The Mercedes-Benz was speeding through the avenue of cherry blossoms, petals flying up into the blue sky at the rear of the car. The female high school students holding their pockets on the roadside pressed their hat brim and skirt, looking at the fleeting figure.

Genji was on his way back to Genji Heavy Industries. In the car, Sakura stepped on the accelerator tightly, keeping the speed at an edge of overspeeding. In the past few days, his schedule was to wander around with the two commissioners from the headquarters, and to test the current intentions of the headquarters.

After following these two people around for a few days, Yuan Zhisheng began to doubt whether his decision was correct. Not to mention that no matter how they were tested, these two people showed no knowledge of the purpose of Kassel Academy. They had been acting like a pair of ordinary tourists since arriving in Japan.

The most special time was probably when Zheng Shu asked Yuan Zhisheng if there were any better dental hospitals around.

At first, they thought that the other party could not help but show off their flaws. Yuan Zhisheng introduced them to a dental hospital run by a member of the headquarters, and excitedly asked members of the Japanese Executive Bureau to search the hospital inside and out. And a large number of manpower were prepared to ambush that hospital in advance.

Once the other party has any evil intentions, they can immediately throw a cup as a signal, and three hundred swordsmen and Yuan Zhisheng himself will rush out and chop the other two into meat paste on the spot.

Unexpectedly, these two people actually went to the hospital to have a tooth extracted. To be precise, the girl named Mia had a back molar extracted. When Yuan Zhisheng asked the reason, Zheng Shu He actually replied, "That tooth is too much in the way."


Faced with such an outrageous answer, not only Yuan Zhisheng, but also the well-informed Crow and Yasha and others beside him fell silent. Although they had heard about various little flirtations between lovers, such an operation was a bit too outrageous.

However, seeing that Mia not only had no dissatisfaction, but even happily asked the doctor to return her teeth to her as a souvenir, Yuan Zhisheng and the others, as outsiders, had nothing to say.

After working as a tour guide for several days, even if he suspected that the other party was deliberately concealing his purpose, Yuan Zhisheng had no choice but to stop his activity.

Since the decision to make every effort to clean up the strongholds of the Meng Ghosts, various regions have also received fierce counterattacks from the Meng Ghosts. Every day, a large number of Meng Ghost dens are destroyed, and a large number of headquarters strongholds are also attacked. Nowadays, gas explosions on the news can no longer hide the truth of the matter. They can only blame everything on gang wars.

As the leader of the younger generation among the eight Sheqi families, the current situation has become so intense that Yuan Zhisheng has to step up and lead the situation.

As a result, just today when he was planning to go to Osaka to take charge of the situation, he suddenly received a call, so the Mercedes-Benz, which was still on the highway, drifted 180 degrees and was thrown into the next lane and drove back.

Eriki ran away from home.

This is the news Yuan Zhisheng got from the medical staff on the other end of the phone.

In such a tense situation, the Uesugi family, one of the eight heads of the Sheqi family, disappeared. In the "back room" behind the airtight door, the Uesugi family's favorite LCD TV had a sticker on it. A note that read: I went out to play with friends.

After Yuan Zhisheng heard the news, his head almost exploded.

In fact, running away from home is a repertoire of the Uesugi family. This happens every year when the Uesugi family's favorite anime releases special peripherals or there are special festivals.

But now that it is no longer a holiday, the head of the Uesugi family still runs away with the bucket. No, according to a general search by the Genji Heavy Industries employees on duty, they found that the Uesugi family head didn't even carry the bucket, and went out with only a small notebook in addition to a suit of clothes.

Moreover, the reason for running away was very simple and crude, causing Yuan Zhisheng to have a cardiac arrest - meeting netizens.

The reason why we can come to this conclusion is that after discovering that Eri disappeared, the group of employees briefly searched the room and found that the LCD TV and PS3 console were still on, and there were many friends on PSN. Made several new friends.

The employees of Genji Heavy Industries thought that they were not so useless that they could not detect someone sneaking in. After checking with Princess Kaguya, they also confirmed that the head of the Uesugi family had not had any contact with other strangers before.

To be honest, it may be common for Japanese teenagers to see netizens doing this kind of thing, but most Japanese parents still hate this kind of dangerous thing, and they can't wait to kill those pigs who deceive their family's cabbage on the Internet. Slice it on the spot and eat it raw with dipping sauce.

For Minamoto, who considers himself the guardian of the head of the Uesugi family, there are even more ways he can do it.

While Yuan Zhisheng was thinking about what kind of torture he would use to deal with the netizen, Sakura next to him had already driven the car to the speed limit. The alarm bell ringing on the street disappeared in a flash and she was quickly thrown into the car. Behind him, the director of the executive bureau looked so gloomy that he could drip water.

