Step Brick".

The eight-step gold brick emphasizes concentrating the energy and concentration, lifting the inner body and moving outward. It is known as "a punch will hit three feet, and the spirit will fly three feet".

Its boxing techniques are leisurely and solid, with deep and gentle movement, punches and sweeping steps, three-point force input, ups and downs, smooth breathing, hands and feet, and a powerful spirit. It can be regarded as the most classic martial arts training method of the Quanzhen Longmen School.

Beginners can use this boxing method to gradually master the flow of innate Qi during the exercise process, and then assist in their practice.

Even if you become more and more proficient in Qi in the future and can sense Qi just by meditating, you can also practice this boxing technique and inner alchemy skills to complement each other and improve the body's conversion efficiency of innate Qi.

Therefore, Zheng Shu would never take the initiative to practice this boxing technique. He was already troubled by his excessive innate energy, so naturally he did not need to use this thing to increase the difficulty for himself.

However, for ordinary Quanzhen Taoist priests, the Eight-Step Golden Brick is indeed the only way to lay the foundation.

Although Zheng Shu doesn't practice much, he can teach others. The reason is very simple. No matter what the posture is, this boxing method is essentially a "cultivation method" to improve the practitioner's innate energy.

Although he is not familiar with this boxing technique, Zheng Shu is quite familiar with innate Qi. After training in the two worlds, his control of vitality can be said to be superb.

In the Xingyue world, he even held the resuscitation divinity and immortality for a long time. Zheng Shu had a thorough understanding of these two top powers related to vitality.

Zheng Shu may not be sure about other people, but when it comes to Duilun's understanding and ability to control vitality, Zheng Shu can guarantee that in this world, he will be ranked second, and no one will dare to be ranked first.

Therefore, his guidance is also very simple. He can correct it at any time by just looking at the innate energy in other people's bodies.

If the growth rate of innate Qi suddenly slows down or even regresses, it is naturally because there are mistakes in the practice process. Otherwise, it means that the practice is good.

Through this method, Zheng Shu can not only correct the mistakes of all those who are guided by him, but can even make them slightly change the postures they practice, so as to be more in line with their own physical characteristics, so that this skill can be used in one place. The efficiency of people is increased to the highest level.

This kind of guidance can be said to be a true "one-to-one customized technique."

Zheng Shu also relied on this method to allow the number of Taoist priests of Baiyunguan's generation who could practice Qi to rarely exceed the twenty mark.

It is precisely because of this that Zheng Shu was able to obtain a single-family residence in the "compact" area of ​​Baiyunguan at such a young age, and others were convinced of this.

"Here, the energy is slow. Here, there is unnecessary waste. Pay attention to curb it..."

Every time he found a shortcoming, Zheng Shu would pop up a pebble and point it at the corresponding location. After Huang Ming made the corresponding changes, he could feel the significant changes in his body.

Encouraged by this visible progress, Huang Ming became more and more serious about his training, feeling that he would be able to make further progress in the near future.

Zheng Shu helped him correct the problem while recalling the past.

When Chu Zihang went berserk due to a bloody mistake, he also chose to use stones to help him correct the berserk power in his body.

Thinking about it now, maybe he had already been exposed to the application of vitality at that time, but because he didn't know the specific principles, he used it a bit crudely.

While recalling the past, Zheng Shu also kept recording various data generated by the flow of innate energy in various aspects of the human body.

The reason why he is willing to use his own time to help the Taoist priests in Baiyun Temple practice Qi is to collect relevant data.

In particular, the data from ordinary people who have not yet been exposed to Qi when they first started practicing Qi provided huge support for Zheng Shu to modify his own Qi training methods.

After finishing the eight-step gold brick exercise, Huang Ming stopped without finishing.

It has to be said that human beings have absolutely no resistance to cheating. This kind of exercise where you can clearly feel your own progress is really fascinating.

"Thank you, senior brother!"

"Well, go back and practice more. In the next few days, you have to come to my place every day."


From Huang Ming's excited face, there was no trace of his annoyance that his plan to play secretly was disrupted.

Zheng Shu waved his hand and stopped talking. Instead, he just sat on the steps and lowered his head to think.

Huang Ming did not dare to disturb his senior brother, so he walked carefully out of the small courtyard.

In Zheng Shu's mind, he silently summarized and calculated the data he had just obtained from Huang Ming, and then continued to calculate based on his own situation.

"Well... this boy's talent is indeed the strongest among this generation of Taoist priests. He has mastered Qi so quickly and is about to enter the next stage."

In terms of Qi Qi cultivation alone, Huang Ming is just a small stage ahead of Zheng Shu. The data collected from him can make it easier for Zheng Shu to find out the direction he wants to take next.

Time passed quickly during the training and guidance. When it was a week before the Luotian Dajiao in Longhu Mountain, Zheng Shu received the notice that they were preparing to go out.

"Well, there should be nothing to prepare."

Facing the mirror, Zheng Shu tied up his hair, carefully hiding the pair of lion ears on his head under his hair.

For Zheng Shu, the Quanzhen Sect's rule of tying hair and keeping beards provided a certain degree of convenience for him to cover his ears. Otherwise, he would have to wear a hat on his head to cover it up.

Looking at the young man with red lips and white teeth in the mirror, Zheng Shu felt helpless.

I don't know if it's because of the loss of the influence of the divine bloodline, or if it's because the elements in this world are too barren and it's stunted.

His body shape is not as strong as it was in the moon world. Instead, he looks a bit "thin". This also leads to the second skill provided by the panel to make his appearance no longer look like a handsome guy, but all the way to neutral. hurricane.

"Tsk, if you think about it this way, that guy Hercules was actually a pretty boy when he was young."

After a little simulation in his mind, Zheng Shu found that if the excessive muscles on Hercules' face were removed, the guy would indeed look pretty good.

He pinched his face again, and he had to admit that after leaving the high-looking world of the Xingyue World God's Age where elves and gods were everywhere, his face now looked unusually "pretty" among the "human" group. ".

"Brother, it's time to go!" Huang Ming's urging voice came from outside the house.


In response, Zheng Shu stopped looking at the mirror, put on the Taoist robe hanging on the side, opened the door and walked out.

As soon as he went out, Zheng Shu could see the surprise in Huang Ming's eyes waiting for him.

Zheng Shu was not too surprised. The description of his second skill meant that humans could not see his true face. However, in a world under one person, the standard for an alien was to be able to use "Qi" that ordinary humans could never use. , so from this point of view, the aliens in "Under One Person" have already broken away from the scope of "normal humans" in a sense.

Although they are not comparable in strength, in the panel's judgment they are probably similar to the divine blood heroes with a relatively high concentration of divine blood in the Moon World, so we can also see his true appearance.

"It's been a long time, let's go."

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