Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 102 The powerful Fenrir (two in one)

Now that multiple professionals have confirmed the authenticity of the fragments, Angers once again set his sights on Chu Tianjiao, with a little vigilance in his eyes.

At this time, Chu Tianjiao had calmed down with Chu Zihang and sat on the chair next to him. When he saw Angers gaze, Chu Tianjiao smiled awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, principal, but my memory only stops at being knocked unconscious by a shot from Odin. When I woke up, I was rescued by little brother Zheng Shu."

Ange frowned slightly, not used to Chu Tianjiao calling himself principal so naturally.

He didn't use secret codes or anything like that to test whether Chu Tianjiao was really the person he sent. After all, facing a being who might control human memory, such so-called secret codes had no meaning.

Although he had various scruples in his heart, Angers did not show them on the surface and still had a gentleman's smile on his face.

"Sorry, although saying it may make you a little sad, I really have no memory of you. I hope you can cooperate later, and we will conduct a detailed examination of your body."

Chu Tianjiao was very optimistic. Zheng Shu had already explained his current situation on the way. He himself also knew the difficulty of confirming a person with no origin at all.

To be honest, being able to return to school safely and see his son was beyond Chu Tianjiao's expectations. He had already prepared for the possibility that he would be pushed to the ground by the executive department as soon as he got off the plane and subjected to a harsh interrogation.

"No problem, no problem. I was also a student of Cassel College before, so I naturally know these procedures. Principal, don't worry, I will definitely cooperate fully."

"Thank you, Lao Zheng."

At this time, Chu Zihang, who had been silent since just now, also expressed his gratitude to Zheng Shu.

Even now, he still has an unreal dreamy feeling.

"Old Chu, why are you being polite to me? Besides, I didn't go out to save your dad. It's just that he was lucky. I saw his photo in his safe house and wrote down his appearance. Otherwise, I might have beaten him to death easily."

Zheng Shu stuffed a piece of snack into his mouth again, acting a little indifferent.

"Then I have to thank Brother Zheng Shu for showing mercy. I didn't expect that Kassel College has developed so well in the past few years since I left school. In the past, Brother Zheng Shu's level of combat effectiveness would have been at least as high as To be rated as S-level, I didn’t expect that it can only be rated as A-level now. Based on this calculation, if my bloodline rating is re-evaluated, it will probably only reach A-level.”

When Chu Tianjiao heard this, he could only smile awkwardly and change the subject calmly.

If someone else had said this, he would still be dissatisfied, but for Zheng Shu who could carry him back like a chicken, he really had no temper at all.

As someone who has faced Odin directly, he naturally knows how difficult it is to crush the combination of Deadpool and Odin. And the most terrifying thing is that this freshman from Cassel College did not suffer any injuries after crushing so many powerful enemies.

With this level of fighting power, if Chu Tianjiao hadn't repeatedly confirmed Zheng Shu's family situation on the way over, he would have thought that Zheng Shu was actually a dragon king who had not awakened his memory after waking up.

But when he said this, Angers felt a little embarrassed.

Regarding Zheng Shu's bloodline rating, anyone who knows his experience will understand that this thing is actually a decoration. Judging from the results of the battle at that time, everyone thinks that Zheng Shu's dragon bloodline concentration definitely exceeds the safety threshold. point.

Even if this kind of unstable hybrid is placed in the Japanese branch, it will be labeled as a ghost and monitored closely.

But for Angers, he is also experiencing a situation like Zheng Shu's, so as long as Zheng Shu can help him slay the dragon, he doesn't mind this little risk at all.

The reason why Zheng Shuan was only given an A-level rating instead of an S-level rating was mainly to avoid letting him stand out too much.

In the eyes of Angers and the school board of directors, the reason why Zheng Shu has not lost his mind until now is purely due to his own strong will.