Now the situation in Tokyo is extremely delicate. Due to the arrival of the headquarters commissioner, they started the war with the fierce ghosts in advance.

Secretly, he didn't know how many eyes were watching the building of Genji Heavy Industries now. Everyone entering and exiting would be closely watched. It was hard for him to imagine how many eyes would be watching Eri, a girl with a different style of painting, the moment she walked out of Genji Heavy Industries. She, and devised those dirty tricks and plans.

What's even more troublesome is that at this time, Eri ran away from home in the name of meeting netizens. Minamoto Chisei even thought that this was a planned abduction targeting the head of the Uesugi family. As for the person who did it, was it the group of fierce ghosts or someone else? People don’t know.

The most important task now is to find Eriki, otherwise it will be very dangerous.

Of course, please don't get me wrong. The danger Minamoto is talking about does not refer to Eriki herself, but to those scum and Tokyo who may have malicious intentions towards her. As someone who has been taking care of Eriki, he certainly knows how strong Eriki is. It doesn't matter if those scum are dead, but what if Eriki goes on a rampage and destroys the entire Tokyo? Too much trouble.

Sitting in the car, looking at the rapidly regressing scenery outside the car window, Minamoto could only hope that Eri would just stand on the street and stop moving after not walking too far, just like when she ran away from home before. Fortunately, this time Eri would stop moving. I don't have much on my belt, so I shouldn't be able to walk very far.

Ring ring ring!

The retro phone rang, and Minamoto Zhisheng immediately picked up the cell phone on his body and answered the call, praying that this was news from Eri Yi.

It lived up to his expectations. The news on the other end of the phone was indeed from Eri, but the first sentence on the other end made his face become very ugly: "Director, Kaguya found out that the commissioner of the headquarters Zheng Shuhe The head of the Uesugi family contacted him, and a friend named 'Zheng Shu' was also found in the game friend list of the Uesugi family."


Zheng Shu felt a little bored after returning to the hotel where he stayed. In the first few days after arriving in Japan, he had already contacted Ange and marked him with the current location of the White King's embryo.

He learned from Angers that he had already begun to convene the Lu Mingfei trio. After the submersible that can dive into the abyss is modified in a few days, he would formally contact the Japanese branch. By then, the Lu Mingfei trio The crew and submersible will be shipped to Japan together.

After the submersible completes the final modification in Japan, Lu Mingfei and the others will take the submersible deep into the abyss to investigate the actual situation. If possible, they will directly use the modified nuclear bomb to destroy the dragon's embryo.

So Zheng Shu had already completed one of his tasks after arriving in Japan, and the remaining task was for him to wander around Japan as much as possible, looking for traces of the missing King of Bronze and Fire.

However, until Angers officially contacts the Japanese branch, Zheng Shu can only stay in Tokyo these days and cannot move around freely.

So in the past few days, Yuan Zhisheng felt that it was not an illusion that Zheng Shu and Mia had been traveling and not doing anything serious. They had really completed their existing tasks, and the rest was purely on vacation.

Thinking of staying in Tokyo for a few more days, Zheng Shu decided to go out and see if there were any better restaurants or entertainment venues. Before leaving, he also asked Mia, who had been staying in the room.

"So, do you want to go out with me?"

Facing Zheng Shu's question, Mia, whose face was still swollen because her teeth had just been extracted, shook her head and took out a notebook: "No, I have no appetite."

"Okay, then please pay attention to your own safety in the hotel and don't go out casually. The situation has been tense recently." After giving some instructions, Zheng Shu went out for a walk like an old man.

However, he wandered around and found that there was really nothing of interest. Looking at his watch, he found that he had been wandering around for about two or three hours. Zheng Shu felt that there was nothing to do, so he planned to pay attention to both sides of the street to see if there were any game arcades or Internet cafes to kill some time. .

Then, he discovered a strange girl at an intersection.

The girl stood next to the traffic light. The most eye-catching thing was the very rare long burgundy hair. The long hair was loose and the red hair at the end reflected like magnificent gems under the sunlight.

The swan-like fair neck is topped by a plain, makeup-free face. Even a loose miko costume can't hide the girl's well-developed figure. This natural beauty makes the afternoon sunlight seem a bit dim.

Because his appearance and dress are so outstanding, passers-by would occasionally look around, thinking he was a cosplayer.

The girl remained motionless amid everyone's comments, looking around from time to time, like a young bird observing this novel world.

The traffic lights above her head changed several times, but the girl never moved, and she never spoke to ask anyone, as if this was already her destination and there was no need to ask others for directions.

