Ran Qiuye opened her mouth, but she was at a loss when facing He Yuzhu. Even though she was full of desire to learn from He Yuzhu, she couldn't find any topic to continue chatting with He Yuzhu. Ran Qiuye could only smile and nod at He Yuzhu and He Yushui, then turned and left.


Ran Qiuye hadn't even taken two steps when she fell flat on her face.

Fortunately, Ran Qiuye didn't wear a skirt today, otherwise she would have been exposed.

Ran Qiuye got up by herself and patted the dust off her pants.

Half of her face was covered with dirt.

She looked back at He Yuzhu and He Yushui awkwardly and trotted away.

Ran Qiuye's face was flushed.

It was so embarrassing to lose face in front of the man she admired.

"elder brother"

"I like this teacher Ran very much."

He Yushui said with a smile

"It's quite interesting."He Yuzhu touched his nose.

His impression of Ran Qiuye would not be reduced by her fall, but it would be added.

She looked a bit cute.

She had the flavor of a beautiful young teacher.

After He Yuzhu and He Yushui finished breakfast together, He Yuzhu wanted to clean up the dishes, but was stopped by He Yushui:"Brother, let me clean up the dishes after dinner in the future."

He Yuzhu was very pleased to see that his sister He Yushui was so sensible. He smiled and shook his head:"You are still young. Your current task is to have fun and have a happy childhood memory in the future. When you go to school in the future, you should study when you should study and play when you should play. You are not old enough to do housework yet."

He Yuzhu believed that when he was a child, he must have wanted to play.

So he also let He Yushui play as much as possible.

Give her happiness.

When she was a child, happiness came first.

He Yushui pouted stubbornly.

"I'm going to wash the dishes."

"Otherwise, it seems like I am useless in this family."

"I'm all grown up"

"Have hands and feet"

""You can do light work."

He Yushui took the dishes and went to the kitchen to wash them. He

Yuzhu did not refuse again.

Maybe if He Yushui washed the dishes, she would feel more satisfied and at ease.


"I'm going to work."

He Yuzhu said.

He Yuzhu was carrying a black briefcase and went out to push his bicycle. He happened to meet Liu Haizhong, the second uncle of the courtyard who lived in the backyard.


Liu Haizhong caught up with He Yuzhu

"Second uncle." He Yuzhu just said lightly.

Liu Haizhong followed He Yuzhu closely, and it was obvious that he was not just saying hello. He had something else to say.

"That... Yuzhu, you are now a colonel, your status should be similar to that of our steel mill director. You both work in Sijiu City, and you will definitely interact with each other in the future. If you chat with the steel mill director in the future, you must say a few good words to me and hint to him to let me be the workshop director."Liu Haizhong said with a kind look, and his eyes seemed to be looking at his favorite Haodaer.

Liu Haizhong is not only full of fat.

His brain is also fat.

This group of beasts in the courtyard.

A mob.

He Yuzhu must deal with them.

"What do you think you are qualified to be a workshop director? He Yuzhu asked


Liu Haizhong was really stumped by the question.

Even though Liu Haizhong wanted to be an official in his dreams.

But he couldn't think of any advantages of his for a moment.

He never thought about how to be a good leader.

He just wanted to be a leader.

Seeing He Yuzhu was about to leave, Liu Haizhong finally thought of one of his strengths:"I... I have a high level of benchwork skills. I heard that the benchwork grade system may be implemented soon. I have to be at least a sixth-level benchworker. After a few years of practice, it won't be a problem to become a seventh-level benchworker."

He Yuzhu said:"No matter how high your benchwork skills are, can they be higher than that of an old man? I might as well help him get promoted to the workshop director of the steel rolling mill."

Liu Haizhong was speechless for a moment.

It was indeed the case.

Especially in terms of friendship, Yi Zhonghai and He Yuzhu must be better than him, Liu Haizhong.

Liu Haizhong quickly said:"As long as you help me get promoted to the workshop director, I will let my son recognize you as his eldest brother."


He Yuzhu slapped Liu Haizhong on the back of his neck.

Did Liu Haizhong really think that he and He Yuzhu had the same status just because they lived in the same courtyard?

Far from it.


Liu Haizhong was hit by He Yuzhu and grimaced. He was shocked.

If Liu Haizhong was beaten by Xu Damao or Yan Jiecheng, he would fight to the death. But He Yuzhu, even if he was beaten, he didn't dare to get angry, he could only smile. As a leader, he had to rely on He Yuzhu.



"I just said the wrong thing."

"Yuzhu, I was wrong."

Liu Haizhong realized that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly apologized to He Yuzhu. He asked his son to recognize He Yuzhu as his elder brother. Doesn't that mean that He Yuzhu helped him and wanted to be his son? Liu Haizhong apologized frantically.

He Yuzhu had already ridden away on his bicycle.

Liu Haizhong was a brainless thing.

He Yuzhu really didn't like chatting with him.


Liu Haizhong slapped himself.

He spread his hands.


"I have offended He Yuzhu."

"If I don't resolve this misunderstanding, I will never be a leader."

Liu Haizhong was dejected.

He Yuzhu rode his bicycle to the Infantry Research Institute in about 20 minutes.

The Infantry Research Institute was heavily guarded. Eight soldiers were patrolling back and forth at the gate. They all carried submachine guns and were armed with live ammunition. Their expressions were serious and their eyes were firm. When He Yuzhu saw the Longguo soldiers, he felt a sense of familiarity. Maybe it was because he was a soldier. As soon as he entered the military base, he felt like he was back home.

"I am the new research director of the institute.

He Yuzhu did not wait for the soldiers to check and directly took out the relevant approval documents.

"Hello, Chief!"

""Hello, Commander!"

All the soldiers saluted He Yuzhu.

At the same time, the soldiers were surprised at He Yuzhu's age.

This... is younger than them.

He is actually a colonel.


Under the attention of the soldiers, He Yuzhu walked into the institute and went straight to the director's office.

The director of the Infantry Combat Research Institute is at the deputy army level.

The institute is definitely not only researching some new infantry combat tactics, new soldier training plans, etc., but also weapons and equipment, various aspects that can improve combat effectiveness, and He Yuzhu is one of the military equipment research directors.

""Knock, knock, knock."

He Yuzhu knocked on the door.

"Come in."

The voice of Chen Banshan, the director of the institute, came from inside.

He Yuzhu pushed the door open and walked in.

"Report to the Chief!"

"He Yuzhu is here to report!"

He Yuzhu said loudly.

Chen Banshan looked at He Yuzhu, waved his hand to signal him to put his arm down, and then said with a smile:"He Yuzhu, I have seen your record in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

It is incredible.

Who would have thought that at your age, you are tactical and invincible, leading the team to kill so many enemies, making great contributions to the motherland, and also researching the XAV28 tank engine.

I have been in the army for many years, and this is the first time I have seen a young genius like you.

I am very excited that you agree to transfer to our Infantry Combat Research Institute.

I sincerely welcome your arrival.


Chen Banshan is a military man. He does not engage in flattery.

He Yuzhu, a colonel, is not worthy of his compliments.

He really admires He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu said:"Thank you for the compliments, commander"

"When I first arrived at the Infantry Research Institute, I provided the troops with aircraft vertical take-off and landing technology."

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