Because of this speculation, the educational philosophy of Cassel College has always been considered too "weak", and the Beowulf family, who were disgusted with the establishment of the college, rarely expressed their goodwill.

And privately sent news to Angers, hoping that Angers would take the lead in marrying Zheng Shu. Even if Zheng Shu really didn't like the marriage, they could provide the mother body and borrow seeds from him.

It is also because of their contact that Zheng Shu has been used as a beauty trap by various families for a long time.

However, no matter how well-known the unspoken rules are, the biggest feature is that they cannot be stated openly. Chu Tianjiao suddenly lifted the lid, making everyone who knew the truth of the matter feel a sense of panic. Awkward.

Chu Tianjiao also noticed the change in the atmosphere in the office. Although he didn't know what he said wrong, he didn't dare to say anything more for fear of angering Zheng Shu.

In the awkward atmosphere of the whole room, Zheng Shu himself was the most comfortable one.

For Zheng Shu, now he wants force with force, wisdom with force, power with force. With the guarantee of absolute force, he can always sit firmly on Diaoyutai.

To be honest, the reason why he still wants to return to Kassel College now is simply because Old Tang and that old guy Herzog are so good at hiding.

Among them, Lao Tang is lucky to say that as long as Zheng Shu is willing to spend some time, Zheng Shu can entrust Norma to help him find him. Although part of Zheng Shu's situation will inevitably be exposed afterwards, it is not impossible to find his location.

But Herzog's old wall lamp is different. Although the Japanese branch is apparently affiliated with Kassel Academy, judging from the situation in the original book, it is clear to everyone what the real situation is. With Princess Kaguya's network blocked, and the old guy Herzog relying on a substitute when he goes out, except when he finally shows up in person when he captures the White King, there is no way to find his hiding place at other times. .

The most ridiculous thing is that, according to the original work, these stand-ins of Herzog were all hypnotized when they were out in action, making them convinced of their identities. In addition, these stand-ins are actually controlled deadpools. Zheng Shu doubts that even if I couldn't find Herzog's hiding place even by using memory control on those substitutes.

"Zheng Shu, you just said that you found Chu Tianjiao's photo in his safe house?"

Just when everyone was immersed in their own thoughts, causing an unusual silence in the room, Schneider suddenly asked. With his experience as the head of the execution department, he found an unusual clue in Zheng Shu's words.

"Well... to be precise, it's not the photo found in the safe house. There are also family photos on his bedside table..."

"No, the point isn't the photo, it's that you found his safe house."

Professor Schneider interrupted Zheng Shu and turned to look at Chu Zihang next to him.

"Yes, Zheng Shu and I discovered the basement under dad's room. There are various equipment and intelligence collected by him."


After hearing Chu Zihang's confirmation, Chu Tianjiao was the first to react. He took a sharp breath and showed an embarrassed look on his face.

Zheng Shu understood this very well. When Chu Tianjiao built the safe house, he probably didn’t intend to invite anyone else in, so it was filled with all kinds of his privacy. This feeling was probably like that of an adolescent boy being raped by his parents. It's like discovering some pornographic books in your collection, or someone looking through your computer browsing history one day.

What's even more terrifying is that one of the people who discovered Chu Tianjiao's treasures was his son. Just thinking about Zheng Shu's social death made him feel embarrassed for him.

Schneider didn't have the time to pay attention to Chu Tianjiao's mental health. After confirming the information, he returned to thinking again.

"Any ideas?"

Angers looked at Schneider who was thinking. He was very aware of the talent and strength of his executive director. If it weren't for that accident, he might be his most suitable successor.

“We had Norma conduct an investigation before this, and many of the entity’s documents and even the entity’s location were changed.”

Schneider only started to understand what he was going to say, but he did not interrupt the other person's thinking, but used a habitual expression of encouragement to let him continue.

Others nearby also felt an inspiration flash through their brains after hearing this beginning. They couldn't help but look up at Schneider. The originally hoarse and gloomy voice became what everyone was looking forward to the most.