It's strange to say that the girl's appearance and attire are so conspicuous and she has been standing here for so long, but no one dares to come up and talk to her. Although the girl looks a little dull, her natural beauty is as beautiful as a god's creation. It makes many people feel ashamed.

"This child looks dazed. He couldn't have ran away from home stupidly. Do you want to help call the police?" Some enthusiastic citizens were discussing in a low voice.

Zheng Shu heard what the passerby said, thought about it, and sighed. He now somewhat understood Yuan Zhisheng's nervousness every time Eryi ran away from home in the original work. Although this girl is having a quiet time now, if someone messes with her or she accidentally makes a sound, this street will immediately turn into a purgatory on earth.

In his mind, he mocked the defense strength of Genji Heavy Industries. In order to prevent things from really developing like that, Zheng Shu could only walk towards Eriki: "Are you lost? Do you want me to take you home?"

The girl turned her head slightly and looked at Zheng Shu, with a faint red hidden in her dark eyes. It was a world as pure as glass, beautiful and empty.

Eryi maintained this posture for a few seconds, with a look of doubt in her eyes. Just when Zheng Shu wondered if this girl's brain had shut down because she hadn't been out for too long, Eryi's face suddenly exploded. There was a look of surprise.

The eyes that were originally as empty as glass were filled with many magnificent colors in an instant, as if the Creator finally remembered his masterpiece and gave her a soul.

She immediately took out a small notebook from her body and wrote two words on it: "Zheng Shu?"

Zheng Shu looked at the two words on the notebook and raised his eyebrows. The words written by Eli Yi were not in Japanese but in Chinese characters.

Seeing the confusion on Zheng Shu's face, Eriyi once again wrote a paragraph in her notebook. This time it was in pure Japanese, but Zheng Shu could understand it after these few days of study: "You game avatar."

When Eriyi said this, Zheng Shu knew that his PSN account was created after he came to this world when he was sixteen years old. Because he had no sense of reality in this world at that time, the game avatar and name were directly used by him. Photos and real names, to put it simply: use your real name online.

"Are you...?" Zheng Shu pretended to be confused.

Although he knew Eriki's identity, he had never come into contact with Eriki in this world, so it was only reasonable to show such a reaction.

"Eriyi's PSN."

Seeing Hui Liyi writing out her online name in the notebook, Zheng Shu felt a little dumbfounded. This naming method was not much different from someone like him who surfed the Internet under his real name.

"My name is Zheng Shu, and I'm here to travel to Tokyo this time." Zheng Shu stretched out his hand.

Eriyi immediately tore off a new page and wrote on it. Then she gently stretched out her hand and shook Zheng Shu's hand: "Hello, my name is Eriyi. Welcome to Tokyo."

A gust of wind blew by, the clouds blocking the sun were pushed away, and the girl's long burgundy hair fluttered gently.

After saying hello, the two looked at each other for more than half a minute. Zheng Shu seemed a little embarrassed and he didn't know how to continue the conversation.

"What are you doing now?" After thinking for a long time, Zheng Shu finally came up with such an opening topic.

"It's too boring to stay at home, come out and play." Eryi wrote in a small notebook.

However, her darting eyes and guilty expression had revealed her true thoughts. It seemed that this young lady was not usually very good at lying.

At this time, it was discovered that the two people seemed to know each other, and the crowd around them gradually began to disperse. Only occasionally a few envious and jealous eyes fell on Zheng Shu.

Zheng Shu looked around and saw that no one from the Executive Bureau had come out for such a long time. It seemed that they wouldn't be able to wait for a while.

After taking a look at the clothes Eryi was wearing, Zheng Shu decided to take her to a place where she would not be easily noticed, otherwise she would be too conspicuous on the street.

"This is a rare opportunity, do you want to play a game?"

Eriki's eyes lit up and she nodded happily.

So a few minutes later, they arrived at the nearest game arcade under the guidance of passers-by.

As soon as Yuan Zhisheng got out of the car, he walked towards the conference room aggressively. The shocking murderous intention emanating from him even made the crows and cherry blossoms next to him shudder. Everyone who met Yuan Zhisheng on the road carefully avoided each other's movements. They could see that their young master was in a very bad mood.

Arriving at the conference room, Yasha had already been waiting here. When he saw Yuan Zhisheng arriving, he immediately stood up and saluted.

Yuan Zhisheng waved his hand to stop him from being polite: "How is the situation now?"

"A few minutes ago, the head of the Uesugi family left the intersection with Zheng Shu from the headquarters." Yasha respectfully pushed the monitor in front of Yuan Zhisheng.