"Obviously other more troublesome objects have been changed by inexplicable forces, but why hasn't Chu Tianjiao's safe house been modified?"

"That makes sense!"

Manstein stood up excitedly, and the vice-principal who had been lying on the sofa next to him couldn't help but sit upright. Although he was still drinking the whiskey in his hand, there was a different look in his eyes.

"Obviously it would be more difficult to control the memories of multiple people, but the other party missed such an important location that recorded a large amount of real information about Chu Tianjiao, so that safe house must have been unable to be discovered by the other party due to some special reasons."

Manstein's words made everyone feel a little excited. Ever since they learned that the Dragon Clan might have the ability to affect human memory and physical matter on the entire planet, everyone, including Angers, was in a state of anxiety. .

They are not worried about death. They have been prepared to die from the very beginning when they set foot on this road. However, if their own death has no effect at all, their origin and will will be tampered with at will, or even used as enemies. of assistance.

Thinking of that possibility, even a person like Ange felt a deep sense of powerlessness. Although it would not shake his will to slay the dragon, it would make him feel that his future was bleak.

But now Schneider used actual examples to tell them that this terrifying power is not without its shortcomings.

"It's cognition, the cognition of that safe house! No one knew about my safe house when it was built. The location of another safe house registered in the school, the safe house in my room It was for my own daily living, so I didn’t report it at all, and I was the only one who knew of its existence.”

Chu Tianjiao finally showed his quality at this time, and quickly used limited intelligence to pinpoint the most likely cause.

Several other people looked at each other, and the vice-principal took a sip of wine and nodded vaguely towards Ang Hot. Since this unknown word spirit can affect people's cognition, the possibility of it activating based on people's cognition is also very high. high.


Angers touched his chin and kept tapping his fingers on the table.

"It seems that each of us will have a special task every day from now on."

"I have a question."

Guderian raised his hand, letting everyone's eyes focus on him.

"Even if it is as we speculated, personal belongings that have not been discovered by others will not be changed, but after the person is erased from existence by this word spirit, there is no way for others to know that someone has been erased."

"This is indeed a troubling issue."

Anger nodded, agreed with Guderian's statement, and then changed his mind.

"However, even so, we must try our best to store information about ourselves in a place that only we know. Even if there is a one in 10,000 possibility, we must provide some clues to those who come after us."

Guderian was silent for a while but did not object. Although it sounded very unreliable, what Angers said was not wrong. No matter how low the probability was, as long as there was a slight possibility, the intelligence they prepared might become an assassination attempt. The sharp blade on the Dragon King's chest.

Next, all the professors present provided their own ideas and exchanged opinions on this idea. But these had nothing to do with Zheng Shu. After eating all the snacks, he wiped his hands, said hello to Angers and the others, and left the principal's office on his own.

Walking on the road by the lake, Zheng Shu looked a little bored looking at the buildings of different styles around him.

Because of the time difference, it was late at night when Zheng Shu and the others departed from China, and it was still late at night after they arrived at school. Now there is not even a soul on the entire street. Only the dormitory buildings and various clubs in the distance are still lit, showing the rich nightlife of young mixed-race people.

Although it was foreseeable that the Chu Tianjiao he brought back would make people in the school and the school board work overtime, none of this would affect Zheng Shu's life.

After thinking about it carefully, he found that he had nothing to do in a short period of time. Zheng Shu decided to take this opportunity to return to the otaku life of his previous life.

After strolling to the cafeteria and packing some meals at the late-night window, he walked towards his dormitory.

Returning to the dormitory, he took out the game console and display screen he bought last semester from the cabinet. Zheng Shu skillfully assembled them and connected them to the Internet to log in to his account. He looked at the friend application inside and smiled happily.

Friend's name: The awesome Fenrir.

The next new plot will start tomorrow. Good guys, I have to calculate the progress of the plot.

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