"What? What did you say? Eriyi actually left with that person?! What did the team of the Executive Bureau do to eat, and they actually watched that guy kidnap Eriyi away!" Yuanzhi slammed the table fiercely, The solid wood table let out a broken wail and split into several cracks.

Crow and Yasha looked at each other without daring to speak. Seeing Yuan Zhisheng's anger getting bigger and bigger, Sakura next to her finally plucked up the courage to come up and give a reminder: "Young Master, you gave the order not to let them follow."

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned for a moment, and finally coughed and sat back in his chair awkwardly.

He remembered that Eriki often went out and ran away from home before. Because she was worried that the person monitoring her would irritate her, she usually only monitored through the surrounding cameras, and the team usually only stayed on standby in the building just in case.

After all, although the head of the Uesugi family is a weak girl, she is still very sensitive to people's eyes. The reason why she ran away from home was because she hated having people from the Seraki Hachi family hanging around her, so sending people to keep an eye on her instead It will be counterproductive.

And although Yuan Zhisheng would not tell others about the so-called emergency response team, he himself believed that these people were useless. After all, if Eriki really loses control and runs rampant in the family, no one except herself should be qualified to confront her. The so-called team is just a psychological comfort for the elders of the family.

So he had already given an order before that whenever Eriki ran away from home, he would only follow her whereabouts through surveillance and not take any actions that would irritate her.

Yuan Zhisheng pinched the bridge of his nose with some fatigue, and said nothing more about punishing those teams. After all, for a huge force, changing orders from day to day is very taboo.

But in this way, things now become more troublesome.

If the person who took Eriki away was just an ordinary person, then no matter what the other person's intentions were, he could lead the crow and the others to find that guy now, and then let the crow and Yasha do what they are best at.

It was also very simple to get Eriki back. After all, she was just curious about the outside world. She ran away from home many times and even just stopped two blocks away from Genji Heavy Industries. After satisfying Eriki's curiosity, , it’s easy to take her back.

But it would be completely different if that person was a commissioner from the headquarters.

No matter how sloppy Zheng Shu has been in the past few days, his record is indeed solid. For such a super hybrid who could single out three generations of humans, even if he, the emperor himself, took action, he was not able to suppress the opponent with certainty.

After thinking for a moment, Yuan Zhisheng silently changed from suppressing the other party to being suppressed by the other party. It's not certain what the opponent's word spirit is, but at least in terms of pure physical power, he is absolutely at a disadvantage.

If Zheng Shu's Word Spirit is really of the same type as Eri Yi as he imagined, even if he activates the Word Spirit himself: King Quan may not be able to defeat the opponent. In other words, he needs to consider how to survive the opponent's attack.

If he really wanted to be tough in the face of such a being, the resulting fight would most likely irritate Eriki.

When the time comes, a battle breaks out between three super hybrids in Tokyo, including a large-scale destructive word spirit like Eriki. Minamoto no longer needs to think about the losses after this fight, and can just rebuild New Tokyo.

"I made a mistake. Although I thought that the other party was probably hiding their true purpose, I didn't expect that they would target Eri Yi." Yuan Zhisheng's eyes were dark.

"Now it seems that it is part of the other party's plan to prompt us to start a war with the fierce ghosts as soon as possible, just to make us unable to spare our manpower, and even force me to leave Tokyo in a short time. That's right, how can the so-called purification potion be used? Compared with miracles like Eri..." Gen Zhisheng stroked the Spider Kiri in his hand and stared at the logo of the Seraki Hachi Family in the conference room, "I admit that you won this time, but now you Your purpose has been completely exposed, how can you take Eri away from us under our heavy blockade?"

The remaining three people in the conference room swallowed unconsciously. The killing intent emanating from Yuan Zhisheng's body had already made them feel cold in their bodies.


"Here!" The crow was clever and immediately raised its head and moved forward.

"You, Sakura and Yasha organize people together and use Kaguya to monitor their whereabouts through the surrounding surveillance cameras. Report any problems to me immediately, but be careful not to let them discover our people. I want to meet everyone. long."


Yuan Zhisheng picked up his spider cut, put on his windbreaker and left the conference room.

"Come on, since you are so good at using tricks, let me see what other plans you have. I will follow all the tricks!"

In order to be able to write this paragraph, I went back and watched Long San again... and then I was stabbed again. Blanch!

In addition, I found that everyone seems to have a rule for monthly tickets to add updates, so I will also set one up. Like others, every 100 monthly tickets this month will be updated with an extra chapter of 2,000 words next month, but I will just calculate it as 20 words per monthly ticket. This way the small change can be counted.

Now I owe a debt of 7,000 words...

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